"America's Dark Invasion
Sealed by Obama!"
The Phoenix has Invaded the White House
By Nathan Leal - February 26, 2015
Several years ago, the Lord showed me a prophetic glimpse of an invasion of darkness that was coming to America.
In the vision, I saw sinister storm clouds gather over the land in front of me. After they formed, the clouds began to drip a thick black sludge that had the viscosity of a heavy oil.
Across the horizon as far as I could see, the drips resembled black tassels coming out of the clouds, that slowly made their way to the ground.
As each drip touched the ground, there was an explosion as they touched the earth.
The sound was deafening and caused the ground to shake under me. The explosions were many and seemed to be never ending.
As each drip detonated, a large cloud of dust rose up and became agitated into a spinning whirlwind.
The whirlwinds became black tornadoes twisting along the ground.
Eventually, there were hundreds of these tornadoes violently churning the landscape.
I trembled at the sight and was overwhelmed. I feared that I would be consumed by the tornadoes and sought shelter.
After I awakened, I sought God about the vision. After several prayer sessions, the Lord revealed that the tornadoes represented an invasion of darkness that was going to come over America and plow the land under. The darkness would be a spiritual tsunami of evil that would overtake America and change the country into something unrecognizable from her past.
The evil would result in a season the moral decay and defeat for America. This meant that wickedness would arrive within the borders of this country and overcome the boundaries from coast to coast.
As God showed me these things, I lamented and asked Him for the remedy.
God was clear, "The Nation had exceeded the point of reversal, meaning the remedy will not be found because as a Nation, America had rejected Him."
I asked for more details. The Lord said that from that point on, the only hope for people is to find God's mercy on an individual basis. This means that everyone reading this must find salvation and forgiveness for themselves and seek it for their family members.
This vision occurred several years ago and since then, I have sought to understand what the darkness will consist of and what it will mean for this nation. Ladies and gentlemen, the findings are not pleasant to hear but for those who are awake, it is necessary to know how to prepare.
In summary, please continue your efforts to be spiritually vigilant because those who slack, will be overwhelmed by the ominous forces of darkness that are already beginning to take this nation hostage.
I do not mean for this article to create fear but, as a Watchman of God, I must share what I find while I am at my post.
Obama's Dark Prophecy
As many of you know, Obama's role in the White House is to sabotage America's future and take her into the path of destruction. Some people may argue that he has good intentions for the country but reality reveals a different picture.
The information that I am about to share may challenge some people but the evidence speaks for itself. Based on what I have found, the decision has been made by people in very high places to destroy America and bring darkness and they illustrated the decision as a dark prophecy!
The Obama Administration revealed the dark prophecy to the world several years ago. It has been hidden in plain site and is located in the Oval Office of the White House.
Before I begin explaining, I need to qualify by saying that I do not know if Obama did these things on purpose or if it he did it subconsciously under spiritual inspiration. Nevertheless, the results are ominous for America.
What Is It?
When a new President moves into the White House, they have the privilege of redecorating the Oval Office. They replace the drapes, the furniture and the custom rug. The budget for redecoration is $100,000. Since the rug is custom made, it usually takes about a year before the redecoration is complete. Obama's redecoration took place in mid August of 2010 while he was on vacation.
The rug has famous quotes sewn into the outer perimeter. The quotes are as follows:
- "The Only Thing We Have to Fear is Fear Itself"
- "The Arc of the Moral Universe is Long, But it Bends Towards Justice"
- "Government of the People, By the People, For the People"
- "No Problem of Human Destiny is Beyond Human Beings"
- "The Welfare of Each of Us is Dependent Fundamentally Upon the Welfare of All of Us" - President Theodore Roosevelt
The last quote is disturbing. To the present
regime, "welfare" means " communism"
But aside from the quotes, when Obama designed his Oval Office rug, he revealed a Dark Prophecy for America.
Here is the rug. Take a good look at it.
Do you see it?
Most likely, some of you may not, so let's break it down. And let's compare it to George W. Bush's rug.
Do you notice a difference? Here they are side by side.
For another comparison, below is Bill Clinton's rug...
As you can see, all three rugs have the Presidential Seal of the United States.
According to the requirements established by Eisenhower in 1960, the seal's design should have a blue background consistant with the navy blue of the US flag:
"The Color and Flag of the President of the United States shall consist of a dark line blue rectangular background of sizes and proportions to conform to military and naval custom."
Also according to the requirements, the stars are to be WHITE!
"The whole surrounded by white stars arranged in the form of an annulet with one point of each star outward on the imaginary radiating center lines, the number of stars conforming to the number of stars in the union of the Flag of the United States..."
Obama's rug disregarded the blue background, and changed the colors of the stars to an almost black color!
Why did he do this? Because it is a Dark Prophecy of America's future. And Obama's rug communicates that DARKNESS is the future for America.
I find this very disturbing. But it gets worse. If you take a look at Obama's Eagle. It is not an ordinary eagle.
Here is side by side comparison of the Obama and Bush eagles.
Notice that Bush's bird looks like an eagle as the standard requires.
...but Obama's eagle looks skinny.
Why is this?
It is because Obama's rug does not have an eagle, it is a different bird..
Here it is zoomed in...
Do you see it folks? Obama has a Phoenix on his Presidential Seal!
The Phoenix represents the expectation of choas and fire!
Here is a gif animation that details the phoenix - http://www.watchmanscry.com/ images/rug/trace-of-phoenix. gif
Obama had his rug installed in Mid - August of 2010.
Several weeks later something interesting happened. While Obama was speaking, his Presidential Seal fell off of the podium. This was not an accident. It was God telling all of us that he had defiled the Presidential Seal on his Oval office rug.
Ladies and Gentlemen, these things reveal that Obama's assignment is to bring the darkness of chaos and fire to America. The plan is well underway and will not be stopped.
The Phoenix represents destruction. The 2012 Olympics told us that it was coming and now here it is, banging on the door.
Many horrible life changing events are approaching America.
...a false flag,
...ISIS is at the gate sharpening their scimitars.
...the collapse of the Dollar!
...and more things too lengthy to mention.
As they walk through the West Gate of America, will you be ready for them?
God help us, and may He have mercy on those who have the ears to hear.
In His service,
Nathan Leal
Watchman’s Cry
Watchman’s Cry
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These are the Orions and Alpha Dracos who wish this, the Andromedans and the Pleiadians will not allow this to happen, he is only appearing to be victorious, but he ultimately, will not. He has a limited time now, and he refuses to admit anything that he's doing is someone elses massive agenda, and that will also not succeed. They all will not succeed.
I agree that Obama's purpose is to bring chaos and fire to America during his Presidency, however not in the way you see it. It is to destroy what has been our oppressor and jailor for thousands of years, that we were unaware of (The Dark Cabal,or Illuminati). Since he has held this high office, all that was hidden has been and is still being revealed to us and the world, so we can become totally free people. He is being held responsible for all the Evil that was kept hidden from our knowledge. (It's like 'shooting the messenger') The Bible speaks of "All that is hidden will be revealed". That is his purpose and why he has arrived 'on the scene' at this time. He is doing an excellent job, and deserves our help instead of blame. If you really think about it, and can get beyond fear, how much of this 'hidden knowledge' did we know, prior to his arrival on the scene? It is going exactly according to plan, and all will know the truth shortly.
Re:2:35 P.M.
What a mantel midget, hope less yet dangerous person you are. This info. has been around for many generations the internet is the reason it is more widely known. Your mainiack in the white house (unlawfully I might add) has issued dictatorial decree to shut the net down to the truth. What it is that you look up to I don't know ( he ) isn't normal. Lets look at just some of his attributes, flaming fag,radical muslim,stolen SS#,can't produce legal birth certificate. The list is so long it's ridiculous,raised and mentored by a known anti American socialist and probably married to a man.( sounds to Me like a guy to love) NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This phony buloney poser who thinks he's the president of the united states corporation isnt human at all, just like millions of others here, he's an extra-terrestrial who's occupying that body. These beings know how to slide right in as it were, they can eject the human energy or Id and replace it with one of their own, its like snapping a finger its that easy. These flesh and blood containers, they are very versatile, and they know how to wear the skin, but they do not know how to be one of us, to think like us and to even understand us. So instead of even trying, they just use blood rituals to enter us (or volunteers I guess you could use that word), and then boom an alien with a aggressive and hostile agenda is in place and they begin to work tirelessly (with the help of meth and cocaine) to plan and plan the end of us, and that is what they want ultimately, we are in the way of some kind of recolonization effort. The skies are being constantly sprayed with stuff our bodies are not designed to function with, but I betcha anything they can handle it, or perhaps they will just clean it up for themselves, with their technology which is many thousands of years ahead of what most folks here really know bout, and there are some here who can imagine and even realize how the technology works and how useful it is, without the weapons-grade application. They can because they are from certain civilizations that have had that and more for many millions of years, going steadily along way ahead of the people here, but not unsympathetic to that fact. Its just not smart to introduce tech that some might not grasp or consider even possible, simply because they have never seen it work and have never imagined it to even be possible or out there, which of course it is. The reality of it will come here though, regardless...but there are many here who are just waiting for the chance to tell others about how the stuff works, and how really handy and amazing the stuff is as well. Im not one of them though.
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