Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Private Police - Mercenaries for the American Police State

“Corporate America is using police forces as their mercenaries.”—Ray Lewis, Retired Philadelphia Police Captain
It’s one thing to know and exercise your rights when a police officer pulls you over, but what rights do you have when a private cop—entrusted with all of the powers of a government cop but not held to the same legal standards—pulls you over and subjects you to a stop-and-frisk or, worse, causes you to “disappear” into a Gitmo-esque detention center not unlike the one employed by Chicago police at Homan Square?
For that matter, how do you even begin to know who you’re dealing with, given that these private cops often wear police uniforms, carry police-grade weapons, and perform many of the same duties as public cops, including carrying out SWAT team raids, issuing tickets and firing their weapons.
This is the growing dilemma we now face as private police officers outnumber public officers (more than two to one), and the corporate elite transforms the face of policing in America into a privatized affair that operates beyond the reach of the Fourth Amendment.
Mind you, it’s not as if we had many rights to speak of, anyhow. Read More

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Vital Comment:

Fifteen minutes ago the Branch Manager at Wells Fargo said this to me (which has been confirmed over and over, please listen:)

"We do not have any rate for the Zim at this time as it shows a blank screen. We have nothing to do with exchanging foreign currency, of Dong, Zim, Dinar or anything else and do not know anything of those."

"The Zim screen does not display any information. If your associate acquired currency, we cannot access any information about it."

Read it long and hard.....Either the bank managers are told absolutely nothing, or something HUGE is afoot because there is zero chance of Zim showing absolutely no rate!

The MASS ARRESTS must take place and then after that what do you think?
Then and only then does Revaluation occur.