By Bradlee Dean
March 18, 2015
March 18, 2015
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.” —John 10:10
I was
humored this week with the “scary” interview that the state-controlled
media put out on terror suspect Christopher Cornell, also known as Raheel Mahrus Ubaydah.
He said the terrorists were
in Texas, Ohio, New York City
and Washington D.C.
His message was that they are in your country and in your state, ready to wage jihad on American soil. Really?
in Texas, Ohio, New York City
His message was that they are in your country and in your state, ready to wage jihad on American soil. Really?
Well, how couldn’t they be when they have an administration helping them along at every step of the way, pulling down all security on the borders, as well
as opening up the flood gates to illegal aliens on the American people?
Additionally, the administration has been appointing America’s sworn enemies to high positions in our government and its agencies (Deuteronomy 28:49).
Cornell went on to say, “There will be many, many attacks. Like I said, we are ready for the battle over the Capitol.”
Of course,
there will be. Scripture tells us that when a people are under judgment,
the “sword will be without, and terror within (Deuteronomy 32:25).”
When asked
what Cornell would have done if he had not been arrested, he said, “What
would I have done? I would have took my gun, I would have put it to
Obama’s head and I would have pulled the trigger.”
“Then I
would have released more bullets on the Senate and the House of
Representative members, and I would have attacked the Israeli embassy
and various other buildings full of kafir [non-Muslims] who want to wage
war against us Muslims and shed our blood,” he added.
Outside of
the fact that this kid sounded like he had some mental disorders, I
could do nothing but see the diversion that is being played out on the American people who refuse to take heed to the Word of God, which is so prophetically right on.
As a side
note, at this point this would suicide mission for these jihadists, for
they know that behind every blade of grass in this country is an armed citizen.
I personally agree with Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Myers, who said
that ISIS hunting Americans is like a sheep hunting a lion. Yet, not in
the state of rebellion that America is in toward God (Numbers 32:23).
have given a pass to what God condemns and have looked the other way.
Looking the other way is not the right move for the American people to
make (Psalm 9:17).
God said, “And it shall come to pass, that as the Lord rejoiced over you
to do you good, and to multiply you; so the Lord will rejoice over you
to destroy you, and to bring you to nought; and ye shall be plucked from
off the land… (Deuteronomy 28:63).”
We can
clearly see that America is under the judgments that God has promised to
a rebellious people. Nothing else besides the judgment of God can
explain why the American people have let it go this far.
By the way,
did anyone catch what the incompetent, home-grown jihadist said? “I
would have took my gun, I would have put it to Obama’s head and I would
have pulled the trigger.”
Why would he
want to bring harm to this president? This criminal has done nothing
but bring aid to this jihadist both here, via the Muslim brotherhood and
their terrorist ties, and abroad. Is this an attempt to bring about
more fear and diversion so the Americans get their eye off of who the
real enemies are?
The devil is in the details.
• Who said that he wanted to “Fundamentally transform America?”
• Who has attacked and transgressed the American Constitution, lied, and been engaged in cronyism in over 900 documented accounts?
• Who has attacked America’s Christian heritage more than this administration?
• Who has appointed several terrorist-tied Muslim brotherhood members to the Department of Homeland Security?
• Whose Homeland Security Secretary recently stated that it is his job to “Give voice to the plight of Muslims”? Yet, Americans have been told for 14 years that they were under attack by the Muslim jihadists; the very ones who are now being promoted and defended.
• Who appointed the stooge John Brennan to the head of the CIA, who converted to Islam in Saudi Arabia years ago?
• Who has given millions in financial aid to the Muslim brotherhood, even arming them with American F-16s?
• Who is releasing more GITMO detainees that are returning to war against the American people?
• Who said that they would defend Muslim Jihadists if they were attacked?
• Furthermore, who is attempting to disarm the American people through its lying and scheming ways?
have been so deceived (2 Thessalonians 2:8) as to believe as Islamist Keith Ellison (D-MN) believes, when he recently said, Obama is “an amazing patriot and one of the best presidents our country will ever have seen.”
• Who has attacked and transgressed the American Constitution, lied, and been engaged in cronyism in over 900 documented accounts?
• Who has attacked America’s Christian heritage more than this administration?
• Who has appointed several terrorist-tied Muslim brotherhood members to the Department of Homeland Security?
• Whose Homeland Security Secretary recently stated that it is his job to “Give voice to the plight of Muslims”? Yet, Americans have been told for 14 years that they were under attack by the Muslim jihadists; the very ones who are now being promoted and defended.
• Who appointed the stooge John Brennan to the head of the CIA, who converted to Islam in Saudi Arabia years ago?
• Who has given millions in financial aid to the Muslim brotherhood, even arming them with American F-16s?
• Who is releasing more GITMO detainees that are returning to war against the American people?
• Who said that they would defend Muslim Jihadists if they were attacked?
• Furthermore, who is attempting to disarm the American people through its lying and scheming ways?
have been so deceived (2 Thessalonians 2:8) as to believe as Islamist Keith Ellison (D-MN) believes, when he recently said, Obama is “an amazing patriot and one of the best presidents our country will ever have seen.”
While I
believe Cornell when he says the stage is being set for more attacks, I
ask you, the reader, who has set that stage more than the American
people allotting this administration to transgress the law as it has?
What else do you expect?
This is nothing new. Read the Declaration of Independence and
you will find the usurpations of a tyrant that would not be ruled by
God. You will also find the degree that these wicked men will go to in
order to make sure they remain in power.
The Father of the Constitution, James Madison, said,
"If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy."
Don’t be deceived (Galatians 6:7).
Men Do Not Follow Titles, They follow Courage! Are You One Of Them?
You Have 30 minutes to Explain to the Forefathers what has happened to America!
Who supports this Administration Anyways?
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Dean exposes anti-gun mayors who are found out to be criminals. Dean
then parallels today's gun-grabbers with dictators in history who
promised their citizens protection and freedom under the guise of gun
Bradlee Dean is an ordained preacher, heavy metal drummer, talk-show host of the Sons of Liberty Radio, and speaks on college and high school campuses with his ministry, You Can Run But You Cannot Hide International.
Contact information for Bradlee Dean
E-Mail: Bradlee@
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