Lana Vawser, Sydney, Australia May 25 2015
I feel a longing in the heart of God for His people to see that even amongst the darkness and the way the United States has moved away from Him and His Word, He has heard the prayers of His people.
There has been impregnation with a divine seed of Heaven into the USA to bring about a great birthing in this nation. A birthing of His glory to be revealed.
Why You Must See Beyond "Doom" and "Bad News" Into the Higher Realm of Decree and Insight
I feel a warning from the Lord that many could "abort" the pregnancy and coming birthing through words of "doom" and "curses over the land of the USA," committing the United States to a destiny of despair and hopelessness. I believe He is asking His people to press in with prayer, repentance, and standing in the gap to see a turning, revelation, and manifestation of what He desires to release.
There is such a longing in my spirit to encourage the people of God to NOT give up now. Do not give up praying for the USA. Do NOT commit her to failure, but continue to see the GOLD in the nation, for there IS GOLD in the nation. I believe the Lord is wanting His people to focus on the LIFE that He wants to bring to the nation, and the NEW that He wants to birth in this nation.
Do not cut the umbilical cord of what God is wanting to do in the USA through word curses or giving up. As the people of God speak LIFE into the nation of America, as the people of God seek out His heart for the nation and call forth the GOLD in the nation, I saw this fetus growing and growing.
I heard many saying, "The United States of America deserves judgement," but so did we...BUT GOD! There are definitely spiritual laws and there are repercussions that happen in a nation when they are not seeking their Creator and His principles and following His Word, and there can be a "falling apart" when things are not held together in Him (see Colossians 1:17), but the Lord, I believe, is not asking people to arise and prophesy judgement and doom, but to arise and prophesy LIFE INTO THE DRY BONES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Do you believe the United States of America can come to life again?!?!?
Seven Mountains of Culture
Doors of INCREDIBLE FAVOUR are going to open up to the people of God in greater INCREASE in this season of pregnancy and then birthing in the United States of America, to move into the seven mountains of culture and begin to bring the word of the Lord and extend His Kingdom and release His love and goodness.
"I am calling My people to come before Me and to ask Me what part they have to play in the seven mountains of culture. For I am releasing My people that are positioned in great acceleration into these mountains in the United States to bring about a demonstration of MY GLORY STORY! My STORY of reconciliation, of repentance, of restitution, of restoration, of rebuilding, of healing.
"I am releasing specific Kingdom keys right now into the hearts of My people with specific insight into how I will use them in this nation to bring about great change. It is NOT over. The story has not reached the end. I want to do something new, something glorious, but My people must enquire of Me and not abort that which I want to release. My people must continue to cry out."
I then heard Isaiah 43:19:
"Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert."
The Lord wants to make a way where there is no way in the United States of America. No matter what you see with your natural eyes, continue to proclaim and decree LIFE and the VICTORY of God in the nation. For the Lord is doing something new in and through His people in the United States. Even when it looks like the enemy is prevailing, he will not win.
In the Storm, Remember the Glory Story
Even in the storm, REMEMBER the Glory Story. For when the storm comes, the people of God that will SEE through the eyes of God will see GOLD in the midst of the storm. Restoration, rebuilding, recompense, reversal! As they call forth the gold and speak, intercede, and decree OPPOSITE to what they see, LIFE will begin to come forth in the storm. There will be PEACE in the eye of the storm.
Enquire of the Lord of the storm that is coming; ask Him how to prepare and what His heart is for you in this storm, i.e. what does He want you to do? For the greatest moment for the Church to shine will be in the MIDST of this storm.
The storm will be but a platform for the GLORY STORY of the Lord to be released through His people.
The Lord has not given up on the United States of America; she is impregnated with something new. Let us continue to join together in prayer, repentance, and decree for this nation to see this "pregnancy" come to FRUITION and not be aborted. There is something NEW God wants to do in the United States of America, and He wants to show His people; and as we press in, we will begin to perceive it before it comes. A greater awakening and move of God will be ushered in by the prayers and decrees of His people even AMIDST a storm.
Press into the cocoon of intimacy with Him for the United States of America. You may just be surprised by the treasures and jewels of revelation and numerous Kingdom keys that await you, to see doors of destiny open up for you in your role in seeing the USA come into her rightful place.
The invitation is before the people of God. What will your RSVP BE?
The Storm that is coming, is Come, with the finale to back it up!
The acronym that we know as the USA, is by definition, a creation of the Cabal. We are America, The Republic because there are always 2 sides to a story!
For every Nation and Country, there is a purpose in Gods plan, and that plan for our countries is written in the Bible and Judgement is yet to be delivered. America as a Republic, was to be Protectorate to Gods people, by the people, and for the people...........unfortunately, we did not pay heed to this Role, and allowed ourselves to be compromised, enslaved by wrong choice, of which there were only 2..............Left or Right..
In Life, the numerical value of 2 is prevalent from the beginning of time......to the end.......God and us, them or us, you and them, he or she, ....Good or Evil, Righteous and unrighteousness, and so forth.........the point is, .........God and us!
God has a very big bone to pick with us, because we not only allowed ourselves to be led astray, by ignoring his warnings to our countries, we ignored the warning by His Son, to watch the Signs of the Times, via the Prophets and World events. We are too busy in our material world to notice, and we've had almost 200 years to get it right!
If your going to make a parallel of Gods dealings with Israel, to infuse Life into this Valley of Dry Bones of America, it would be wise to know how harshly God deals with the disobedience of Israel......The wandering in the Desert for 40 years, the Diaspora's, the Shoah or Holocaust......the breaking of Covenant, Idol worship, paganism and so forth.....
When was the last time you contacted your Government or Corporation, to dismantle the greatest Idol that sits in the middle of the Harbor.......The Statue of Liberalism, or Isis.....?? How about all the Public Statues that you refer to as Icons...........God commanded not to make Graven images of anything, above and below?
God has already kept his Promise to His People, they are returning to the Covenant Land, and from what I read, America is being reduced, financially, economically, Militarily, and she will not regain her former glory..........according to Ezekiel 37 and Ezekiel 38, in fact, her Power will be so reduced, that she will be unable to respond to several Biblical crisis for our time........
America and her allies........... were founded on the principle of Gods Law, but their hearts and minds were compromised.....Most have been given over to their Roman Lords...........She will become like Egypt of Old................A Base Nation!
3.55 pm- Careful what one speaks, as our words & intents of Heart are now more powerful than U may realize. May we have eyes to see, ears to hear, hearts to believe in what was first given to AMerica and peacefully & lawfully reclaim same. People's power is strongly emerging via many inspired movements of & by the people, notably common law grand jury (CLGJ) to call servant "officials" to account to us, the true united states (of BEing), the People, their employers. See what www.NationalLibertyAlliance.org is issuing en masse in quick succession to deal with many issues @ media page: Mandamus (Mandates/ Orders) to Sheriff, Judges, etc. 4 Ur education/ empowerment. CHoose to BE part of solution via Spirit within for good of ALL. Blessings... freeMom7 :D
freeMom7, the above post is the reality of what America, and our allied Countries have allowed ourselves to become, given that America is only 260 odd years old she has for the most part, been compromised, and we allowed it to happen. The Founding Fathers of this once great Nation drew up the Constitution and the Bill of Rights based on Common Law. The 1st Amendment was to extend certain privileges to the migrant not to the Citizens of America albeit that we are the People that the Founding Fathers drew up the said Constitution and Bill of rights for.
For the past 17 years, I spent time in an International, Political Chat room, the biggest online, trying to inform, and educate people on basic politics, in particular, America, because she is our Major Allie, and that there is a very big difference between, a Republic, and Democratic Rule. The 2 party system, and that the purpose of the Democrats, is to destroy our Countries, as you see today.........Thousands passed through the Room, most were Americans and Canadians, they had NO clues about that difference, in fact, on a Local Video show they interviewed Americans randomly about basic politics..........One woman was asked where my country was, she told the reporter, that my country, was a state in America ??
What you see happening today, is a good thing, I myself am part of that movement, to bring our countries back, I attend meetings, Protests, and I also participate in great Blogs like this, Nesara News, and in International Chat, Political and Religious...........my forte is, Global Politics, and the Biblical perspective......
What you see happening today, is a revival, but that revival has to be based on the first principle that our countries were founded upon. It is one thing to bring back a country, it is quite another, to do it based upon a preconceived idea of longevity, because its not, in fact, its only a temporary measure, because once its complete, it begins to unravel..........hence my comments above....................America and her allies, will become, like Egypt of Old..........A Base Nation!
They Cry Peace.................
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