BLM admit they steal land
Burns, Oregon
Published on Jan 21, 2016
This is an Awareness Blog to consider the future of your world. Actions are being done now to restore our freedom. County, State, and National Assemblies are forming across our world nullifying the corrupt corporations. Watch and become AWARE! Participate and be a part of making history! 62 MILLION VIEWS PER MONTH Exclusive public outlet for documentation and notices from The Original Jurisdiction Republic 1861 circa 2010.
First of all Mr. Knight you need to know that what you term or believe is a legit government is not. We are now under a corporate fascist regime run and controlled by the world banksters and foreign powers and all these players with guns, badges and 007 license are dumbed down treasonous criminals that plunder, rob, steal, harm and murder for the sake of the corporation and their pay check.
We may as well be living in the Twilight Zone.
So Anonymous, exactly what are you saying? Sounds like you have given them a clean pass.
Quit! Talking.... like that! They are criminals. So speak as they are, not as they have been given a green light and we just expect this kind of crime from them. That makes it acceptable!!!!
Your just spouting the usual that the non thinkers blog about.
It is not OK, and we do not live in fascist regime. This is the united States of America@!
Now, proceed as if you are a true American, that will not tolerate this anymore, not like you chalked it up to that's how it goes,
move on, nothing to see here.
Wake up or shut up, PLEASE!
You do realize that your headed for your death or total enslavement like back in the bible days right? DO something about it, do not accept it.
I've got evidence that shows the IRS illegally stealing money from dumbed down citizens. Like: If the IRS says you owe back due taxes they'll charge interest,penalties, file a lien, file a levy on your income, or seize your money and property. The tax code shows all 5 of these to be lawfully applicable only under Title 27. Income, Title 26, is the code they enforce all 5 under which is illegal since only Title 27 applies.
Those taxes and fees are maritime liens placed against a decedent's estate. Reference their manual at IRM
The IRC does not apply if your earnings are not income (gains, profits, revenue from the exercise of a privileged excise-taxable activity). Informed Americans have been getting 100% refunds from the IRS for 12+ years. The income tax, in this country only, is an indirect excise, not a direct tax. But it's misapplied because every year someone fraudulently submits an information return about the money they paid you using a form designed for federal agencies. Stop perjuring yourself by endorsing these false information returns. File your return with legal instruments for rebutting these false claims, and reclaim your money. Learn how at
You are absolutely correct!
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