Thursday, February 4, 2016

EXPOSE THEIR CRIMES - Kevin tells his story

My name is Kevin Canada.  I got involved in politics after almost dying at a VA hospital. I guess after you go through such a trauma, it changes your life. You realize how fleeting life really is and how precious life really is. 

Anyways, after that battle and nine surgeries later, I’m still trying to piece my life back together.  Got very involved in healthcare reform. I had written Colin Powell requesting he run for President, thinking we needed a black President.  Was in a black ministry in Florida at the time and saw how oppressed black people were.

Well, he wrote me a short note back saying he would not get involved in politics, being very consumed with the challenges of Chairman of “America’s Promise”, a youth organization dedicated to helping Youth at Risk. I thought 'Great'.  He actually took the time to write me a personal note back.  I was a former Captain in Special Forces.  May be why he wrote. 

Anyways, I showed this to my pastor in Orlando, Florida, Clint Brown of Faithworld. Turns out he was good friends with George Bush’s Pastor James Robison, Benny Hinn, and that whole gang took over Benny Hinn’s church, thus a black President was born. Not quite that simple I know. I’m sure a lot of people got involved in getting a black guy elected. Of course it took several years for all this to finally happen. 

I did not know Barack Obama personally and still don’t.  I’m glad I could have helped the cause of black people, and all people for that matter, since race transcends all peoples. But little did I know what I was getting involved in when I wrote that letter to Colin Powell. Turns out Colin Powell and Dick Chenney live in the same town in McLean, VA.  The only other thing in McLean, VA is the CIA.  That should tell you all you need to know about these two. 

These neocons people had me targeted by COINTELPRO for speaking out about what I know - death threats, 7/24 surveillance, etc, etc.

A couple years after I wrote Colin Powell I went back to school to work on my graduate degree, an MBA at the University of Denver.  Was still communicating with Powell, sending him case studies on the global community from my MBA program.  He was now Secretary of State. 

Then 9/11 happened and I wrote Powell.  Thank God the terrorists did not have a nuclear bomb.  After all the ground zero talk and after that all’s I heard was WMD this and WMD that.  At that point I knew these bastards were lying about everything - 9/11, the war in Iraq. I knew they were grasping at anything to justify all their war mongering hype about 9/11 and the possible invasion of Iraq. At that point I knew I had to try and stop this atrocity that was about to unfold. 

Dick Cheney’s daughter mysteriously shows up in my MBA program.  Guess Powell liked the work I was sending him, him and Dick Cheney being such buds and everything. Probably to get their secret service thugs to keep an eye on me. I even wrote Lynn Cheney an anti-war email trying desperately to stop this criminal war that was coming, knowing it was all based on a pack of lies. Then Powell goes in front of the United Nations and lies his ass off about WMD. I knew we were in trouble. Even if there were WMDs in Iraq, they were only there because we sold them to them and a bogus excuse to go to war. 

After I sent Cheney’s daughter an antiwar email (we all had each others email), I had helicopters hovering over my house. The CIA showed up on my campus recruiting for their criminal organization.  Like an idiot I attended one of these recruiting events and showed them Powell’s letter and tell them my story.  Soon afterwards my phones and emails are tapped permanently and still are. 

Now I’ve learned the President had a secret program called the “Presidents Surveillance Program”, a gang stalking and surveillance program he used against
anyone who publicly spoke out against his policies or had knowledge of their crimes.  The Justice Dept says it will be greatly curtailed.  We’ll have to see about that they are all criminal. They target me with satellites every where I go.  Am stalked everywhere I go.  So what ensues next is something out of a nightmare scenario and a made for TV spy intrigue, as long as its not happening to you I guess. 

After three years of almost constant surveillance and finally receiving my MBA and still fighting this illness, I decide to head to the mountains (Telluride) to get away from these criminals.  Unfortunately, the CIA and Dick Chenney/Powell know no boundaries.  The CIAs reach is everywhere and they let you know it. I have huge military helicopters flying over my house, aerial mapping I suppose.  Get visited the day before the DNC in Denver by six or eight Apache helicopters which fly right off my back porch at 12,000 ft. 

Maybe it was an invite to the big dance in Denver which I did not attend.  Fairly sure at that time that Obama was a fraud or at the least totally bought and paid for.  Now I know him and his mom are CIA, having both worked for CIA front companies as well as Bill Clinton.  Explains why people like Hillary and Colin Powell run organizations like the State Dept, all fronts for the CIA. 

I can’t even go into town without being followed by every form of law enforcement from State Troopers to County police, the local yokos and even fire and EMS people and Forest Rangers, anyone with a little government power. After three years of this at this point I started fighting back.  Got all my Congressman and Senators personal emails and started really getting involved in fighting the Bush Crime Family, knowing how really criminal they all were.

Realizing how fully and totally corrupt our media was by that time, I started learning about alternative media on the Internet and elsewhere, where some modicum of truth was being told about this criminal 'government'.  This really ticked them off now. I guess now I was
really learning all their crimes. The election was a sham designed to ensure Bushes' man Obama won. Powell's reward for being an Uncle Tom. 

They start to harass me big time, using the media to harass you everywhere. They listen in on your phone calls or read your emails and the next thing you know you are hearing that same subject matter being discussed on say Larry King (a very corrupt media personality) or you see it on a web site you frequent like Yahoo or others. They control absolutely every form of media.  

‘The Media Mafia can arrange for the harassment of non- public figures to come from different sources. By asking leading questions of interviewees, timing when certain stories shows run, carefully editing and taking matters out of proper context, they can paint a deceptive
picture and a very familiar/annoying one for their targets. And they do something similar with photos, videos, newspapers, any form of
media they control which is all of them. 

They use cops, sirens whaling at you, even corrupt aircraft pilots are used to fly very low and scare the holy shit out of you, anything to get you to stop doing what you are doing.  In my case I write a lot. I’m a writer - that’s what I do. I write a lot of emails and blogs exposing their crimes and they don’t like it at all. They can tap right into cops computer systems and send them down any street.  Pretty soon you can’t go anywhere without seeing cops, fire trucks or EMS people everywhere, and most of the time these people are not even aware they are being used to harass people, although I’ve now learned many do know what’s going on. Its part of thecivilian Nazi force they use in this country, firefighters, cops, cop fraternal organizations, masons, etc, etc. 

Our little Nazi state in this country I never knew existed. They use state of the art satellite systems so advanced they can read anything you write in your own home
and track you 7/24 anywhere and everywhere! This is our Brave New World! You become targeted in every way shape and form.

I’m writing a book and making a movie about it.  It’s so insane and bizarre, if I stay alive that is.  Have had death threats as have others involved in the Truth Movement. I’m sure my knowledge of their WMD lies and 9/11 have made me a very big target as well as my involvement in
presidential politics.  The CIA has tried to recruit me, as have Barack Obama’s people.  Hell, he even stole my dogs name “Hope”. No way in hell I’m going to work for any of these corrupt bastards.  Probably just want to control me.  

Sorry I ever got involved, but not really.  My involvement is bringing about healthcare reform as well the first black president, even if he is corrupt and healthcare reform is a joke.  Its a start at least. Unfortunately the price you pay for getting involved with these criminals - it’s unbelievable and may even cost you your life.  There are more dead people around the Clintons than most people will ever know, but you don’t hear these stories.  Now you know why. They will have to kill me if they want me to shut up.

I almost died a few years ago, so death is not unfamiliar to me.  Anyways, I have a right to speak out.  People should know what’s going on in their 'government'. We’ve had enough secrecy. The only way we can defeat such outright corruption is to band together and fight it and start to speak out, especially people in the know such as law enforcement, etc. who know what goes on on the inside. I was talking to a Buffalo cop and he told me the CIA can do anything and he meant it, and said no way in hell should they have that kind of power. Had a Long Island cop tell me what the CIA is doing is f-ing unbelievable, so people know but unfortunately do not speak out against it and leave the few of us who do to stand up to this kind of corruption, totally vulnerable and alone.

This is exactly what is done to a TI.  It’s actually a way to kill a person and make it look natural.  After three years up there in Telluride, I can’t take the harassment any more. They recruit my neighbors to harass and spy on me.  One of my neighbors is a cop.  The other a fire fighter.  They get neighbors to turn on their neighbors.  It was like something you only hear happening in Soviet Russia.   (

Anything they can do to stop you doing what you are doing, in my case sending emails to congress and the media. Sorry that ain’t gonna happen.  If they want to kill me, so be it.  Blood will be on their hands. This country needs people like me speaking out.  That is the only way we can ever hope for real change in this country.  People like Barack and most that will follow are only bought and paid for puppets of the New World Order.  

FDR tried to warn us about. As he said "They (who) seek to establish systems of 'government' based on the
regimentation of all human beings by a handful of individual this a 'new order'. It is not new and it is not order." FDR

Go to 'Obama Works for the CIA' website and READ "WHAT OBAMA AND HIS MOTHER ARE ALL ABOUT".  They both worked for the CIA:

Alls I can do is try and educate and inform people.  The rest will be up to them to care enough about their country and the crimes that are going on to start to speak out and try and change things. Only We Can Effect Real Change in This Country!

"How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think" Adolf Hitler

I am writing a book and may do a documentary film about it all.  Was on the John Stewart show. They have skin heads follow me around all the time.  Local thugs come up and tell me about being thrown in jail or imprisoned in some CIA camp where they feed drugs into you - anything to scare, humiliate and break you down.  They even spy on you in your own bedroom and let you know it, and intimidate and harass you nonstop.  Planted a GPS device in my car to have cops track me like a dog. I know it all sounds absolutely absurd but, unfortunately, this is how our 'government' operates - anything to oppress or quiet the truth. 

The mafia truly does run our country.  Why do you think they went to Chicago to recruit their next president - the  capitol of the mob. To cover up things like 9/11, the Ft. Hood shootings, and the rest of the insanity let loose in America to keep us in FEAR!  When they started tapping my phones and emails that was it.

If you have been recruited to interface with me, interfere with me in any way or know others (and there are plenty of other people who have been targeted by these criminals) who have been targeted, such as myself, for speaking out, please contact me and give me your story. Your confidentiality will be respected and you can help STOP these crimes from happening to those of us who do speak out against the crimes being committed by our own 'government'. Please have the courage to stand up to this.  We will give you part of the proceeds of the film and book and pay you as well for your information. If you are a member of law enforcement and have been used in this manner, please start to speak out against this, which is the only way we can ever hope to recapture our country again.  Please give me your story. They are surveilling you guys, too.  Trust me.  Anybody trying to do the right thing can be targeted by these criminals. And please visit these web sites I have listed and see for yourself what our criminal 'government' is doing right here in the USA. 


This letter to Colin Powell gave us our black president, Barack Obama, I’m pretty sure. They intercept my phone calls and emails, so keep trying and write me.  I NEED YOUR HELP EXPOSING THEM! I will pay you for your testimony.

You can contact me at: Kevin Canada (derived from Kennedy),,
or Phone (631) 778-5024 Address: P.O. Box 665 Sayville, NY 11782 

"Who will govern the governors?” Thomas Jefferson
Read Ed Yock FBI & DEA Stalking Program
(A lot of this is happening to me now).  
WATCH! Senator Leahy FBI Hearing

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