Wednesday, February 3, 2016

New Republic Report -- January 31, 2016

New Republic Report
January 31, 2016


Sunday, January 31, 2016  8:09 PM  

Before we may begin, I solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God.

On behalf of the citizens of the Constitutional Republic of the united States of America,

It is our duty to inform you today that you are all no longer under the jurisdiction of the United States of America, Inc. You are all independent sovereign citizens under absolutely no type of governing corporate body and/or entity.

It is now entirely up to you, We The People, to take action against the illegal corporate entity that is the United States of America, Inc. The key to their demise is the loss of what fuels them the most -- greed..

The New Republic will be standing by to restore the Constitutional Republic of the united States of America and commence mass arrests once the crimes of the United States of America, Inc. have been disclosed to the public.

The United States of America, Inc. are desperate for funds -- thus is why they have shown their true colors in Oregon. The uranium and other resources on the Hammond Ranch was made a high-priority target for them. They have murdered a fellow patriot and will not stop until they have taken what they want. This whole situation has only accelerated their downfall and awakened more citizens. We will guarantee funds will be collected from the United States of America, Inc. for the murder of LaVoy Finicum and other matters.

We would like to give our utmost respect and thanks to Judge Anna von Reitz. Thank you for the courage to stand up and reveal the crimes that have been done to the united States of America. You have contributed to the disclosure process immensely.

All operations are continuously proceeding as planned. The timeline has not changed, restoration is imminent. But never forget -- you are responsible for your own rights and freedom. Do not wait for us. It is up to you, independent sovereign citizens. It is up to you to press the big red button.

Signed by the Representatives of the New Republic and Approved by the Interim President.

J.F.D. Jr.

RELATED: A Message from the Representative of the New Republic
RELATED: A Message from the Interim President of the New Republic


Ranger D said...

where does the teeth come from to enforce this.... without that this means nothing>>>> been there done that.

Anonymous said...

The only teeth this currently has is the prospect that a majority of Americans will simultaneously stand up and refuse to comply, which unfortunately isn't likely to occur anytime soon.

I don't have a position on this supposed transition to a General Dunford led restoration of the Constitutional republic of the united States of America, but that would be another enforcement mechanism.

As far as Dunford is concerned, if that scenario is legitimate, I wouldn't expect to seem him do anything anytime soon. He would have to purge all relevant departments of all obstacles to a smooth transition before doing anything publicly. Considering the federal government is the largest corporate entity on earth that house cleaning would take a while. That doesn't even take into consideration the degree of panic that will unfold if or when that revelation takes place.

So yeah I agree with you. At this point there doesn't appear to be any teeth. That doesn't mean the situation couldn't change, but until there are teeth the status quo continues.

Unknown said...

Knowledge is Power when applied with peaceful lawful action with conviction, empowered by Spirit of truth, justice, love & more. One speaks for oneself & CAN share Good News widely for enlightenment, encouragement and empowerment of all fellow Americans. We the people each have a sphere of influence with whom we can share & create what we envision. Let's make it One of Love, Peace, Joy, Abundance, transformation to Light, out of darkness that has been so pervasive, but is now exposed. Blessings 2 ALL :D