Monday, February 15, 2016

Russia Prime Minister Warns US and Arab Countries: Invading Syria "will start a new world war"

Russia Prime Minister 
Warns US and Arab Countries:
Invading Syria "will start a new world war"

Russia has publicly warned Saudi Arabia, the US, and other countries, they risk "a new world war" if they act on plans to send troops into Syria.
WW3: 18 days away.
I am not certain if you are familiar with me, I am Hal Turner, a talk-radio host on WBCQ International Shortwave (7.490 MHz) and 95.1 FM in New York City, "SuperStation95." I do not own this web site nor do I author any of the news or articles which appear here. This is my very first contribution to this web site's content and I am taking this unusual step because something terrible is taking place: All of us are now in grave danger and it is imperative that you be told before it is too late.
National Security Intelligence Asset; FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force
First, some quick background on me: As some of you may already know, from 1993 through 2008, I worked for the FBI. From 2003 through 2008, I was a National Security Intelligence Asset with the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF). I left the FBI in 2008 and a year later, was horribly betrayed by the Obama Administration who had me arrested for saying in public (in 2009), the exact same words the government paid me to say several years earlier in 2005! I am the only living American media personality ever imprisoned by the federal government for writing an Editorial they didn't like!
After putting me on trial THREE times, driving me into Bankruptcy and replacing my lawyers with a public defender, they won at trial #3 and imprisoned me for 33 months in federal prison. I was released in 2012, was barred by court order from being on the radio for three years, and was then able to resume my radio show on October 7, 2015.
When I was put on trial in Brooklyn Federal Court, the third highest ranking official from the FBI in New York City, Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC) Amy Pickett, testified in court that my role was "National Security Intelligence, Terrorism and Foreign Counter-Intelligence." I tell you all of this to make it very clear When I tell you what I am about to tell you, please know it is 100% accurate fact.
We are 18 days away from World War 3
I am not certain if you had a chance to tune-in to my radio show last night. I spent the better part of an hour talking about the fast-developing situation in the Middle East regarding Syria. The short-and-sweet of it is that we are now in very grave danger. When I say "we" I mean me, you, our families, friends . . .country . . . . all of us. This is not an exaggeration.
I have been in regular contact with my former colleagues from the FBI and other government agencies and they concur in my analysis! We are very rapidly approaching a conflict the likes of which the world has not seen since the 1940's and this one is highly likely to go nuclear very early. Tactical (Battlefield) nukes absolutely, positively, WILL be used. There is no avoiding it. I will explain why, below.
You can hear my hour-long analysis via Youtube beginning at 49:04 into the show at: <>
PUBLISHED AT Public Notices: For all to know and rely upon  
"All that is needed for evil to prevail
is for Good Men to do nothing!"

Attn: 'Politicians', Media and News 'Reporters':  "What say you to this?   You, by elected profession, are either part of the problem or part of the solution.   
Will you STOP THIS MADNESS and ALERT THE PEOPLE of the world?
Public Notices Without Prejudice

UCC 1-103 – Refer: WA DC UCC Ref Doc # 2012113593


Anonymous said...

The Elite aren't scared anywhere near enough yet.

I'd say a hanging of some of their worst offenders shall begin in earnest, so they will be that scared. Time to let the clinton's go down the pokey unless they wish to make the pain that much more terrible.

Anonymous said...

The real Hal Turner: