Friday, October 7, 2016

Colorado : THREAT to the safety of our nation

Colorado Has Assumed a Place of Special Importance to the          New World Order 

Foreign Troops Guerilla Warfare Training in Colorado               Against Americans

Oct 2016

We have known for years that when Washington DC is destroyed, that Colorado will be the next capital. The CIA and the DHS have moved a good portion of their operation to underground facilities near Denver International Airport.

Predictive programming from the media has pointed to this fact. In the movie the Hunger Games, Colorado was the location for “Capital City” in the mythical country of Panem that looked eerily like Nixon’s breakup of the United States into 10 UN districts. In the recent TV series, Designated Survivor, the entire Federal government was destroyed, except for a few survivors.

In 2011, Denver played host to Operation Mountain Guardian which was essentially a FEMA/DHS incarceration drill using the football home of the Denver Broncos NFL stadium as the base of operations*.

* NOTE:  Intel has reported (1) stadiums may be used to round up fans in attendance at the games, taking them one level underground, putting them on very small railcars holding around 2 adults - similar to the kiddie cars at fairs, and taking them for a ride, with occupants not arriving alive or in one piece. (2) reports have also stated that several stadiums do have underground facilities, in particular the newer ones. 

Further, the during the drill, DIA was shut down, yet the 'elite' flew their jets to DIA during the drill and presumably disappeared underground. In many people’s minds, this anointed Denver as the future headquarters of the US government.

Colorado Has Become An Agenda 21 Cesspool

Led by the Koch brothers, Colorado is on the verge of experiencing draconian increases in utility rates because the energy providers in the Mile High state are being conjoined which will lessen any competition.

In Colorado, if one publicly opposes Agenda 21, their children are stolen without any other provocation (e.g. Stacy Lynne). In Colorado, farmers can legally only use 50% of their land. Water cannot be trapped or reused in any form, even to irrigate farm land. 

The Agenda 21 corruption in Colorado rivals anything found in the Obama administration. And their schools have become bastions of liberalism where glorifying Islam is encouraged, but expressions of Christianity are forbidden (Sierra and Rocky Mountain High Schools). 

Colorado is lost and the people are anesthetized  and mesmerized by the success of the Denver Broncos football team. However, this is only the beginning of the nightmare that is in store for Colorado.

Eventually, people are going to rise up against these draconian NWO policies that have overtaken my former home state. There are already signs of opposing the Agenda 21 takeover in large numbers. 

Further, Colorado is home of several key military bases, including Ft. Carson. What is the military will not totally side with the administration on the continuing subjugation of the state and the country as a whole. 

What if the military does what Oathkeepers demand, that the soldiers honor their constitutional oath?

The globalists have prepared for this eventuality as well. If portions of the military defect and defend the people, the war would likely be guerrilla. Well, the NWO has prepared for that eventuality.

Multinational Troops Preparing for
Guerrilla War In Colorado

I interviewed Paul Martin who lives and works in north  Colorado. There are more nations with their troops in Colorado that one can count. They seemingly share one thing, they are in Colorado to prepare for the guerrilla war that is coming between the disaffected parts of the American military and the multinational forces of the UN.

The eyewitness accounts of what is happening is not to be taken lightly as these sightings are happening all over the country. The details are in this short video.
 More Stunning Revelations From Colorado


Anonymous said...

Hogwash !

Anonymous said...

The report is not about 'hogwash' but about NWO preparations to destroy America. Information presented in the article has been determined and published by other investigators for several years now, confirming what was published here in this article. Your turn to find out for yourself - personally - will come around before long, and you can decide then if the report is 'hogwash' or valid. Until then, do your own research and present the findings to the blog. I'm sure they would be more than happy to publish your findings with proof to substantiate what you turn in for publication. In the meantime, it only takes one or two words to demonstrate to readers your level of immaturity and lack of knowledge. Congratulations! You won that round!!!!