If not true, at best it's laughable...LOL
http://operationdisclosure.blogspot.com/2016/10/intergalacti c-law-enforcement-officers. html
Intergalactic Law Enforcement Officers Arrest Hillary Clinton
Is this supposed to be ironic? - OD
Intergalactic Law Enforcement Officers Place Energy Shackles On Hillary Clinton
NEWS IN BRIEF | October 19, 2016
PARADISE, NV—Materializing through a dimensional portal in front of a stunned audience at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, intergalactic law enforcement officers reportedly appeared onstage during Wednesday night’s presidential debate and placed a pair of glowing blue energy shackles on Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. “Secretary Clinton, you have been found in violation of interstellar law and have been called to stand trial before the Galactic Conclave,” said the justice official from the Centaurus System while a pair of uniformed extraterrestrial enforcers grabbed the former first lady’s shoulders with their forelimbs and pincers and escorted her toward the rippling space-time rift from which they had entered. “By order of the Nebulon Federation, you will depart with us at once to the Halls of Justice on Axio Prime, where you will await judgment for your crimes. If convicted, you face up to 900 cycles of hard labor within the comet mines of Zorlon B.” At press time, Clinton’s campaign team had issued a press statement referring to the criminal charges as “more baseless accusations” and assuring voters that the candidate has always complied with all transcosmic protocols.
PARADISE, NV—Materializing through a dimensional portal in front of a stunned audience at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, intergalactic law enforcement officers reportedly appeared onstage during Wednesday night’s presidential debate and placed a pair of glowing blue energy shackles on Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. “Secretary Clinton, you have been found in violation of interstellar law and have been called to stand trial before the Galactic Conclave,” said the justice official from the Centaurus System while a pair of uniformed extraterrestrial enforcers grabbed the former first lady’s shoulders with their forelimbs and pincers and escorted her toward the rippling space-time rift from which they had entered. “By order of the Nebulon Federation, you will depart with us at once to the Halls of Justice on Axio Prime, where you will await judgment for your crimes. If convicted, you face up to 900 cycles of hard labor within the comet mines of Zorlon B.” At press time, Clinton’s campaign team had issued a press statement referring to the criminal charges as “more baseless accusations” and assuring voters that the candidate has always complied with all transcosmic protocols.
They're coming to take her away, ha, ha. They're coming to take her away. Sounds good, anyway!
This is somebody's brain on street drugs for a very long time.
Hey Freddie - Take it easy bro! Get a laugh or two - take it easy. Enjoy the joke! Laugh with the rest of us. Put some lightness and laughter in your life! How would YOU know if this is somebody's brain on street drugs - unless you are suffering from it?! Geeeeezzzzzz - some people just take life way too seriously.
Just fry her sorry arse and be done with it- Let's focus on getting our country back and under control-
When will people learn? THE ONION is a satire newspaper, free on streets in NYC. And not very good, actually. I guess if people had to pay for it, it would be out of business. It is useful tho, to put on the floor and shelves when painting the apartment. (Seriously.)
What they can do with holographic images and made up names. More bs and derision.
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