By Anna Von Reitz
The witch hunt continues unabated. When will the people supporting this
nonsense rebel and do what has to be done to curb this destructive, hateful,
ego-driven behavior?
I told everyone what happened when I invited Bruce to my May conference in
Anchorage last spring --- he tried to commandeer it and use it to promote his
own agenda.
This has been his modus operandi ever since. He does these rude and
ego-driven things while loudly proclaiming that he is doing "His Father's
Another thing came out of the May conference. Bruce hired two of the team
members to do research related to the then-ongoing Bundy case in Oregon. He
promised them $5,000 each to do the work, they agreed---- and then, when they
performed above and beyond the call, Bruce nit-picked and refused to pay them.
The situation would be analogous to this--- you walk into a butcher shop
and order twenty pounds of hamburger and agree on a price. When you come back,
you are given twenty pounds of fillet mignon, but you get angry and stomp up and
down because its not hamburger, so you refuse to pay and stomp out.
That's Bruce Doucette in action.
I wound up paying the two men out of my pocket, because I felt responsible
for the whole debacle.
Now the same kind of small-minded irresponsible crud is going on again,
only this time, the target is Bella Haywood.
On a teleconference call, Bruce offered to pay for 25 Marshals badges. He
gave $1000 to the Marshals program to cover the cost of this. No effort was
made to ascertain whether or not the people on that call had been through the
vetting process and accepted to serve as Marshals. It was just "assumed" that
they were. Now, several months later, the badges still haven't been produced
and some of the people on that call are upset.
"Where's my badge! Bruce promised!"
Well, the fact is that whether "Bruce promised" or not, some of the people
on that call probably aren't vetted to become Marshals, and since nobody has
gotten the badges yet anyway, they have no cause to complain. But they are out
causing trouble and griping and slandering over $35 of benefit they haven't
received and casting aspersions on Marshal Haywood's character because of it.
Where's the guarantee that the people on that call were vetted to be
Where's the agreement for a specific date to deliver the badges to those
that were?
Obviously, Marshal Haywood wasn't cranking the badges out of her garage.
She is dependent on the suppliers of such goods. She didn't make any promises
with dates attached.
And Bruce and his buddy Hamilton are out leading a witch hunt and demanding
an audit of the Marshal program funds over this $1000 Bruce contributed to pay
for 25 badges.
Except that it would be a breach of security, I'd stuff his $1000 and his
25 badges up his butt, and never speak to him again, if I were Chief Marshal
But all this begs another question--- when you see people doing this kind
of disruptive crap time after time, pursuing their own agendas, making
irresponsible and ill-defined contracts that they then make assumptions about
and go bonkers over --- you have to wonder (1) are they space cadets? and (2)
are they well-intentioned or not?
Bruce is trying his best to tear apart the whole Continental Marshals
Service and Bella Haywood in particular over $1000 split 25 ways. Where's the
common sense in that? Especially given the facts and the circumstance?
Short answer--- there isn't any. Short answer --- this whole "drama" is
worse than seventh grade. It shouldn't be happening. Any adult worth the name
should be spitting on the sidewalk and walking away.
Even if Bella Haywood "stole" his $1000 and used it for other purposes in
the meantime, so long as there is a $1000 in the program fund, who's to say
anything like that? Money is fungible. Was that Bruce's $1000 that was spent
or $1000 donation made for something else?
And what the ________ does it matter? What matters is that we have a
competent Continental Marshals Service in the field beginning to do the work
that the people of this country so desperately need done.
Anyone offering to break that up and destroy it for any such petty reason,
is truly off-base.
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website
Hi Bruce and his cohort are usurpers.They have no intention on doing what is right.They work for the bad boys.When you do what is the work of God you will always have disrupters.Be alert and aware
Multiply this by several million and you can see why our country is in the shape it is in. Never will everybody agree on issues, and most can only comprehend the petty ones that concern them. People cannot even agree on what the constitution means/says, or what a real republic consists of. And then even fewer people will act because it takes an effort to establish a republic. The path of least resistance is to follow those who want control, which is the general mindset and why Trump is running into a brick wall.
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