JULY 07 2017 – Pope Francis makes a law..destroys every Corporation in the world – RELEASING ALL THE TRUST FUNDS TO HUMANITY !
Pope Francis makes a law..destroys every Corporation in the world
The Vatican created a world trust using the birth certificate to capture the value of each individual’s future productive energy. Each state, province, and country in the fiat monetary system contributes their people’s productive energy value to this world trust identified by the SS, SIN or EIN numbers (for example) maintained in the Vatican registry.
Corporations worldwide (all individuals became corporate fictions through their birth certificate) are connected to the Vatican through law (Vatican, to Crown, to BAR, to laws, to judges, to people) and through money (Vatican birth accounts value to IMF, to Treasury (Federal Reserve), to banks, to people (loans), to judges (administration), and sheriffs (confiscation).
Judges administer the birth trust account in court matters favoring the court and the banks, acting as the presumed “beneficiary” since they have not properly advised the “true beneficiary” of their own trust.
Judges, attorneys, bankers, lawmakers, law enforcement, and all public officials (public servants) are now held personally liable for their confiscation of the true beneficiary’s homes, cars, money and assets; false imprisonment, deception, harassment, and conversion of the true beneficiary’s trust funds.
The Importance of Motu Proprio by Pope Francis
According to the New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia, Motu Proprio in Latin stands for “of his own accord” and is the name given to an official decree by a Pope personally in his capacity and office as supreme sovereign pontiff and not in his capacity as the apostolic leader and teacher of the Universal Church.
To put it more bluntly, a Motu Proprio is the highest form of legal instrument on the planet in accordance with its provenance, influence, and structure to the Western-Roman world, overriding anything that could be issued by the United Nations, the Inner and Middle Temple, the Crown of Great Britain, or any other Monarch, and indeed by any head of state or body politic.
If you are a member of the United Nations, or are recognized by the United States or the United Kingdom, or have a bank account anywhere on the planet, then a Motu Proprio is the highest legal instrument, no question.
The Motu Proprio issued by Pope Francis on July 11th, 2013, is an instrument of several functions and layers.
In the first instance, it may be legally construed to apply to the local matters of the administration of the Holy See.
In the second instance, the document relates to the fact that the Holy See is the underpinning of the whole global system of law, therefore anyone holding an office anywhere in the world is also subject to these limits, where immunity no longer applies.
Thirdly, we see the Holy See and the Universal Church clearly separating itself from the nihilist world of the professional elite who continue to be proven time and time again to be criminally insane, stark raving mad, and with no desire to do anything honorable until they are torn from power by anyone, anybody, who cares for the law.
The age of the Roman Cult, as first formed in the 11th Century, that hijacked the Catholic Church first formed by the Carolingians in the 8th Century, then the Holy Christian Empire or Byzantine Church by the 13th Century, and the world at large by the 16th Century, ceased to exist upon the election of Pope Francis, circa March 14th 2013.
This document issued by Pope Francis is historic on multiple levels, but most significant above all others in that it recognizes the supremacy of the Golden Rule, the same teaching ascribed to Jesus Christ and the intimate connection to the Rule of Law, that all are subject to the rule of law, no one is above the law.
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In our times, the common good is increasingly threatened by transnational organized crime, the improper use of the markets and of the economy, as well as by terrorism.
It is therefore necessary for the international community to adopt adequate legal instruments to prevent and counter criminal activities, by promoting international judicial cooperation on criminal matters.
In ratifying numerous international conventions in these areas, and acting also on behalf of Vatican City State, the Holy See has constantly maintained that such agreements are effective means to prevent criminal activities that threaten human dignity, the common good and peace.
With a view to renewing the Apostolic See’s commitment to cooperate to these ends, by means of this Apostolic Letter issued Motu Proprio, I establish that:
1. The competent Judicial Authorities of Vatican City State shall also exercise penal jurisdiction over:
a) crimes committed against the security, the fundamental interests or the patrimony of the Holy See;
b) crimes referred to:2. The crimes referred to in paragraph 1 are to be judged pursuant to the criminal law in force in Vatican City State at the time of their commission, without prejudice to the general principles of the legal system on the temporal application of criminal laws.
- in Vatican City State Law No. VIII, of 11 July 2013, containing Supplementary Norms on Criminal Law Matters;c) any other crime whose prosecution is required by an international agreement ratified by the Holy See, if the perpetrator is physically present in the territory of Vatican City State and has not been extradited.
- in Vatican City State Law No. IX, of 11 July 2013, containing Amendments to the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code;
when such crimes are committed by the persons referred to in paragraph 3 below, in the exercise of their functions;
3. For the purposes of Vatican criminal law, the following persons are deemed “public officials”:
a) members, officials and personnel of the various organs of the Roman Curia and of the Institutions connected to it.
b) papal legates and diplomatic personnel of the Holy See.
c) those persons who serve as representatives, managers or directors, as well as persons who even de facto manage or exercise control over the entities directly dependent on the Holy See and listed in the registry of canonical juridical persons kept by the Governorate of Vatican City State;
d) any other person holding an administrative or judicial mandate in the Holy See, permanent or temporary, paid or unpaid, irrespective of that person’s seniority.4. The jurisdiction referred to in paragraph 1 comprises also the administrative liability of juridical persons arising from crimes, as regulated by Vatican City State laws.
5. When the same matters are prosecuted in other States, the provisions in force in Vatican City State on concurrent jurisdiction shall apply.
6. The content of article 23 of Law No. CXIX of 21 November 1987, which approves the Judicial Order of Vatican City State remains in force.
This I decide and establish, anything to the contrary notwithstanding.
I establish that this Apostolic Letter issued Motu Proprio will be promulgated by its publication in L’Osservatore Romano, entering into force on 1 September 2013.
Given in Rome, at the Apostolic Palace, on 11 July 2013, the first of my Pontificate.
© Copyright - Libreria Editrice Vaticana
This is from 2013
So what if the Pope is acting of his own accord? AND where is his authority derived from? A bloody history of the antichrist trails the man called the Pope an ambassador of the Fourth Reich, no less. The expression "Holy See" literally means "seat of satan".
2 videos: 1. 7 min 20 sec (Not for the feint-hearted) & 2. 26 min 8 sec
Satan's Throne At The Vatican...WEIRD!!!!!!!
Pope Benedict built Satan's throne inside the Vatican
Read more at https://www.liveleak.com/view?i=b4a_1355580695#P4K4BDXLOKFFZkub.99
Has the Vatican showed remorse? Has it demonstrably acted out the intent of the Pope's motu proprio thus far, any evidence? Jubilee? Has it closed down ECB & Deutsche Bank which it also owns?
I will believe this when my bank statement shows up and my name is not in ALL CAPITOL LETTERS! The proof is in seeing it with my own eyes!
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