Sunday, July 2, 2017

The Great Fraud of Today - Part One: The Corruption of the Judicial Branch

By Anna Von Reitz

We've uncovered the Great Fraud of the so-called American Civil War, which was never a war but an illegal commercial mercenary action on our shores.  We've dissected the Great Fraud of the 1930's executed by FDR and his minions.  And now, we need to face the Great Fraud of Today even as it is taking place.
The past few days have been rocked by disclosure after disclosure.  Smoking guns abound.  The extent of the travesty is now becoming clear -- and along with it, the identities of those responsible and the nature of the current reality.
Out of Texas we have the Lufkin Case, where the subversion of our federal judicial system has been unearthed.  In 1991 the Congress entered a change in the Judicial Oath, altering the Oath required by the corporate Constitution in a subtle but devastating way which served to remove the judicial officers from the judicial branch of our government and place them solely under the control of the municipal legislative branch of government--- that is, under the rule of the members of Congress acting as the oligarchic municipal government of the District of Columbia.
The new Oath of Office they imposed on the judicial officers may be seen at Volume 104 United States Statutes-at-Large Page 5124, otherwise shown as 104 Stat. 5124. 
The new Oath of Office is very sly in that it appears to be a simple clean-up deletion of unnecessary verbiage in the old Oath of Office, but on closer examination it is clear that there are no "duties" assigned to members of the judiciary by the Constitution and as a result, this change in the Oath of Office releases the judicial officers from the obligation to "act agreeably" --that is, in conformance to the Constitution and leaves them subject only to the legislative acts of the Congress.  This in turn removed the judicial officers from the judicial branch of government and placed them squarely and only under the auspices of the legislative branch.
Read that--- since 1991, there has been no three-branched federal government. The judicial and legislative branches have been merged and the judicial has been made subservient to the legislative.  Moreover, the municipal government of the United States has been acting in open treason against the actual Constitution since 1991, and absolutely no decisions undertaken by these federal judicial officers since then have been in compliance with the actual Constitution. They are all null and void for cause. 
This has made the widespread personage committed against the American states and people possible and profitable.  The Congress has been running the entire federal judiciary, which includes the "federated" -- incorporated States of States and the STATES OF STATES courts -- as an unconstitutional  legislative enforcement racket.
Our agreement with the "federal" government, which is nothing more than a for-hire governmental services corporation, very clearly states what we are owed and also very clearly sets up the structure of the government and also very clearly limits the jurisdiction of the federal courts and also very clearly requires an Oath of Office in support of the Constitution and also very clearly limits the reach of the municipal United States government to the ten miles square of Washington, DC and which also limits the territorial United States controlled by Congress to actual federal properties, such as arsenals and military installations.
So how have they run rampant like this and pretended, as in the Lufkin case, to have jurisdiction never granted to them over people and property in places like Tyler County, Texas?
It's simple.  They unlawfully seized upon your copyright to your own name, registered it as properly belonging to their corporation, stole your identity as a living American, and pretended that you were either a Territorial Foreign Situs Trust or a Municipal ESTATE trust belonging to their corporations.  If you convert a man into a thing, you can do as you please to him---at least until he realizes what you have done.
In this way, they pretended to control you and own your assets, and therefore, also assumed the right to subject you to their in-house court system and their foreign statutory law.  

Make no mistake, the authors of the bill changing the judicial Oath of Office committed treason against the actual United States and our actual Constitution and the evidence of this is clear upon the public record.  What remains to be seen is if these snakes will self-correct or require a garden hoe to set things straight.  
See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website


Freewill said...

1995 STATE OF MICHIGAN adopted what is known as the Demonstration Project Court system therefore this criminal system adopted by the STATE OF MICHIGAN courts has wronged the people with absolute tyranny and this is what motivated We THE People on Michigan to reform our county and state assemblies. The assemblies are our lawful solution to the tyranny brought upon us by these actor scum bags!

Visit the STATE OF MICHIGAN Supreme Court website and enter "Demonstration Project" into the search box and start reading the .pdf documents. Better be sitting down when you do.

Anonymous said...

Will not matter. Shortly Michigan will be under Sharia law completely.