Sunday, October 2, 2011



From retired Major Gen. Paul Vallely...This needs to be passed on to everyone you know.  It is time for fence sitters to get off the fence and take a stand.

NATIONAL CALL FOR UNITED ACTION ―"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

‖ ―"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."‖ – from the U.S. Declaration of Independence Abuses and Usurpations

The demise of our Constitutional Republic has been underway for nearly a hundred years. As the people placidly accepted intolerable offenses against the republic, the states, and the Constitution for decades, the Central power in Washington D.C. grew ever more powerful, ever more abusive, and ever more disconnected from the very people it was formed to represent. During the last three years, the current administration has committed the most egregious offenses against the people, the states and the Constitution, since the founding of our country and today, they operate as a virtual dictatorship, against the governed, beyond the scope and authority the people granted them in the Constitution and at odds with the will of the vast majority of American citizens. The actions of the Obama Administration in total, rise to the level of treason against the United States and its people. This must not be permitted to stand… Among other offenses, abuses and usurpations, is the following list of transgressions – (detailed in Appendix A)

 · Violations against Article I of the U.S. Constitution – Congress
 · Violations against Article II of the U.S. Constitution – The office of President
 · Violations against Article III of the U.S. Constitution – Judicial Powers
 · Violations against Article IV of the U.S. Constitution – The State
 · Violations against Article V of the U.S. Constitution – The Amendment Process
 · Violations against Article VI of the U.S. Constitution – Oath to the Constitution
 · Violations against the 1st Amendment of the Bill of Rights
 · Violations against the 2nd Amendment of the Bill of Rights
 · Violations against the 3rd Amendment of the Bill of Rights
 · Violations against the 4th Amendment of the Bill of Rights
 · Violations against the 5th Amendment of the Bill of Rights
 · Violations against the 6th Amendment of the Bill of Rights
 · Violations against the 7th Amendment of the Bill of Rights
 · Violations against the 8th Amendment of the Bill of Rights
 · Violations against the 9th Amendment of the Bill of Rights
 · Violations against the 10th Amendment of the Bill of Rights
 · Unlawful use of Military force, here and abroad
 · Violations of International Treaties and Laws
 · Numerous violations of the public trust
 · Misuse of the people’s resources
 · The bankrupting of the nation, the states and the people
 · Taxation without representation
 · Confiscation and Redistribution of the people’s earned assets
 · Abuse of Judicial power

At this late date, the individually itemized list of abuses and usurpations would require an encyclopedia of unconstitutional offenses to the Republic and there is no evidence to suggest that there remains even one legitimate honest courtroom in the country to which all evidence could be presented. There is no Article or Amendment of the U.S. Constitution which the current leadership in Washington D.C. has not abused and/or usurped over the last three years. As a result, the normal courses of action for redress may not be adequate to solve the problem today, as all three branches of the federal government are currently acting as one, all of them beyond the scope and power granted them by the Constitution, against the principles of freedom, liberty and self-governance, and at odds with the vast majority of citizens. Yet the Constitutional Representative Republic must be restored, no matter the means or the cost. It is on this foundation that we morally and rightfully call for all good people to rise up, stand together, move to restore the Constitutional Republic, and hold those who have and would stand against the people, fully accountable. WE THE PEOPLEOn behalf of the Veterans and former Service Members of America, who fought and died for freedom and liberty here and abroad, and all good and decent American citizens from sea to shining sea, we the people of the United States of America hereby demand the immediate restoration of our Constitutional Republic and an end to the Democratic Socialist abuses and usurpations which have become commonplace in the daily corruption of our governmental offices.

 No longer will we sit idly by and tolerate the utter destruction of our country, at the hands of anti-American elitists in Washington D.C. who have mistaken the people’s peaceful tolerance for acceptance of their ill-advised behaviors. The time for all good and decent Americans to stand together, in defense of the Constitution, the Republic, freedom and liberty, has arrived. The Rule of Constitutional Law must prevail. We call upon all who have taken an oath to protect and defend, to take appropriate measures now. We the people hereby demand

1. The immediate and unconditional orderly resignation of Barack Hussein Obama, II
2. The immediate and unconditional orderly resignation of Joseph R. Biden In addition to the known fact that the Obama/Biden ticket was advanced by way of fraudulent representations concerning the constitutional eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama II, under Article II requirements for the office of President, the Obama/Biden has committed countless crimes against the U.S. Constitution, our Republican form of government and the American people while in control of the Executive Branch. They are not able to do this alone, but with the help and cover of many anti-American players, who have also acted at odds with their oaths to protect and defend the Constitution, our Republic and the people of the United States. As a result, these players must be removed from office and held accountable for their actions as well. This group includes, but is not limited to the following individuals –
3. The immediate and unconditional orderly resignation of the entire Obama Cabinet, including but not limited to; · the White House staff and unelected Czar’s · Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton · Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner · Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta · Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. · Interior Secretary Kenneth L. Salazar · Acting Commerce Secretary Dr. Rebecca M. Blank · Labor Secretary Hilda L. Solis · Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius · Energy Secretary Steven Chu · Education Secretary Arne Duncan · Homeland Security Secretary Janet A. Napolitano · EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson · Office of Management & Budget Director Jacob J. Lew · UN Ambassador Susan Rice, the entire Council of Economic Advisers · Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan · Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor · House Speaker John Boehner · House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi · Senate Leader Harry Reid · Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell – all of whom have committed treasonous acts against the people, the states and the U.S. Constitution. Further, to reinstate the rule of law and the Law of this Land, the U.S. Constitution and our constitutional republic –
        1. In compliance with Article II – Section I of the U.S. Constitution for the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, the Same shall devolve on the Vice President, — the Congress may by Law provide for the Case of Removal, Death, Resignation or Inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what Officer shall then act as President, and such Officer shall act accordingly, until the Disability be removed, or a President shall be elected.
       2. That every verifiable member of The Communist Party USA, The Socialist Party USA and The Democratic Socialists of America be immediately publicly identified and removed from office for overtly acting against freedom, liberty and the Constitutional Republic.
       3. That in the event that these individuals refuse to immediately resign in an orderly fashion designed to serve the best interests of the United States, we demand that the 66 members of the people’s House who voted against the recent raising of the nation’s debt ceiling, to immediately begin impeachment proceedings against every member of the Obama administration.
       4. That the seven remaining members of the U.S. Supreme Court place an immediate stay on all Executive and Legislative actions taken under the term of the unconstitutional administration beginning January 20, 2009.
       5. That remaining members of the House and Senate immediately act to name new majority and minority leaders of congress, and work with the U.S. Supreme Court in the assigning of new temporary Executive Branch members, acting on behalf of the people and the will of the American majority until such time that the citizens of the United States can elect their new representatives in 2012.
       6. The immediate and unconditional dissolution of all special interest congressional caucuses, including but not limited to The Progressive Caucus, The Black Caucus. In addition, the immediate closure of any and all congressional committees which have been given unconstitutional powers, including the Debt Committee of twelve just formed. Individuals are elected by the people to represent ALL of the people, not special interest groups.
       7. That each state government immediately act to enforce its 10th Amendment right to protect and defend the people of their state against a tyrannical central power in Washington D.C., by recalling all State Guard troops home to protect the sovereignty and security of their respective citizens, as well as state resources and governments.
       8. That each state government act immediately to cut itself off from federal funding, and take the necessary actions to balance their own state and local budgets immediately.

These are our initial demands and nothing less than complete compliance with each of these demands is acceptable to the people of the United States. Further, it is our position that the normal constitutional line of succession to the presidency does not apply in this circumstance, due to the widespread complicity by members of congress, regarding both the original fraud that placed this administration in power and the ongoing effort to cover up the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American citizens. The abuse and usurpation of the U.S. Constitution will not be allowed to stand. It is on this basis that We the People make these demands, in full compliance with the law of this land, the Constitution of the United States of America. It is our sincere desire to affect these immediate and unconditional changes to the people’s government through peaceful processes, causing a minimum degree of disruption to the vital ongoing business of the people and their representative government.

The individuals named in our demand for immediate and unconditional resignations have acted directly and overtly against
 ·the people, the states and the Constitution and they must be held fully accountable for their actions. We are openly calling for the American people to draw a final line in the sand and take a moral and righteous stand for the Constitutional Republic, the rule of law and the future of freedom and liberty. The time to be tolerant and silent has passed and the time for serious action has arrived. Only the people can restore the Constitution as the Supreme Law of this Land. We must do it peacefully if at all possible and our Founders provided all the tools necessary for peaceful corrections of a ship set off course by internal enemies. We are calling for the following specific actions, by every active and former service member and every patriotic citizen, no matter their political stripe… · We call upon all members of the U.S. Military, the U.S. Supreme Court, Federal, State, County, Local Law Enforcement, and all Intelligence agencies, to direct all assets of the people of the United States towards the restoration of the Constitutional Republic and stand with the American citizens in compliance with their oath to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution and the people of the United States. · We call upon ALL American citizens to provide necessary pressure on all law enforcement, judicial, intelligence and military agencies, until those who have sworn to protect and defend the Constitution begin to act upon those oaths.  Call for the People to ACT Now. 

The current administration has done all it can to whip racial tensions and class warfare into full-blown riots and civil war, including scheduling a ―U.S. Day of Rage‖ for communists, labor union socialists, illegal immigrants, Muslims and blacks across the country. Their ―Day of Rage‖ is scheduled for Constitution Day, September 17, 2011. It is an open assault on capitalism, waged by modern day Marxists who must be stripped of their entitlement mentality.

The LEFT is also planning a ―Cairo style occupation of Washington on October 6th.‖
 · We call for a “unified march” in ALL fifty (50) state Capitals on October 6, 2011, with a clear purpose – to present this demand for immediate restoration of the U.S. Constitution, the removal and prosecution all of the individuals named herein, by voluntary resignation or articles of impeachment.
 · To be prepared to act as citizens to protect and preserve the Constitutional Republic, in the event that our public servants, who have sworn an oath to the Constitutional Republic, refuse for any reason, to act upon those oaths.
 · To act peacefully, but prepared for a violent reaction from our nation’s enemies. To avoid if possible, the RACE WAR being incited by the Obama Administration and the Black and Progressive Caucus’s.
 · Locally, to confront all anti-American infringements upon our Natural Rights with boots on the ground whenever and wherever local, state or federal officials act beyond their scope of authority, or at odds with the Constitutional Rights of the people.
 · To begin to openly identify and address government corruption at the local, county and state levels, too often found in both governmental and law enforcement offices, also sworn to protect and serve the people of the United States.
 · To be ready and willing to end the taxation without real representation by refusing to fund the anti-American regime currently in control of Washington D.C., until such time as the taxpayers of this nation are once again properly represented.
 · To make the necessary provisions to secure and protect your families and neighborhoods in the event of economic instability and social chaos, similar to events already witnessed abroad, by stocking up on cash, food and water supplies, as well as personal protection items.
 · In the event that the current administration or its thug supporters attempt to use government or civilian force and violence to silence the people, as in the cases of Syria, Libya, Yemen, China’s Tiananmen Square, the Bonus Army of 1932 in the United States, or the UK presently wrestling with black and Muslim violence, the people must be prepared to defend themselves against such tyrannical tactics. This CALL FOR ACTION is being issued as a joint initiative, by the leaders and members of The Veteran Defenders of America, The Unites States Patriots Union and Stand Up America. All citizens who want to see the Constitutional Republic restored immediately are encouraged to immediately join one or more of these three unified organizations and become directly engaged in our joint missions to restore America to that shining city on a hill, and beacon of freedom and liberty around the world. We the People, are the solution! Foundation for Our United ActionOur Declaration of 1776 establishes the principles upon which The United States of America was founded. On September 17, 1787, our nation’s Founders ratified The United States Constitution, forming a Constitutional Representative Republic as our system of self-governance. From that day forward, the American people are guaranteed a Constitutional Representative Republic of, by and for the people, which was to at all times, operate within the confines of the limited authority provided the government by the people and their respective states. For decades, our federal government has been operating beyond its constitutional authority, infringing upon the Natural Rights of every American citizen and every American enterprise, until our government has indeed become destructive of the common cause of freedom and liberty. In its usurpations of the Constitution, it has committed atrocities against the people for which it was designed to protect and serve, until the people are forced to rise up in the name of freedom and liberty, casting off the shackles of soft tyranny and it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

 Our United Mission
 We are finished with changing America to suit every anti-American whim… This time, the change is coming to Washington D.C. It is not our intent to separate from any foreign King, nor to abolish or alter our Constitutional Representative Republic, but rather to restore it, as the Supreme law of this land, under which both the government and the governed must live. Our united mission is to end the march of democratic socialism, which has become the most dangerous modern threat to American peace, prosperity, freedom and liberty and reinstate the republican form of self-governance guaranteed every citizen in the U.S. Constitution. To accomplish this objective, the people responsible for the usurpation of the Constitution must be immediately removed from office and held fully accountable for their actions, setting an example for future generations, who must also be forever vigilant in the common defense of freedom and liberty. The long train of abuses and usurpations must be brought to a swift end and the Constitutional Republic must prevail, or the United States of America will soon cease to exist.

Our mission is just – it is moral – it is legal and constitutional and it is necessary… This is not a call to overthrow our entire institutions of government, or subvert the Law of the Land, but rather to restore those institutions to their honorable constitutional forms. As such, and under their oaths to the Constitution and the people whom they are sworn to protect and defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic, it is incumbent upon every citizen, veteran, soldier, officer and agent to use the tools of the people to protect the people and return our government to a Constitutional Republic of, by and for the people. Let Freedom Ring! May the Creator, who endowed each of us with certain unalienable rights, among them the right to Life, Liberty and the individual Pursuit of Happiness free from government tyranny, bless this mission of, by and for the people of the United States, and may the Lord let freedom ring in America, once again. We demand an end to government corruption, an end to despotic leadership in D.C., an end to the current assault on all decent and honest American taxpayers, businesses and honorable public servants of the people. We demand the peaceful return of the people’s government, and we will remain resolute in the defense of the Constitution and the United States of America until the people can once again, feel secure in their nation and government.

A‖, the following items only scratch the surface. The blatant abrogation of the United States Constitution, trampling the boundaries of law-based authority, deceit, bribery, aiding and abetting our sworn enemies, illegal manipulation of our election process and subverting election laws, and hundreds of other affronts and assaults to our liberties and freedoms, all fall under the category of ―high crimes and misdemeanors.‖
     1. Obama is a National Security threat since he definitely has questionable allegiance to the United States, not to mention his refusal to complete and release full, frank and truthful answers as to who he is.
     2. Obama and his handlers released an obvious forged birth certificate.
     3. Obama and his incompetent advisors have wreaked economic tyranny on the American people, all the while calling for the rest of us to endure economic sacrifice.
     4. Obama has destroyed accepted administrative process by creating 32 Czars who only report to him, bypassing the Congress and Cabinet. *
     5. In one year, Obama and his minions doubled our national debt, which took 200 years to accumulate.
     6. Obama and his Justice Department sided with a foreign government (Mexico) when they sued the State of Arizona in order to force the continuation of illegal immigration. *
     7. Obama and his henchmen proposed a 1% tax on all bank transactions (HR4646) to be implemented after the November 2012 elections.
     8. Obama signed HB1388 to use $20 million in taxpayer money to immigrate Hamas refugees to USA, and other migration assistance to Palestinian refugees.
     9. Obama passed ―Dream Act‖ by Executive Order which aide’s illegal aliens through ―prosecutorial discretion‖ all to garner votes for his election. The Heritage Foundation has provided extensive proof that illegal aliens and immigrants with green cards are committing rampant voter fraud. *
    10. Obama’s socialist, radical, dictatorial Moratorium on drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, for thirty years a major source of energy for America, and which a Federal Court ruled was unconstitutional, continues to prevent drilling, all under the pretense to protect the environment and the fraudulent notion of global warming. He is indifferent to the loss of 10,000 jobs and 87,000 workers destroyed. Perfect excuse to push ―Cap and Trade‖ with environmental regulations, and to push for governmental control of energy industries, i.e. General Motors, banking and healthcare.
     11. Obama and his Czars want to tax church contributions and replace charities with government welfare. *
     12. This administrations massive expansion of the federal government (350,000 employees) through agencies and Czars, whose goal is to ―fundamentally transform America.‖
     13. Obama’s own Federal Elections Commission documented that he got at least $33.8 million from disallowed foreign contributions, including 520 contributions from interests in Iran, and $30,000 from Hamas-controlled Gaza area.  *
  14. Obama said, ―We must reward our friends and punish our enemies.‖ 70 individuals who raised $50,000 or more for him ―have been rewarded with ambassadorships or high Ranking jobs.‖
     15. Obama and the cabal’s National Security Strategy released in May, allows for the targeted assassination of US citizens including ―homegrown terrorists‖ without due process. *
     16. Obama dhimmitude given Ramadan and Iftar dinners in the White House, while he cancels the National Day of Prayer without one word of objection from the Congress.
     17. Obama and his Muslim buddies agree and defend a 15 story mosque, bankrolled by terrorist sympathizers and anti-American Muslim groups, to be erected feet from the hallowed ground of the World Trade Center.
     18. Obama and his Justice Department’s refusal to support, defend and enforce US law, i.e. Defense of Marriage Act, stating it was unconstitutional, thereby circumventing established law and the rulings of the courts. *
     19. Obama and his warmongers attack Libya without any authority from Congress. *
     20. ObamaCare ruled unconstitutional and ordered stopped by the Federal Court…it was implemented regardless of the Federal Court. *
     21. Congress said Cap and Trade was unconstitutional and refused to pass the same. Obama ordered the EPA to enact the provisions regardless of the Congressional ruling. *
     22. Obama’s use of taxpayer money to pay for Democrat propaganda including $15 million for The American Reinvestment and Recovery Act road signs and $18 million for the continually misleading website. *
     23. $770 million of taxpayer funds given to Egypt and Cyprus for the restoration of mosques through USAID. *
     24. Obama has disgraced the United States by bowing to foreign potentates, while at the same time snubbed our longtime allies, Great Britain and Israel. Obama and his friends have deliberately fostered hate against the Jews and Israel by promoting a Palestinian State.
     25. Obama’s Department of Justice refusing to prosecute Black Panthers in Philadelphia caught on tape brandishing weapons in front of a voting site to intimidate voters. Further the stated intentions of political appointees of Obama who said they would ignore voter crimes committed by blacks, Latinos and other minorities. *
     26. Obama and his Cabinet intentionally refusing to secure our nation’s borders is in direct violation of Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution. This is an effort to blackmail Republican support for comprehensive immigration reform. They are in essence holding the Border States and residents as political hostages during a time when they live in fear and danger. *
     27. Obama and his handlers continually ignore Congress’s constitutional obligation to vet presidential appointees, as none of his 32 Czars was vetted by Congress, and his appointment of the head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services was appointed during Congress recess. *
     28. Department of Homeland Security now investigating to determine the political association for those making Freedom of Information Act Requests. If you are a Republican your request will be delayed and even ignored altogether.
     29. Obama’s Justice Department refusing to sue sanctuary cities for violating US immigration law. *
     30. Obama’s executive order which allows Interpol to operate in the US with no restraints, and without any oversight from Congress, courts, FBI or local law enforcement. *
     31. Obama’s administration and Justice Department discourage whistleblowers and prosecute them. Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton’s ongoing effort to create international small arms accords that will subvert the Second Amendment rights of US citizens.
     33. Obama and his State Department has failed to treat as an Act of War the takeover of sovereign land belonging to Arizona by the Mexican drug cartel.
     34. The State Department used $23 million in taxpayer money to transform Kenya into a constitutionally communist country where freedom of speech is limited and property rights are based on social justice. Don’t forget the Kenyan constitution allows for Sharia Law in some regions, which means women will not have basic human rights. *
     35. As part of the auto industry bailout and forced closings, shut down an unbelievable disproportionate number of dealerships in rural areas that did not vote for Obama.
     36. Obama’s refusal to have a press conference and answer the difficult questions as is expected by every US President. And as is usual with his total lack of respect for anyone but himself…he is always late for everything.
     37. Obama and his minions have downgraded the value of human life with their opposition to his signing ―Born Alive Infants Protection Act‖; however they lifted the ban on overseas abortion funding using US taxpayer’s money.
     38. Obama’s State Department foreign policy continually will do anything to insult our allies, embarrass the United States, all the while elevating and promoting third world Muslim countries. *
     39. Obama and his environmentalist henchmen are prohibiting US industries from taking advantage of our own natural resources including coal, oil, uranium and timber. *
  40. Despite all the political rhetoric about the historical downgrade of our nation’s credit rating, the devaluation was a mere shadow of the colossal degradation Obama and his socialist cadres have inflicted on our Country since January 20, 2009. More significant than our nation’s credit, our nation’s credibility as a constitutional republic has suffered relentless and ruthless damage and offense. *
     41. Obama deployed 1200 National Guard troops to Border States, where they will, under no circumstances, be used to stop the flow of illegal aliens and drug traffickers.
     42. Despite a court’s ruling and Congress’s opposition, Obama’s FCC continues to try to gain control over the Internet, by reclassifying internet companies as telecommunications providers, thereby making them subject to FCC regulation. *
     43. A slick move no one noticed moving the Census Bureau out of the Commerce Department directly into the White House and under the control and management of Rahm Emmanuel, Chief of Staff.
     44. Obama attempts to run this Country with Executive Orders.
     45. Under the cover of secrecy and without any input from Congress, state or local officials and current land owners, the Department of the Interior plans to take control of millions of public and private lands in Western states by designating them national monuments.
     46. Obama through Eric Holder has handcuffed and taken over the CIA, which has been the most critical, independent information gathering resource safe-guarding our national security. Obama has revealed, ridiculed and condemned CIA interrogation methods which were previously approved by Congress and cleared through the Justice Department. He has demonstrated to our enemies (terrorists) that they need not fear us. *
     47. Obama’s known history is replete with symbiotic associations and participation with admitted anti-American radicals, many of which/who advocate the destruction of American imperialism and capitalism, even through violent means. Consider William Ayers, Khalid Al Mansour, Rhashid Khalidi, Jeremiah Wright, Saul Alinsky, James Cohen, Mike Klonsky, as well as organizations such as the Weather Underground, STORM, Chicago Annenberg Challenge, Woods Foundation, ACORN, which have all received major tax payer funded support. Obama has never denied or even argued about his nefarious involvement with these people and organizations.
     48. At the expense of the American taxpayer to the tune of $6 Billion, Obama and his handlers have established their own Civilian Paramilitary Security Force made up with the likes of SEIU, STORM, ACORN, RUCKUS, The Apollo Project (Soros), AmeriCorps, Color of Change, Drummond Pike/Project and others who choose to remain anonymous. *
     49. Loss of free speech to the tune of half a billion dollars of taxpayer money, given to Obama appointee Mark Lloyd ―FCC Diversity Officer‖, and avowed pro-Chavez radical, ordered by Obama to rein in free speech on the airwaves by reorganizing the FCC and placing a tax equal to annual operating costs on local radio stations, which they either pay or lose their license to a new minority owner. *
     50. Historic and unprecedented move by Obama’s cabal to indoctrinate our children in socialist, humanist garbage, sent a video to all schools, and naturally this scheme was promoted by the NEA, with the children taking a pledge, ―…to be a servant to our president and to all mankind‖, and then they chant over and over ―together we can.‖ He is asking our children to choose him and his agenda, over anything you might teach at home. *
     51. Obama’s appointment of Safe Schools Czar, Kevin Jennings, founder of Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network, has determined required reading material for our schools which promotes pornography, not to mention homosexuality. This information is so massive, if you type into Google, Obama’s ―Safe Schools Czar‖ Is Promoting Child Porn in the classroom-Kevin Jennings and the GLSEN Reading List, click on the first site, you can read it for yourself…be prepared to vomit. *
     52. Obama protected union interests over those of GM and Chrysler bond holders during bankruptcy proceedings, forcing investors to accept millions in losses, funds which they were legally entitled to. *
     53. In a time when Americans are asked to sacrifice, I guess this does not apply to Michelle Obama, since she has 22 personal assistants, which does not include a makeup artist and hair stylist, at the cost to the American taxpayer of $6,364,000 for 4 years. These assistants’ sole duties are to facilitate her social life. She must be a lot more incompetent than first thought, since as First Ladies Hillary Clinton only had 3 assistants, Jacqueline Kennedy had 1 assistant, and Laura Bush had 1 assistant.
     54. On June 9, 2011, Obama signed Executive Order 13575 establishing the ―White House Rural Council‖ which establishes unchecked federal control into rural America in education, food supply, land use, water use, recreation, property, energy, and the lives of 16% of the US population. No Congressional or local government oversight or input. *
     55. Obama’s handler’s establishment of the ―Super Committee‖ is the final nail in our republic’s coffin, and the establishment of a Marxist dictatorship. Congress has always had committees which meet and return to the main body with ideas and suggestions, which is then amended, debated, rewritten, and finally voted on. Not this Super Committee, their determinations are presented to the Congress who are not allowed to discuss debate, modify, rewrite. The Congress is limited to a straight up or down vote. Why is the Congress accepting this infringement on their constitutional duties? *
     56. Obama forced British Petroleum to set up $20 billion slush fund supposedly to compensate Gulf coast residents and businesses, and sets up an Obama appointee to administer funds with no judicial or congressional oversight. *
   57. Obama’s cabal cancelled 77 oil field development contracts already certified as proper by the Bush administration. This deliberate affront by Obama’s Interior Secretary prevents the extraction of 3 trillion gallons of oil in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and North Dakota, which is more than enough to end our dependence on foreign oil. *
    58. Obama signed the Russian-American START treaty which hampers US missile defense development and makes it difficult for us to modernize our rapidly aging nuclear weapons arsenal. It represents unilateral disarmament by the US in return for nothing more than Russian good will. What a joke.
    59. Perhaps one of Obama’s most pathetic stunts was his chair of the UN Security Council, never done by a US sitting President. He was in the right place sitting as chair over an organization ruled by tyrants, and showing his true dual loyalties.
    60. And lastly, we need to look at Obama’s character, or in this case, his lack thereof. Obama is a total incognito with zero accomplishments. No experience, no education, no business sense or experience (only 8% of his entire administration has ever held a real job or run a business, other than being on the government dole), no military experience, a dangerous and treacherous narcissist, arrogant, incompetent, no class, serial liar, no humility, juvenile, no dignity, no genuine empathy, his personal narcissism and arrogance veiled by his hollow spoken empathy, quite ignorant, racist, Muslim, bereft of conscience, unable to determine between his fantasy and reality, incapable of genuine caring or concern, artificial, blames everyone else for his failure, and most of all Obama is a puppet, owned by his handlers, who maneuvered and manufactured his pathetic life.
 NOTE: The items herein marked with an (*) at the end of the numbered statement, reflect a deliberate and malicious violation of the duties of the President as cited in Article II, Section 3. Of the United States Constitution, i.e. ―…he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed…‖.
## Paul E. Vallely MG, US Army (Ret)Chairman – Stand Up AmericaCEO – NEMO LLC ( New Evolution Military Ordnance)E-Mail:;; www.soldiersmemorialfund.orgFax: 406 837 0996 Paul E. Vallely MG, US Army (Ret)Chairman – Stand Up AmericaCEO – NEMO LLC ( New Evolution Military Ordnance)E-Mail:;; www.soldiersmemorialfund.orgFax: 406 837 0996

Saturday, October 1, 2011


From an insider to the programs ---- just rec'd via email

Subject: PP - History is Being Made Right Now
CHECK THIS OUT FOR YOURSELF - google: global settlements, white Hats, white knights, and History Behind the National Economic Security And Reformation Act (N.E.S.A.R.A). This came from a friend - CHECK THIS OUT FOR YOURSELF.













Marines coming to the rescue of the people - Gotta Love Them!

#OccupyWallStreet - 'The Marines are Coming to PROTECT the Protestors'

Last updated on October 1, 2011 at 3:24 pm EDT by in5d Alternative News
by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

#OccupyWallStreet - "The Marines are Coming to Wall Street to PROTECT the Protestors' | in5d Alternative News | |October 1, 2011 - TAMPA, FL - The Occupy Wall Street movement may have just received an unexpected surprise – United States Army and Marine troops are reportedly on their way to various protest locations to support the movement and to protect the protesters.
Army serviceman  Ward  Reilly posted the following on Facebook:
“I'm heading up there tonight in my dress blues. So far, 15 of my fellow marine buddies are meeting me there, also in Uniform.

I want to send the following message to Wall St and Congress:
I didn't fight for Wall St. I fought for America. Now it's Congress' turn.

My true hope, though, is that we Veterans can act as first line of defense between the police and the protester. If they want to get to some protesters so they can mace them, they will have to get through the Fucking Marine Corps first. Let's see a cop mace a bunch of decorated war vets.

I apologize now for typos and errors. Typing this on iPhone whilst heading to NYC. We can organize once we're there. That's what we do best.If you see someone in uniform, gather together.

#OccupyWallStreet - "The Marines are Coming to Wall Street to PROTECT the Protestors' | in5d Alternative News | |A formation will be held tonight at 10PM.

We all took an oath to uphold, protect and defend the constitution of this country. That's what we will be doing.

Hope to see you there!!”
Reilly added, “Please note...this is from another veteran, NOT ME. (I was Army, he's a Marine)...and I am on my way to DC, not NYC. :>) ....but this is fantastic, and he's not a VFP guy....just a soldier that is outraged by what we have become in this country, as it should be.
Occupy Washington, DC link
“A LOT of veterans get it,” Reilly stated.  “Only one third of one percent of our citizens serve in the military, and we are the ones who sacrifice MUCH, and all we ask in return is that civilians control the people they elect. (miserable failure so far) But ...the image of police, or anyone else, pepper spraying veterans or even confronting them, is "priceless" as they say, and will help slap this country into seeing what we have become.(totally insane, politically and police-state-wise). And EXACTLY what I have requested from my brother and sister veterans in DC Oct.6.”
This could be the defining moment that sends the Occupy Wall Street movement into perpetual motion.
In this writer's opinion, these servicemen, and any other troops who join in, are heroes, just like the everyday heroes who have been there from day 1 along with those who are now joining in.

#OccupyWallStreet - 'The Marines are Coming to PROTECT the Protestors'  | in5d Alternative News | |JP Morgan Lobbying for Support?

In related news, JP Morgan recently donated the largest gift in their history of $4.6 million to the NYPD. New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly sent CEO and Chairman Jamie Dimon a note expressing "profound gratitude" for the company's donation.
Let's go back in history. In 1893, bankster JP Morgan funded Tesla's free energy device. When Morgan found out that there was no way of charging people for it, he suppressed this technology. Shortly afterwards, Morgan became one of the founding fathers of the Federal Reserve Ponzi scheme. The corruption between JP Morgan, the individual and JP Morgan, the corporation, is undivided.
For a GLOBAL list of Occupy Wall Street protests, check out Occupy Together - A Global Occupation Movement
What are your thoughts? Comment below.
Copyright Information: Copyright in5d and Gregg Prescott, M.S.. This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in digital form with full attribution to the author and a link to Please contact us for permission to reproduce this content in other media formats.

Message from 'Anonymous' - Time to Dispense Frontier Justice on the Banksters -vid

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Message from 'Anonymous' - Time to Dispense Frontier Justice on the Banksters -vid
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 1-Oct-2011 12:24:03
A message from Anonymous concerning Occupy Wall Street and the bankers.

Taps explained by John Wayne

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Taps explained by John Wayne, Perform by USMC Band & A Medal Of Honor Roll
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Saturday, 1-Oct-2011 07:16:40
Taps explained by John Wayne, Perform by USMC Band & A Medal Of Honor Roll
COL. RUSSELL HERRMANN'S Casket with the American Flag encased on top and ATTACHE CASE sitting beside the CASKET

By: Mrs. Russell Herrman-Herman, Widow

IN MEMORY OF: Activist Sherman Skolnick Passes At 73
Sherman Skolnick of the Cable Television Program Broadside, and was a co-host of Cloak and Dagger Radio in Canada, died at 73 yrs old at his home.He was also the Chairman of the Citizens Committee to Clean up the Court.

IN MEMORY OF GUENTHER RUSSBACHER, FRANK SUMA and so many others as members of THE PRESIDENTS CENTURIONS who have lost their lives doing the bidding of the "US Corporate WHITE HOUSE".

Global Banking, Financing and Economics are in their 'death throws'

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Global Banking, Financing and Economics are in their 'death throws' while J.P. MORGAN-Chase, MORGAN STANLEY fInd themsel
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Saturday, 1-Oct-2011 06:03:05
Currently the Global Banking, Financing and Economics are in their 'death throws' while J.P. MORGAN-Chase, MORGAN STANLEY fInd themselves sitting on an FX DERIVATIVE TIME BOMB...WHY?!
How did this happen??
To answer the questions: JP MORGAN, WR GRACE, ROTHSCHILD BANKING "TRIPOD" of the 1860's "Fraud and arrogance pushed to the limits resulted in the Rope ran out" they finally had enough rope to hang themselves with a sudden jerk when THE AMERICAN BONDHOLDER began providing information to Interpol, World Bank Executvies, Bank of International Settlements and Central Banks around the World pointing out the most minute detail which begs 'auditors' take a serious look at the 'underlying asset base' of Jamie Diamons J.P. Morgan-Chase, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, George Soros etals .. It is believed strongly when they dig in to the "asset base collateral" they will find serious discrepencies in the Deeds of Assignment for Consideration assigned to Nations, Nations Central Banks, World Collateral House etc on transactions backed only by the 'forged signature notarized four (4) years after Date of Death of the 'then believed owner' registered in Recorded Records Clark County Nevada Official Records, 980810 Instrument 00323, filed August 10, 1998 as mentioned in Global Alliance Investment Association "Deed of Assignment for Consideration No. 18102122 " dated October 22, 1999 which can be read here .
Investigators and Auditors must compare the "deed" identifier/qualifier as identified in the before-mentioned "Deed of Assignment for Consideration No. 18102122 " which identifies the "Asset Base" as Bonus Contract-Certificate Number 3392-181, approved by Legislative Resolution on April 24-27, 1875, Duly Authorized by the President of Peru, April 26, 1875 and Acknowledged and Accepted May 1, 1875, Re-Affirmed, Re-confirmed and Reconformed on the behalf of the government at the Counsalate of Peru, August 21, 1989, Order Number 7309, Document Number 046, Duly Sealed by said Consul General of Peru at Los Angeles, California, United States of America, Presidential Order confirmed by the US Senate per petition of Elihu Root, Secretary of War, in 1906, and Number 1893, Book of Deeds Number 433, Page 849, County of Washington, City of Nashville, State of Illinois, also recorded on August 10, 1998 at 8:35 A.M., Recorded Records Clark County Nevada Official Records, 980810 Instrument 00323.
Investigators and Auditors, in reviewing the "Underlying Asset Base" of the before-mentioned compare the Re-Certification August 21, 1989 to Dona Vina Durham as Owner/Holder who's signature is firm and shall not be contested against the before mentioned contained in just one of the thousands and thousands of "Deed of Assignment for Consideration" assigned to unsuspecting victims .
Investigators and Auditors, in further reviewing the "Underlying Asset Base" compare the TRUE AND CORRECT Deed, also in my name against the "identifyer" below used in an agreement to "Split 50%-50% with the UST/FED. R. with the Council on Foreign Relations agreeing to sit silent" see: PUBLIC NOTICE
"Number 1893, Book of Deeds Number 433, Page 849, County of Washington, City of Nashville, State of Illinois, also recorded on August 10, 1998 at 8:35 A.M., Recorded Records Clark County Nevada Official Records, 980810 Instrument 00323."
Investigators and Auditors, Interpol, BIS, WB/IMF serious consideration should be given to the Willful, Malicious, Deceptive, Careless Disregard for Lives and Property of those suffering the utter devastation of their National Sovereignty such as never before in history as we are seeing expressed by the Outrage of the People such as in Greece, Germany, France, EURO Nations.. Which began when a letter was sent to my late husbands dear friends. HELLENIC EXPRESS INTERNATIONAL, INC [To: G. Lymberis] 6.12.96 [“please note that the first two paragraphs of the ASSIGNMENT ...”] (Page 2 of 3) [“Acknowledged and Accepted May 1, 1875”] (plus EJ. EKKER signature) & (Hand Note: ... “This exactly what went to Greece”)
(Page 3 of 3) with a follow up request from Mr. Martin and
Upon discovering "Trading with Nations Under US SANCTION with Libya, Iran, Iraq, S. Africa with Dr. Louis Farahkahn and Dr. Horn: Unwanted Publicity Intelligence - Covered Bonds & Bank Paper ...
by, Unwanted Publicity Intelligence ... INC. lies not only Dr. Horn but Berndt Weber Submitted for review and commentary by, Unwanted Publicity Intelligence ...
The Greek Family's used were GEORGE LYMBRACIS and THE GREEK MINISTER OF FINANCE, ... When the GAIA-EKKERS were finished with George Lymbracis, George Lymbracis was a destroyed man. Died.
Ghana a nation in desperate throes for its very existence. Read:
(deku31* Please Note..the Commander Hatonn-Gaia-Ekkers did not use a full set of deed numbers.)
As Nation after Nation attempts to keep their Sovereignties.. while each of those Nations such as the recent Egypt situation, the current Iran situation, the Saddam Iraq situation, Libya's Quadaffi situation, Afghanistan's situation, Turkey/Greece situation can all be traced back to "highly suspect" "Underlying Asset Base" of J.P. MORGAN-CHASE etals.
V.K. Durham, CEO Durham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust, Tias 12087

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/24/2011
Five Banks Account For 96% Of The $250 Trillion In Outstanding US Derivative Exposure; Is Morgan Stanley Sitting On An FX Derivative Time Bomb?

The latest quarterly report from the Office Of the Currency Comptroller is out and as usual it presents in a crisp, clear and very much glaring format the fact that the top 4 banks in the US now account for a massively disproportionate amount of the derivative risk in the financial system. Specifically, of the $250 trillion in gross notional amount of derivative contracts outstanding (consisting of Interest Rate, FX, Equity Contracts, Commodity and CDS) among the Top 25 commercial banks (a number that swells to $333 trillion when looking at the Top 25 Bank Holding Companies), a mere 5 banks (and really 4) account for 95.9% of all derivative exposure (HSBC replaced Wells as the Top 5th bank, which at $3.9 trillion in derivative exposure is a distant place from #4 Goldman with $47.7 trillion). The top 4 banks: JPM with $78.1 trillion in exposure, Citi with $56 trillion, Bank of America with $53 trillion and Goldman with $48 trillion, account for 94.4% of total exposure. As historically has been the case, the bulk of consolidated exposure is in Interest Rate swaps ($204.6 trillion), followed by FX ($26.5TR), CDS ($15.2 trillion), and Equity and Commodity with $1.6 and $1.4 trillion, respectively. And that's your definition of Too Big To Fail right there: the biggest banks are not only getting bigger, but their risk exposure is now at a new all time high and up $5.3 trillion from Q1 as they have to risk ever more in the derivatives market to generate that incremental penny of return.

Deutschmark redux. US Fed (not IMF, ECB, Germany or EuroZone members) will pay for managed default of Greece sovereign debt.

Saturday, October 01, 2011
Alcuin Bramerton Twitter .. WikiLeaks Master Mirror Sites .. #1ab archive
Alcuin Bramerton profile ..... Index of blog contents ..... Home .....#1ab

Deutschmark redux. US Fed (not IMF, ECB, Germany or EuroZone members) will pay for managed default of Greece sovereign debt. Bernanke fiat-paper funnymoney to buy time for Germany to re-introduce Deutschmark and exit Euro. Currency printers instructed.
This is what accounts for the surprisingly easy passage of the Greek-related bailout legislation in the German Bundestag on Thursday 29th September 2011. Key German parliamentarians were privately assured by Angel Merkel that the measure would cost Germany nothing. The US Fed syndicate would stump up all the fake money necessary to fool the markets and buy time for Germany's long-planned exit from the Euro.

This extra funnyfunding from the US will bring the Fed's total bill for global fiat-paper support since 2008 to something in excess $100 trillion (not $16 trillion as reported in the Western mainstream media).

The media-fooling scam in Germany was intended to create a quiet operating space for the re-introduction of Germany's original post-World War II currency, the Deutschmark, so that the country can finally ditch the Euro and recapitalise its zombie banks.

The Deutschmark currency printers have been given urgent new hurry-up contracts. And it is time to unpack all those old 1948 Deutschmarks. They were carefully stored away in the vaults of the Deutsche Bundesbank, Deutsche Bank AG and Commerzbank AG (Dresdner) for such a moment as this. It appears that only the reintroduction of the Deutschmark can save Angela Merkel from her electorate.

One result of Germany leaving the EuroZone will be an immediate collapse in the value of the Euro for those countries which choose to remain in it. A massive devaluation for the rest of Europe will be unavoidable. Some say that this could be the Iceland-exit for Italy and Spain.

More here (29.09.11) and here (14.12.10).

Friday, September 30, 2011

Five Banks Account For 96% Of The $250 Trillion In Outstanding US Derivative Exposure

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Five Banks Account For 96% Of The $250 Trillion In Outstanding US Derivative Exposure
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 30-Sep-2011 20:57:05
Source: Zero Hedge
Five Banks Account For 96% Of The $250 Trillion In Outstanding US Derivative Exposure; Is Morgan Stanley Sitting On An FX Derivative Time Bomb?
The latest quarterly report from the Office Of the Currency Comptroller is out and as usual it presents in a crisp, clear and very much glaring format the fact that the top 4 banks in the US now account for a massively disproportionate amount of the derivative risk in the financial system.
Specifically, of the $250 trillion in gross notional amount of derivative contracts outstanding (consisting of Interest Rate, FX, Equity Contracts, Commodity and CDS) among the Top 25 commercial banks (a number that swells to $333 trillion when looking at the Top 25 Bank Holding Companies), a mere 5 banks (and really 4) account for 95.9% of all derivative exposure (HSBC replaced Wells as the Top 5th bank, which at $3.9 trillion in derivative exposure is a distant place from #4 Goldman with $47.7 trillion).
The top 4 banks: JPM with $78.1 trillion in exposure, Citi with $56 trillion, Bank of America with $53 trillion and Goldman with $48 trillion, account for 94.4% of total exposure.
As historically has been the case, the bulk of consolidated exposure is in Interest Rate swaps ($204.6 trillion), followed by FX ($26.5TR), CDS ($15.2 trillion), and Equity and Commodity with $1.6 and $1.4 trillion, respectively.
And that's your definition of Too Big To Fail right there:
the biggest banks are not only getting bigger, but their risk exposure is now at a new all time high and up $5.3 trillion from Q1 as they have to risk ever more in the derivatives market to generate that incremental penny of return.
(end snip)
more here:

100 Days to Set the Course for the Future!

100 Days to Set the Course for the Future!
September 29, 2011
When I was in Alaska less than two weeks ago, the Lord began to speak about the 100 days ahead. I looked up and saw a window. Within the window were 100 doors. This looked like an Advent Calendar, where you open a door a day to find a unique surprise each day. Not only is there a surprise, but each day you uncover revelation that reveals a story and gives you a clear vision for the season ahead! During our Head of the Year Gathering the Lord began to give additional revelation:

"Nations Stand at Crossroads"

"I am sending My lightnings! I have been waiting to fill My children's mouths with the voice of Heaven! I am sending forth My messengers of lightening this hour. I have a people that will become lightning rods! They will then become storms in the earth. You will create storms and you will storm atmospheres of darkness in days ahead.

"You stand at crossroads. Nations stand at crossroads. The nations are yearning and saying, 'It is time for us to run. Show us which way to run.' My people will determine the way nations in the Valley of Decision will choose to go! My people will split the occult powers that are holding entire nations captive.

"I am entering you into a 100 day window where you will begin to open what has not yet flowed down from My Throne, to create the disturbances in the atmospheres of the earth. For now is My time that the disturbances of earth will occur. You are entering into a season where the earth will be disturbed! This will allow glory to rise. You will be like one who penetrates what has not been penetrated. You will pierce through and into structures that have refused to give up captured blessings!

"The Treasuries of Heaven and Earth will Shake"

"You are entering an apostolic and accelerating season! I will send you into places where My Government does not exist! You are entering the apostolic season of going forth. Be willing to go to places that you have never gone before! Be willing to be on teams that will demonstrate My power! Separation has now been activated. Those who have separated will now go forth and illuminate.

"Visit the threshing floor! At the threshing floors of your ministry and territories, the separation that is necessary to pull in your next wealth structure will occur! I am watching and waiting for you to stand on the threshing floor! Then, wealth can be released.

"The Treasuries of Heaven and Earth will shake. Watch and hear the announcements of the Treasury over these next 100 days! The announcement of the treasuries of the earth will mean that I am shifting My people into a new anointing.

"I am separating the Esaus and Jacobs in your region. That which has warred in your midst as Esau, against My Jacobs, will now change! Lightning is falling on the Jacobs of this hour.

"Mothers of Israel..."

"To the mothers of Israel, I say, 'Rise up and prophecy what I have shown you! I have shown you what is to come, but you have submitted that into the atmosphere wrongly! Prophesy and submit to the atmosphere. Cry out in the temples what is to come. Just as I revealed to Rebekah Jacob's call, I have revealed already to the mothers of Israel the calls of My leaders for the future.

"Open your mouths and speak these calls forth. I am expanding My people and I am bringing down within you that which will explode and cause you to expand. Move with Me, for even the place you stand in here is not the place in which I intend to perform My acts.'

"This is the beginning of preparing the way into the miracle acts for the future. Know this: I now am activating you and you will be those that target what you were afraid to target in the last season. I will show you how to shoot that arrow that is rising up from within the depths of your belly. The arrow will come from your mouth and will penetrate what you could not previously penetrate.

"Get ready. You have been activated into the season called 'Lightning'. You have been commissioned to go forth and break open and demonstrate My plan in the season ahead.

"Do not allow the votes of some nation to cause you to back away. I have a Bride that is captured in those nations that are set against Me. I will now activate and send My people in like lightning strikes, to cause the Bride to be liberated.

"Deliverance Will Now Explode Throughout the Earth Realm"

"You are entering a 'going' season. You are entering an 'activated' season. You are entering a season of demonstration. You are entering a season when every thought you have you will activate and produce victory. You are entering a season of corporate deliverance. Entire congregations will be delivered in a day. You stand at the crossroads of deliverance for cities and nations. Deliverance is now being released into the earth. Deliverance will now explode throughout the earth realm. I am positioning and synergizing My gifts NOW for this hour.

"Your left foot will now be able to be used to crush heads of serpents. I am anointing that left foot to crush serpents. Your right foot will find its hold to climb." (Then I saw the side of a mountain with people's left feet going on a serpents' heads and right feet allowing people to crush and leap.) "You are entering into a season of crushing and leaping. You will crush the enemy and leap onto the next ledge for vision. Get ready. You are going forth crushing and leaping into the year ahead."


September 29, 2011
King David was a man after Gods heart. Although he had gone through many battles, he was an overcomer and became a leader. When he was running from Saul, the Lord sent him to the cave of Adullam. There were four hundred men in this cave that were in distress, in debt and discontented. David taught them how to be invincible warriors as they were raised up and trained as a mighty army. In 1 Samuel chapter 30 when David and his men returned home from war, they reached Ziklag, and found it destroyed by fire and their wives, sons and daughters were taken captive by the Amalekites. David and his men wept aloud until they had no strength left to weep. They reached the breaking point and the people even turned against David wanting to stone him. But then something rose up in David. He strengthened himself in the Lord, and asked Him; "Shall I pursue this troop? Will I overtake them?" The Lord responded: "Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all."

The Lord says, although the battle's have been fierce and everything in your life seems to be destroyed and lost forever, you shall not be defeated. As you encourage yourself in Me, you will gain spiritual momentum as you set your mind on things above and resist all discouragement. Stay strong and trust Me in the battle. Even when the enemy comes in with an ambush, stand steadfast in the armor that I have provided for you. Stand immovable knowing that I have given you the ability and the authority to overcome every assault that is raised up against you. Do not deviate from the truth and don't ever retreat. Stand on the promises that are available to you. Do not allow the enemy to intimidate you and don't be moved by his ineffectual strategies. Rise up as men and women of faith and take the position of the warrior that I have created you to be. Do not allow fear or bitterness to take root and refuse to be moved by the things that you hear and see. As you trust in Me, I will not fail you or lead you astray but you shall surely pursue, overtake and without fail recover all says the Lord.
1 Samuel 30: 6
  Now David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and his daughters. But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God.
1 Samuel 30: 8 - 10
 So David inquired of the Lord, saying, "Shall I pursue this troop? Shall I overtake them?" And He answered him, "Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all." So David went, he and the six hundred men who were with him, and came to the Brook Besor, where those stayed who were left behind. But David pursued, he and four hundred men; for two hundred stayed behind, who were so weary that they could not cross the Brook Besor.

1 Samuel 30: 18 - 20
David recovered all that the Amalekites had carried away, and David rescued his two wives. And nothing of theirs was lacking either small or great, sons or daughters, spoils or anything which they had taken from them; David recovered all. Then David took all the flocks and herds they had driven before those other livestock, and said, "This is David's spoil." 

Those who obeyed that will reap a harvest that will delight and overwhelm them.


The Spirit of the Lord says:

The moratorium has been lifted, the waiting is over! I placed you for awhile in My hiding place until you were completely broken, and pulled up, so that I could set you up. My chosen ones have rent their hearts, not only the outer works. For only from this place of being broken can I truly build and plant. The difficulty has always been when you are trying to build on what others have begun in your past. You will keep repeating the same weakness from your previous generations. When you fight against Me as I clear the ground to plant, and you keep throwing old seeds into my garden, it will tend to bring only confusion to you. I want to lay a foundation that no other can compare too, but you must let Me tear down and destroy the old foundations in order to begin anew. I will not fight against your will, you must be willing. To those who have resisted, I ask, are you not tired of the results of trying to be your own God?

In this present season, many will receive a harvest that they did not expect, for they only planted what they thought was best. Yet they deceived themselves to believe a lie. It will not be good for them. Many would not heed My voice as I spoke clearly and often to them to pluck up the seeds that they planted. At the same time and quite often in the same house, there will be those who obeyed that will reap a harvest that will delight and overwhelm them. These are My hero-warriors, those who did not quit or run from the transition. They allowed Me to do the necessary clearing of the land in their hearts. It was hard at times but they endured, now they will come forth as gold, pure gold! For all who have rent their hearts and changed their minds to meet up to My conditions, I will leave a greater blessing than they can believe. There is nothing that you have lost in the past season that I will not restore to you double during this harvest season. I must remind you of this, your heart is the most important ground. 

That is why you must guard and keep your heart, and have your eyes and mind fixed on the goal of the Kingdom.



Lee Smolin, The Trouble with Physics
    For more than two centuries, until the present period, our understanding of the laws of nature expanded rapidly. But today, despite our best efforts, what we know for certain about these laws is no more than what we knew back in the 1970s. How…for three decades to pass without major progress in fundamental physics?
John Magueijo, Faster Than the Speed of Light
    Unfortunately, Einstein himself bears a lot of the responsibility for having brought about this state of affairs in fundamental physics… He became more mystical and started to believe that mathematical beauty alone … could point scientists in the right direction. Regretfully, when he discovered general relativity—employing this strategy—he succeeded! And this experience spoiled him for the rest of his life …



tem-2 1
From Ancient Wisdom (Right Brain Mind-Soul Technology) of the Past, to Modern Science (Left Brain Mind-Spirit Technology) of Today, and to a Predictive Deterministic Bio-Quantum Science (Left-Right Soul-Spirit Technology) of the Future


Because We Need it!
This will be you tomorrow! A little Angel for you.......
You have just been sent a Financial Abundance angel!

You ARE already rich!!!
I am not joking; you will find an un-expected windfall.
If you delete her, you will never know how she works?.
She really does work like magic!


NO Pass Backs. P
ass HER forward *** Pass it on ! cid:image002.jpg@01CC7DCA.1D011DE0
Apparently this is the e-mail that the employee's at ATB in
passed around before they won the big lottery last year.
Let's hope it works for you.

There are five things that you cannot recover in life:

(1) The Stone..........after it's thrown
(2) The Word............after it's said,
(3) The Occasion......after it's missed, and
(4) The Time..............after it's gone.
(5) A person.............after they die

This is a money angel. Pass it to 6 of your good friends
or family and be rich in 4 days.
Pass it to 12 of your good friends or family and be rich in 2 days.
I am not joking. You will find an unexpected windfall.

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey September 30, 2011

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey September 30, 2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 30-Sep-2011 04:59:03

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey September 30, 2011
The dark Ones are losing their power and the Lightworkers are closing in on them. The object is to keep them from delaying the changes that are so near, so that our plan can take off with all speed. As you might realize, immense organization has gone into it, and our allies have been taking up their positions for quite some time. Each project is a massive undertaking, but with our advanced technologies we can progress even the tiniest detail. When we give the signal to go ahead, it will work like a military campaign and it will overwhelm any opposition. As you may guess, matters will proceed much better when the right people have replaced those in authority who do not truly represent you. Attending to that is high on our list, and about to take top priority.
You are handling the changes so well, and it is helped by your understanding of your involvement and how important you are to us. We want you to see that whatever happens now is all part of the breakdown of the old, and its interface with the new. Indeed so much is new, that little of the old will remain as you know it now. You are to take a great leap forward into the Age of Surprises, giving you all of the advantages that should long ago have lifted you into the New Age. You have heard so much about energy saving devices, and once these are introduced, you will no longer be dependent on the Oil Industries. At a stroke, they will end poor standards of living whilst at the same time massively reducing pollution. In general the basic needs of people will be covered and starvation eradicated. The changes in transportation will take time, and the systems will be unrecognizable to what they are now. Speed of contact and communication will be accessible to all, and distance will be of no importance.
Overcoming lack is an easy challenge for us to meet, and again it is both our technologies and vast numbers of personnel who can easily deal with it. We are so wanting to get going, and we certainly have patience and at the same time we are anticipating the joy and happiness that is coming to you. We love the thought of seeing the expressions on your faces, and your release from the thraldom of years of being subservient to those with wealth and power. Peace shall descend within a short time, as war and the weapons of war will be silenced. War has been perpetuated for many reasons, and not least of all to keep you in a constant state of need.
Your true life starts very soon, and so it will continue as you rise even further upwards. Life is meant to be fun and fulfilling, rewarding and challenging to allow a full expression of your potential. Hitherto you have been firmly kept in your place with little opportunity of doing so. Each of you have so much talent, and with so much time to yourself in the future will be able to devote as much to it as you wish. It can cover self development in the arts, music or whatever your choice. There is truly no limit to how far you can go, and the greatest teachers will help you along.
Life can at present be exceptionally boring, but in the future will become full of opportunities and adventures that could even take you to other Universes. In your higher state of consciousness, you will meet other souls of a like level who acknowledge the Creator as you do. You will have all the time you need as your life span will increase with the upliftment in your vibrations, and a 1000 years would not be uncommon. As you are no doubt beginning to realize, life on Earth really bears little resemblance to what you would call normal once you have ascended. The 3rd dimension and its home of duality, is by its very nature one where you experience a severe testing, and yet you desired that experience.
Given everything you know now, you will gain much strength to see out the last period of duality. It will be hectic, it will sometimes be threatening to life and limb, yet for all that the Golden Age is taking shape and awaits your presence. We ask for what reason would you want to remain in the lower dimensions, when all that you could dream of is waiting for you. Realize that you can only reach your full potential in the higher dimensions, and that your earthly incarnations are planned primarily to speed up your evolution. Think of what the future holds for you, and we are certain that it will easily carry you through the remainder of your life. That way you can actually enjoy it by not allowing any negativity into it.
On the world stage the big players are polarizing in such a way, that the Light has more support than ever, and it continues to increase exponentially. Together with the increasing amounts being sent to Earth, it is apparent to us that this year will end with the highest levels of Light in this cycle. There is no doubt whatsoever that you are ready to move into the next stage, that will open a clear path to Ascension. This year will close with a resounding victory for the Light and with it will come the prospect of total peace on Earth, for the first time in thousands of years. Hold this vision and you will help it manifest, and lift up those around you.
Our tasks remain much the same as always, with the focus upon the dark Ones and their activities. We know them well and are aware of their plans to make a last gasp attempt to create a false alien attack. We are allowed to prevent it, and shall not hesitate to do so. As we see it, other events will precede such a time that will in any event make it impossible. We abide by the High Councils who decide policy matters, and are well aware of the Divine Decree concerning the end-times. It is time for the Light to become the controlling influence in deciding how the future works out.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and find our reception from you is very friendly and accepting of our presence. Some fear our motives but that results from years of conditioning, that is meant to see us as a threat to your lives. We know we can soon dispel them, and disclosure will allow us an opportunity to present ourselves to you. You will find that our very words carry the vibration of love, and that will calm such fears. Our actions have never been threatening, but have shown the caring and love we have for you all.
Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Your Chance to Personally Meet a real CLS LightBeing

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Your Chance to Personally Meet a real CLS LightBeing & Walk-In In Person This Weekend @ LAX Hilton Conscious Life Expo
Posted By: mroxygen [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 29-Sep-2011 12:00:17
Your Chance to Meet a Real CLS LightBeing & Walk-In, In Person, This Weekend @ LAX Hilton Conscious Life Expo
Many have been enjoying reading the continuous CLS Military Action and other reports here on RMN, and a rare opportunity is right now available to us at the Los Angeles Hilton airport on Century Drive at LAX, and you should definitely take advantage of this opportunity to come this weekend if you can.
This weekend, anyone can have the experience of personally meeting a genuine CLS LightBeing from the Creation Lightship - a man who consciously walked into his human Earth body here at 6 months of age.
He is the only person on Earth in constant communication with the Creation Lightship stationed in the True Light Universe of NOW, beyond and above our limited space and time.
See for yourself just how real this is, and just how real their only Ambassador is.
As my previous posts indicated, along with the underground (Constitution loving) U.S.of A. chrononaut military, the CLS forces are busily defending our planet from alien slaver invaders on an ongoing basis using futuristic to us military style actions. I suggest thanking them in person this weekend.
Ron Amitron, the only CLS Ambassador to Earth, and a really nice unassuming guy, will be speaking several times over the weekend in lectures and on panels. He uses the same "only pure Source" healing energy Jesus from CLS did 2000 years ago. Schedule at Conscious Life Expo site:
The rest of the time he will be in booth 201. Ron is an expert on the upcoming real Ascension, the role of CLS in our space within time, the many battles they have waged for us, and all types of unique healings and clearings unknown to, and unable to be performed by regular Earth practitioners. This is because all humans necessarily must mix in with some darkness to get things done here - because they are Spirits trapped in human bio-suit bodies, and trapped in time. Ron is the only one here who can heal without using any darkness.
To experience these free and/or donation supported offerings has already changed the lives of countless people physically, emotionally, and mentally for the better, and right now everything available from CLS is available to you personally in LA this weekend.
You only gain more freedom here, there is no trap or gimmick. You are already in the trap. Only this is the way out of time.
All proceeds if any go toward paying the considerable travel, lodging, appearance, radio show, conference call, and phone and website expenses to bring these things to you. Ron has personally been teaching without stop 38 hours a week, plus designing and writing and consulting the rest of each day for years.
His dedication to reaching us is considered legendary, to say the least. Even Jesus had private donors supporting his work, but few have stepped up here these days due to much heavier darkness suppression.
Yes, there are miracles, but to require that all such Earthly things are magically free - or "they can't really be from Source," is a programmed into us darkness lie to keep you away from endeavors like this that must humanly support themselves on Earth. Source does not judge, so it leaves everything as it is. It would never interfere or take sides.
The CLS Light Infusion Chamber will be temporarily erected on site, and it is only available to us at Expos. Amazing experience, and a definite Don't Miss! Be There. Or somewhere else, but we know which free will choice is best for us all.

Expect Us!

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Expect Us!
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 29-Sep-2011 12:20:36

Uploaded by Snordelhans on 29 Sep 2011
Heretic Productions brings you an extraordinary pice of Poetry by Bill Allyn. “Expect Us.”!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Wednesday, 28-Sep-2011 18:02:38
Last evening I talked to Russell's Golden Boy.. Had'nt heard from him for a while but something said "call him".. I called him, he was recovering from a sever beating which resulted in his pelvis being fractured like an egg shell which was instigated by those gentlemen who at the 'behest' of those old boys who offered me $40 Billion Dollars if "I" would cover those two unauthorized $120 Billion Dollar Transactions back in 1991 which eventually was the catylist which brought down the World Trade Towers with a direct hit on Cantor Fitzgerald, also destroying another 'participant' office of Goldman Sachs on 9/11/01. (If you remember I accepted on the terms of the $40Billion being in Gold Bullion, Core Drilled, Assayed and Re-certified, then delivered to my bank of choice. Which resulted in every bank around the globe discovering they held 'gold plated tungsten.. instead of Gold Bullion.)
To all of our surprise: Suddenly, Monday Sept. 6, 2011.. Englands LONDON 'GOLD' EXCHANGE IS PERMENTLY CLOSED FOR BUSINESS ???
As all of this is going on.. BOGUS Liens are showing up
9/18/11 LEINS ON "U.S." NAWAPA.

Lloyd's insurer sues Saudi Arabia for 'funding 9/11 attacks'
September 19, 2011, The Independent (One of the UK's leading newspapers)

Then all the scuttlebutt about Tim Geithner showing the Northernly portion of the lower quadrant of his South Bound Body to the International Bankers..
Rumors, Rumors, more rumors and more scuttlebutt.. While trying to sit and get some peace and quiet this afternoon out on the carport, watching the squirrels.. a car pulls up, two men get out and walk over to me.. One asked me if I was V.K. Durham, I replied 'yes.' We are investigating what appears to be a global banking and financial fraud. Do you know anything about this? I was asked. Well, yes.. have written about it every day since my husband was murdered by those who forged and notarized his signature four years after his death. Done everything but stand on old Resolute, strip off naked and do a cooch dance, I replied.
We would like to see your documents of ownership, one of the gentlemen said. Fine! Go over on my web site scroll down on the first page.. you will fine everything you need.. Thats It! Thats what we get!? Hell yes! Your damned lucky to get that much!
You do realize there is a world wide investigation, don't you? Well, I've heard the rumors, I replied. Would you be willing to provide us with documentation regarding information you might have regarding this current 'banking crisis'..? It's out there in the Court of Public Opinion posted on the site I gave you before and at and many sites around the world have the information.. I believe we've done enought helping. No one wanted to know what was going on! No one wanted to listen!
I have reached the conclusion the American People are about as fed up with this 'superior' attitude which has been placed on that dirty end of the US Corporate Stick beating all of us over the heads with it, as I was about my husband after all those many years of telling him "I Love You".. which fell by the wayside.. and finally, after all those years of the "I love yous" one day as I walked out of his bedroom about 18 days before he died.. he said "I love you" to me. I turned around and said: Don't you dare after all these years of you sluffing me off are you going to be allowed to tell me that when after it slowly and finally got past your arrogance and sunk into your head, and you have finally realize now they are going to kill you and I can't do one f#%king thing to help you. Don't you dare lay that 'trip' off on me now!
I honestly believe that the hurt, the anger, the hostility is the way the american people feel right now..after all these years of being ignored when they cried out "Help Me!" as their homes, farms, life insurances etc were being ripped away and stolen by foreign bankers.. and now it's come to a head.. Americans don't want to hear that same old story any longer.
Needless to say.. the two men left empty handed with the exception of the two web site address's.
I just don't want to hear about this any more!
After they left I called the Golden Boy, told him what had happened... he was about as put out as I was over this mess.
We discussed the "Jamie Diamon and little Timmy Geithner" business of 'kicking the slats out of their "banking play pen" around the world trying to make the world believe they owned something they did'nt own.. being exposed by the GOLD CARTEL BANKS..
He was of the same opinion as I... What the hell took them so long!? WHY NOW!?


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 28-Sep-2011 13:02:46
Who killed John-John? (JFK Jr)

by Tom Flocco,
If a man or woman living among you in one of the towns the Lord gives you is found doing evil in the eyes of the Lord your God in violation of his covenant....and this has been brought to your attention, then you must investigate it thoroughly. If it is true and it has been proved that this detestable thing has been done in Israel, take the man or woman who has done this evil deed to your city gate and stone that person to death. On the testimony of two or three witnesses a man shall be put to death, but no one shall be put to death on the testimony of only one witness. The hands of the witnesses must be the first in putting him to death, and then the hands of all the people. You must purge the evil from among you.” Deuteronomy 17: 2-7
Division 4 team names Clintons, Bush 41, 43 in JFK Jr. assassination
by Tom Flocco
“One of my family members was related to JFK Jr.‘s grandmother, and although it was not a blood relationship, I had at least a half dozen lengthy conversations with John during the years before he died. We liked each other and hit it off; so this was why John opened up to me and seemed to trust me regarding his future plans to run against either Hillary Clinton for the Senate or George W. Bush for the Presidency in 2000. John had many conversations with my relative; and he gave her permission to discuss his political aspirations with friends so this was not a closely held secret. But what was interesting was that John told me he was pretty sure he could win either of those races.” ("Delbert," former Interpol operative and CIA Division 4 team member)
Caldwell, New Jersey -- August 31, 2005 -- -- “I know I’m risking my life in allowing you to interview me; but I’m aware there is an operational grand jury and indictments regarding the White House, so now is the time. I‘m tired
of knowing all the details and perpetrators of the murder of an innocent and good man without seeing justice. John’s death has caused tremendous trauma throughout the Kennedy family,“ said a 40ish ex-operative who consented to discuss the investigation and his part in writing the JFK Jr. plane crash preliminary and final reports authorized by the FBI.

“Just refer to me as ‘Delbert.’ That’s good enough,” he said, adding, “If they will kill ‘John-John,’ they’ll kill anybody.”
The long-time Special Forces and Division 4 operative’s explosive evidence, witness testimony and his team’s suppressed and classified final report naming former Presidents Bill Clinton and George H. W. Bush, President George W. Bush and Senator Hillary Clinton among others as being involved in orchestrating the assassination of John F. Kennedy Jr. will require U.S. Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald to hear testimony to investigate John Jr.’s death as part of his ongoing grand jury probe involving White House crime families.
During three exclusive interviews with, the ex-operative told us the final classified report specifically said “JFK Jr.’s plane broke in half just aft of the cabin. The damage was caused by a plastique (C-4) shape charge which was formed along the bottom of the fuselage and up along both sides of the walls. The charge was caused to be set off or exploded with a large spark generated by a barometric switch device triggered by the altitude of the plane. In other words, the assassins chose the altitude for the explosion of the plane--a standard procedure to make the target’s murder look like an accident.”
Delbert said his team and their witnesses and families have been in physical jeopardy since 1999 “because the media did not report the truth about what happened;” and that all involved are now placing their lives in the hands of Fitzgerald and his deputies to prosecute the evidence--charges that will serve to mitigate compromised media outlets now protecting the White House with spin and insinuations that Fitzgerald is using the “perjury trap” to manufacture crimes instead of genuinely seeking evidence.
Sources close to one grand jury indicate the spin will not work this time. The U.S. intelligence community is monitoring the work of all the prosecutors and grand juries. Serious crimes with supporting evidence involving three branches of government and the media have already threatened the long term survival of the Republic.
We learned that scores of witnesses were interviewed by Division 4: a) at the scene of the explosion off Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts, b) when the plane and bodies were recovered, c) in the White House regarding the assassination plot prior to the crash, and d) at the airport concerning what witnesses saw three days before Kennedy’s plane took off. Collectively, they tell a different story than the media--one that might ultimately rival the political intrigue surrounding ancient Rome’s ruling Caesars.

US Pentagon and Russian military now aligned against US Fed / Wall Street bankster cabal

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
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US Pentagon and Russian military now aligned against US Fed / Wall Street bankster cabal. Recently printed fiat-paper Dollars and Euros start to get rejected as legitimate currency across world. G5 cabal-controlled nations (US, UK, Germany, France, Italy) increasingly isolated. Monaco Colloquium majority group wrest control.
Increasingly, Monaco Colloquium nations across the world are declining to accept recently issued US Dollars or Euros "printed" by major banks which are still operating under the control of Nazi-continuum puppetmasters in the US Fed and Wall Street . The US cabal's outposts in Old Europe are being similarly shunned. This is one of the roots of the liquidity crisis in the EuroZone.

Just recently, two people of status went to Japanese banks with US dollars in cash. One had the serial numbers on his (new) dollars checked. His money was rejected as worthless. The other found that he was able to exchange his (old) US dollars for yen after the bank scrutinised their numbers against a legitimacy list. Then a bank card was presented by a third party. It was not accepted by Mitsubishi or Citibank cash dispensers, but was processed by Mizuho and Sumitomo Bank machines. Mitsubishi & Citibank have yet to detach themselves from (unlawful) US Fed control.

In Japan, the remaining senior agent for the US Fed cabal is reported to be Vice Finance Minister, Eijiro Katsu. According to Japanese military intelligence, the new Japanese Prime Minister, Yoshihiko Noda, is Eijiro Katsu's controlled puppet.