Sunday, September 6, 2015

When, O When Will Liberal Gun Grabbers Realize All They Are Doing Is Shooting Themselves In The Arse?

When, O When Will Liberal Gun Grabbers Realize All They Are Doing Is Shooting Themselves In The Arse?
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Sunday, 6-Sep-2015 09:43:23

The liberal brain is some messed up collection of grey matter, and they prove it continuously.
Gun control has ALWAYS been the always been the talent to perforate what one is aiming at, every time, and always will be.
Every. Time. And I do mean EVERY Time they come up with some hair-brained gun control scheme all they succeed in doing is causing gun sales to skyrocket.... Absolutely love it.
USA Today – by Kevin Johnson
WASHINGTON — Renewed calls for more restrictive gun laws, following a succession of fatal shootings in the United States, immediately appear to be generating a boost for the gun industry.
Newly released August records show that the FBI posted 1.7 million background checks required of gun purchasers at federally licensed dealers, the highest number recorded in any August since gun checks began in 1998. The numbers follow new monthly highs for June (1.5 million) and July (1.6 million), a period which spans a series of deadly gun attacks — from Charleston to Roanoke — and proposals for additional firearm legislation.
While the FBI does not track actual gun sales, as multiple firearms can be included in a transaction by a single buyer, the National Instant Criminal Background Check System’s numbers are an indicator of a market upswing in the face of growing anxiety about access to guns.
“Whenever there is a call for gun control, sales increase,” said Larry Keane, general counsel for the firearm industry trade association National Shooting Sports Foundation. “Unfortunately, this is a pattern that repeats itself.”
The summer trend is not on par with the panic buying boom that followed the 2012Newtown massacre, which jump-started state and federal campaigns for a host of new firearm measures. During the months that followed the Connecticut attack, which featured new calls for an assault weapons ban and expanded background checks, apprehensive gun buyers emptied the shelves of dealers across the country. Yet, the recent uptick represents a similar buying pattern that dates to the uneasy period before 1994 adoption of the assault weapons ban. (That ban expired in 2004.)
Virginia Del. Patrick Hope, a Democratic member of the state Assembly who proposed an expansion of background checks following last month’s shooting deaths of two journalists near Roanoke, said the stockpiling of weapons represented an “over-reaction.”
“We’re not at all threatening any one’s ability to get a gun,” Hope said. “What we’re talking about here is common sense legislation. I don’t think any one is threatened by background checks.”
In the recent Virginia shootings, an attack carried out on live television, gunman Vester Flanagan passed a background check prior to last month’s purchase of two Glock handguns, including the weapon used in the Aug. 26 assault in which reporter Alison Parker, 24, and Adam Ward, 27, were killed. A third person, a local chamber of commerce official, was wounded. Flanagan later used one of the weapons to kill himself.
Hope said his expanded background check proposal, supported by a petition containing 28,000 signatures, is aimed at the unchecked market of private firearm transactions, mostly over the Internet and at gun shows, that account for about 40% of firearm sales.
“I chose background checks, not because it would have prevented (the Virginia shooting) but because this would be easiest to pass,” Hope said. “We will not be able to prevent every single incident. We need to do something.”
But Keane said the legislative proposals commonly offered in the emotional wake of fatal shootings often do not account for specific circumstances leading up to the attacks.
“These things are being offered up before the person is even arrested or before (investigators) even know what happened,” Keane said. “For people concerned about their Second Amendment rights, the concern never goes away.”
Keane said the gun purchases prompted by calls for new restrictions are “certainly legitimate to the person exercising their fundamental civil liberties protected by the Second Amendment.”
“The concern that anti-gun politicians are seeking to infringe and restrict the right to keep and bear arms is very real and well-founded,” he said.
Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said there is risk during periods of increased sales when all purchases are not covered by background checks.
“When gun sales rise, more and more weapons find a set of dangerous hands to call home,” Gross said. “There are people in this country, people like felons, fugitives, and domestic abusers who we all agree simply should not have guns.” 

Propaganda Alert: Feds Arrest And Charge Three Men “Accused Of Prepping For Martial Law”

Propaganda Alert: Feds Arrest And Charge Three Men “Accused Of Prepping For Martial Law”

martial law
By: Melissa Dykes | Truthstream Media –
As reported by SHTF Plan, three men have been arrested on federal conspiracy charges for buying guns, stocking up on ammunition, and attempting to build explosives. We will get to the actual details of those arrests in a moment.
Look at the headline of this story. Feds charging people for prepping for martial law? This is how these arrests have been portrayed in the mainstream media.
That’s what the headline says over at Associated Press, the outlet which supplies much of the mainstream media with its news/talking points:


This headline obviously makes it sound as if prepping for martial law is now a federal crime.
AP’s article has now been splashed all over the mainstream media from ABC News to the Washington Post and back. New York Magazine spelled it out a bit more:


Some outlets, like this one from, took it a bit further:

This time it straight up says these men were “charged with prepping for martial law.”
Since when did prepping for martial law become something the FBI can arrest you for?
These men were reportedly stockpiling food and weapons, at least in part in response to Jade Helm, as many people across the country have been.
Here are the details of what actually went down straight from the Justice Department news release:
Beginning on or about June 18, 2015, law enforcement received information that Litteral and Barker were attempting manufacture explosive or destructive devices.  On or about July 22, 2015, law enforcement received information that Campbell was reconstructing live grenades from “dummy grenades” sold legally as military artifacts.  Litteral, Campbell and others believed that the United States government intended to use the armed forces to impose martial law, which they planned to resist with violent force.  Litterral had been purchasing numerous military equipment in preparation for the alleged attack, including ammunition for a .338 caliber rifle, handheld radios with throat microphones for communication, military issue Kevlar helmets, body armor vests and balaclavas (a form of cloth headgear designed to expose only parts of the face).
The FBI became aware that Litteral and Campbell wanted to manufacture destructive devices such as pipe bombs and grenades and possessed some of the needed components.  According to the investigation, Barker provided Litteral with pipe fittings, which are needed to manufacture pipe bombs.  Litteral also discussed testing the destructive devices in Shelby, N.C., with Barker present for the testing.  Making reference to the explosion, court records indicate that Litteral said, “it is going to be great.”
In addition to purchasing the military supplies, Litteral also tried to purchase a firearm and ammunition for Barker.  According to court records, Litteral filled out the required form with his own information, even though the gun was intended for Barker.  Using his own debit card, Barker purchased ammunition and a large capacity magazine for the gun.  Barker’s prior criminal felony convictions prohibit him from purchasing or possessing a firearm or ammunition.
Agree or disagree with the government’s case here or that these men should or should not be charged with conspiracy to violate federal laws governing firearms and explosive devices, it’s still just a bit different from three men being charged with federal crimes for “prepping for martial law,” isn’t it?
What the Associated Press spin on this story did was further push the government agenda to paint anyone who would prepare for martial law in times like those we are living in as not just crazy conspiracy theorists, but as federal criminals or terrorists, further stoking fear in the public that it is preppers the public at large should really be afraid of.
The saddest part is that so many people still watch and read the mainstream news and believe what they are told in headlines or a couple of minutes of a reporter’s teleprompter reading without one iota of critical thought on the matter.

Further Resources

Melissa Dykes is a writer, researcher, and analyst for The Daily Sheeple and a co-creator of Truthstream Media with Aaron Dykes, a site that offers teleprompter-free, unscripted analysis of The Matrix we find ourselves living in. Melissa also co-founded Nutritional Anarchy with Daisy Luther of The Organic Prepper, a site focused on resistance through food self-sufficiency. Wake the flock up!

In The Month Of September 2015 We Officially Enter The Danger Zone

In The Month Of September 2015 We Officially Enter The Danger Zone


Is September 2015 going to be one of the most important months in modern American history?  When I issued my first ever “red alert” for the last six months of 2015 back in June, I was particularly concerned with the months of September through December, and not just for economic reasons.  All of the intel that I have received is absolutely screaming that big trouble is ahead.  So enjoy these last few days of relative peace and quiet.  I mean that sincerely.  In fact, that is exactly what I have been doing – over the past week I have not posted many articles because I was spending time with family, friends and preparing for the national call to prayer on September 18th and 19th.   But now as we enter the chaotic month of September 2015 I have a feeling that there is going to be plenty for me to write about.
At this time last month, I declared that we were entering “the pivotal month of August 2015“, and that is exactly what it turned out to be.  August was the worst month overall for stocks in three years, and it was the worst month of August for U.S. financial markets in 17 years.
Throughout history, there have only been 11 times when the S&P 500 has declined by more than five percent during the month of August.  When that has happened, the stock market has almost always fallen in September as well
September is the only month in which the S&P 500 fell more frequently than it rose. What’s more, in the 11 times that the S&P 500 fell by more than 5 percent in August, it declined in 80 percent of the subsequent Septembers, and fell an average of nearly 4 percent.
Last week, there was a rally after the initial crash.  I warned that this would happen in advance, and we have seen a similar pattern play out during almost every market collapse throughout history.  The following comes from John Hussman
As I noted early this year (see A Better Lesson than “This Time Is Different”), market crashes “have tended to unfold after the market has already lost 10-14% and the recovery from that low fails.” Prior pre-crash bounces have generally been in the 6-7% range, which is what we observed last week, so I certainly don’t see that bounce as having removed any of our concerns. We remain extremely alert to the prospect for much more extended market losses.
So how far could stocks eventually fall?
Hussman is projecting that we could ultimately see the market decline by more than 50 percent
We fully expect a 40-55% market loss over the completion of the present market cycle. Such a loss would only bring valuations to levels that have been historically run-of-the-mill.
One thing that could accelerate stock market losses this time around is the fact that people have been borrowing lots and lots of money to buy stocks.  That works when the stock market just keeps going up, but once the market turns the margin calls can lead to panic selling on a massive scale.  The following comes from a recent piece by Wolf Richter in which he describes some of the chaos that we have already been witnessing…
Energy stocks and bonds crashed, even those of some large companies like Chesapeake. Some have reached zero. All kinds of other stocks and bonds have gotten eviscerated over the past few months, even tech darlings like Twitter or biotech giant Biogen. Portfolios with a focus on the wrong momentum stocks took a very serious hit.
And margin calls went out. The Journal:
Some lenders, including Bank of America Corp., are issuing margin calls to clients after the global market drubbing of the past week, forcing investors to choose between either putting up more money or selling some of the securities underlying the loans.
Other banks too sent out margin calls, including U.S. Trust, Morgan Stanley, and Wells Fargo, according to the Journal. With margin calls mucking up the scenario, spooked investors are trying to lower their leverage before they’re forced to, and the boom in securities-based lending appears to be over. And the wealth units of the banks that gorged on these loans are likely to see their profits dented.
If that continues, a much crummier thing happens: margin balances reverse. And the last two times they did after a majestic record-breaking spike, the stock market crashed.
For some more technical reasons why another wave to the downside is coming, see an excellent article entitled “RED ALERT for 2nd CRASH DOWNWAVE…” by Clive P. Maund that you can find right here.
In addition to the chaos in the financial world, we are also witnessing a convergence of events during the month of September that is pretty much unprecedented.  I know that I have never seen anything quite like it in my lifetime.
Recently, I put together a list of 33 events that we know will happen next month, and you can find that list right here.  Instead of repeating the entire article, I just want to highlight a few items from the list…
September 13 – The last day of the Shemitah year.  During the last two Shemitah cycles, we witnessed record-breaking stock market crashes on the very last day of the Shemitah year (Elul 29 on the Biblical calendar).  For example, if you go back to September 17th, 2001 (which was Elul 29 on the Biblical calendar), we witnessed the greatest one day stock market crash in all of U.S. history up until that time.  The Dow plunged 684 points, and it was a record that held for exactly seven years until the end of the next Shemitah cycle.  On September 29th, 2008 (which was also Elul 29 on the Biblical calendar), the Dow plummeted 777 points, which still today remains the greatest one day stock market crash of all time in the United States.  Now we are in another Shemitah year.  It began in the fall of 2014, and it ends on September 13th, 2015.
September 15 – The 70th session of the UN General Assembly begins on this date.  It has been widely reported that France plans to introduce a resolution which will give formal UN Security Council recognition to a Palestinian state shortly after the new session begins.  Up until now, the U.S. has always been the one blocking such a resolution, but Barack Obama has already indicated that things may be different this time around.  It would be extremely difficult to overstate the significance of this.
September 25 to September 27 – The United Nations launches a brand new “universal agenda” for humanity known as “the 2030 Agenda“.
September 28 – This is the date for the last of the four blood moons that fall on Biblical festival dates during 2014 and 2015.  This blood moon will be a “supermoon” and it will be clearly visible from the city of Jerusalem.
If you don’t know what a “supermoon” is, the following is a pretty good summary of what we should expect to see
On the night of 27 to 28 September, the Moon is closest to us at 2.46am, only an hour before it’s full. As a result, this supermoon will appear 14 percent bigger in the sky than the Moon at its most distant and smallest, and it should be 30 percent brighter. The Moon will certainly look unusually big and brilliant around 2am. But at 2.07am you’ll see a small chunk being nibbled out of its brilliant disc by the Earth’s shadow. Sinking deeper and deeper into the darkness, the Moon is totally eclipsed by 3.11am. It remains completely in the shadow of the Earth until 4.23am, when the full Moon gradually begins to emerge.
There has been lots and lots of speculation about other events that could take place during the month of September, but as of right now I cannot prove that any of them will actually happen.
But that doesn’t mean that I’m not watching.
If it sounds ominous to you when I say that we are “entering the danger zone” during the month of September, that is good, because that is precisely the tone that I am attempting to convey.
When things start completely falling apart in this nation, millions upon millions of Americans will complain that nobody warned them in advance about what was coming.
Well, I am warning you right now.
Get ready.

Michael T. Snyder is a graduate of the McIntire School of Commerce at the University of Virginia and has a law degree and an LLM from the University of Florida Law School. He is an attorney that has worked for some of the largest and most prominent law firms in Washington D.C. and who now spends his time researching and writing and trying to wake the American people up. You can follow his work on The Economic Collapse blog, End of the American Dream and The Truth Wins. His new novel entitled “The Beginning Of The End” is now available on


(This is why the Elite want to CLAIM Iran is setting up Nuclear Weapons, to shut them down on their Oil Production!)



  Thanks for all your prayers and well wishes everyone. I'm recouping from hernia surgery. All is well just very sore!!









Furor erupts over 'trans' male in female locker room

Furor erupts over 'trans' male in female locker room

Pastor praises high school girls for walking out – 'only sane and decent thing'

The dispute at a Missouri high school over a transgender teen boy who wants to use the girls’ room is just the first skirmish in a war that will spread nationwide, observers believe.
There have been multiple developments at Hillsboro High School this week. Parents of some of the students prayed outside a meeting of the school board and called for transgender Lila Perry to be kept out of the girls’ room. Other students planned a rally in support of Perry.
And there were hundreds of other students who walked out of class in protest of Perry’s attempt to use the girls’ room.
When progressives, such as contributors to the Think Progress website, condemned the students as “bigoted,” one pastor said the accusers should look in the mirror.
“All I can say is – good for these girls!” said pastor, author and talk-radio host Carl Gallups. “And shame on the insane branch of the media that is trying to marginalize girls for doing the only sane and decent thing.
“The more ludicrous and unhinged the radical gay movement becomes in trying to push its perverse agenda upon the rest of us, the more I predict that their radicalism will begin to backfire on them – big time. And, I think this story is just one example of many more like it that are to follow.”
Gallups is the author of the new book “Be Thou Prepared,” which predicts an age of persecution for American Christians. He believes American Christians are ready to fight back against homosexual activists who are beginning to overreact.
“Apparently, the agents of the radical gay agenda have mistaken America’s relative ‘tolerance’ towards those who choose to live the homosexual lifestyle with assuming that this ‘tolerant’ America has also collectively lost their complete sanity and rationality over this issue. I can assure you they haven’t,” he said.
“The radical homosexuals will keep sticking their collective fingers in the chest of America until finally they, metaphorically speaking, get their finger snapped off. Even in America, common-sense decency among most of the population still has its boundaries.”
But Gallups thinks it will get worse before it gets better, as does professor and historian Paul Kengor.
“This is not merely a war on gender but a war on nature – on human nature,” Kengor told WND. “And if you don’t agree with the fundamentally transformed New America’s cultural commissars, then you, dear comrade, are in dire need of re-education.”
Kengor, the author of “Takedown: From Communists to Progressives, How the Left Has Sabotaged Family and Marriage,” called America a “thoroughly confused country careening through a period of cultural madness.”
He argued: “We no longer follow any coherent set of first principles and eternal absolutes. This is what it looks like in practice. Watch out for the cultural train-wreck coming soon to a school or village near you.
“And remember: these are the forces of ‘tolerance’ and ‘diversity.’ Once again they show that they refuse to tolerate a viewpoint that isn’t in complete conformity with their own. Their ‘diversity’ has always been a selective one at best. ‘Tolerance’ and ‘diversity’ are mere buzzwords – crass tactics to orchestrate the culture transformation that they want. If you disagree, you will not be tolerated but shamed and coerced. Enjoy the left’s new ‘tolerance.’”
Kengor says the cultural attack on gender norms is part of a deliberate strategy.
“This is the ‘repressive tolerance’ of Herbert Marcuse, the cultural Marxists and the New Left. This is the plan to ‘take down’ traditional culture that I detail in my book.”
Michael Brown, who has written several books on homosexuality, including “Outlasting the Gay Revolution,” says it is time to draw a “line in the sand.”
Speaking to Perry, Brown pleaded, "Don't impose things on girls, some of whom are going to be uncomfortable with this." Noting how Perry said he felt targeted as a "transgender," Brown responded, "He's not a transgender woman; he's a confused teenage guy."
Continued Brown: "It is not bigotry. There are girls who are uncomfortable with the presence of a male in their bathroom. This is such insanity, friends. That's why I’m saying you draw a line in the sand."
Brown says far too many people don’t understand how far things have progressed.
"We must celebrate gender distinctions, rather than blur them or ban them or abolish them or multiply them," Brown said, claiming that defending differences will provide a way to push back against efforts at cultural transformation.
Gallups believes America has not seen the worst of what he believes is an extremist agenda.
"I still believe that America will not fully wake up to what the radical homosexual agenda has actually planned for us until they learn that their little children are literally being taught the intimate mechanics of gay sex techniques in their public school, Common Core, sex education classes. For those who might think I am being a bit melodramatic in this matter, please remember that sex techniques (complete with bananas and condoms) are already being taught to your children in sex education classes now.
"Now that the SCOTUS has, illegally and unconstitutionally, decided for all fifty states that 'gay marriage' is normal, natural, and lawful, it is only a short matter of time before the sex education classes across America begin to accommodate America's new norm and 'settled law.' Add to this the fact that the radical gay activists have publicly stated their additional goal of infiltrating America's churches to force them to bow to the gay agenda and there is a recipe for a straight revolt cooking in the oven even now."
And that revolt, urged Gallups, should begin today.
"The only thing that is going to stem the tide of this abject insanity, and hold back the radical flood trying to sweep us all down the sewer with it, is for groups of people, like the girls in this story, to rise up and say, 'no!' Pastors, churches, families, groups of people being affected by the insanity (like these girls), and other people of legal and civic influence must stand together and say – we will go no further with this madness."
Copyright 2015 WND

Documentary Reveals the Hazards of Toxic Mold and Mold-Related Illness VIDEO

Documentary Reveals the Hazards of Toxic Mold and Mold-Related Illness VIDEO
Posted By: Lymerick
Date: Sunday, 6-Sep-2015 07:50:27

The video is supposed to be free and active until 9/11. This diagnosis is missed just about as much as Lyme/Morgellans. Actually, many Lyme/Morgellans patients have this diagnosis in their list. They need to make extra sure it is not missed!
By Dr. Mercola
"Probably every doctor in the United States is treating mold illness — they just don't realize it."
Mold illness may be the most prominent health problem physicians are missing today — a "hidden" pandemic that's sweeping the nation.
Millions are suffering from mysterious illnesses for which they've received essentially no help from physicians. Some are referred to psychologists after being told their illness is "imagined," while others are accused of fabrication.
Because mold toxins are so unique and their effects are so broad, symptoms of mold toxicity are complex and varied, making it difficult for physicians to arrive at the correct diagnosis.
Unable to identify the cause of their illness, sick people become much sicker over time. Marriages are devastated, livelihoods are lost, and many reach such levels of despair that they end up committing suicide.
The featured documentary, "Moldy," explores the subject of mold toxicity through the stories of people who've battled this illness and won, as well as interviews with a number of top experts in the field.
The film sheds light on the symptoms of mold toxicity, why it's so dangerous, and most importantly, how you can recover your health.
Modern Industry Has Created Dangerous 'Super-Molds'

Deliberate implosion of US economy - Former Bush Sec. of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts VIDEO (MUST HEAR)

Deliberate implosion of US economy - Former Bush Sec. of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts VIDEO (MUST HEAR)
Posted By: Lymerick
Date: Sunday, 6-Sep-2015 07:40:20

Economics may not be your strong forte, but this lady can explain it like nobody else. If you are or know people in home foreclosure, this is a must hear!

Published on Aug 10, 2015
Former Assistant Secretary of Housing under George H.W. Bush Catherine Austin Fitts blows the whistle on how the financial terrorists have deliberately imploded the US economy and transferred gargantuan amounts of wealth offshore as a means of sacrificing the American middle class.

Misguided Calls For More QE

Misguided Calls For More QE

September 1, 2015 | By Stephen Lendman | Economy, Federal Reserve Bank

Former US Treasury Secretary Larry Summers and other US financial community members urge more money printing madness – duplicitously suggesting current market turmoil conditions warrant it.
Reckless monetary policy instituted by the Fed and other major central banks bears full responsibility for what’s unfolding – how severe for how long remains to be seen. More on what Summers said below.
Three rounds of Fed quantitative easing (QE) did nothing to create jobs or put money in the pockets of ordinary people who spend it, generate economic growth and create a virtuous circle of prosperity lifting all boats equitably.
Just the opposite. It generated unprecedented speculation – letting corporate and super-rich interests amass enormous wealth at the expense of a protracted Main Street Depression with no end in sight or intent to institute responsible policies to change things.
Former Reagan administration budget director David Stockman calls QE “high grade monetary heroin” eventually “killing the patient.”
Others call money printing madness the mother of all Ponzi schemes. Noted market analyst Marc Faber expects Fed policy to “destroy the world.” A great unraveling looms. It just takes time.
QE creates money out of thin air electronically – by buying US treasuries and/or mortgage backed securities in fixed amounts monthly. They’re held in banks’ reserve accounts at the Fed – not used for lending to stimulate economic growth.
Michael Hudson explains banks aren’t lending money to companies “to invest and build equipment and hire people.” Just the opposite. They facilitate speculation.
They “lend money mainly to transfer ownership of real estate.” They finance corporate raiders to take over companies, downsize work forces, cut benefits, “grab pensions,” substitute temp for full-time employees, offshore labor to low-cost countries, and try to “squeeze out more work” for greater productivity and profits.
The dirty scheme involves benefitting America’s 1% hugely at the expense of most others. The result: an unprecedented wealth transfer upward – from the pockets of ordinary people to super-rich elites already with too much. It’s the largest tax ever imposed on an unwitting public.
In 1988, Ben Bernanke knew before becoming Fed chairman QE doesn’t work. Two Fed economists explained. Seth Carpenter and Selva Demiralp headlined “Money, Reserves, and the Transmission of Monetary Policy: Does the Money Multiplier Exist?
Their conclusion:
“In the absence of a multiplier, open market operations, which simply change reserve balances, do not directly affect lending behavior at the aggregate level.”
“Put differently, if the quantity of reserves is relevant for the transmission of monetary policy, a different mechanism must be found.”
“The argument against the textbook money multiplier is not new. For example, Bernanke and Blinder (1988) and Kashyap and Stein (1995) note that the bank lending channel is not operative if banks have access to external sources of funding.”
“The appendix illustrates these relationships with a simple model. This paper provides institutional and empirical evidence that the money multiplier and the associated narrow bank lending channel are not relevant for analyzing the United States.”
Fed-style QE doesn’t work. It could if properly used. It hasn’t been. It’s done nothing to boost aggregate demand. Doing so requires putting money in consumers’ pockets.
Money printing madness hasn’t stimulated growth to create jobs and prosperity. Funds created flowed to bank balance sheets – used for speculation, high salaries, big bonuses, buying competitors, and consolidating to greater size.
QE is financial aggression. Helicopter Ben and Janet Yellen dropped lots of money on Wall Street. It sent financial asset prices soaring. Nothing went to Main Street where it belongs. Dire economic conditions for millions don’t matter.
Tout TV talking heads explain nothing about protracted Depression-level unemployment and poverty levels – reflecting national policy against the interests of millions of people in duress.
Three rounds of QE created enormous global financial market bubbles. More money printing madness assures greater trouble than already.
Larry Summers lost credibility long ago. As treasury secretary, he pushed banking deregulation to the extreme – ignoring massive industry fraud.
He supported corporate consolidation, promoted anything goes, spearheaded Glass-Steagall repeal and enactment of the Commodity Futures Modernization Act – responsible for creating a current $1.5 quadrillion derivatives time bomb guaranteed eventually to explode disastrously.
He now favors more QE, more monetary heroin, more wrongheaded policy than already. He suggested it on Twitter saying:
“It is far from clear that the next Fed move will be a tightening. As in August 1997, 1998, 2007 and 2008, we could be in the early stage of a very serious situation. Right now problems are not overconfidence or investors oblivious to risk, so no need for Fed to send shock across investors’ bow.”
Reckless Fed policy runs counter to its 1978 Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment Act mandate: to pursue “maximum employment, production, purchasing power,” price stability, and balanced trade cooperatively with private enterprise.
Policies followed under Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke and Janet Yellen have been polar opposite – creating an unprecedented central bank facilitated money making racket – casino capitalism on steroids.
Summers and other financial community members want more of the same – no matter how harmful to ordinary people.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at His new book is titled “How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War”. Visit his blog site at

Pentagon Plans Escalated Drone Killings

Pentagon Plans Escalated Drone Killings

August 31, 2015 | By Stephen Lendman | Drones, Government Corruption, Military, Obama Exposed, Pentagon, War Propaganda
predator drone

Drones are instruments of state terror. Washington’s official narrative is pure rubbish – claiming terrorists alone are targeted, civilians aren’t killed, and drone warfare makes America safer.
Fact: Attacks are indiscriminate extrajudicial executions – in flagrant violation of core international law.
Fact: Few so-called “high value” targets are eliminated.
Fact: Large numbers of civilian men, women and children are murdered in cold blood. International law protecting them in combat theaters is ignored.
Fact: Bodies of innocent victims are blasted into unrecognizable pieces or burned beyond recognition.
Fact: Family members, bystanders and rescuers are killed or maimed by what’s called “double tapping” – striking the targeted area two or more times.
Fact: Drone warfare facilitates anti-American recruitment. It elevates the US to greater pariah state status. It’s state-sanctioned murder – undermining respect for rule of law principles.
Pentagon officials aren’t satisfied. They plan expanding drone attacks by 50% in the next four years – from around 60 daily to 90, an agenda for escalated mass slaughter and destruction, as well as greater aerial spying over wider areas.
It’s part of America’s war on humanity worldwide – endless conflicts for unchallenged global dominance, ravaging, destroying and pillaging one country after another.
Drone warfare alone kills thousands of victims. Washington suppresses casualty figures to keep its Murder, Inc. campaign secret.
By 1919, Pentagon planners intend having the air force fly 60 daily flights, the army 16, Special Operations Command four, and private military contractors 10 or more.
An earlier report said only 84 of 2,379 drone attack victims in Pakistan since 2004 were Al Qaeda members. Only 295 were members of an armed group.
John Kerry claiming “(t)he only people we fire at are confirmed terror targets at the highest level” is one of his many Big Lies.
Indiscriminately slaughtering civilians is longstanding US policy since the beginning of the republic. Only weapons, targets and tactics change over time.
National Security Council spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden turned truth on its head claiming targeted drone strikes assure “near-certainty” of no civilians killed. She ludicrously called exceptions “rare instances.”
Drone warfare under Obama exceeds all his predecessors combined. Cold-blooded murder is official administration policy.
Noncombatants suffer most – innocent men, women and children in harm’s way. Drones hover 24-hours a day over targeted areas – striking homes, vehicles and public spaces without warning.
Residents are terrorized, constantly fearful, knowing deadly strikes can happen any time, with no way to protect themselves.
Britain’s Reprieve human rights group estimates 28 noncombatants killed to eliminate one so-called terrorist. There’s nothing precise about indiscriminate slaughter.
US drone warfare kills thousands extrajudicially. No due process. No judicial fairness, just cold-blooded murder in countries threatening no others – part of America’s war OF terror on humanity.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at His new book is titled “How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War”. Visit his blog site at

Black Magic: Satanists Rule The World, Not Politicians, Bankers Or Military Heads

Black Magic: Satanists Rule The World, Not Politicians, Bankers Or Military Heads

Black magicians rule the world, not politicians, bankers or military heads. Black magic harnessed through Satanic ritual is the dark force behind it the NWO conspiracy.
Black magicians rule the world, not politicians, bankers or military heads. Black magic harnessed through Satanic ritual is the dark force behind it the NWO conspiracy.

Black magic is the force that rules the world, so it is the Satanic black magicians which constitute the true controllers of the world – at least in the human earthly realm. The Satanic black magicians pull the strings, not politicians, corporate bosses, military heads, intelligence chiefs or even international bankers – although they also hold many of those roles. The NWO (New World Order) elite fulfill a hidden role and an outer, more respectable public role. While many Satanic black magicians are also businessmen and bankers, their true ruling power comes from Satanism and the twisted use of humanity’s creative power (black magic), which they then use in their secular roles in society.


Symbols Rule the World

Remember the saying of the Chinese sage Lao-Tzu, who said that “symbols rule the world, not rules or laws”? Symbols communicate at a deeper level than words, because they are decoded by the right, intuitive brain, whereas words are decoded by the left, logical brain. Symbols are able to penetrate more deeply into our subconscious, which is why the elite are so obsessed with their occult corporate and governmental logos of red crosses, rising suns, all-seeing eyes, pyramids, 666, the rings of Saturn and inverted pentagrams (check out the work of Freeman who has done a great job exposing this). Words attempt to rule the world, but they can never be as powerful as symbols.

Corporate logos are full of occult symbology.

Likewise, black magic rules the world. Governments and corporations attempt to rule the world, but they can never be as powerful as black magic.
Before looking at the evidence of elite use of black magic, it is worthwhile remembering a defining aspect of Satanism: the inversion of everything. Black is white, bad is good, wrong is right. This is why the inverted pentagram is such a popular Satanic symbol. George Orwell touched on this in 1984 when he wrote of the ruling class’ propaganda: “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” Even mind control, developed by the Nazis first in Germany and later at the CIA, uses Satanic principles to confuse its victims, by telling them that pain is pleasure and pleasure is pain, and eventually breaking down victims so they can no longer distinguish between the two.


Bohemian Grove, Skull ‘n’ Bones and Other Secret Societies

Elite figures talking at Bohemian Grove, before the black magic rituals. Note Nixon on the right, and Reagan on the left – at a time when he was not yet president.

There are some secret societies which are mostly political and economic in nature, such as groups like the Trilateral Commission or the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), who go around convincing the world about the great benefits of globalization (the elite buzzword for centralization of power), global governance and free trade agreements like the TPP. There are others, however, whose purpose is shrouded in more mystery, but seem to involve black magic and Satanic ritual, such as the worshipping of dark gods/entities, the acting out of sexual orgies/fetishes and sacrifice, whether mock or real.
The Bohemian Club, located in San Francisco, is one such group. Every summer in the USA, many key figures of the US elite gather in the tall redwoods of northern California at Bohemian Grove. People such as Henry Kissinger, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George Bush and other US presidents have attended. Alex Jones successfully infiltrated the Grove once, and was able to videotape one of the rituals that took place there, known as Cremation of Care, which involved hooded figures performing a mock sacrifice black magic ritual beneath a 40 foot owl.
skull and bones 
On the other coast of America, at Yale University in Connecticut, lies an old secret society founded in 1832 by William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft, known as the Skull ‘n’ Bones society, and its members as “bonesmen”. The late professor Anthony Sutton did some great research on Skull ‘n’ Bones. Members have admitted having to undergo strange initiation rituals such as making sexual confessions in a tomb, while outsiders have heard chilling howls and screams emanating from the windowless Skull ‘n’ Bones crypt.
If you think these secret societies are just perverted people messing around, ask yourself: why would the elite, many of whom are obsessed with power, be involved with them? Why would they engage in such black magic rituals unless they were getting something in return – like more power? These guys control the printing presses of the world, and some have more money than they could possibly spend. It’s power they want, not money. Money is just a means to an end. Is it just a coincidence that in the 2004 US presidential election, where George Bush Jr. and John Kerry were running against each other, that both were bonesmen, with a membership total of around 300 in a country of 300+ million people? Did MSM news anchor Tim Russert get bumped off for asking too many questions to Bush and Kerry about the secret society?


Kubrick, Eyes Wide Shut and Secret Elite Rituals of Sex and Sacrifice

The ordinary person will never be initiated into a Satanic secret society, nor get close enough to witness what really goes on in there. It is therefore interesting when someone who does get close to that world decides to spill the beans and show the world what’s going on. Such a person was Stanley Kubrick, the late great film-maker who many suspect (with strong evidence) was part of the US Government’s fake Apollo moon landing in 1969. Kubrick may have cut a deal with the devil in making a fake moon landing for the elite, because when he handed over the tape for his last film Eyes Wide Shut, he was found dead 4 days later of a heart attack, despite the fact those close to him said he was in fine health and had no history of heart trouble.
Kubrick depicts a black magic scene where women circle a leader, then drop their clothes to become naked, and are later involved in a massive orgy, where all the participants where masks to hide their true identities. Kubrick hints in the film that this Satanic-sexual black magic ritual also involves sacrifice and murder, by implying that one of the women/prostitutes was killed during or at the end of the ritual.


At the Heart of Black Magic: Demonic Possession

Black magic at its core is really about demonic possession. Since the world is made of energy, not matter, and since energy moves in waves which have frequencies, the Satanic rituals are designed to entrain the energetic bio-frequencies of the participants with that of other dark entities, so that there is a vibrational match. Once there is a frequency resonance or lock, an exchange can then take place: energy, intent or information can go from one being, place or dimension can be transferred into another. This works both ways: the person gets possessed and receives information from certain dark entities, while the dark entities also take something from the person. This theme of possession crops up again and again when exposing the worldwide conspiracy, and has been going on a long time, e.g. Hitler was reported to be demonically possessed by his aide Hermann Rauschning.


The Horrific Phenomenon of Missing Children

Artist David Dees’ impression of what goes on at Satanic black magic rituals like the Bohemian Grove. Sad to say, it’s probably very accurate. Note elite figures (from left) Blair, Bush, Obama, Greenspan, Gates, Brown, Clinton, Rockefeller & Turner.

It is also black magic that is behind the unspeakable and unconscionable phenomenon of missing children. These children are being deliberately kidnapped and taken down into elite controlled underground facilities where they are mind controlled, turned into slaves and where some of them are even sacrificed at Satanic rituals. If that is too difficult to believe, listen to the testimonies of various mind control victims, researchers, Illuminati defectors or ET contactees, such as Cathy O’Brien, “Mary Anne“, “Svali“, Alex Collier and many others.


Conclusion: Focus on the Deepest Aspects of the Conspiracy

Although it’s important to focus on and expose all aspects of dysfunction in our society – including political corruption, mainstream media consolidation and deception, smart meters, GMOs, toxic vaccines, geoengineering, the militarization of police, fake terrorism, false flag ops, UN Agenda 21, transhumanism and the human microchipping agenda – in order to transform and heal them, it’s crucial to realize that, at a fundamental level, they are all connected. All these issues and more are manifestations of a more primordial evil or unconsciousness in our midst – Satanic black magic. The secretive rituals conducted at Bohemian Grove and elite mansions tell us more about who rules the world than political think tanks or banking cartels, although of course there is an overlap.
If humanity is to rise up and overcome the conspiracy, we must focus our attention on the root of evil (not the branches), and use “white magic” in greater force – the harnessing and funneling of our creative powers to make a world of peace, freedom and love. We must continue to expose the deepest aspects of the conspiracy. At the same time, we have to ensure we are not letting the elite siphon off our precious thoughts, emotions and powers to create their nightmarish world, but rather, using those energies within us to create the world we want with positive intention, focus and conscious manifestation.


Makia Freeman is the editor of The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at, writing on many aspects of the global conspiracy, from vaccines to Zionism to false flag operations and more, and also including info on natural health, sovereignty and higher consciousness.