Sunday, September 6, 2015

Furor erupts over 'trans' male in female locker room

Furor erupts over 'trans' male in female locker room

Pastor praises high school girls for walking out – 'only sane and decent thing'

The dispute at a Missouri high school over a transgender teen boy who wants to use the girls’ room is just the first skirmish in a war that will spread nationwide, observers believe.
There have been multiple developments at Hillsboro High School this week. Parents of some of the students prayed outside a meeting of the school board and called for transgender Lila Perry to be kept out of the girls’ room. Other students planned a rally in support of Perry.
And there were hundreds of other students who walked out of class in protest of Perry’s attempt to use the girls’ room.
When progressives, such as contributors to the Think Progress website, condemned the students as “bigoted,” one pastor said the accusers should look in the mirror.
“All I can say is – good for these girls!” said pastor, author and talk-radio host Carl Gallups. “And shame on the insane branch of the media that is trying to marginalize girls for doing the only sane and decent thing.
“The more ludicrous and unhinged the radical gay movement becomes in trying to push its perverse agenda upon the rest of us, the more I predict that their radicalism will begin to backfire on them – big time. And, I think this story is just one example of many more like it that are to follow.”
Gallups is the author of the new book “Be Thou Prepared,” which predicts an age of persecution for American Christians. He believes American Christians are ready to fight back against homosexual activists who are beginning to overreact.
“Apparently, the agents of the radical gay agenda have mistaken America’s relative ‘tolerance’ towards those who choose to live the homosexual lifestyle with assuming that this ‘tolerant’ America has also collectively lost their complete sanity and rationality over this issue. I can assure you they haven’t,” he said.
“The radical homosexuals will keep sticking their collective fingers in the chest of America until finally they, metaphorically speaking, get their finger snapped off. Even in America, common-sense decency among most of the population still has its boundaries.”
But Gallups thinks it will get worse before it gets better, as does professor and historian Paul Kengor.
“This is not merely a war on gender but a war on nature – on human nature,” Kengor told WND. “And if you don’t agree with the fundamentally transformed New America’s cultural commissars, then you, dear comrade, are in dire need of re-education.”
Kengor, the author of “Takedown: From Communists to Progressives, How the Left Has Sabotaged Family and Marriage,” called America a “thoroughly confused country careening through a period of cultural madness.”
He argued: “We no longer follow any coherent set of first principles and eternal absolutes. This is what it looks like in practice. Watch out for the cultural train-wreck coming soon to a school or village near you.
“And remember: these are the forces of ‘tolerance’ and ‘diversity.’ Once again they show that they refuse to tolerate a viewpoint that isn’t in complete conformity with their own. Their ‘diversity’ has always been a selective one at best. ‘Tolerance’ and ‘diversity’ are mere buzzwords – crass tactics to orchestrate the culture transformation that they want. If you disagree, you will not be tolerated but shamed and coerced. Enjoy the left’s new ‘tolerance.’”
Kengor says the cultural attack on gender norms is part of a deliberate strategy.
“This is the ‘repressive tolerance’ of Herbert Marcuse, the cultural Marxists and the New Left. This is the plan to ‘take down’ traditional culture that I detail in my book.”
Michael Brown, who has written several books on homosexuality, including “Outlasting the Gay Revolution,” says it is time to draw a “line in the sand.”
Speaking to Perry, Brown pleaded, "Don't impose things on girls, some of whom are going to be uncomfortable with this." Noting how Perry said he felt targeted as a "transgender," Brown responded, "He's not a transgender woman; he's a confused teenage guy."
Continued Brown: "It is not bigotry. There are girls who are uncomfortable with the presence of a male in their bathroom. This is such insanity, friends. That's why I’m saying you draw a line in the sand."
Brown says far too many people don’t understand how far things have progressed.
"We must celebrate gender distinctions, rather than blur them or ban them or abolish them or multiply them," Brown said, claiming that defending differences will provide a way to push back against efforts at cultural transformation.
Gallups believes America has not seen the worst of what he believes is an extremist agenda.
"I still believe that America will not fully wake up to what the radical homosexual agenda has actually planned for us until they learn that their little children are literally being taught the intimate mechanics of gay sex techniques in their public school, Common Core, sex education classes. For those who might think I am being a bit melodramatic in this matter, please remember that sex techniques (complete with bananas and condoms) are already being taught to your children in sex education classes now.
"Now that the SCOTUS has, illegally and unconstitutionally, decided for all fifty states that 'gay marriage' is normal, natural, and lawful, it is only a short matter of time before the sex education classes across America begin to accommodate America's new norm and 'settled law.' Add to this the fact that the radical gay activists have publicly stated their additional goal of infiltrating America's churches to force them to bow to the gay agenda and there is a recipe for a straight revolt cooking in the oven even now."
And that revolt, urged Gallups, should begin today.
"The only thing that is going to stem the tide of this abject insanity, and hold back the radical flood trying to sweep us all down the sewer with it, is for groups of people, like the girls in this story, to rise up and say, 'no!' Pastors, churches, families, groups of people being affected by the insanity (like these girls), and other people of legal and civic influence must stand together and say – we will go no further with this madness."
Copyright 2015 WND


Anonymous said...

They aren't going to put a camera in the girl's locker room. If he tries to enter the locker room a bunch of girls ought to beat the crap out of him.

Anonymous said...

male with male preference
male with female preference
male with NO preference
female with male preference
female with female preference
female with NO preference
transgender with male preference
transgender with female preference
transgender with NO preference

or in the alternative ... perhaps just "number" of separate rooms to service a single person per room.
call them 'privacy rooms' ... each containing a sink, toilet and shower (just like a home bathroom)

but ... you see THAT will never happen ... the federal governemnt can only see "FICTIONS" ... and fictions are without gender.

Anonymous said...

Ok this is ridiculous! If you were born with male DNA then you are a male. If you were born with female DNA then you are a female. I have had it with preferential treatment. Whenever I go in public I want my own bathroom because I have a no tolerance for other people in the bathroom when I am in the bathroom. I want total privacy. Is anyone going to accommodate me? NO! So the Transgender's are going to have to learn to deal with their own issues just like everyone else. The girls at this school are teaching the transgender's that lesson and it should become a domino affect for the rest of the country. Too bad it takes teenagers to teach the dumb dumb adults to stand up and say THIS IS RIDICULOUS AND WE ARE NOT GOING TO ALLOW YOU TO DO THIS TO OUR CHILDREN OR OUR COUNTRY!

Anonymous said...

I think this guy should be made to go in the Men's bathroom, even if he is wearing a dress. (The other guys will more than likely beat the crap out of this person.) If he wants to really really be a female, he will have to have breasts (hormones) and cut off all of his male genitalia. Even then he won't be accepted except in queer communities. Get used to it.