Sunday, September 6, 2015

Documentary Reveals the Hazards of Toxic Mold and Mold-Related Illness VIDEO

Documentary Reveals the Hazards of Toxic Mold and Mold-Related Illness VIDEO
Posted By: Lymerick
Date: Sunday, 6-Sep-2015 07:50:27

The video is supposed to be free and active until 9/11. This diagnosis is missed just about as much as Lyme/Morgellans. Actually, many Lyme/Morgellans patients have this diagnosis in their list. They need to make extra sure it is not missed!
By Dr. Mercola
"Probably every doctor in the United States is treating mold illness — they just don't realize it."
Mold illness may be the most prominent health problem physicians are missing today — a "hidden" pandemic that's sweeping the nation.
Millions are suffering from mysterious illnesses for which they've received essentially no help from physicians. Some are referred to psychologists after being told their illness is "imagined," while others are accused of fabrication.
Because mold toxins are so unique and their effects are so broad, symptoms of mold toxicity are complex and varied, making it difficult for physicians to arrive at the correct diagnosis.
Unable to identify the cause of their illness, sick people become much sicker over time. Marriages are devastated, livelihoods are lost, and many reach such levels of despair that they end up committing suicide.
The featured documentary, "Moldy," explores the subject of mold toxicity through the stories of people who've battled this illness and won, as well as interviews with a number of top experts in the field.
The film sheds light on the symptoms of mold toxicity, why it's so dangerous, and most importantly, how you can recover your health.
Modern Industry Has Created Dangerous 'Super-Molds'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beware some older homes, say in Las Vegas, Nevada
that might have 'swamp coolers' on the roofs, that might
leak 'moisture' in the attic for a long time before showing evidence
in the dwelling.

The mold or mildew can be enough to infect your lungs,
and to lead to death.

The loved one I lost was a seasoned real estate jack-of-all-trades,
renting a home with silent longstanding issues. It never crossed our
minds as a possible cause for her serious illness.

In tribute to her, inspect your attics and homes overall.
Condensation lines for HVAC systems need a look at
also periodically. The lines get clogged and the pans
can hold slimy water. All breeding grounds.

It is easy to miss and remain undiagnosed,
especially in dry climates.

It would be better if all people took more pro-active
approaches to their personal health,
whether good or bad.
Ask questions of yourself and trusted medical professionals.