Sunday, September 6, 2015

Propaganda Alert: Feds Arrest And Charge Three Men “Accused Of Prepping For Martial Law”

Propaganda Alert: Feds Arrest And Charge Three Men “Accused Of Prepping For Martial Law”

martial law
By: Melissa Dykes | Truthstream Media –
As reported by SHTF Plan, three men have been arrested on federal conspiracy charges for buying guns, stocking up on ammunition, and attempting to build explosives. We will get to the actual details of those arrests in a moment.
Look at the headline of this story. Feds charging people for prepping for martial law? This is how these arrests have been portrayed in the mainstream media.
That’s what the headline says over at Associated Press, the outlet which supplies much of the mainstream media with its news/talking points:


This headline obviously makes it sound as if prepping for martial law is now a federal crime.
AP’s article has now been splashed all over the mainstream media from ABC News to the Washington Post and back. New York Magazine spelled it out a bit more:


Some outlets, like this one from, took it a bit further:

This time it straight up says these men were “charged with prepping for martial law.”
Since when did prepping for martial law become something the FBI can arrest you for?
These men were reportedly stockpiling food and weapons, at least in part in response to Jade Helm, as many people across the country have been.
Here are the details of what actually went down straight from the Justice Department news release:
Beginning on or about June 18, 2015, law enforcement received information that Litteral and Barker were attempting manufacture explosive or destructive devices.  On or about July 22, 2015, law enforcement received information that Campbell was reconstructing live grenades from “dummy grenades” sold legally as military artifacts.  Litteral, Campbell and others believed that the United States government intended to use the armed forces to impose martial law, which they planned to resist with violent force.  Litterral had been purchasing numerous military equipment in preparation for the alleged attack, including ammunition for a .338 caliber rifle, handheld radios with throat microphones for communication, military issue Kevlar helmets, body armor vests and balaclavas (a form of cloth headgear designed to expose only parts of the face).
The FBI became aware that Litteral and Campbell wanted to manufacture destructive devices such as pipe bombs and grenades and possessed some of the needed components.  According to the investigation, Barker provided Litteral with pipe fittings, which are needed to manufacture pipe bombs.  Litteral also discussed testing the destructive devices in Shelby, N.C., with Barker present for the testing.  Making reference to the explosion, court records indicate that Litteral said, “it is going to be great.”
In addition to purchasing the military supplies, Litteral also tried to purchase a firearm and ammunition for Barker.  According to court records, Litteral filled out the required form with his own information, even though the gun was intended for Barker.  Using his own debit card, Barker purchased ammunition and a large capacity magazine for the gun.  Barker’s prior criminal felony convictions prohibit him from purchasing or possessing a firearm or ammunition.
Agree or disagree with the government’s case here or that these men should or should not be charged with conspiracy to violate federal laws governing firearms and explosive devices, it’s still just a bit different from three men being charged with federal crimes for “prepping for martial law,” isn’t it?
What the Associated Press spin on this story did was further push the government agenda to paint anyone who would prepare for martial law in times like those we are living in as not just crazy conspiracy theorists, but as federal criminals or terrorists, further stoking fear in the public that it is preppers the public at large should really be afraid of.
The saddest part is that so many people still watch and read the mainstream news and believe what they are told in headlines or a couple of minutes of a reporter’s teleprompter reading without one iota of critical thought on the matter.

Further Resources

Melissa Dykes is a writer, researcher, and analyst for The Daily Sheeple and a co-creator of Truthstream Media with Aaron Dykes, a site that offers teleprompter-free, unscripted analysis of The Matrix we find ourselves living in. Melissa also co-founded Nutritional Anarchy with Daisy Luther of The Organic Prepper, a site focused on resistance through food self-sufficiency. Wake the flock up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you look at the picture shown above....These military guys are foreigners. The FEDS have been preparing for martial law for themselves, and definitely not for the people of America. They are trying to buy up all of the freeze dried food in America (for themselves in their secret underground bases and cities) They are buying up all the 40 calibur bullets in the nation, and even arming the Postal Workers and Forestry with guns to kill Americans with. Your mailman is a spy for the government. If you have a mailbox in front of your house, you are being spied on. This government is insane and the patients that belong in the insane asylum are trying to say that all of the sane people are insane. Time to put a stop on all of this doublespeak, propaganda, lies of this government. The government used to actually "seem" helpful and would tell people to store up food, water, flashlights, batteries, medical supplies, etc. in case of an emergency.