Misguided Calls For More QE
September 1, 2015 | By Stephen Lendman | Economy, Federal Reserve Bank
Former US Treasury Secretary Larry Summers and other
US financial community members urge more money printing madness –
duplicitously suggesting current market turmoil conditions warrant
Reckless monetary policy instituted by the Fed and
other major central banks bears full responsibility for what’s
unfolding – how severe for how long remains to be seen. More on
what Summers said below.
Three rounds of Fed quantitative easing (QE) did
nothing to create jobs or put money in the pockets of ordinary people
who spend it, generate economic growth and create a virtuous circle
of prosperity lifting all boats equitably.
Just the opposite. It generated unprecedented
speculation – letting corporate and super-rich interests amass
enormous wealth at the expense of a protracted Main Street Depression
with no end in sight or intent to institute responsible policies to
change things.
Former Reagan administration budget director David
Stockman calls QE “high grade monetary heroin” eventually
“killing the patient.”
Others call money printing madness the mother of all
Ponzi schemes. Noted market analyst Marc Faber expects Fed policy to
“destroy the world.” A great unraveling looms. It just takes
QE creates money out of thin air electronically –
by buying US treasuries and/or mortgage backed securities in fixed
amounts monthly. They’re held in banks’ reserve accounts at the
Fed – not used for lending to stimulate economic growth.
Michael Hudson explains banks aren’t lending money
to companies “to invest and build equipment and hire people.”
Just the opposite. They facilitate speculation.
They “lend money mainly to transfer ownership of
real estate.” They finance corporate raiders to take over
companies, downsize work forces, cut benefits, “grab pensions,”
substitute temp for full-time employees, offshore labor to low-cost
countries, and try to “squeeze out more work” for greater
productivity and profits.
The dirty scheme involves benefitting America’s 1%
hugely at the expense of most others. The result: an unprecedented
wealth transfer upward – from the pockets of ordinary people to
super-rich elites already with too much. It’s the largest tax ever
imposed on an unwitting public.
In 1988, Ben Bernanke knew before becoming Fed
chairman QE doesn’t work. Two Fed economists explained. Seth
Carpenter and Selva Demiralp headlined “Money,
Reserves, and the Transmission of Monetary Policy: Does the Money
Multiplier Exist?
Their conclusion:
“In the absence of a multiplier, open market operations, which simply change reserve balances, do not directly affect lending behavior at the aggregate level.”
“Put differently, if the quantity of reserves is relevant for the transmission of monetary policy, a different mechanism must be found.”
“The argument against the textbook money multiplier is not new. For example, Bernanke and Blinder (1988) and Kashyap and Stein (1995) note that the bank lending channel is not operative if banks have access to external sources of funding.”
“The appendix illustrates these relationships with a simple model. This paper provides institutional and empirical evidence that the money multiplier and the associated narrow bank lending channel are not relevant for analyzing the United States.”
Fed-style QE doesn’t work. It could if properly
used. It hasn’t been. It’s done nothing to boost aggregate
demand. Doing so requires putting money in consumers’ pockets.
Money printing madness hasn’t stimulated growth to
create jobs and prosperity. Funds created flowed to bank balance
sheets – used for speculation, high salaries, big bonuses, buying
competitors, and consolidating to greater size.
QE is financial aggression. Helicopter Ben and Janet
Yellen dropped lots of money on Wall Street. It sent financial asset
prices soaring. Nothing went to Main Street where it belongs. Dire
economic conditions for millions don’t matter.
Tout TV talking heads explain nothing about
protracted Depression-level unemployment and poverty levels –
reflecting national policy against the interests of millions of
people in duress.
Three rounds of QE created enormous global financial
market bubbles. More money printing madness assures greater trouble
than already.
Larry Summers lost credibility long ago. As treasury
secretary, he pushed banking deregulation to the extreme – ignoring
massive industry fraud.
He supported corporate consolidation, promoted
anything goes, spearheaded Glass-Steagall repeal and enactment of the
Commodity Futures Modernization Act – responsible for creating a
current $1.5 quadrillion derivatives time bomb guaranteed eventually
to explode disastrously.
He now favors more QE, more monetary heroin, more
wrongheaded policy than already. He suggested it on Twitter saying:
“It is far from clear that the next Fed move will be a tightening. As in August 1997, 1998, 2007 and 2008, we could be in the early stage of a very serious situation. Right now problems are not overconfidence or investors oblivious to risk, so no need for Fed to send shock across investors’ bow.”
Reckless Fed policy runs counter to its 1978
Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment Act mandate: to pursue “maximum
employment, production, purchasing power,” price stability, and
balanced trade cooperatively with private enterprise.
Policies followed under Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke
and Janet Yellen have been polar opposite – creating an
unprecedented central bank facilitated money making racket – casino
capitalism on steroids.
Summers and other financial community members want
more of the same – no matter how harmful to ordinary people.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago
and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.
His new book is titled “How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized
Banking, Government Collusion and Class War”.
Visit his blog site at www.sjlendman.blogspot.com.
1 comment:
While my gentile parents were working and going to medical school,
one of my early caretakers that loved them and me,
was a Polish Jew, successful by her own hard work.
And as any good 'grandmother' would do, seasoned me
with her brand of wisdom....
I'm sure she would have said to Larry Summers,
"All your teeth should fall out of your head, except one.
And that one should give you a toothache"
It should happen to all of them -
for giving good, honest, hard working
people such a massive headache !
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