Tuesday, November 24, 2015




Nov. 24, 2015
Did you know that the first [Plymouth Colony Pilgrim's] Thanksgiving was a celebration of the triumph of private property and individual initiative?
William Bradford was the governor of the original Pilgrim colony, founded at Plymouth in 1621. The colony was first organized on a communal basis, as their financiers required. Land was owned in common. The Pilgrims farmed communally, too, following the "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" precept.
The results were disastrous. Communism didn't work any better 400 years ago than it does today. By 1623, the colony had suffered serious losses. Starvation was imminent.
Bradford realized that the communal system encouraged and rewarded waste and laziness and inefficiency, and destroyed individual initiative. Desperate, he abolished it. He distributed private plots of land among the surviving Pilgrims, encouraging them to plant early and farm as individuals, not collectively.
The results: a bountiful early harvest that saved the colonies.  After THAT  harvest the Pilgrims celebrated with a day of Thanksgiving.  
Unfortunately, William Bradford's diaries -- in which he recorded the failure of the collectivist system and the triumph of private enterprise -- were lost for many years. When Thanksgiving was later made a national holiday, the present November date was chosen. And the lesson the Pilgrims so painfully learned was, alas, not made a part of the holiday.
Happily, Bradford's diaries were later rediscovered. They're available today in paperback. They tell the real story of Thanksgiving -- how private property and individual initiative saved the Pilgrims.
This Thanksgiving season, one of the many things I'm thankful for is our free market system (imperfectly realized as it is). And I'm also grateful that there are increasing numbers of Americans who are learning the importance of free markets, and who are working to replace government coercion with marketplace cooperation here in America and around the world.
Paul Schmidt
PS: A special thanks to long-time Advocate volunteer Cris Everett, who told us about this neglected bit of history several years ago.
-- copied from http://FreedomKeys.com/thanksgiving.htm  which was excerpted from the Nov. 20, 1997 issue of  THE LIBERATOR ONLINE at http://www.theadvocates.org/liberator/vol-02-num-21.htm
   "Back in the early 80s, we took the kids up to Plymouth to see my wife’s sister who lived there at the time. Visited Plymouth Plantation. During the tour, I was struck by the presence of fortified guard shacks in the town square and asked the guide if they were a last line of defense for the citizens there if trouble with the natives spilled into the compound. He told us that they were for the control of the FOOD RIOTS which broke out those first few winters — BEFORE they abandoned their experiment with Marxism before Karl was even born.... Seems each generation or so we must relearn the hard lessons of history."  
                                           -- Dick Bachert
for more detailed accounts see: 
How Private Property Saved the Pilgrims at http://tinyurl.com/ylc83r
The Great Thanksgiving Hoax  at-http://mises.org/story/336
The Pilgrims’ Real Thanksgiving Lesson  at 
How Capitalism Saved America  at
The REAL Thanksgiving Story   at 
Giving Thanks for Lessons Learned at 
and The Plymouth Experiment  at http://snipurl.com/12lca
And there are a lot more HERE:  http://search.mises.org/search?q=thanksgiving&site=default_collection
Find some more excerpts from Plymouth Colony Governor William Bradford's journal HERE: http://freedomkeys.com/ofplymouthplantation.htm
and-HERE: http://tinyurl.com/1stThanksgiving

Also see Tasty Trivia-here: http://FreedomKeys.com/fascinating.htm
"Property must be secured, or liberty cannot exist." -- President John Adams, direct descendent of Pilgrims John and Priscilla Alden  "The true foundation of republican government is the equal right of every citizen in his person and property and in their management." -- Thomas Jefferson
"Private property is the most important guarantee of freedom." -- F.A. Hayek 
"No freedom is secure if your property rights are not secure." -- Neal Boortz
"It is the institution of private property that protects and implements the right to disagree."-- Ayn Rand
"If you can't own (and use) property, you are property." - Wayne Hage

U.S. Defense probed for cooking ISIS intel




Emails show DOD analysts told to 'cut it out' on terror warnings


 President Obama speaking last Monday at the G-20 Summit in Turkey (White House photo)

                      Obama speaking last Monday at the G-20 Summit in Turkey 

Nov 23 2015

Some of President Obama’s top military officials are the subject of an expanded investigation into intelligence reports that were possibly doctored to paint a rosy picture of progress made in rooting out ISIS positions in Syria and Iraq.

At issue is whether analysts at Central Command, which oversees U.S. Department of Defense operations in the Middle East, altered assessments of the campaign against ISIS to make it appear as though the United States and Western partners were making more progress than they really were, at least according to claims from a whistleblower assigned to Centcom, ABC News reported.

A whistleblower within Centcom said an investigation was opened in September and has grown to include the House Intelligence and Armed Services committees. The chairmen of both committees are also forming a task force in the “near future” to investigate allegations of intelligence manipulation, aides with both panels confirmed to ABC.

On Sunday Obama said during a press conference he would “get to the bottom” of the issue.

“One of the things I insisted on the day I walked into the Oval Office was that I don’t want intelligence shaded by politics,” he told reporters at a news conference in Malaysia. “I don’t want it shaded by the desire to tell a feel-good story.”

Obama has returned to Washington following a nine-day trip through East Asian countries promoting his Trans-Pacific Trade deal and a campaign against climate change. He has appeared annoyed at press conferences when reporters questioned his resolve in fighting ISIS.

And instead of turning up the military heat on ISIS, Obama has chosen to turn up the rhetoric on Syrian refugees, emphasizing that his political opponents in the GOP are “afraid of widows and orphans,” when in fact about 70 percent of refugees flooding into Europe have been healthy men between the ages of 18 and 45. He referred to as “shameful” any suggestions that the U.S. make Syrian Christians a priority for rescue, calling that a “religious test” that was unacceptable. Yet, his critic point out that he seems to have a religions test of his own, accepting 97 percent Muslims from Syria since that country’s civil war broke out four years ago.

Probe into doctored intel widens

The Pentagon inspector general in recent weeks has seized a large stash of emails and documents from military servers and has added more investigators to the inquiry, the New York Times reported Sunday.

Meanwhile some in the president’s own party have joined the chorus of critics on his ISIS strategy.

Sen. Diane Feinstein, D-Calif., criticized him on CBS Sunday morning for moving not aggressively enough nor quickly enough against ISIS.

And Obama’s own former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said on NBC’s Meet the Press Sunday that Obama isn’t deploying nearly enough assets to destroy the Islamic State.

Panetta said there was “a lot of concern” as to whether Obama had deployed the resources necessary to fulfill its stated mission to destroy the Islamic State terrorist organization, the Free Beacon reported.

Panetta was among those who took exception to Obama’s claim last week that the Islamic State was “contained.”

On Meet the Press, host Chuck Todd asked Panetta whether he felt Obama’s “right strategy” for IS was working. Obama is receiving his worst polling ever from the American people on the question of how he handles terrorism.

Watch Panetta’s interview with Chuck Todd:


“Obviously there’s a lot of concern about whether or not we’ve deployed the resources to be able to accomplish the mission that the president described,” Panetta told Todd. “I think the mission he said is the right mission, which is to disrupt, dismantle, and destroy ISIS. That’s the right mission. but I think that the resources applied to that mission, frankly, have not been sufficient to confront that, and for that reason I think we’ve got to be much more aggressive and much more unified in the effort to take on ISIS."

Todd asked Panetta about a column penned by Michael Vickers, a former counterterrorism advisor to both Obama and President Bush, who said the mission implemented by the Obama administration was a failing “long game” when “a more rapid and disruptive strategy is required.” Panetta agreed.

"This effort is not coordinated," Panetta said. "People are not working together. Everybody’s kind of doing their own thing on different targets. We need to unify the command. We need to set a joint command center where all of these countries are together on their objective, and secondly we need to increase our effort there. We need to increase the tempo of our air strikes. We need to organize ground forces, particularly the Sunnis and the Kurds and arm them so that they can take territory back from ISIS. And, frankly, we need to increase special forces and our intelligence advisors, not only to guide these forces but to go with them in order to ensure that we are successful in this effort."



Top Secret Documents Expose Sickening Move By Big Brother—They’ll Literally Control Humanity Into Global Slavery!


Every once in a while you come across a government document or report that holds imperative and quite frankly frightening information. In the video below I dive through two documents that portray an overall agenda of what the elite have in mind for our country. 

To be honest I couldn’t help but get upset about the information I discovered and not only will it infuriate you, but it will make your blood boil as you discover 100% proof from government sources on what they intend to do by 2025 with microchip technology, the evidence is indisputable…

The government has shown interest in mind-control, brain-chip technology for some time now, and quite frankly these types of inventions can have its dangerous uses. The two documents I covered in the video above prove that the Department of Defense has already drawn up plans to use such neural interfaces on not only the military, but also on the population. Their goal is to have it all in place by 2025. 

Here are two staggering quotes from the Human Performance document I discussed in the video above:

“The most successful implementation of invasive interfaces [a direct communication pathway, done via surgery, between the brain and an external device] has occurred in medical applications in which nerve signals are used as the mechanism for information transfer. Adversarial actions using this approach to implement enhanced, specialized sensory functions could be possible in limited form now, and with developing capability in the future” (Human Performance page 77

They go on to admit the dangers of microchip implants
“…an extreme example would be remote guidance or control of a human being.” (page 70

The other document, Information Operations a New War Fighting Capability, goes in further detail about these implants and attempts to make their case by saying that the device helps increase security all while saying it doesn’t require any security measures: 

“…An implanted microscopic chip does not require security measures to verify whether the right person is connected to the IIC, whereas a room, helmet, or sunglasses requires additional time-consuming access control mechanisms to verify an individual’s identity and level of control within the Cyber Situation.” (pg. 35

They further go on to state that the population will accept it, and then they liken it to a “virtual video game” experience:

The civilian populace will likely accept an implanted microscopic chips that allow military members to defend vital national interests.” (Pg. 36)

“These advances will help restore patients with damaged neural, audio, and visual systems as well as enable individuals to achieve the “ultimate virtual reality trip.” (page 24)


Trouble is also likely headed our way with the discovery of a patent that has been put out with the technological capabilities to monitor and control human thoughts without the use of speech.  This technology is highly controversial—to say the least—but it draws an awful slippery slope between human control and free will.

According to the patent’s abstract:

A system and method for enabling human beings to communicate by way of their monitored brain activity. The brain activity of an individual is monitored and transmittedto a remote location (e.g. by satellite). At the remote location, the monitored brain activity is compared with pre-recorded normalized brain activity curves, waveforms, or patterns to determine if a match or substantial match is found. If such a match is found, then the computer at the remote location determines that the individual was attempting to communicate the word, phrase, or thought corresponding to the matched stored normalized signal.”

Did you catch that? “Enabling humans to communicate by way of their Monitored brain activity.”   

This might just sound like a huge technological feat but it doesn’t end there. One of the objectives listed by this patent is the following:

“It is another object of this invention to provide a system capable of identifying particular nodes in an individual’s brain, the firings of which affect characteristics such as appetite, hunger, thirst, communication skills (e.g. which nodes are utilized to communicate certain words such as “yes”, “no”, or phrases such as “I don’t know”, “I’m not sure”, or numbers such as “one”, “two”, “ten”, “one hundred” and the like), thought processes, depression, and the like). When such nodes are identified, they may be specifically monitored by one or more sensors to analyze behavior or communication or words, phrases, or thoughts. In other embodiments, devices mounted to the person (e.g. underneath the scalp) may be energized in a predetermined manner or sequence to remotely cause particular identified brain node(s) to be fired in order to cause a predetermined feeling or reaction in the individual, such as lack of hunger, lack or depression, lack or thirst, lack of aggression, lack of alzheimer’s disease effects, or the like.

I don’t know about you but that sounds like mind control on steroids!!!

The video below delves into the patent in detail and I urge you with everything in me to watch it in its entirety….

“He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.” Revelation 13:15-18



Group patrols ARIZONA border for terrorists


SASABE, AZ - A group of veterans and concerned citizens, who've been patrolling the border for five years, are now turning their focus on what they believe are new threats to America.

"There's Palestinians, Afghans, Syrians trying to get in. We are trying to stop everything and anything from coming across," said Tim Foley, the field operations director of Arizona Border Recon. 

Many of the members used to serve in the United States military. All, however, are worried about the possibility of a terrorist coming to the United States through the U.S.-Mexico border.

"We have the war on drugs and the war on terror and it seems that they are combining right here on the border," said Foley. 

"We're not a militia, we're not a three percent group, we do not advocate overthrowing the government . . . we are an extra set of eyes and ears for Border Patrol."

Every few months, the group meets to patrol the Arizona, Mexico border for seven days and seven nights. They set up a six to nine mile perimeter, in order to push those attempting to come across illegally, into territory with a higher Border Patrol presence. 

"When your friends come to your home, they come to your front door, not your back window," said Foley.

These veterans believe patrolling the border is another way they can continue to fight for their country. 

"You don't lock your doors because you hate what's outside, but because you love what's inside," said Mark McConnell, a volunteer for Arizona Border Recon. 

The Public Affairs Office of the Tucson Sector Border Patrol released this statement, in regards to the matter:

"Border security work is potentially dangerous and complex; usually taking place in remote locations in very inhospitable terrain. 

Border Patrol agents receive extensive training, and are taught to coordinate and communicate with a multitude of law enforcement officers to prevent unanticipated encounters with one another. 

Agents are also supported by ground-based and sophisticated aerial detection technology.  

We strongly encourage private citizens and all non-governmental organizations to contact the Border Patrol and/or local law enforcement authorities to report suspected unlawful activity."


Mafia offers 'hit' on ISIS


Bada Bing! Mafia offers 'hit' on ISIS for NYC


'We make sure our friends and families are protected'

Giovanni Gambino Jr. (Credit: Twitter)
Giovanni Gambino Jr. (Credit: Twitter)

Giovanni Gambino, the son of reputed mobster John Gambino, said La Cosa Nostra is ready and willing to fight ISIS – and offer protection to gang supporters and allies.

Moreover, the mob’s much better equipped to protect the residents of New York City than the police are, he added, the New York Post reported.

In an interview with NBC News, Gambino also pointed out the potential for the mob to shine bright and clean in the face of fighting ISIS.

“The rise of global terrorism gives the mafia a chance to show its good side,” he said, during the interview. “We make sure our friends and families are protected from extremists and terrorists, especially … the Islamic State.”

He went on, saying both civilian law enforcement and the federal government too often fail to realize the full scope of dangers in time to act.

“They often act too late,” he said, “or fail to see a complete picture of what’s happening due to a lack of human intelligence.

But the mafia has the inside scoop on a lot of street-level information and intel that falls under the radar of even the best of federal surveillance, he said, Reuters reported. 

One big plus with the mafia’s intel? Mobsters know how to maintain tight watch on the day-to-day movements of individuals who generate their interest, he said.

“The mafia has a bad reputation,” he said, TeleSurTV reported. “But much of that’s undeserved. As with everything in life, there are good, bad and ugly parts.”
Gambino is trying to kick off a Hollywood career in screenwriting.


Obama: 2,224 Regulations Ahead Of Turkey Day

Obama Quietly Releases Plans For 2,224 Regulations Ahead Of Turkey Day

Photo of Michael Bastasch 12:13 PM 11/23/2015

While millions of Americans prepare to stuff themselves with Turkey and pie, the Obama administration quietly released its plans for 2,224 federal rules Friday — a preview of just how many more regulations the president is attempting to issue before he leaves office.

President Barack Obama’s Unified Agenda for Fall 2015 is his administration’s regulatory road map and lays out thousands of regulations being finalized in the coming months. 

Obama has developed a habit of releasing the agenda late on Friday before a major holiday.

Indeed, Obama’s Spring 2015 agenda detailing the status of more than 2,300 regulations was released the eve of Memorial Day weekend

Obama’s Fall 2014 agenda featuring more than 3,400 regulations was also released the Friday before Thanksgiving.

While Obama’s latest release features fewer regulations than the last two, it shows the administration is determined to churn out as many rules as it can before the end of 2016. 

This includes major energy and environmental regulations coming down the pipe, like new rules for coal mines and rules banning common pesticides.



Gallbladder Problems: Disease, Symptoms And Natural Remedies...

Gallbladder Problems: Disease, Symptoms And Natural Remedies...

Image result for Gallbladder Problems: Disease, Symptoms And Natural Remedies
When it comes to helping with digestion, the liver and gallbladder work closely. While the liver makes the bile necessary to break down fats into fatty acids, the gallbladder (located beneath the liver) stores that bile until it’s needed in the small intestine. Because of this, it’s very important to keep both organs healthy. Through this article, we will focus on common gallbladder problems and a few natural remedies.

Types of Gallbladder Diseases

Gallstones (cholelithiasis)

If there’s too much cholesterol in the gallbladder, bile can crystallize into small, hard buildups called gallstones. While poor diet is the main cause, heredity could also play a role in their formation, as a 2007 study highlighted a gene that increases a person’s chances of forming gallstones. [1] [2]

Inflamed Gallbladder (Cholecystitis)

Your liver and gallbladder are connected by the cystic duct, and gallstones can actually block that passage, causing a buildup of bile. It’s important to never ignore an inflamed gallbladder (also called cholecystitis) because it can affect your overall health as the gallbladder becomes weaker and possibly even ruptures; a fever and sharp abdominal pain or biliary colic are two common symptoms of cholecystitis. If this bladder attacks happen more than once, it means you are more likely to experience them in the future.

Gallbladder Polyps

The exact cause of these growths is still unknown. While these lesions are often benign, this is not always the case; there’s even some evidence suggesting a person’s age, the presence of gallstones, or larger polyp size could be linked to malignancy. [3] [4] However, since polyps aren’t usually diagnosed until either an abdominal ultrasound or gallbladder surgery (cholecystectomy), it’s important to be aware of what could be a serious health issue.

Gallbladder Cancer

Gallbladder cancer is difficult to diagnose because there aren’t major early signs and many of the symptoms are like those of other illnesses. What this means is that it’s often difficult to catch the disease early enough for surgery, which is widely believed to be the only chance for a complete cure. One recent study even comments only 10% of gallbladder cancer patients are viable surgical candidates because of this. [5] Being aware of the possibility of such a serious gallbladder problem could save your life.

Foods to Avoid

If you want to help your gallbladder out, you’ll need to keep away from certain foods. Here are a few to avoid:
  • Meat
  • Dairy
  • Coffee
  • Soda
  • Chocolate
  • High-Sugar Foods

How to Follow a Smart Gallbladder Diet

If you’re looking for a diet plan, incorporating low-fat, low-cholesterol is a smart choice. A high-fiber diet could also keep your digestive system (and gallbladder) working at peak levels. Avoiding additional sugars and processed foods, like meats and dairy products, can be a contributing factor to lower your LDL cholesterol. Foods that support the liver and gallbladder are important to incorporate into your diet to support bile and enzyme production. Lastly, herbal supplementation can also prove helpful with your digestive health; one in particular is dandelion root, which has generated interest for bile production support.
What do you do for gallbladder health? Tell us about it in the comments below?


  1. Gaby, A. R. Nutritional approaches to prevention and treatment of gallstones. Alternative Medicine Review. 14 (3).
  2. Grünhage, F. et al. Increased gallstone risk in humans conferred by common variant of hepatic ATP-binding cassette transporter for cholesterol. Hepatology. 46 (3).
  3. Andrén-Sandberg, Å. Diagnosis and Management of Gallbladder Polyps. North American Journal of Medical Sciences. 4 (5).
  4. Myers, R. P. et al. Gallbladder polyps: epidemiology, natural history and management. Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology. 16 (3).
  5. Zhu, A. X. et al. Current Management of Gallbladder Carcinoma. The Oncologist. 13 (2).



Published on Nov 22, 2015
Sub for more: http://nnn.is/the_new_media | House Science Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Tex.) opened another front in his war with federal climate researchers on Wednesday, saying a groundbreaking global warming study was “rushed to publication” over the objections of numerous scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 


CENSORED!!!! YouTube Banned It !!

VIDEO:  This  Video  on  Muslim  “Refugees”  Got  1.5  MILLION  Views  Then  YouTube  Banned  It…

Many hundreds of thousands of people have protested the mass migration of Syrian “refugees” to Europe in recent months, and even more have begun now that it has come to light that the Islamic State has been infiltrating Europe through its refugee camps.

Breitbart reported that a video was compiled of footage of refugees in Syria to give everyone an idea of just how bad the situation is getting over there.

After garnering over 1.5 million views on YouTube, the video was taken down for “copyright infringement.”

While the film is no longer on YouTube, it has been mirrored and uploaded to Facebook and other sites dozens of times, making it virtually impossible to erase from the Internet.

The film followed the journey of Syrians into Europe, beginning on boats in Greece. 

The film then took a darker turn when it showed the uglier side of the immigration crisis. 

It shows the immigrants complaining about the food and boredom, and violently rioting, among other things.


“We are in danger, every day, every minute. We need someone to protect us. They come into our houses. I want to go to work, but I can’t. Our children want to go to school, but they can’t. They have stolen our lives!” one Greek woman horrified at the number of refugees pouring into her country said.

The film also featured Donald Trump talking about the crisis.

“I’ve been watching this migration, and I’ve seen the people. I mean, these are men. They are mostly men, and they are strong men … they look like prime-time solders. 

Look, Europe is going to have to handle, but they are going to have riots in Germany,” he said.  

“I always thought Merkel was a great leader, but what she’s done in Germany is insane,” Trump stated.

The film is chilling when you consider that President Barack Obama wants to start bringing some of these refugees into America, as does Hillary Clinton.

Remember this video when you go to vote in 2016. Our country’s future hangs in the balance.


Russia sees serious threat in FATCA

Russia sees serious threat in FATCA

Over Half the States in the Union Just Made This Move

BREAKING: Over Half the States in the Union Just Made This Move in Defiance of Barack H. Obama

It took only a few days after the attacks in Paris for states to begin saying they would refuse entry to Syrian refugees if the Obama White House tried to foist the migrants upon them. 

Now, in less than four days, no less than over half the states in our union — 26 in total — have announced that they no longer want to accept refugees from the area.

According to the U.K. Daily Mail, 25 Republican governors and one Democrat have stated their opposition to more refugees after a Syrian passport was found at the scene of one of the Paris attacks. New Hampshire Gov. Maggie Hassan was the only Democrat to express opposition.

UPDATE: CNN reported that the list of states refusing Syrian refugees had grown to 31. In addition to the map shown here, you can scroll down for a full list.

states map

CBS News also reported that 14 states have taken concrete action to stop refugees from entering.
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Here’s the full list as of Wednesday morning, according to CNN:
  • Alabama
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Idaho
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Iowa
  • Kansas
  • Louisiana
  • Maine
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Mississippi
  • Nebraska
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • North Carolina
  • North Dakota
  • Ohio
  • Oklahoma
  • South Carolina
  • South Dakota
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming
The first state to take a stand was Alabama, where Gov. Robert Bentley issued a statement Sunday saying that the state would no longer accept refugees.

“After full consideration of this weekend’s attacks of terror on innocent citizens in Paris, I will oppose any attempt to relocate Syrian refugees to Alabama through the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program,” Bentley’s statement read.  “As your governor, I will not stand complicit to a policy that places the citizens of Alabama in harm’s way.”

Since then, over two dozen other states have taken Alabama’s lead.

Needless to say, Barack Obama was hopping mad. During a news conference in Antalya, Turkey on Monday, the president said the United States needed “to step up and do its part” by accepting refugees, regardless of the danger.

“It is very important,” Obama said, “that we do not close our hearts to these victims of such violence and somehow start equating the issue of refugees with the issue of terrorism.”

While that sounds all nice and tolerant, it’s worth pointing out that the issue of refugees is part of the issue of terrorism, especially since the Islamic State group has said that they would use the migrant crisis to sneak terrorists into the West.

To state otherwise is to ignore the problem — something these governors have decided their states cannot afford to do.

Do you think your state should stop accepting Syrian refugees?

U.S. Company Helping ISIS… This Is TREASON

ALERT:  Anonymous  Hackers  Reveal  THIS  U.S.  Company  Helping  ISIS … This  Is  TREASON

Following the recent series of terrorist attacks that bloodied Paris, online “hacktivist” group Anonymous declared open war against the Islamic State group.

That digital front in the war against the radical jihadists has consisted of direct denial of service attacks and other efforts to shut down social media accounts and websites used by the Islamists to communicate, coordinate attacks and recruit new jihadis.

However, there has been a significant obstacle in the way of an otherwise overwhelming victory for Anonymous, and that obstacle resides in Silicon Valley in the United States, according to the group.

Anonymous has announced on Twitter that Cloudflare has been actively assisting websites used by the Islamic State group to defend against Anonymous’ attacks.

According to Business Insider, Cloudflare is a U.S.-based web hosting service that helps websites stay online when they are undergoing DDoS attacks designed to crash their sites with overwhelming traffic, a tactic commonly used by Anonymous.

The tech start-up company, which has been in business for six years, proudly does not discriminate about who they serve, and they readily admit that they have protected dozens of Islamic State group-affiliated websites and social media accounts.

CEO Matthew Prince is now firing back at those criticizing his company and the services it provides, noting that Anonymous itself has utilized the company’s protections before.

“I did see a Twitter handle said that they were mad at us,” Prince said. “I’d suggest this was armchair analysis by kids — it’s hard to take seriously. Anonymous uses us for some of its sites, despite pressure from some quarters for us to take Anonymous sites offline.”

“Even if we were hosting sites for ISIS, it wouldn’t be of any use to us … I should imagine those kinds of people pay with stolen credit cards and so that’s a negative for us,” he continued.

Prince added that he would be willing to cease protecting some of the terror-related websites if he were approached through the proper legal channels, but noted that “more often than not, investigators want (me) to keep sites up rather than take them down.”

While the Anonymous group should be commended for the actions they are taking against the Islamic State group, which are certainly disrupting their plots and plans to wreak havoc, Matthew Prince does make a valid point.

The intelligence agencies working diligently to track and infiltrate the radical jihadist groups often use their online activity to monitor and learn more about them, and the efforts of companies like Cloudflare to keep those disgusting websites up can actually provide a service to those seeking to thwart the terror groups.

H/T Young Conservatives


Vehicle-Mounted Active Denial System (V-MADS)

Referred to NESARA by a concerned reader
 Vehicle-Mounted Active Denial System (V-MADS)


The Active Denial System (ADS) is a non-lethal, directed-energy weapon developed by the U.S. military. 
It is a strong millimeter-wave transmitter primarily used for crowd control (the "goodbye effect"). 
Some ADS systems such as HPEM ADS are also used to disable vehicles. 
Informally, the weapon is also called pain ray.  
Raytheon is currently marketing a reduced-range version of this technology
The ADS was being considered for deployment in the Iraq War. 
Don't let them kid you. They fried people in Iraq, including US military soldiers.  All moisture was destroyed/removed from their bodies and the soldiers dried up like prunes.