Saturday, August 13, 2011

Health - Drop Weight Fast With Real Fat

Hi John

According to a recent report by the CDC, 72 million Americans (that's one out of every three adults) are obese.

72 million! And those numbers continue to rise.

What makes this incredible is that when I was in high school, maybe 5 out of 100 kids might be considered chunky and one or two was fairly fat. But today...


In addition to skyrocketing healthcare costs, the fat epidemic has opened the floodgates for marketing of diet fads. This includes lots of low-fat products from the processed food manufacturers, and are they raking in the dough.

Just the other day I saw a commercial for low-fat salad dressing. A slim, attractive blonde in a little black dress is in a nice restaurant and requests low-fat dressing for her salad. The idea they want to inject into your subconscious, of course, is that if you eat this low-fat dressing, you too can look like this lady.

That got me seething...

You see, one of the biggest myths since the Easter Bunny (sorry kids) is the one that claims eating a low-fat diet and using fat substitutes is a good and proper way to get thin.

It's not. It doesn't work.

And it can be downright dangerous (more on that below).

Of course, the processed food manufacturers are still making hundreds of billions of dollars, tickled pink, as people try to take off weight with fake fats like Olestra (aka Olean) and Simplesse and eating low-fat junk like Snackwell cookies.

Here's why this approach doesn't work:

The lure of fake fats from processed foods in boxes and bags is that they offer the sensation and pleasure of real fat, but without all of the calories. So theoretically, you should be able to feast on potato chips fried in fake fat and it would be just like eating a plain baked potato.

Uh, no. Not quite. Read on.

Your body will get what it needs...or MAKE it

While it's true that fake fats are devoid of calories, and even taste like real fats (from chemicals), your body is not fooled. Your body (especially your brain and nervous system) needs REAL fat to function effectively, and it's biologically programmed to get the fat it needs.

Because of this, eating processed fake fats makes you crave REAL fats...

So eventually you will succumb to the cravings, often in a BIG way. And your butt will be in a BIG way.

And if your body doesn't get the fats it needs, it turns into its own fat-making machine.

And the type of fat your body manufactures is saturated fat -- the artery clogging bad stuff.

You'll be hungry faster

Eating processed boxed and bagged foods with fake fats fills you up. But you get hungry fast.

In one study, volunteers were given either a normal meal with real fats or a meal where a third of the fat was replaced with fat substitutes. None of the participants knew which meal they were given.

Those given the fat substitutes reported feeling hungrier than usual shortly after eating.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but feeling hungry right after eating is a great recipe for overeating (and getting larger).

And there's more...

The next day, all of the study participants were allowed to choose freely which meal they wanted, and the majority selected the meal with the REAL fat. This is a perfect illustration of the body craving what it needs.

The two-sided issue of "bulk"

Another factor that's "forgotten" in the low-fat/fake fat myth is bulk, and there are two sides to that.

Side 1 -- Too much bulk and bored to tears

To explain this, I'll use an example of cole slaw...

Let's say I gave you cole slaw made of one cup of shredded cabbage mixed with 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise for a total of 130 calories. 110 of the calories come from the mayo and 20 from the cabbage.

Now, if we were to go the ultimate low-fat route by taking away the calories from the mayonnaise and replacing it with 110 calories worth of cabbage, you'd need to eat 6 1/2 CUPS of cabbage!

But face it -- yes, you'd drop a few sizes fast, but unless you're a rabbit, you'd be bored to tears eating nothing but raw cabbage.

And you'd never do that.

If you did, you'd yearn for REAL fat (like mayonnaise, cheese or butter) and ditch that low-fat diet in a heartbeat.

Side 2 -- Those innocent little cookies add up

The other side of the bulk issue is the fact that even though reduced-fat products like nonfat ice cream, low-fat cookies and chips are low in fat, they lack bulk or volume.

You can devour a low-fat cookie in about 10 seconds. When you swallow it, it takes up so little room in your stomach that your brain doesn't receive a "stop eating" message. keep eating.

But since there's no volume in what you're eating and you can eat these processed, refined foods so quickly, chances are good that you'll polish off the whole box before you feel full.

Now you've just filled your body with hundreds or even thousands of empty calories. This is bad, because since the cookies have no usable nutrients, your body will sound off the hunger signal again very soon...often within an hour or so.

So you'll want to eat again and again.

This isn't weight LOSS -- it's weight GAIN!

This is why people who eat a lot of "diet food" are so fat.

It really is NOT THEIR FAULT.

They've been sold a bill of goods from the food manufacturers, who spend billions in advertisements convincing us that their crap is not crap. And it's worked. They've convinced an entire generation of people that what they are selling is really food and that it's really healthy.

Just like cigarette manufacturers, they know what their foods do to people.

But they take it a step further. They claim their poisons are good for us.

How to take off weight and keep it off

This has 2 parts -- The quality of your calories and making sure to get real fats.

1) The quality of your calories

OK, I'll say it. It's essential to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean meat and fish, in the combinations your stomach can easily digest.

These are the foods that have the nutrients it needs so you get full and stay full (because you're NOURISHED). Plus, with a wide variety of foods that taste great as well as provide bulk, you're far less likely to get bored.

You naturally take in fewer calories and you stay full longer, so guess what? That's right. Your pants feel looser. And LOOSER. And L-O-O-S-E-R. Suddenly, you're at your ideal weight.

In the Great Taste No Pain system, you get 112 of my most prized recipes that make you LOVE eating for great health (and less girth). And in the manuals, I'll teach you the few simple principles you need to follow, and explain why it works so well for everyone -- including YOU.

You can learn more about Great Taste No Pain here.

2) Get real fats

Next, it's essential to acknowledge and accept that fat isn't just something to be measured by calories -- fat is an essential, life-giving nutrient. Your body must have real fat, and it will accept no substitutes. Going without fat is like going without air. If you try (and our food supply to day is making it easy), you'll get sick. And soon enough, you'll get VERY sick.

What you need to do is just make sure your body is getting the GOOD fats it needs in the right amounts. Food sources of good fats include olive oil, avocados, nuts, real butter (not margarine), dairy products and even lean meats (preferably organic) in moderation.

And you must to have a good ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids. This will help boost your metabolism and prevent inflammation, and lessens your chances of developing insulin resistance and the resulting diabetes and wide behind.

A pharmaceutical-grade Omega-3 oil like VitalMega-3 can help you achieve this very important goal.

Just 2 gel caps a day give you a whopping 2,000 mg of the purest, medical grade fish oil LOADED with 1200 mg of Omega-3 fatty acids.

See what a difference Omega-3 supplementation can make in YOUR health and your waistline. Check out VitalMega-3 here.

Don't let yourself be caught in the "low-fat/fake fat" trap one minute longer. It just makes the food giants richer...and you fatter & sicker.

Instead take control of your weight (for good) with Great Taste No Pain and Vital-Mega 3.

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

PS: Beth Ann is down 20 pounds and feeling great:

Dear Sherry,

Thank you for your daily emails. They are interesting, informative, and encouraging. I either learn something new and/or receive affirmation of what I know to be true.

Seven weeks ago, I started using your Great Taste No Pain plan. It was my goal to find a healthy way of eating for the rest of my life without freaking out my body, my psyche, or my very tight budget.

I have achieved this goal. Great Taste No Pain is easy, sensible, and designed so that anyone can follow the simple rules for eating foods in the proper combinations.

I've lost 20 pounds by just changing the way I eat. More importantly, not ingesting all the chemicals and garbage from processed and fast foods has vastly improved my health, my outlook, and my self-esteem as an individual and as a parent.

Kudos, Sherry. You do good work!

P.S. From one cook to another, fabulous recipes!


Beth Ann D.


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* Forward this email to the people you care about the most!

(c) copyright 2011 Holistic Blends


Orders: 1-315-295-1236


**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**


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