Former Navy
SEAL Officer:
“The blame
for this humiliating and shameful national disgrace is pointing directly at the
POTUS, and America needs to know why the inbound rescue operation was aborted.”
Here is the actual text of the Free Republic postings re: the
Benghazi fiasco by a person who claims to be a former Navy SEAL officer posting
as “Travis McGee”.
“Marines and SEALs practice NEO ops prior to deploying on every float, as a VERY high priority mission. They involve full dress-rehearsals, with civilian role players, helos, landing craft, rounding up stranded stragglers, opfor ambushes, role-playing “angry mobs,” fighting your way to LZs or even beaches while protecting a gaggle of civilians down to babies etc. Conducting successful NEO ops is a TOP TOP TOP military and state department mission priority. I cannot emphasize this enough. NEO ops are planned and practiced over and over and over.
When the alarm goes off worldwide that an embassy or consulate is being attacked, the entire U.S. military swings into rescue mode, without waiting for any orders from the White House. The military does all of the operational planning and begins to execute the rescue op.”
“Without waiting for orders, they begin planning and executing rescue operations, including getting air support over Benghazi ASAP. But one thing they CANNOT DO without explicit orders from the POTUS is cross an international border. That is the big ‘red line’. All POTUS has to do is NOT grant cross-border authority.”
“The blame for this humiliating and shameful national disgrace is pointing directly at the POTUS, and America needs to know why the inbound rescue operation was aborted.”
From: Andrea Shea King []
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2013 6:01 AM
Subject: Fwd: Free Republic Travis mcGee
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2013 6:01 AM
Subject: Fwd: Free Republic Travis mcGee
read these comments aloud on my show last night -- they were written by a
former US Navy SEAL officer about what the chain of command and protocol are
when something like what happened in Benghazi should be. I think you'll
find this very interesting as I did, and keep all this in mind as you watch the
hearings, set to begin this morning in our nation's capitol. (To be carried
live on The Blaze TV and C-Span3). --- Andrea
To: Jeff
The biggest stench is that
it is beginning to look like Obama went night-night to rest up for Las Vegas,
instead of seeing the crisis through and (had he been awake) sending a rescue
mission.After 6-8 hours in a few “Fort Apaches” with running street battles between, like a mini Blackhawk Down, the living Americans must have been thinking, “Any minute now, here come the helicopters.”
But they didn’t. So even though Delta had forward staged to Sigonella Sicily (rumint) from base in Germany, nobody was willing or able to pull the trigger and send a rescue force. Or even a few F-18 supersonic flybys, to bust windows and warn, “Here comes American airpower, and you camel jockeys know what that means.” Just a a morale booster it would have helped the besieged staffers.
But it was never sent, not even a lousy supersonic low-level flyby.
Here is the deal, Jeff. The militarreally exist. Libyan sovereignty must be held sacrosanct, even the false image of one, where in reality, Al Queda is top dog.
at moment, things happen on autopilot in real time. Everybody in the Navy adn USAF chain of command swings into a crisis contingency plan mode. What ships are closest? Helicopters? Marines? Delta is in Germany? Get them moving right now. Where is closest? Sigonella, for now. It’s NATO, no permission needed, just fly. En route in C-17s, the Delta guys would even be prepping for an immediate action raid, that is, the C-17 will fly directly to some desert road outside of Benghazi, and here comes “The Raid On Entebbe,” crisis mode, canned actions, but they would do it. If they were ordered to.
Or Marines on amphib ships in the central Med, if any were available, would also be put on the real-time options board.
But while all of that military staging would have happened/did happen, what they cannot do on their own say-so is cross an international border without permission of the “Libyan Govt.”
To act unilaterally would have meant the false peace and so-called govt we were propping up didn’t really exist. Libyan sovereignty must be held sacrosanct, even the false image of one, where in reality, Al Queda is top dog.
Anyway, no General or Admiral will order the Marines ashore or Delta or even an F-18 low-level supersonic flyby.
Nada. Zip. Because the POTUS retired for the night with a “do not disturb” sign, punted, and went to bed, to be well rested for Las Vegas.
While his ambassador was he knew not where, at that moment being dragged or even raped. But Obama went to bed.
That is the greatest scandal of Benghazi. The POTUS slept through it, while all around the world, military forces were poised for the Raid on Entebbe or any other damn thing the POTUS ordered them to do. (And the were raring to go, believe me.)
But the POTUS said, “We’ll discuss it further in the morning,” and went to bed around midnight in DC, 6 am in Benghazi, with a missing ambassador.
He went to bed.
God help us.
That’s the big secret they are keeping. The President went to bed, with his lost Ambassador being dragged through streets.
13 posted on October 25, 2012 7:53:02
PM EDT by Travis McGee (
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To: tobyhill
Long ago I was a SEAL
officer and I attended many joint and combined operational planning meetings in
the USA, abroad, and on ships at sea. This type of rescue mission is called a “NEO”
operation, for Non-combatant Evacuation Operation. Every embassy and consulate
has and practices all kinds of emergency evac plans, in concert with the US
military.For example, Marines and SEALs practice NEO ops prior to deploying on every float, as a VERY high priority mission. They involve full dress-rehearsals, with civilian role players, helos, landing craft, rounding up stranded stragglers, opfor ambushes, role-playing “angry mobs,” fighting your way to LZs or even beaches while protecting a gaggle of civilians down to babies etc. Conducting successful NEO ops is a TOP TOP TOP military and state department mission priority. I cannot emphasize this enough. ont-size: 13.5pt;">But if POTUS punts after a brief Oval Office meeting with Dempsey and Hillary and goes upstairs to the family quarters....the stranded Americans wworldwide that an embassy or consulate is being attacked, the entire U.S. military swings into rescue mode, without waiting for any orders from the White House. The military does all of the operational planning and begins to execute the rescue op.
The one thing they CAN’T do is cross an international border without permission from POTUS. So the US Military will be inbound full-steam-ahead to make the rescue, and all they need from POTUS is a “proceed” order. In this case, they got a “stand down” instead.
This is at the POTUS level, it is not a decision taken at State. State and the military (JCS) should be in the Situation Room with POTUS soon after a critical incident like this begins, so all decisions can be made in real time. (I have heard nowhere that POTUS went into the Situation Room at all. Apparently he went to the Oval Office briefly, but not down to the Situation Room, where the “war planning” screens, full staffs and commo tools are all located for dealing with a major crisis.)
But if POTUS punts after a brief Oval Office meeting with Dempsey and Hillary and goes upstairs to the family quarters....the stranded Americans will die.
Only POTUS can give the order to cross international borders. Only POTUS can allow US warplanes to give air support to Americans battling on the ground in a foreign country. If POTUS makes himself unavailable, the Americans will die.
Even the VEEP or Secretary of State cannot make that call. The VEEP can only do it if the POTUS is determined to be medically unable to perform his functions. If the POTUS goes upstairs and turns off his phone, there is nothing anybody can do about it. Nothing. And the besieged Americans will die.
On Friday an anonymous Pentagon insider (”Doug”) called into Rush with a lot of new details about this disgraceful fiasco. But what we really need now is for a high-ranking officer with insider knowledge to go public, risk his pension and career, and tell the truth.
The blame for this humiliating and shameful national disgrace is pointing directly at the POTUS, and America needs to know why the inbound rescue operation was aborted.
12 posted on October 27, 2012 10:11:02
AM EDT by Travis McGee (
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To: TigersEye;
Snuph; Grampa Dave; MestaMachine
one freaking reporter in this country please ask President Obama if he granted
or withheld
Everything I have read and
seen so far on Benghazi is still confirming my initial thinking on the matter,
going way back to my days as a NavSpecWar officer who took a SEAL det to Beirut
a long time ago.Once the alarm is sent from Benghazi, dozens of HQs are notified and are in the loop in real time, including AFRICOM and EURCOM, both located in Germany.
Without waiting for orders, they begin planning and executing rescue operations, including getting air support over Benghazi ASAP. But one thing they CANNOT DO without explicit orders from the POTUS is cross an international border. That is the big “red line.”
All POTUS has to do is NOT grant cross-border authority, and the entire rescue (already in progress) must stop in its tracks. Ships can loiter on station, but planes fall out of the sky, so they must be redirected to an air base (Sigonella Sicily) to await the POTUS decision on granting CBA. If it never comes, the men in Behghazi must rely only on assets already “in country” in Libya, such as the Tripoli QRF and the Predators.
(And possibly AC-130s that might already have been in Libya: they were last year, but their location on 9-11-2012 is unknown. If they were “in country” but were prevented from firing, that is another situation.)
So if at the 5 pm DC-time meeting with Panetta and Biden, Obama said, “No outside military action,” meaning no CBA will be granted, then THAT IS IT. Case closed.
That constitutes “standing orders” all the way down the chain of command via Panetta and Dempsey to Ham and the subordinate commands trying to rescue the men in Benghazi.
If Obama then goes upstairs to the family quarters to watch TV or sleep, or otherwise makes himself “unavailable,” then his last standing orders will stand until he changes them, even if he goes to sleep until the morning of 9-12.
Nobody in the chain of command below him can countermand his “standing orders” not to send military forces from outside of Libya into Libyan air space.
Personally, I think he left “no outside miltary intervention, no cross-border authority” standing orders, and then he went to bed. Damn him to hell.
(And to me, the most damning aspect of all is that Obama went to bed while his Ambassador was still missing and presumed kidnapped by Al Queda. Ambassador Stevens might have been on a Youtube video pleading for his life, ready to get the Nick Berg/Danny Pearl “intro to jihad” treatment, and Obama WENT TO BED to rest up for his much more important fund raiser in Las Vegas!)
10 posted on October 29, 2012 8:42:55
PM EDT by Travis McGee (
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Weeknights @ 9 pm EST
They're all corrupt to the rotten core. That's why.
If I was a betting man, I'd be willing to bet that Ambassador Stevens, refused a direct order from DicKtator Obama, so Obama gave the order to "SMOKE HIM" and anyone else that was at the compound so there would be no witnesses. Knowing he, Hilary and the other "Not Ready For Prime Time Players" could all be implicated for High Treason; they felt the need to fabricate a story about the video being the root cause. It actually makes perfect sense if you remember that the Ambassador was denied military help more than once. I would be more than impressed if the entire truth were to be revealed at this "Dog & Pony Show Hearing", but it won't because this is all theater to make the American people believe that our elected officials are truly on the side of law & justice. If that were so, Eric Holder would have already been incarcerated by now on a bread and water diet, instead of "Contempt Of Congress" and still being able to run his DEPT OF INJUSTICE. I used to believe Darryl Issa was a man seeking the truth. I was wrong, he's a phony just like the rest of these dogs, and until we as The American People come to terms with that, we will never be able to have true discernment and will continually have faith in these liars as they continue to erode the U.S. Constitution before our very eyes, until our rights are completely taken away, and then we’ll all be slaves, literally.
To Quote Dylan Thomas: “Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.”
Jackie Blue
I completely agree, Jackie Blue. I just found out Im going to have my first grandchild in a few months. What kind of world is that baby going to have to grow up in? Fear takes a lot of the joy away, know what I mean?
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