Monday, May 6, 2013





     I evaluate that I have pretty good odds that the Omni Law will be passed in America. Why I say this is still confidential at this time. If the Omni Law is passed, I will be one of the ten American civil tribunes appointed by its authority and the other nine will all be great patriots, honest, and very smart to very brilliant. As it is stated to copy ancient Roman law in basic authority the Roman civil tribunes had, I and the other nine will have the legal authority to arrest anyone in the federal government we judge should be arrested and put them on trial for even their lives with charges such as high treason and genocide conspiracy against the American people. So Washington sources have no misunderstanding of what they face if they legally commit federal crimes now and think they will get away with it, in plain language so even the morons in the federal government can understand, I am when justice is involved capable of being the meanest son-of-a-bitch in law that your imagination could ever come up with in a nightmare and I will gladly hang you, execute you before a firing squad, or do whatever is required so the legal message is received loud and clear in all federal circles. THE US BILL OF RIGHTS WILL BE IN FULL FORCE THEN AND WOE UNTO ANY FEDERAL SOURCE MAKING THE MISTAKE OF CATCHING MY ATTENTION NOW AS THEY WILL GO DOWN IN A LEGAL NOTEBOOK TO BE ARRESTED AND TRIED TO THE LIMITS OF THE LAW FOR THE FEDERAL CRIMES THEY COMMIT NOW. ANY SOURCE TRYING TO CHANGE THE LEGAL TERMS OF THE U.S. CONSTITUTION FROM WHAT THE FOUNDING FATHERS INTENDED TO A MARXIST OR OTHER CORRUPT INTERPRETATION OF IT NOW CAN END UP WITH YOU ARRESTED AND TRIED FOR CHARGES INCLUDING HIGH TREASON AND CONSPIRACY OF GENOCIDE TO MASS KILL OFF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. I am a nice guy normally and tried to be a pacifist as a kid growing up as I believed in reason rather than force to be used when possible to solve the problems and wrongs of society. However, life taught me that many who like to be bullies do not respect reason or decency in relations and only understand force. People thought I was soft because I did not want to fight but let's talk it out and solve the problem peacefully. But when the bullies back in the days when I went to school miscalculated and pushed me too far, then I beat the living daylights out of them and at several schools then had the reputation of being the toughest kid in my class and nobody better push me around as you did not want to face me once you finally made me mad. Suddenly my rights were totally respected and everyone else was converted to non-fighting and let's reason things out and act decently in our dealings with each other. I knew how to convert people to now want to be civilized in their dealings with others and not brutal spoiled brat bullies as many overgrown kids in government are today! They never grew up but better grow up fast if they plan to face me later on.
     If you under law set up a voluntary securities agency either state or federal where a corporation could file a statement with you for public record, so long as totally voluntary and no one needed to submit to its authority, I could see this permitted under the legal terms of the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights as this would be a voluntary act of a citizen if they were willing to do this. But no threats, no legal actions, no smearing of their corporate name, etc. if they ignore you. I drew the legal line when had been paying its members successfully since 2009 and had closed its membership to new members as it wanted no new members or outside money to join its private fund. This is contrary to the policy normally practiced by a Ponzi Scheme. They wanted their legal rights respected. You spit in their face when they asked you to respect their legal rights. If you don't drop them like a hot potato except through filing with a common law court as was legal and required under the U.S. Bill of Rights rather than your securities agencies angle which is totally unconstitutional and anti-U.S. Bill of Rights, then when the Omni Law is passed, I intend to see all state attorney generals involved in this totally illegal activity arrested for both high treason and genocide conspiracy against the American people. And I will make the legal charges stick. Then argue before the court or courts you will then face as to why that court should not fine you for combined financial damages for all members of this attacked fund in all nations they have members in. And we WILL argue that you should face capital punishment for this as this type action is what helped drive away 56,000 factories from America since maybe 2000 A.D. and prevented maybe even 100,000 factories to replace them in the American economy if they tried to pull out from the American economy after having made their wealth here in America. This identical policy will apply to any and all federal agencies thinking they are above the national law called the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights. When traitors start dangling from the gallows or get shot by firing squads, the shock wave will hit legal circles, "Damn! The U.S Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights are back in power and now we have to obey them or face the wrath of the American people under law!"
     Any legal source whether federal or state trying to close down blogs because they expose scandals of the federal government, state governments, or other scandals of society, will meet my full legal wrath once I am one of the 10 American civil tribunes. I will go through the entire legal chain of command in the federal government, etc. and have all involved arrested for high treason and conspiracy of genocide against the American people. You have conspiracies of high treason involving murdering millions of Americans if you are allowed to do to the American people the evil you want to do to the American people as you secretly hate them and you don't want to be exposed! Tough! Accept the heat or get out of the kitchen! You conspire, you get exposed! Try to shut down blogs or threaten them in any way, and the fines on you and your families will require Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc. to try and pay off. And as high treason has gotten totally out of hand in Wash., D.C. as the U.S. Congress is a pathetic joke about investigating or stopping criminal acts performed by federal operatives against the American people whether singly or in mass application, the ancient Roman policy needs to be revived which is called decimation or execution of at least one in ten of those who should be executed under law. And as American law now is not committed to the truth and justice in many federal courts and also some state courts copying the federal format, you apply such corrupt standards of suppression of truth and evidence in court when it suits your purposes, maybe we should expand the rights of those accused to the much larger standard of Roman law where you really could not frame innocent people under law contrary to our corrupt, disgusting American approach to law today. Also, we enlarge the powers of a jury like Roman juries had so they control the court and the judge is just a legal adviser. This would about stop all federal legal frame ups done in American courts all the time now. And the civil tribunes under old Roman law which we would copy could intervene in court proceedings and free the one the government wanted to legally frame and even order the arrest of a judge trying to be corrupt as all hell with his court. No wonder corruption nearly disappeared in the Roman Republic once the office of civil tribunes was set up to protect the rights of the people from tyranny in government and keep the economy honest so the people and nation would prosper under economic freedom.
      Enough preaching on this now as the American people per plans of the power elite secretly controlling America heavily censored Roman history from the schools as the Romans were not a dumb race for centuries and knew how to defend their legal rights well under law. Due to censorship of history, most Americans know next to zero of Roman history which the Founding Fathers of America respected so strongly as it taught sound citizenship and brains to the citizens of America. Thomas Jefferson once commented that American education trained the ordinary Americans back then to be Romans in character as Americans. My comment. That is what made the Americans so strong in character and so practical in brains in what they did in America back in 1776, "Common Sense" by Thomas Paine was read by nearly all Americans and maybe 3% of Americans today would understand this book as they don't have the cultural background or educational background to understand now much of what was written in 1776 to justify the American Revolution under the American Declaration of Independence. 
      Many years ago I read the book "Rockets, Missiles and Space Travel" by Willy Ley who had been born in Berlin, Germany in 1906 and died in Queens, NY in 1969. He was an excellent German writer to show the history and background of the rockets turned into weapons of warfare and also intended for travel into space. In this book he showed what fuels the Nazi scientists and engineers were looking at to fuel their rockets intended to bomb London with in World War II. Among this list was hydrogen peroxide in pure form which is a high powered combustible fuel used correctly. Remember this reference. It could be used as a high powered rocket fuel. That is an important property of hydrogen peroxide. And remember this that car engines are designed to run off of combustible fuels. The more high powered the fuel, the less fuel needed to maintain a good gas mileage or equivalent and at acceptable speeds. 
      A friend of mine told me of his experience when he was serving in the U.S. Navy in World War II. They captured a Nazi German submarine intact around the close of World War II and when they entered it, he noticed these large, heavy black plastic bags full of something or another but he did not know what. He asked someone who knew and they commented that the Nazis were short of the usual fuel needed for their submarines, so this was an experiment to see if hydrogen peroxide would be a good sub fuel as a substitute fuel. Apparently it worked fine for the Nazi sub. The black plastic cover was to protect the hydrogen peroxide from exposure to light which would tend to decompose it if light reached it. 
     Now years ago I headed up a high gas mileage research project with several hundred cars available for this research work. I had an engineering supervisor as my right hand in this large research project in SC. When oil interests found out about this, I got threats I would be legally framed if I did not cancel this research project, implied murder threats, etc. We got very impressive results with the hundreds of cars we used special tactics on to improve their gas mileage. In the process, I discovered a way to cheaply improve gas engines so they could handle much more combustible or explosive fuels without having to damage the engine. Put the pieces together. If I have a dirt cheap way to convert water H2O into H2O2, we have hydrogen peroxide as a potential car and truck fuel. If we have a way  to strengthen car engines for maybe $50 so they can handle higher powered fuels like this, Combine cheap way to convert water into hydrogen peroxide. Combine with cheap way to strengthen car engine so it can handle higher powered combustible fuel. What is the result? Potentially a fuel that could be sold for half the price you pay for gasoline today and using less fuel because it is more combustible and powerful than gasoline, maybe you double your gas mileage on cars and trucks with this while paying half what you did for gasoline before. Final result may be you travel 400 miles for every 100 miles for every $1. you spent on auto or trucking fuel before. If America has the secret how to make this auto and truck fuel cheaply, then you likely can take over the entire gasoline business for all nations on earth. Now if America has this giant world food industry based upon my father's Vatican endorsed trade secret industrial food process and if America also has the secret to turn hydrogen peroxide into the coming new auto and trucking fuel of the world, then America has two colossally huge industries designed to make America colossally rich as a nation and the wealthiest nation in all of human history in the process. Of course you have the bright future by not passing the Omni Law is that America has no giant worldwide food industry based upon my father's Vatican endorsed food process nor a new, better fuel for car and truck use that again gives America a second giant world industry. The amount of American jobs created - enormous! The amount of wealth created for the nation and people - enormous! But Obama voodoo economics from deepest Africa is so wonderful with pathetic results for over 4 years now, why would you want all this wealth, prosperity, jobs, etc. for America when Obama offers you four more years of dismal national economics to continue his great economic success as he claims for his first four years in leadership? When eleven states have more people on welfare than those that have jobs in those states and that includes South Carolina, why would you want better for America than this disaster of an economic record by Obama who ran the show and as Harry Truman once said, "The buck of responsibility stops with the White House!"
     Oh, I forgot to tell you of the terrible pollution  disaster hydrogen peroxide would become to use as an auto and truck fuel. You would have a little dribble of water drops out of your exhaust or a little water moisture into your air. Then Obama can put water drops or water vapor on his next hit to tax by a water drop or water vapor tax on all cars and trucks using hydrogen peroxide as a fuel. But Obama might object that we may not have enough water supplies to make this fuel for the world. Well, since the surface of the earth is mainly water with some land stuck in between the vast oceans of water, I think we have got enough water to make this fuel with and have no worries of environmental pollution,  global warming,etc. The hydrogen peroxide would be made from water and oxygen from the air. When it combusts as fuel in the engine, it returns to water and oxygen returned to the atmosphere. At least should if done right!
     Pass my Omni Law and the world food industry is in the bag for America! Don't pass it and you get the blessing of hot air and no results from voodoo economics from darkest Africa from Obama for the future of America. Pass the Omni Law and we will see if engineering verifies that we can turn hydrogen peroxide into an effective car and trucking fuel for America and the world. If any problem, then go after straight hydrogen and oxygen from the atmosphere. This also can make a great car and auto fuel Again the pollutant? Water drops or a bit of water vapor into the atmosphere. Now I am hiding something when talking about this. I already have the secret technology that should make the production of hydrogen peroxide or else gaseous or liquified oxygen and hydrogen pretty cheap to do. 
     Now Obama did push two forms of engineering he knew all about was great for the economy. He pushed solar panels which they don't publicize was a flop as a serious idea when tried. He pushed wind power and when the reports started coming in of the problems trying to harness large windmills to produce the electrical power America needs, again he flopped but silence please out of charity. Don't report please that he struck out again when at bat over the economy and environment. Of course he was fascinated with nuclear energy until too many nuclear accidents showed he was barking up the wrong tree again! But he as the great guru in engineering talked of the colossal threat of global warming from carbon dioxide. I think Grant Jeffrey was very clever showing what nonsense this global warming issue was over carbon dioxide. Before he died, Grant Jeffrey gave the illustration of taking one million rubber balloons. Fill them with air but take the carbon dioxide out of them. The balloons filled with carbon dioxide would be I think he said the figure would be 14 balloons filled with carbon dioxide and one million balloons filled with air but minus the very microscopic amount of carbon dioxide contained in them. There are not even remotely enough carbon dioxide molecules in the atmosphere to block sunlight or capture heat to create a global warming effect on earth. But Obama wants a carbon tax on everything in America to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. There was a science report not too long ago that if the carbon dioxide level goes a tiny bit lower, then we will have such a low level of carbon dioxide in the air as to smother the plants on earth including all our food crops as they are already operating at very low levels for the amount of carbon dioxide the plants need in order to survive. In all this wild hysteria about environmental causes, did everyone forget their biology classes? Plants can't grow or survive without carbon dioxide in the air! Lower carbon dioxide a little lower on earth and this may collapse all food production on earth and kill off the entire human race on earth through worldwide famine of no food left on earth.    
      Now Obama's version of environmental controls ignores that 90% of all oxygen on earth comes from the ocean plankton according to NASA, There is a real issue. Don't dump toxins into the oceans and kill off the plankton or we on the land do not have the oxygen needed to keep us alive! And point two. Lower the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere and maybe the plankton in the ocean can no longer supply us with the oxygen we need to breathe or else die as the human race on earth. I studied engineering with an engineering school. Obama studied hot air economics and environmental issues while studying total theoretical Communism at the university with his fellow Communist classmates there! Now if an area is hit with heavy industrial smog, filter the industrial exhaust as bad air is not good to breathe but nothing to do with the global warming issue which is a hoax so you will accept a Communist grab of all land in the name of global warming, etc. 
       Like the nursery story of the naked emperor and no one dared tell the emperor that he was stark naked before the people, I differ and dare tell our would-be emperor Obama that he is naked and showing his rear end of ignorance when talking of global warming, carbon taxes, etc. 
      One final point on occasional environmental answers that have some merit. I was in Israel many years and traveling with a colonel in the Israeli Army. As we drove by one area, I noticed something and asked him what they were there for. You had dwelling places with large black plastic bags hanging on the sides of the dwellings or else on top of the dwellings. The colonel explained. These were large water bags colored black to help absorb solar heat and filled with water. When the people below wanted hot water for baths, kitchen, etc., they just released some of this solar heated water from above and used for whatever they needed in their house. For Mother Earth News type survivalists, I thought you might find this a clever idea to consider using in rural or forest areas. 
       For those interested in updates on hydrogen peroxide or other answers as cheaper and better fuel for cars and trucks, get on my national email listing. Send to  and say "Add to Answers List." As events develop, we will tell you what may be available at any moment to lower the cost of your car and truck fuel in America. Wash., D.C. has not been on the side of the American people for a long time in this oil crisis created by Wash., D.C. Years ago The Reader's Digest ran an article exposing how President Jimmy Carter manipulated an oil shortage in America until this forced the price of gasoline much higher. Then he stopped the rigging of the oil market and let normal shipments resume to America. A friend of mine who was an oil broker back then told me how they diverted oil coming to America then shipped to Canada instead and elsewhere to engineer from the White House this oil shortage in America and refused oil offered from some of the African nations who said they would compensate for oil shortages from the Middle East. 
      Wash., D.C. does not believe in the freedom America was founded upon in 1776. This is the information age, yet they pull very rotten tricks to try and keep the truth from you in important fields. While I will not say this is a life and death issue for mankind, still they do not want us to tell you that we have on our website two natural health products which according to first testimonials we got back certainly help in the sex drive and pleasure field in marriage. We have the Romanian High Grade which helps a lot. We have the Romanian Premium which does even better in that field according to first testimonials we got back. And with a touch of mischief and curiosity to see what would happen, we suggested take the tablets of the first and capsules of the second and take one of each at the same time once or twice a day maximum. I don't know how scientific this is in final figure, but one source indicated taking the two together increased the sex drive and pleasure even 35 times greater than either taken by itself. I think we may have just discovered the natural answer how to get the Russian population growing at a decent rate in Russia again which gives Russia a future in that case. In America, any races stagnant in growth figures now, this apparently will turn the population figures around where help is needed at this time. The Europeans may find this stops the decline of their races and nations by reviving a growing population instead of a stagnant growing population for them. The two products mentioned are composed of God-given natural ingredients and in smart combination and should be great for health when they supply nutrition the body needed but could not get until then. A side product when fighting aging in the body is that testimonies indicate a sudden return to a more healthy body in the process if these products do as good as these testimonies are indicating to us. Of course, logically different people may respond differently to the same products, but the results reported to us are very intriguing to us at this point! And of course in Soviet America today as Wash., D.C. double-talks the U.S. Bill of Rights away as they have no loyalty nor integrity towards the U.S. Bill of Rights today, none of what I just said is approved by or registered with the FDA but just private comments of my own.
      Want to help keep gasoline prices down in America? Pass this report all over America and you will scare the oil cartel that if they raise their prices more, then you will back me and my Omni Law drive. They watch you like a hawk. In prior years when a couple of times I advertised powerful alternatives to Middle East oil prices, I would see a sudden slamming on the brakes on oil prices the news media predicted was going up now. And sometimes prices dropped in America! 
     If you want to order some of our products by mail or send in financial support for our Omni Law drive, make out checks, etc. to NIFI and send to NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Or visit our website and order there including by paypal. Our website is .   Our email is  We do now have a package of three of our April reports where we roasted Wash., D.C. for conspiring against the U.S. Bill of Rights  and against the U.S. Constitution. Send by email and ask for "The April Reports." We will send them back by email. You can then push them with members of your state legislature and members of Congress, friends, relatives, and others across America. The reports include our Omni Law which we now understand scares to death the power elite that the American people may actually end up mass backing us and get passed the Omni Law. I have received a number of murder threats to drop my drive for passage of the Omni Law. My only comment is that I must be doing something right if the power elite are now so scared to death of my Omni Law. They figured out that this makes Wash., D.C. an honest government again and representing the American people again instead of secret interests who heavily control much of the Democratic Party and as for the Republicans, either they are too cowardly or else corrupted too and while I rate better than the Democrats now, they are not the answer for America either at this time. I think Ron Paul of Texas gave a blunt comment on the Washington concept of law for America today. "Truth is treason in the American empire of laws." Of course I rattle Washington feathers when I say Thomas Jefferson stated, "The entire art of government consists in being honest." Washington leaders in anger reply back, "Thomas Jefferson, you idiot! You are wrong! The entire art of government consists in being dishonest." With one final comment of Thomas Jefferson I sign off now, "Criticism of government is the highest form of patriotism in America." Oh, I almost forgot President Teddy Roosevelt, "When the government becomes treasonable against the people, then it becomes treasonable of the people to continue supporting the government." And a toast from the popular movie "National Treasure." "I toast the Founding Fathers of America for high treason. For what they did was high treason against Britain, but they knew was morally right to do!"
      Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for the American leader not afraid to stand up to would-be tyranny and wrong from Wash., D.C.)


Anonymous said...

This guy is always WAY, WAY too wordy!....simplicity, man!

Jay W said...

To; Mr. Erasmus ,
I have learned quite a bit from you and these posts thank you, one request, as these are always long posts and I feel most people who could benefit from this info have a difficult time getting to the end of these posts,
myself I have to take a couple breaks in order to stay focused, I think a summary in the beginning, before the body of the post may be a benefit to alot of readers, I am behind your omni law 100%, thanks again for all you have and continue to do.......

Anonymous said...

I'm interested in the hydrogen peroxide in car engines. I currently put acetone in my tank at a mix of 3 oz per 10 gal of gas. I have noticed an increase of about 30% in miles per gal. It even increases my octane level. Without the acetone I have to run 93 octane but with the acetone (marked 100% only) I only need to run 89 octane. I have also noticed my oil stays much cleaner between changes. Would like to know if I can run a mix of hydrogen peroxide and get better performance. I have also experimented with HHO generator (converts water to 2 parts hydrogen and 1 part oxygen) and get fair increase in mileage. My truck has carb but FI engines need some mods to get increase, need to research. With proper mods you could run cars on nothing but water you can see it on youtube for proof. Running on pure hydrogen would be the way to go but we would pollute the air with water vapor, but the government might not want that.