Wednesday, October 9, 2013




     I have the impression that the Lord is using me to set up an agricultural revolution in America and throughout the world. Just got contacted from Istanbul, Turkey from an agricultural researcher there shortly going to Central America and heading up a large experimental farm there with a large crew, etc. This agricultural researcher read my report "Building Mega Farms On Wasteland" and being very impressed with it asked if I would give suggestions for this experimental farm to be set up in Central America. I said I would be glad to help! 
     Author and farmer Joel Salatin has reviewed world food statistics and asked the question, " long until a total global food system collapse?" He urges fast action before we find out that we have reached peak food production and after that it is a deadly decline in food production until we crash in food production in the world. It seems somehow startling being raised by my father who invented the world food process the Vatican had endorsed as potentially being the most important news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it could potentially end starvation and malnutrition in the world. This gave me the background to know what would be the right answers to save agriculture in America and the world. I was exposed to many research projects on agriculture and health due to my father that never got taught in the universities. I know the answers that decide whether the human race lives or else goes extinct like the dinosaurs did on earth.   
     Wash., D.C. has fought me in the past to try and block me from bringing out the answers that will save the human race from pending biological collapse and extinction as predicted by I think it was over 1,300 medical labs across the world raising alarm over the evidence for the pending biological sterilization and collapse of the entire human race on earth. As Joel Salatin commented, "We could take dramatic corrective action to avert an agricultural crisis but it would have to start today." My Mega Farm agricultural system described in my report which went all over America and abroad is the answer in agriculture needed by America and the world. If you get enough of the right nutrition as God intended, then mankind will not perish soon! And the super health bread made by my father's Vatican endorsed food process is the promised bread of Exodus 23:25 quoted at the end of this report.
     Know me personally and you know how I was able to pull together an agricultural system of proven tactics but not taken seriously enough by the world as of yet. I descend from two of the top inventive geniuses of America and neither of which studied in engineering schools. A talent for inventing runs in the family. It is apparently hereditary. I did study with an engineering school at an accelerated rate which they approved for me and think like an engineer towards agriculture. I pull together the scientific answers that work in agriculture and turn them into a unified engineering system for agriculture. I invented systems of logic to use in engineering to make it the base to invent what you wanted for society and needed by national economics. My report on one of my key systems of logic which technical brains across America liked was "Stacking" which is the method I used to come up with this Mega Farm concept of agriculture for the future of mankind on earth.
     Charles Kettering, one-time Director of Research and Development for General Motors, later President of General Motors, and rated one of the most brilliant inventive geniuses in American history, once reviewed 920 of my inventive concepts I came up with in a 2 week period. He wrote back that he rated me to be the most original inventive genius that he had ever seen in American history and whether I knew it or not in my 920 inventive concepts I had independently duplicated the top secret guidance system for American ICBM's which in that day no one knew how these guidance systems worked.
     Separately, when working with the most brilliant defense engineer of America in 25 years of the Cold War and never wrong in engineering in 25 years in top secret projects, he said he rated me to be the new Thomas Edison of America in inventive genius and the most unorthodox but sound engineering brain that he had ever worked with in his life. And he was fascinated by my systems of logic how to use engineering to invent with. He said that he had never been taught such systems of logic in engineering school, but understood them and thought them extremely clever in engineering. But he told me that he had one secret formula that he had used which always delivered him success in engineering. I told him that by amazing coincidence that I had for years the same formula and it cracked tough challenges in logic in engineering. He and I shared a common secret of engineering logic other engineers did not know. He and I became best friends while working on completing the top Nazi ultimate weapon system hidden from Allied and Soviet intelligence at the end of World War II. We would not turn this ultimate weapon system over to Wash., D.C. as a nutcase like Obama in the White House would try to potentially conquer the world with this if he had this and we wanted this only for defense of America and not attempted conquest of the world. I cracked the secret of a secret Nazi scientific clique in exile and got the original Nazi ultimate weapon design and technology from them and they never knew that I got it. I nicknamed it "The Wrath Of God" as it was enormously better than anything offered by ABC technology of those days standing for Atomic, Biological, and Chemical Warfare. Having spent eleven calendar years in military academies, I appreciated good quality military technology and this also gave me the background to be good at military intelligence on top of that.
     If Wash., D.C. had believed in freedom in law, I would already had supplied America from several hundred up to 2,000 new national industries for America, but Wash., D.C. loves corruption too much and America too little to have allowed America to skyrocket maybe 500 years ahead in economic growth and with lightning growth at that. What no economist had ever done before, I redesigned the use of engineering to serve the economic goals of America or any other nation on earth. As Thomas Edison once commented, his inventions served the economic needs of the nation and made the economy grow faster.
     If my Omni Law is passed in America, I will build the "Wrath of God" for America. This will be controlled by a panel I will appoint so it is available for defense but not for military offense to try to conquer the world with. Right now several foreign nations have studied plans how they can later conquer or else annihilate America. Once this weapon system is built, all dreams of conquering or annihilating America will be forgotten by all nations on earth. America is scheduled to later be annihilated in a pending world war. This will alter the direction of America to survival rather than annihilation. If the military let Obama become dictator of America, I will never deliver this weapon system over for the defense of America. Like Albert Einstein who knew how to build the atomic bomb but would not show Hitler how to do it so he could conquer the world, I also have ethics in science and engineering and will not deliver such technology to a totally evil person as I know Obama is like Hitler was. I will comment that Hitler was a brilliant evil enemy of America. Obama is cunning but lacks the brilliant brains in several fields like Hitler did. If Obama is allowed to take over America as he is scheming to do, this can well be the end of America as a nation and the entire world can collapse with Obama taking over as that boy is very stupid in a lot of key fields a good leader must understand correctly and he does not understand but thinks that he does!
     Because I was good at military intelligence, I cracked the top economic secret how Nazi Germany successfully armed years ahead of schedule and nearly conquered the world. I never expected this but located the exile German captain of Hitler's personal bodyguard at his mountain retreat and once in an idle moment, Hitler boasted to him of the great economic secret of Nazi Germany and it was codenamed "The Inverted Inflation." When the German captain's testimony confirmed that I had successfully cracked the top economic secret of Nazi Germany, this gave me enormous prestige with economists and I got to study with six of the top economists of America and Europe including the German economist personally endorsed by Albert Einstein to be teaching the only true economic science in the 20th century. I know the answers that will skyrocket the American economy through free enterprise, but I will not back evil Wash., D.C. today. Pass my Omni Law and then I will show America the answers that skyrocket your economy and end of economic crisis in America! My Omni Law creates the legal process to hold referendums if necessary on government law, policy, and leadership which is a God-given right according to the Bible. David of Israel was according to God-approved referendum made the elected leader (king in this case) of the 10 Tribes of Israel as reported on in the Old Testament. And Bishop Irenaeus, the archchampion of Apostolic Christianity, around 170 A.D. wrote that God gave to all mankind the God-given right to decide the leadership and form of government they wanted for their race and nation. And the ratification of the U.S. Constitution was a form of referendum but submitted through the states to vote the will of the people of the state for or against the ratification of the U.S. Constitution to be the national law and government for the United States of America.
     I allow myself more freedom to think than churches allow, schools allow, political parties allow, etc. To give a brief example showing I always pursue the truth as the truth makes you powerful whether in science, engineering, political science, military, economics, etc., I do not let "politically correct" standards govern me in any way. I once visited the headquarters for B'nai B'rith in Wash., D.C. and they had a library of Jewish books there then. I looked at one book that caught my attention and it was on Jewish birth control methods back 2,000 years ago in Palestine. Back then, the idea was not to not have children, but have them responsibly so you could afford to support them right as your children. I never saw Jesus Christ condemn this policy of the Jews, so the responsible birth control of having children as you could afford to support them had no apparent opposition from Jesus Christ then. I do not recall seeing abortion listed as among these methods of birth control, but primitive methods to prevent conception when not planned for yet in marriage. In Africa, one nation where the women traditionally had up to 9 children each was apparently driven into civil war with the economic collapse this population explosion pushed that nation into where one tribe fought another and tried so hard to commit mass genocide of the rival tribe. I noticed that a book on Bishop Fulton J. Sheen showed that the Catholic position against birth control was not as absolute as generally believed and within reason was not exactly encouraged but morally not condemned either under certain Catholic positions.
       As an economist, I judge that Russia will cease to exist as a nation if Russia does not encourage a higher birth rate in Russia. Also, it would be smart to not allow abortion when the survival of Russia hangs in the balance whether her population will start growing or else shrink until Russia shrinks and ceases to exist as a nation. Abortion existed in the  Roman Empire in the early days of Christianity there and they clearly condemned as murder of the unborn abortion by drugs which the Roman Empire knew how to do.  I do not consider abortion to be morally in the class of birth control but morally murder according to the standards of the Bible as early Christianity taught. I sometimes tell the truth where others are scared to death to state the truth. Peer pressure does not control my thinking but respect and loyalty to the truth when possible to find it. Like modern Americans, Pontius Pilate asked of Jesus, "What is truth?" Too many corrupted Americans today may answer whatever lie we want it to be is our declared truth!
     A pastor or priest carries weight with me or does not depending on his character, not especially due to the church he represents. I saw three Catholic priests I did not respect because they did contrary to what a priest of Jesus Christ should do, preach, or stand for publicly as a priest. I saw a Father Lenk of the Roman Catholic Church who stood for early Apostolic Christian values and worked with local youth. I had enormous respect for him as he was obviously a serious servant of Jesus Christ. I had considerable respect for a Father Kuhn whose honest and intelligent stands on Christian issues and values were born from Christian integrity and not compromises with the world. And a St. Padre Pio of San Foggia, Italy sort of overwhelmed me who was alive when I was in military school. He was a Catholic priest and hermit-monk, extreme dedication to Christianity, probably daily Miracles of God surrounded him all his life, bore the wounds of Christ on his body for 50 years and disappeared when he died. I had heard of him and wrote him a letter from military school with an innocent looking front to the letter. I gave a challenge to Jesus Christ that if he was truly a servant of Jesus all the way, send me a statement that I would not indicate by my letter and answer a large question how I should help Christianity in the future and if I should. He sent back by letter the large statement I required that he had to know by supernatural knowledge as I gave no clue in my letter for him to say this and the answer to my question I wanted from Jesus Christ and not from ordinary man. I got the large statement and the confirmation I sought. What Padre Pio confirmed was also later confirmed by several other very holy Christian sources both Catholic, Protestant, and one from a Jewish woman turned Christian and known for her Miracles of God and revelation of supernatural knowledge of the secrets of others. All said the same thing is why I am here today and writing such as this report. I am here to restore the true love of Christianity early Christianity had and so much of Christianity lacks today having been corrupted and brainwashed into standards of the world rather than those of early Apostolic Christianity. They claimed I was blessed by God with powerful talents and knowledge so I could restore Christianity to the leadership of America and as much of the world as wants God to rule them rather than evil man on earth. And several indicated that America is in a terrible jam with God and needs to straighten up as a nation loyal to God again or else force God to bring judgment to America and that could be horrible beyond human imagination if that happens. It sort of sounded like the churches were so seduced by worldly desires and cares, God would have to use the "least of the least" as I called myself in prayers to restore real moral values to America and loyalty to God once more. I am a natural born fighter. They apparently think that retreat is better than fight for the heart, soul, and mind of America and just leave the enemy to fight to win over the American people to evil and religious compromise or else total surrender to evil.  
     One book recently written said that the American people had been so brainwashed by the educational system of America to hold in contempt any real Christian leadership in America that this made Christianity very weak and at this time incapable of restoring America to being a moral nation again before God. But like Joseph blessed with powerful worldly talents by God, even pagan Pharoah of Egypt wanted him as his right hand to run the government for him and save Egypt from pending famine to hit Egypt after 7 years hence! God stacked the cards and I hold the key answers that America needs for survival! Once the Omni Law is passed which I understand that God strongly approves of, then I can bring the blessings of God to America and others wanting these blessings across the world. God has the right answers! I am just the messenger boy who God saw that I got the right answers for you! 
     Speaking of the right answers, I am now researching where the technical angle worked which enabled commercial farming to raise up to potentially 30 times more food crops than regular farming per acre of land. I will incorporate this into my Mega Farm farming system and some can use this for either big farms or even raising food privately in your house or apartment you live in. If food prices go wild in America or else suddenly food is not available in your town or city, you might be very glad if you can raise adequate food for yourself and family if necessary! I have in electronic files all who receive my report "Building Mega Farms On Wasteland." When I am ready to release this new report on the 30 times more food crops per acre than standard farming which has already been successfully tested and worked, this can be used with my Mega Farm technology already supplied in my first report and I don't know how far the final potential for raising food for yourself or for the nation can go. So long as I have an email for you to send to when the new report is ready, I will send this for free for those who are listed as having received my Mega Farm report already whether paying for it or getting it for free as a bonus report at the time. My report is on my website right now if you didn't already get my Mega Farm report on how to use this for farms whether large or small or even for raising food in your apartments or houses if you want to.
     Farming experts say that if we lose all the bees, we lose around one-third of our total food production in America which would throw America into famine as a nation. We show a responsible answer how to save the bees fast dying off now across America. Wash., D.C. under Obama does nothing to save the bees! Obama does not show brains in the White House in key areas like this!
      To help speed up the drive to pass the Omni Law in America, from Oct. 7, 2013 to Oct. 17, we offer the following: For each $25 in the Omni Law Loan Program shown on our website, we will allow you one free bonus report per your request by email or by mail if ordering by payment that way up to three reports total which are "BUILDING MEGA FARMS ON WASTELAND" By Erasmus of America, "HOW TO POWER YOUR HOUSE WITH ELECTRICITY FOR FREE" BY ERASMUS OF AMERICA, And "7 SUPPRESSED ANGLES HOW TO GREATLY IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH OR LIFESPAN OR BOTH" By Erasmus Of America. That means with $75 or more, you can even request for free one free bonus report of each of these three reports. Just use short names for them as "BUILDING MEGA FARMS," "FREE ELECTRICITY," and "7 SUPPRESSED ANGLES." Okay, add "FAMILY FOOD GARDEN - HYDROPONICS REPORT ON RAISING NON-GMO FOOD IN YOUR APARTMENT OR HOUSE." I will call this report  "FAMILY FOOD GARDEN" and add it free along with any other bonus reports you choose.   And through Oct. 17, 2013, this once we will offer this to see if this can push many over the line to join our Omni Law movement, we will give 4 times credit for every $25 loan unit in our Omni Law Loan Program. Read on our website the offer we have including a future royalty income for 30 years off of our Vatican endorsed food process once nationally established in America and spreads worldwide I assume very fast.  
     Okay, folks, pass out this report and back us all you can. Our website again is Our email is Our mailing address for those wanting to use it instead of our website for orders and placing of loan money to back our Omni Law Loan Program is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Make any checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for whether a product or else a loan payment for helping to get passed our proposed Omni Law which we keep posted on our website which you can copy and pass out. You show us that you contacted your elected officials to support passage of the Omni Law and we will send you by email back any one of the 4 listed free bonus reports above as a special way to thank you for joining ranks with us! And you can copy the proposed Omni Law off our website or else send us an email asking for an copy of the Omni Law and we can email you a copy you can mass forward to any sources you want to.
     Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for one who hates to get involved in national politics, but for the sake of the American people will do this until not needed any longer to help save America from potential national collapse and disaster. And Obama and Congress are no saviors of America! Even when united, they still don't do what is really right for America! Time for passage of our proposed Omni Law for America!) P.S. As Exodus 23:25 says, "And ye shall serve the Lord your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee."


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