I went in to open a checking account. He asked me what my
use would be and I said just a regular checking for now but I may be making a
large deposit later and may need to talk to someone about a business account
later since I'll be starting an LLc soon. As he began entering my info, I asked
him if the branch handled foreign currency...he snickered and said, "why
yes we do!" I told him I held some currencies and may be exchanging soon.
He said " Funny you mention that.. ..have had SEVERAL clients opening new
accounts and placing Dong orders. Now we dont handle the Dinar sales but the
Dong is $58 per million"
He went on to say the people in just before me said they were brokers and were opening additional accounts. They told him the currency was revaluing today (10/28) and she was headed to Austin TX and sending her son to Reno, NV tonight so they could take care of their clients (over 100 Baptist churches) He then went on to explain to me that there were over 190 currencies about to revalue. I just shook my head agreed and told him I hoped he had bought some then. LOL
He went on to say the people in just before me said they were brokers and were opening additional accounts. They told him the currency was revaluing today (10/28) and she was headed to Austin TX and sending her son to Reno, NV tonight so they could take care of their clients (over 100 Baptist churches) He then went on to explain to me that there were over 190 currencies about to revalue. I just shook my head agreed and told him I hoped he had bought some then. LOL
I do not believe this. This is the type of stuff Dove of Oneness said years ago, and none of it was true. What is the purpose of spreading these lies?
and its 10/29
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