Wednesday, October 23, 2013



Sent: Sunday, October 20, 2013 8:12 PM

people are fighting the corrupt judiciary and other interlopers who pretend to be in office
but never file their oath of office to protect, defend and obey the Constitution. This is a pretty good example and some of the documentation
is attached. Please keep this on file in case some of this gets "disappeared" along the line somehow.


I am sending this out to those who I believe are interested and others who are close enough to  actually attend a grand jury in the Bismarck area perhaps in a month or so. We have judges today that don't even pretend anymore to heed the  limits of the constitution.   There are other issues that could be brought to bear in such a meeting.  A glance through this affidavit and the accompanying attachments will certainly give you reason to want to do something that will benefit everyone.  If we see evil or wrongdoing and we know it to be so and do nothing, we contribute to that evil.

On Sunday, October 20, 2013 12:14 PM, Dwight & Cindy Rott <> wrote:
THis deals with Herauf, the tempory judge that was assigned to Lisa's case, seems the Supreme Court did not do much homework on thier selection, he did file an oath of office in 2006 but has been reelected since then and has to file a new oath after each election, he is a judge for the southwest district or so he thinks and now has been appointed to her case in the South Central District.  Had to be an appointment as all other judges in the South Central District have recused themselves.        

In Lisa's s case we filed the "Affidavit of Probable Cause" with the Burliegh County Sheriff, The Sheriff in turn has filed it with the Court,  other than that we have heard nothing,  would be nice if I could get a grand jury indicment to back this up and have the jury file the indictment with the court that I think would be impossible as the hearing is scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday this week,   The judge has not responded to it and neither has the states attorney. 

The second document is a request for recusal which she filed a while back,  the judge has never answered that either and it quite appearent that he planned to go ahead with the trial.

All the documents have been fowarded to the ND court Administrator, She has not replied to them either so that means the Supreme Court seems to be little interested in correcting the situation they have gotten themselves into by appointing thius guy.  Maybe this will all change in the next couple of days, we will see 

There was no indictment by a grand jury in this case, she was charged with a felony, Conspiracy to deliver a controled substance,  Article 1 section 8 of the ND Constituion states there shall be an indicment in felony cases,  and as far as the legislature abolishing the grand jury it in my opinion cannot be done, as you can see in the first clause of the constituion it states the US constitution is the supreme law of the land so abolishing the grand jury system would be a violation of the Supreme law of the land.

This court from the beginning has had no jurisdiction to try this case,  jurisdiction comes from the people, "the power to rule" and in my opinion the people of the grand jury represent the people of the state,  The grand jury system is a limitation of the power of the judicial system, without an indictment the people of the state have not granted that power to rule.

I dont think she ever delivered any pills as her prerscription of hydromorphne is still full as she could not take it as she had a bad reaction to it.   This is a victumless crime, she has never been accused of injuring anybody, another requirement of jurisdiction "See Rule 4 of the Civil rules of Court"  the supreme court has ruled that all cases are commercial so I think the commercial would put this under civil, not crimminal.   The Idea that An injury must occur comes from the Magna Carta, It essentially says "The Government must leave a man to do his business as he sees fit unles he injures another" 

It seems that almost every public servent that I encounter fails to file an oath of office, is it deliberate?  I dont know,   I also think it a form of treason "Waring against the people of the state"  The Constitution is a trust, Without an oath of office we have no trustee which has the duty and obligation to protect us, not neccesarily as individuals but the people as a whole and when one of the people is injured by one of these interlopers all of the peoplke are injured       

Would like You to but this on your mailing list and get it out to as many as possible at least to show people the corrupt judicial system we have in this state. 

In states where they use the grand jury, the jury forman is limited to a set term, I just heard of a case in tennesee where the forman was acting as formam for twenty years, his term was limited to six months,  have not found a statue like that in ND but it may exist but I dont think ND ever set up a system for a gand jury and never intended to         

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