Wednesday, October 9, 2013

BlackBird136 Thoughts on NDA's at TNT Forum Tues. PM


A Non-Disclosure Agreement has several uses.  It  is a binding contract between you and the bank (or someone funding the money, maybe the FED or Treasury?)   So this is a contract that will specifically set forth the terms of what cannot be disclosed.  It is a secrecy agreement!    Here is what I believe is the main reason it needs to be signed:

Since this will be a an RV that will probably give us an illogically high rate ($4.00 plus?), and probably  higher than in-country Iraq, the NDA seals the fact that it is not a normal Currency Exchange, and is a “private” cash-in of an investment. 

Think of it like the Chinese deal where they are funding the purchase as a private deal.  As a “private”  cash-in each form NDA will be tailored for each individual and therefore is a “negotiated” rate and terms.  (Good luck changing the terms however!

In this way, the NDA then protects the FED/Treasury/banks from private citizens who will undoubtedly find out later and say that the government or bank had a duty to disclose to them this wonderful  “opportunity”, and had a duty to not call it a scam, or not mention that they did not handle Dinar, etc.

 Heck, as a lawyer I would try to find a way to get some $ out of this...
Read More Link on Right

But the NDA creates a good defense in a lawsuit.  Basically we dinarians cut through all the flack and have cut our own deal (with a contract, an NDA) .  Thus those private citizens can sue, but they will lose because we similarly situated people did do our DD and move forward and speculate in this investment and then cut our own deal!

So the NDA allows the banks and government to cover their butts. And create a good defense.

Also, then NDA will specify that the “private” cash-in of dinar is open for a period of time only, say 30 days!  Sound familiar?  That is why the limited time.  This again makes it a “negotiated” deal, not your run of the mill currency exchange, and the johnny-come-lately masses could have done the same deal too with some DD and common sense..

Lastly, they can do this for other currencies, probably because the rates will be higher than in-country..for DONG, etc.

I am sure the NDAs will be strong and some legal expert very saavy in this will have drafted the general  NDA form to cover butts.

And you can be sure I will sign it!  Like I said, no greed here, and 50 cents is a steal!

God Bless


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