to Likely be Fined $10.5 – $18B for Deepwater Spill
October 21,
2013 Ambellas
second trial phase to the BP Deepwater Horizon oil rig spill wrapped-up last
Friday, paving the way for the lengthy third and final phase which could result
in excessive fines for BP.
of containment boom used in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. (Photo: Wikimedia
NEW ORLEANS (INTELLIHUB) — Carl Barbier, the U.S. District Judge in charge of the under publicized slippery BP oil spill trial stated that on “Monday” he will set a schedule for the post-trial briefings according to reports.[1] BP is looking at a $10.5 – $18B judgement for the April 20, 2010 oil spill that lasted 86 days, decimating marine, human, animal and plant life in and around the gulf region, killing 11 people. Although opponents of BP say the fine is not enough and that BP may have spilled up to 228 million gallons of oil into the gulf.
Although recent trial estimates show, at least 176 million gallons of oils spewed into the gulf after the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion took place, the final figure was set at 103 million gallons by the Judge. And now after the recent ruling, others are not to happy with Barbier’s decision, claiming that a lot more oil was spilled in the gulf by BP than 176 million gallons, not to mention the COREXIT 9500A that was applied after the fact to the surface of the gulf waters.
Tallahasse.com recently reported, “When MacDonald heard BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill reports citing a leak rate of 1,000 barrels of oil a day, he knew that the figures were flawed. MacDonald partnered with nonprofit organization SkyTruth and found that the thickness of the oil had been underestimated “ten-fold.”
“What we did initially was we looked at just the remote sensing and the aerial imaging and airplane pictures that were being reported by the Coast Guard and BP and we just interpreted the numbers differently from what they did,” MacDonald said.
“Part of the reason that they got such a low number is because they were using a very low estimate for how thick the oil was.”
A federal court in New Orleans is currently waging a case against BP in an effort to determine exactly how much oil was discharged into the Gulf of Mexico. MacDonald said the discrepancy lies in the U.S. government’s and BP’s individual estimates of the amount of oil spilled.”[2]
One thing is for sure at this point, you can bet BP will do everything in its power to slim down the numbers.
[1] Trial Wraps up Over Estimates of BP Oil Spill - ABCNews.go.com
[2] Oceanography professor uncovers BP data discrepancies after 2010 Gulf oil spill - Tallahassse.com
The possible $18 Billion fine will only go for court costs and supplementary to THE UNITED STATES, INC., and NONE for any state, county, city, or business that had loses?
If the money was to go to the right people, it Will Not Be enough to cover the damage to Marine Life, no to mentioned the damages the people and business in the surrounding area suffered.
What we are seeing is the typical behavior of the USA Corporation: "Collecting a bribe" and nobody is going to jail for the Crime committed, We Need To Wake Up!!! and End this craziness !!!
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