Dedicated to
Cobra Followers and those who genuinely have an interest in
understanding "The Einstein appearance" of Cobra Resistance
Operation Posts: Or Mission Statement updates:
This applies to
those of us who are undergoing spiritual re- evaluation of our
Ascension awareness and capability.
October 1st 2013
: Cobra Posted
: Pandora
in progress. Isidic security breach, deflected. HVBN stable. PP APR
approved. M=5.
October 5th :
Project 501 report : updated : Project 501 Update:
Alpha timeline with HVBN until intersection
has a probability of p=0.8. The alternative beta timeline with
multiple MVBNs, converging into possible next HVBN before
intersection has a probability of p=0.2.
Beta strategies have been modulated and
need to remain strictly classified.
There are two major intersection probability peaks remaining.
The previous intersection probability peak within RR2-3
intermediate period has collapsed due to incomplete intel about L1
and L0 anomaly.
The first major intersection probability peak comes shortly
after the beginning of the RR3-4 intermediate period, p=0.3. Alpha
timeline is partially classified P501 with gradual to fast M increase
and with probability of some form of EL contact. This leads to
complex interference with existing HVBN on the surface, multiple
MVBNs being one triangulation alternative and time compression into
the convergence point being another one. Shortly before the omega
convergence point this timeline anyway converges into an antarionid
RM intersection. Beta timeline comes with declassified P501 with
multiple MVBNs and then with RM intersections as soon as
The second major intersection probability peak comes close to
omega convergence point with an antarionid RM intersection, p=0.7.
Alpha and beta timelines converge into one as we limit towards the
omega convergence point.

Now just before we move on, a comment on ' the
Prepare for change IT attack on Cobra' can only be seen as a non
spiritual attack on the integrity of Cobra : Who else would use the
power of the user key and post a poem "wolves in sheeps
clothing"with an apology at a time when Cobra is releasing mass
intel to those of us who need to know? Irrational behaviour is all
too common in Cabal attacks and have glove sized fingerprinting for
all of those who can see, to see. Cobra is about bringing light and
intel to us. This happened exactly last year Sept 2012 just before
Cobra Conferences with the specific aim to make people choose fear
rather than be exposed to an open mind. I am pleased to say I opted
for the open minded version and enjoyed Cobra's and Isis' Presence
here in the Caribbean, and many intelligent post there after : there
is more to come:
Back to translating Cobra mission
statements :
CoBra =
COmpression BReAkthrough: Which should automatically trigger in your
mind: the earth and someone squeezing it with big hands until it goes
pop in between your fingers and thumbs. Or Containment is a word that
leaps to mind.
So here is a
laymans version of what is going on outside our normal line of
Here is what you
must consider if you wanted to break up a 20,000 to 300,000 year war
with out violence: ( which in essence is what we are trying to do).
Being human and understanding the (RM in Cobra
posts) Resistance Movement and what they have to do, One has to step
out of the box and look at the world differently: Resistance Movement
does not just mean you and I, there are active but placid ground
forces here too and those in other planes arriving.
So to visualize what is about to happen and what
is actually happening right now. HVBN & MVBN are mentioned
covering the incoming visitors and it is clearly stated interfacing
with RM's on the ground. and even Multiple MVBN's are mentioned.
Visualize the MIA space station with archontic
ships all over the place.
What would you honestly do to breakthrough this
occupation of alien forces?
Firstly you would put grids up all over the place
to keep track on what is going on and where. ( They did this
thousands of years ago and is why we see pyramids all over the
Tunguska being a very negative energy point on
earth but lets stick to positive energy.
These points could be mapped and introduced
to time lines that extend well beyond the realms of not just
this planet but extend those grids out to the planets as well: Just
like the second picture below. We live on a mobile travelling
planetary system which passes through Time a space.
Then you would look at your subjects Archontic,
Reptilian, Draco, Gray, Hydra's, Ebens etc: and you would monitor how
these folk get around and what stops them functioning: In the
first instance you would not make it so dangerous for incoming
Resistance ( VISITORS) people either , So one must understand that
this is not like laying mines or a gas or trip wires or anything like
that where by everyone can be destroyed, it is far more sophisticated
than that and beyond normal human thinking, unless, like me,
you are prepared to stretch your imagination just that bit
You will see Cobra reference XYR's Well in
normal geography we reference XYZ and the GPS system locating grids
X= N-S. Y=E-W and Z is from below as above just as my Auto CAD
system: Zenith and Azimuth I think they called it at my Yachtmaster
school in Astral navigational techniques. The Z grid in Cobra speak
being broken in to a-z grid reference points in altitude. The X &
Y grids he uses on odd occasions but offers more integral
grid/ vortex points : It is my consensus that he goes by a code of
energy grid formats which are geo-desic Outer and Inner Earth energy
swathes, as my best description. What I mean is there is a
sectional beehive in a spiders web format in and around planet
Just a bit more layman shit before we go code
Just imagine how you would have to think if you
had to develop a tool to prevent our consciousness reaching outer
space and telling little secrets to the so called enemy imagine how sophistated
that would have to be, and On the other hand, what about receiving
bolts of energy from the Galactic center ( Called Omega
convergent zones) to keep you safe and recharged so
that you can carry on with your daily duties.?? That is more like what
is going on just now in CoBra's Mission statements.
The ethereal time planes and the convergence
of the galactic wave of energy pulsing over head right now and
controlled grid line vortices are tantamount to making this earth
less hostile because of the current situation here on earth having
the following:
1) Alien controlled cabal ( fake humanoids
generally of Annunaki/Replitian origin)
2) Humanoids, those like us who live in slavery (
who are very pissed off and too can be aggressive ((ignorant))to the
point of canibalistic)
3) negative factions of the Archons who do not
land on earth and use other bases on the Moon & Saturn etc
4) those living beneath earth with over 50
differing species.
5) and most important of all, Those Indigenous
forms who date back years, globally there are many, Too many to
name here.
Exercise to try for your self :
For those who have not seen THRIVE the movie ' or
Nassim Haramein's Schwarzschild Proton videos Try this simple
Cut 2 onions open , One across the equator and one
from the root to spout and look at the difference: Now draw a line
across the centre and put a time line of 20,000 years on each change
ring or wavey line. and imagine YOU are receiving one of these new ring
lines right now from the Galactic core. This is where we stand today.
The reason
for the mission statements having that Einstein appearance is
simple : It is !!
m= matter
and is followed by a mile marker as to the height. See diagram below:
as in m=15:33
A graph
depicts progress through 2013 and as you will see it is much
slower than Cobra or anyone else had envisioned. ( sounds like the
financial situation and the global collateral accounts all
M=Body Matter Yes
Human Body matter: M=2 or last week it was raised to M=5 which
means zone 5 for humanity it has been up to 10 previously indicating
we were getting a right royal rodgering ( done over) and need
M= A human
protection layer and
the larger the number the more sylphs you may see protecting the
skies: Less we forget, You are being bombarded by
man-made weather daily and globally. It is nice to know that most of
it is filtered before it gets here: This is where the operations are
helpful to mankind.
WRITING 3 lines which form star shapes in CHEMTRAILS are right over
head and the sylphs are leaping into action as I speak.
The only problem
we ( the average lightworker ) have with the relatively simple
equation E=mc2 is filling the letters with substantive material
equals mass times the velocity of light squared." So what
exactly does the velocity of light have to do with it?
For those
mathematicians and Quantum leap scientists among us please see this
description :
I always have a
problem with filling the the last bit: Velocity of light but I
can do the squared bit. ( chuckles)
Have you ever
wondered if Cobra is trying to test us with these postings? maybe
even is he working for NASA and giving out the latest top secret
intel so that dark warlords can go deep undercover and then come out
of hiding and zap people with the Death ray ? If so why would he spend
all of his time making impossible to understand mission statements
available to the people and spending his entire new life going around
the globe opening vortexes whilst in the mean time showing people
that we live within Frequency energy and light ? Did Einstein not do
this ?
Trust me, this
took some time to evaluate: But it is worth it if you go back and
read older posts and do some basic research.
Here is some breaking down of the codes which will
benefit from your contribution in the comments section above the
Matthew Wexelbaum: Thanks for your diligence: on
Portal 2012: You are very close but help others to look in the right
The whole
scenario with all of its twists n turns also explains abnormal
zombie behaviour and shape-shifting too and more and more of this
will be come evident as the squeeze intensified both on and inside
the planet: here is a great article on it :
Try to visualize
earth like this :
We often look up
to the sky and ask is that Chemtrails? or is that weather manipulation?
HAARP or normal weather?
Sadly there is
not much good weather these days since they weaponized it in 1992 :
It is more
commonly used to get countries to hand over their finances to
Rothschild central banks and most country governments know this but
they are threatened with it if they brave disclosure:, but good news
is on the way. Do you notice these things ? Sylphs ?
Whose painting in the sky these days in SXM?
These angelic
strands change day to day night to night, have you noticed
Ethereal planes and the Earth as an Galactic playground.
Operations :
Phoenix, Pandora, Omega Etc , ( isn't it funny all of the
listed operations are related to heavy biblical and historical
CoBra =
Compression Breakthrough and Omega Convergence Point can be assumed
to be The Event from a galactic standpoint: As opposed to a financial
meltdown which is from a Hue Man standpoint -The Event- leading to
freedom from slavery and the physical take down of the Cabal.
Oh and some decent TV for a change possibly, plus all our best
kept secrets given out to us in the form of disclosure of truth
Timelines Bobra refers to are Alpha and Beta and they Bifurcate
( fork like: Bi meaning 2 pronged ) Hyper Phasically ( self
explanatory ) Dictionary : Frantic genetic/kinetic energy in a Proton
Neutron Dark energy: IE : Hyper phasic person/ child changes for the
better or worse with an increase or decrease of oxygen. The blending
of timelines is not in normal human ways of thinking or conversation
just now, however this will become increasingly likely over the
next few years.
Other terms and
meanings : in January 2013 this was posted L1CLR and people seem to
think that its is Level 1 ( which it is ) and Clear which it is not
You will also
notice in many previous posts L1DNR and L2UPR after the Level
is determined ( L0 or L1 0r L2) The next part which can be defined as
Upper, Center or Down leading to RR time lines. So they are Levels
and read in context with M= values ( Humanic effects) and m= values
in miles or small letter values ( non humane but Planetary
etherical layers).
GAIA Portal
posts: have you ever linked these to Cobra Posts?
Hue Man as GAIA
portal so often calls it> They tend to only cover what is
happening on a spiritual standpoint on the ground which is very
healthy & useful.
But you can see
and feel the links between the energies recorded:
Higher D
Blue Sphere of Light surrounds the Gaia-ic Globe. Sparkles of point
crystals shimmer in this High Atmosphere. Standardized protocols
have now faded completely from Gaia intention space. Gaia grids
have been cleansed of shadow web structures and are now free to
operate as intended, without obstructions or restriction. Global
resonance at hu-being levels is felt by all residing there. Hue-Beings
now find application in Higher Realms. Inner Strength at
individual consciousness points coalesces to the “Global Gaia”.
Back to
L1 is level 1 and
level zero is Human interface L0 and if you look just recently Cobra
posted M(L0)=16:38 Now M= Human Mass as in E=(M)c2 and a good article
below explains that human mass changes in death, decomposure or
life as we know it: m=0 declared the all clear of the etherical plane
on 28th September is shown in the chart above if you look closely and
the previous months had m=15:33 and so on ,,which is graphed out nice
and clear as above sketch.
All of what Cobra
produces refers to Morphing statuses IE Caterpillar to Cocoon to
Butterfly in terms of time and molecular status; the more you look
into it the more you will see similarities of life and death being (
well that is what we call it) recorded; as if we were searching
for a mathematical formulae for life and death itself
: death being at transformation of Alpha to Beta timelines: Alpha
being in the morphing phase at varying stages, Beta being the merging
timeline with Alpha (Cocoon): So there is no death, just a shift of
We are stranded
in 3D on planet earth with 2 strand DNA ; we know that 4th
Dimension is Space time : 5th Dimension being Proto-phasic ( the
crystalline structural humanic change over ). The secrets of our
changing ability of our own DNA are withheld from us in The Vatican
Vaults and will be released to us very shortly, Just keep your open
eye out on how the Vatican is fear morphing away from the subject
each day with this new Jesuit pope: Boy he knows he and the entire
Vatican is in trouble: When you hear news from the Vatican Just ask :
Where are our secrets? and you can cut through the bullshit
diversions much more easily , this is the main reason they own all
the major telescopes of the world and name all names on Mars, They
control what they know about us.
4th dimension you
will notice has little alternative media coverage as most jump
straight to 5th Dimension and the reason for that is because the
transition 3rd to 4th is less dramatic in terms of Human
Consciousness than 4th to 5th or even 3rd straight to 5th due to our
human design matrix which is in existence today. Many people are
managing to get breakthrough knowledge of this in Meditation, DMT
exercises or Salvia sessions and mushrooms & Ayahuasca etc, which
I find most fascinating.
5th dimensional
Ethereality ( if there is such a word) is not visible to the average
3D human. Where as 4 D is more approachable to 2 strand folk with some
inner exercise. We are hearing that kids these days are more often
than not, born with 3 strand DNA through these Compressive
The ethereal
plane is reachable by our inner communication devices ( our
Consciousness beacon ) Our initial problem appears to be our
disconnection from one source to the other...The Mind Matrix and
radio beacon ( Pineal gland is a receptor and signals outside our
bodies which are in-turn initiated outside our bodies just like radio
waves). Just like a dog knows it is walkies time. otherwise known as
channeling. Do you honestly think that everything you know is locked
up in your tiny mind as a micro processing unit?
To understand
modern science of dimensions from a spiritual standpoint
you have to really understand that they ( all scientists) all know
that reincarnate souls is a mathematical certainty despite them
keeping it under wraps from us :
Back again
to Cobra and the significance or morphing timelines:
Cobra's timelines
are in code too: Matthew Waxelbaum comments and I suggest he could be
closest on the block: p=0.3 and RR2-3 and so on referring to
the length of Period in a % (0.5 =50%) or length of specific time
Months in Caps etc: is in relation to incoming energies from
the galactic core: So yes that means incoming timelines: Just imagine
sitting on the edge of the plug hole when the water comes feeding in,
you may then grasp the pending black hole phenomena and intense
energy that is all around us. This energy only ever happens to be
visible when one entity makes a gravitational shift IE water - plug
hole: This is certainly not a catastrophic timeline as changing the
bath water does not mean the bath water is dead, far from it, It is
moving and moving on ( morphing) . Therefore this is more
likely to be a very positive timeline as all events in the world lead
us to thinking that way, should we not take mainstream fear mongering
on board.
If we think out
of the box for a moment and consider us Human Beings =M and the outer
etherical plane =m and all the technical mileage of the outer crust
of the earth and how it affects Human life , we have also to
understand that it affects Earth living Galactic life forms too; I do
not expect that for the puppet masters Cameron, Hague, McCain, Kerry
and many others. This timeline may not be the kindest timeline
to be in if you are in morph status.
The reason made
clear this week as Montague Keen said " It is time for
these people to exit the stage earth" "they are not going
to be able to hide their existence any longer " Which in plain
simple Morph language means : Expect more shapeshifting on National
TV from the confined elite as they are pinned down and Earth is now
no place for the dark Cabal.
And finally
This weeks
message also contained PP APR approved which is the Pheonix Project:
Automatic Power Reserve Approved and from what I can understand
M=5 which is a surge of support energy for humans on the
surface and out to space, 5 being on a scale of M= 0 to M=10. Ten
being further away M=0 meaning planetary surface. IMHO.
In just today
Cobra's Latest Post :
We have already seen that he 2 timelines are Alpha
& Beta: and Lets work out the HVBN: I know that some of
you out there will nail this :
In this post Cobra gives us many clues : HV (BN)
and MV (BN)s as he calls them, try you go back to the original post
of Project 501:
Capitol letters are an indication of meaningful
words or beings as opposed to small letters which indicate something
off a graph.
So if we have HV Beings and MV beings what could
that mean. and Interaction with RM's we know is Resistance movement
and the antarionids ( guess where they come from) Antares by any
You only need to go on and look for their
containment in the Bulletins and to simplify all of this :
Morphing in and out of time lapses or dimensions
is nothing new to Galactics (Good or bad) So HV's and MV's having the
ability to cross into Alpha and Beta timelines is not without
considerable reason : So MV's Must be Multiple Velocity or vehicles.
and High Velocity Being modules which could be translated to Mother
ships and Spacecraft in addition to those already in place IE: RM's
and us on the ground. The BN for the purpose of this report will
remain unsolved, so I await your interjection and help. A copy of
this report will go to Cobra for his comments:
In June 2013 Cobra reported Project 501 status
So as Cobra's intelligence briefings now become
little by little more understandable and I hope you can understand
GAIA portal briefings a little easier now : and More in the future:
It should become common knowledge that we are generally fed by people
who do have outer contact with beings with no need for time-travel.
The outer contact from our brothers and sisters is
coming increasingly evident, the more disclosure YOU and I do, plus
the more healthier it will be when the time comes, and that
time is no better than NOW.
PS : Pandora in progress.
Isidic security breach, deflected. HVBN stable. PP APR approved. M=5.
Translates to :
More incoming
unexpected breaches as this Pandora Project progresses : outer
containment has been beefed up due to such breaches: an etheric
barrier has now been more than doubled and our founder fathers have
accepted a greater power reserve to be shielded as it is
required in these transitional periods during ongoing missions.
Isidic sounds like a name for an energy vortex arena.
And a brief
breakdown of Project 501 synopsis:
Things not quite
going to plan as a revision of current plans are required and need
ultimate secrecy regarding Morphing times ahead:
3 Interface
points ahead with Resistance movement and Other galactic entities
will converge at an undisclosed time which we now know as Omega
Convergence point.
The second
major intersection probability peak comes close to omega convergence
point with an antarionid RM intersection, p=0.7
Intersection with
the craft and visitors on the planet surface is fraught with
interference with existing beings, Only until such time as Project
501 is clear can interface with Multi beings take place, that is what
we know as The Event.
Still much work
to make and do:
This clearly
defines one of the RM groups as Antarionids: Antares any one? Seen
here :
That Beta
timeline is classified and remains so :
In Light Dave
Cobra = Cabal
Disinformation at it's best.
Cobra, I defy you to produce even one piece of evidence or proof THAT WE CAN SEE AND TOUCH to prove that this story you invent is genuine. This Hue - man crap of yours is a Grimm's Brothers fairy tale, and you are an idiot. Cobra, Ken, Dratzo, Salusa, etc., should do at least one honest thing, go investigate a black hole and show us the event horizon. Bye - Bye. TYJM frj
Is a complex, technical occultism, with an impressive, well-developed storyline, safer and truer than a crude, simplistic one? Occult doctrines and storylines got humanity into the mess its in, in the first place. Why would anyone want more of the same?
Long repetition of falsehoods does not remake them into truths.
"Stand now with thine enchantments, and with the multitude of thy sorceries, wherein thou hast laboured from thy youth; if so be thou shalt be able to profit, if so be thou mayest prevail.
"Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee. Behold, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame: there shall not be a coal to warm at, nor fire to sit before it." -Isaiah 47:12-14
"As for our Redeemer, the Lord of hosts is His name, the Holy One of Israel." -Isaiah 47:4
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