Tuesday, October 1, 2013

MarkZ and I4U Members Chat Tuesday Morning

MarkZ and I4U Members Chat Tuesday Morning

 [MarkZ] Everyone put down your torch's and pitch forks....... What most intel people are looking at is the begining of the process and they think that it will instantly hit the streets. They are not giving you bad information. It is just not complete and can not be complete and shouldn't be for that matter. This is a process. period. period. period. That being said. @#$%$@ we are in a GREAT spot!

[@theend] make real life connections...enjoy THAT.....live for THAT....not the possilbe RV

[MarkZ] @theend you speak the truth

 [MarkZ] Papa Bear you tell them and folks @theend gave you the best advice I have seen in awhile. The watched pot never boils.

 [dinarchaser] MarkZ Do we need to see banks fail before we can RV?

 [MarkZ] dinarchaser heck no
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[@theend] Don't make decisions based on the RV happening today or tomorrow..make decisions based on the life you are living...not the life you are hoping to live when you have more...

[MarkZ] We are right on top of this. I have stayed away for a very good reason. We are that close and there is no reason to give news that could effect people or the process. We need to break the 24 hour internet news cycle. Step away from our collective keyboards unless it is to come to the castle and be social and go live life. This train is coming 'round the corner with or without us threatening to kill ourselves or Tony or TK or myself or Okie or whomever if it isn't on your timing. This thing is here in a broad sense. It is so plain that it should have hit you in the face already.

[dinarchaser] MarkZ Is some of this a smoke screen to hide the reality of what is going on behind the scenes?

[MarkZ] dinarchaser of course it is!!!

[kool2bmiles] MarkZ ty Very well said...

[cashinqueen] MarkZ okie seem to think if we did not see this rv by oct 1st all the contracts in iraq would expire and would have to be rewritten which i feel would be another delay your thoughts

[MarkZ] cashinqueen I have friends that are contractors there. Most have already been taken care of on contracts. I am not worried at all. Okie has some incredible contacts there in the oil fields though so he may be right about his contacts.

[MarkZ] I am being very honest with you all when I say this is the first time in this VERY LONG process in which I am VERY content to sit back and watch I am no longer questioning what can delay us anymore. I KNOW we are past anything short of minor blips for the first time EVER. MAN I FEEL GOOD!!!!!

[slh1812] MarkZ and Castle , we have waited our entire lives for this blessing. Let us rest, and release, and allow for time to bring it to conclusion. It will be.

[MarkZ] slh1812 well said.

[oucrazy] MarkZ. . . so you don't think this is another couple of months away?

[MarkZ] oucrazy If the chat filter would not filter out my comment I would tell you how I feel. ;) Heck no. IMO we are not months away.

[TexasMom] MarkZ lol we don't want to do a white out right now ty

[honeybelle] MarkZ so you thinkin Jesters end Oct early Nov?

[cashinqueen] Yes jester is adamant about end of oct early nov :(

[MarkZ]  I need to call my old friend. I have been looking for this to start Oct 1 and start playing out quickly. I believe it will be done by early Novemeber. But the RV is pretty early in that process. Listen to Mt Goat. One of the best connected vocal people out here. I try to stay quiet because of some of my contacts need privacy.

[MarkZ] Go kiss your babies, wives, husbands, spouses and etc. This is not and never was about us. Well the RV anyways, The Reset and WGS were always about us and all the other people around the world that have suffered oppression. Kick back, love life and KNOW we are close. This is of course my opinion and it and a 1.50 will buy you a cup of coffee at the diner around the corner.... hehehe… Fortunately I have great contacts so I AM NOT WORRIED AT ALL ANYMORE.

[TexasMom] MarkZ I can't tell you enought how much we appreciate your visit this morning love love

 [nolaspice] MarkZ i am so thankful of the friends i have from this crazy ride - it makes it worth it –

[nolaspice] MarkZ and it certainly helps that you are super sexy and wildly intelligent and crazy charismatic

[MarkZ]  *blush*

[jamajacks] honeybelle cashinqueen sandytob Why not let Mark be his own man here and not ask him to verify or not someone else. Jester gave his reasons for that time frame.

[nolaspice] #2sister he is like clark kent - and superman - the avator is sexy but the real man is handsome

[oublood] MarkZ what about okies comment on the contracts expiring at midnight last night ?

[MarkZ] oublood some did but the ones I have seen had riders to correct for any changes. It does not worry me at all. They will work around it. They will just borrow some of TexasMom's white out.

[notsoguru] MarkZ thank you for your calming attitude - just wish it would stay long after you leave chat - i agree that we need to see and cherish the blessings we have now so that we don't loose sight of what is before us when we do have more -like so many have that have obtained wealth

[MarkZ] notsoguru I have a plate full of life but I think of you all often. I promise to make a strong effort here at the end to do better and visit more.

[MarkZ] Most intel providers bring different strengths in their contacts. Jester started on the bond side and when it comes to bonds he is one of the best. Okie has great on the ground contacts, Tony looks to have good banking contacts, TK has some stellar CMKM contacts. Everyone brings their own strengths and bias's based on those strengths. We are very fortunate to have them all. We just have to remember that this is very compartmentalizied to keep any of us from knowing the exact time. Knowing that could change world power and defeat the reason for the reset. We are close, very close and I am content with where we are. I do wish we were done though and at the beach...

 [TexasMom] MarkZ great post about the intel providers who are working hard to bring us their best! ty

 [MarkZ] TexasMom I think half have ended up divorced or on the couch because of this thing. They spend entirely too much time on everyone else's behalf.

[TexasMom] MarkZ I am sorry if that is the case. :-(

[@theend] MarkZ what are your contact's strengths? if you don't mind me asking? Great post by the way ty

[MarkZ] @theend I am fortunate. I have many from different parts of this, I am an old timer from CMKM, through that I met many of the global players and architects in the refunding of the USD. Plus I am in the gold mining business so I was there when this started and soveriegns started collect assets for the reset. Many political connections as well. Not enough banking contacts though. I have been to ground zero for this and let me tell you. Reno is a zoo. Stay away!!! ;) Just let this play out and follow the instructions after it is done, there will be plenty of options for us all. Once it happens, take a minute to breath, cry, collapse, shake, and then get up and think through the options.

[@theend] MarkZ that post just made me smile. ty

[jamajacks] MarkZ Great post! TY clap clap

[hoot2602] MarkZ Mark, this is the first time that I'm almost convinced that this will happen! Much of my feeling is based on the low-hype approach that you use. Thank you!

[MarkZ] hoot2602 very welcome. This is and has always been a when and not an if. Always believe that. Fortunately it is very close. IMO

[honeybelle] MarkZ ty for coming in you always uplift me please try to come in as you can tyvm

[MarkZ] honeybelle My schedule is a little better starting tomorrow for the next 5 days or so. I will do better and remember that SQ and Nola can always guilt me in to a visit if I am free. Nola asked me to stop in this morning, She said you all needed some QT

[cashinqueen] MarkZ hope you are on the beach within the next 5 days lol

[MarkZ] cashinqueen I honestly believe I will be.

 [brobi] MarkZ why do you think gold is down so much today?

[marmeysue] MarkZ Mark do you think you could come in sometime and educate us on gold and silver and the best coins to purchase post rv? TY

[hoot2602] marmeysue I agree. I am thinking seriously about gold and silver coins.

 [cashinqueen] MarkZ comments on gold way down today

[MarkZ] cashinqueen Gold has a lot of artificial air in it because the fiat money didn't want us running to gold. Gold will be crazy for awhile I think. I honestly believe it should be around 800 when all the dust settles at some point. Silver is my darling though. It has been kept artificially low for decades. IMO

[@theend] MarkZ one more question and then I'll hush (HA!) what does CMKM stand for?

[MarkZ] @theend It is a mining company that people in our government and banking industry purposely naked shorted for their own gain. Some very astute people saw an opportuntity to use that vehicle to hasten the fall of the fiat system and our corrupt fed. They tied on and used the legal ramifications to bring down the system quicker.

 [Duguid] MarkZ : Reno Zoo good? Or Reno Zoo....Bad ?

[MarkZ] Duguid Just a zoo. Many snake oil salesmen there. many great people too.

[sailman] MarkZ-- From your vantage point are you agreeing that we should see the GCR in the next few days with the rollout of other funds finished by early November?

[MarkZ] I know that I am leaving a lot of questions un-answered but I need to get back to my work day. Love you all and my heart goes out to the many that are barely surviving this. I have seen many lose nearly everything over this. Live each day and know that it will happen. Just do NOT stop living!

[@theend] Ya know, I feel good about this chat. I feel hopeful but not hyped. Hope others feel the same way.

 [Gdsgrl21] MarkZ Thank you so much for coming in! We appreciate you love

[kool2bmiles] MarkZ ty Sir Have a Blessed day!!

[Duguid] MarkZ : Thanks...Good day

[MarkZ] Gdsgrl21 Duguid welcome all

[MarkZ] ba bye

[marmeysue] MarkZ bye and thank you for your time


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