from Political Vel Craft...
Barack Obama: “We’re five days away from the fundamental
transformation of the United States.”
Just before
the 2008 presidential election, Barack Obama said, “We’re five days away from
the fundamental transformation of the United States.” Immediately after he
became president, Obama began fulfilling that prediction.
years later, the U. S. is well on the way toward becoming a European-style
welfare state, while
European countries — the latest being Holland — are moving away from
hideously expensive welfare-state programs.
The central
government’s budget consumes almost a quarter of the nation’s Gross Domestic
Product, and ObamaCare means government takeover of another one-sixth of our
Add state
and local government spending to Washington, DC’s outlays, and the percentage
of GDP now going to the public sector tops 40. Once ObamaCare fully kicks in,
well over half of America’s GDP will go in to the public till.
The U.S.
national deficit is over $17 trillion, which is a tad more than 100% of GDP. (If Congress votes to increase the national debt limit in
October, the nation’s debt as a percentage of GDP will go up.)

The Obamians
are forging a hollow military, and the U.S. has become a laughingstock in the
international arena. America surrendered in Iraq and Afghanistan, “led from
behind” when Gaddafi was overthrown in Libya, could not, or
would not, protect its diplomatic facilities and personnel in Benghazi, stood
by while Vladimir Putin seized center stage on the issue of chemical weapons in
Syria, and cannot, or will not, prevent Iran from obtaining
nuclear weapons.
Yes, the
U.S. — employing tools developed during George W. Bush’s presidency — killed Osama bin Laden, and used drones to
murder American citizens in Yemen, but the nation faces a very bleak future
given its much weakened military and lack of backbone in the White House.
The changes
the Obamians have inflicted on America since January 20, 2009 are little short
of revolutionary — absent the violence usually associated with profound, rapid,
alterations of a nation’s socio-political order. This process is sometimes
referred to as a “silent revolution,” and although it did not begin with Obama
— some date it back to FDR’s New Deal, others as long ago as the presidencies
of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson — it has been substantially
accelerated since Obama was first inaugurated.
We may be
seeing signs of a nascent counterrevolution against Obama and the Obamians. The
Tea Parties’ emergence in 2009 and the Republican successes in the 2010
off-year elections may have been harbingers of a conservative swing in the
nation’s mood.
country club Republicans, who aspire to ally with the Democrat ruling class,
were able to blunt, and even somewhat reverse, gains made in 2010.
After a
period of relative quiescence — following Obama’s reelection and Democrat
retention of the Senate in 2012 — Tea Partiers and unaffiliated conservatives
appear once again to be on the march.

Obamacare remains unpopular. The most recent poll (9-4-8/13) for the Pew Research Center for The People & The Press shows that 53% of the respondents disapproved of Obamacare, 42% approved, and 5% said they did not know. Several recent polls of “likely voters” by Rasmussen Reports also show majorities (of varying size) dislike this or that facet of Obamacare. Similarly, polls listed by also show larger percentages dislike the law than like it.
During the month of September, ten of the twelve major polling organizations listed by reported larger percentages disapproved of how Obama was handling his job than approved. Not one of the twelve organizations that asked for approval or disapprove of Obama’s job performance found him “above water” in September.
Virtually all of the major polls listed by have shown him “below water” throughout most of the summer. His job approval rating was (barely) above 50% last May.
Wednesday, October 02 2013
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Disapprove +3
Disapprove +10
Wrong Track +40
Wrong Track +35
Real Clear Politics
Although most reelected presidents have a “honeymoon” period of several months after they are reinaugurated, Obama appears to be an exception.
When pollsters ask if people like or approve of Obama personally, his ratings are generally higher than his job approval ratings, but recent polls listed by show slippage of opinions about him as a person. Some of us have known for some time that Obama is not “a nice guy.”
Although most reelected presidents have a “honeymoon” period of several months after they are reinaugurated, Obama appears to be an exception.
When pollsters ask if people like or approve of Obama personally, his ratings are generally higher than his job approval ratings, but recent polls listed by show slippage of opinions about him as a person. Some of us have known for some time that Obama is not “a nice guy.”
- Obama’s Pillars Of Paper Fantasy Dies: “Panic Will
- Barack Obama aka; Barry Soetoro Lies 45 Times In
Speech At Mafia’s U.N.
- Warning: Obama’s Links To CIA’s Al-Qaeda And The
Kenyan Mall Massacre Revealed
- Obama’s Brother Malik Obama: Target Of Egyptian
Government Terrorist Investigation
- Resident Barry Soetoro aka; Obama Violates [U.S.
Munitions Export Laws] To Export Assault Weapons To CIA’s Syrian “Rebels”.
- Timeline Of Reid & Obama’s Obtuse Shutdown:
Blackmailing Of U.S. Retirements & Healthcare Needs.
- While Reid & Obama Shuts Down Our Government:
Obama Behind The Scenes Increases Funding For Soros’s CIA Al Qaeda.
- Obamacare Legislation Is Infinitely More Dark Than A
Simple Ploy Of Corporate Government Shut Down: Nearly Half Of The States
In The U.S. Have Outlawed This Genocidal Machination By The Cabal.
We’ve already seen gun-grabbing Democrats in Colorado sent
packing, and — inspired by Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, and other
conservatives in Congress — the GOP leadership has refused to fund Obamacare,
at least for now. Looking ahead to 2016, the Republican “bench” is loaded with
young talent. (Democrats seem to be limited to Hillary Clinton [who will be 69]
or Joe Biden [who will be 74].)
One could point to polls plumbing other topics that also seem to show more public backing for what most of us would recognize as “conservative” opinions. For now, let just one suffice.
A recent (9/4-8/13) poll conducted for the Pew Research Center asked the following question: “If you had to choose, would you prefer a smaller government providing fewer services, or a larger government providing more services?” 51% of the respondents opted for a smaller government, 40% wanted a bigger one, 2% replied “it depends,” and 7% either said “don’t know” or refused to answer.

One could point to polls plumbing other topics that also seem to show more public backing for what most of us would recognize as “conservative” opinions. For now, let just one suffice.
A recent (9/4-8/13) poll conducted for the Pew Research Center asked the following question: “If you had to choose, would you prefer a smaller government providing fewer services, or a larger government providing more services?” 51% of the respondents opted for a smaller government, 40% wanted a bigger one, 2% replied “it depends,” and 7% either said “don’t know” or refused to answer.

2016 Republican Presidential Nomination
Polling Data
– 9/29
– 9/29
– 9/26
– 9/8
The rightward tilt of responses to this query continues a
pattern to public opinion manifested on polls for Pew since 2009.
The apparent public rejection of some of Obama’s favorite policies isn’t the first time a sizable slice — amounting probably to a majority — of the populace reacted against a Chief Executive’s attempts to move America to the Left.
The apparent public rejection of some of Obama’s favorite policies isn’t the first time a sizable slice — amounting probably to a majority — of the populace reacted against a Chief Executive’s attempts to move America to the Left.
After he was elected — albeit with only 43% of the popular
vote — Bill Clinton sought to govern from the Left. (Remember “Hillarycare?”)
After the GOP captured both houses of Congress in the 1994 off-year elections,
Clinton grudgingly tacked to the center, and began the Dick Morris-inspired
practice of “triangulation,” designed to locate the Clinton Administration
between the Democrat Left and the Republican “Right.” Clinton went so far as to
declare “the era of big government is over” during his State-of-the-Nation
address in 1996. After vetoing it twice, Clinton reluctantly signed the Newt
Gingrich-inspired welfare reform bill in 1996.

- Clinton Official Arrested In Egypt As Member Of
Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood
- Illuminati Ex-President Morsi Of Egypt To Be
Prosecuted For Inciting Murders: Sharing The Legacy With Saddam Hussein!
Clinton’s shift toward the political center helped get him
reelected in 1996, although — again — with less than 50% of the popular vote.

So far, Obama displays no political dexterity à la Clinton. Rather, he has continued rigidly to cling to ultra Left-wing policies. (Is Obama a “bitter clinger?”) During the run-up to the imbroglio over congressional passage of the latest Continuing Resolution, and during the ensuing government shutdown, Obama has used the most uncivil language to characterize conservatives generally, and Tea Partiers specifically.

So far, Obama displays no political dexterity à la Clinton. Rather, he has continued rigidly to cling to ultra Left-wing policies. (Is Obama a “bitter clinger?”) During the run-up to the imbroglio over congressional passage of the latest Continuing Resolution, and during the ensuing government shutdown, Obama has used the most uncivil language to characterize conservatives generally, and Tea Partiers specifically.
- Ron Paul, The Tide Turned Against The Rothschild
Warmongers: A Great Victory!
- Nancy Pelosi Clinging To Antipathy : Palm Beach
Party Had More Security Than Guests!
- FEMA => Re-Education Camps For Corrupt
Politicians: Mitigating The Buffoonery Of The World Gang Association’s
In retrospect — like him or not — Clinton should be viewed
as a crafty politician, one who “knows when to hold ‘em, and knows when to fold
‘em.” (Clinton makes my skin crawl, but give the devil his due.)

- Obama Appoints Virginity Czar: Billy Clinton
- New York Times White Wash Thugs Bill Clinton &
General Wesley Clark Of War Crimes Against Christian Serbs!
- Forbes Publishes Propaganda Hit Piece On Economy:
Spins A Defense For Bill Clinton Deregulating The 1% Banking Industry!
- Bill Clinton Personally Orchestrated the 1993 Waco,
Texas Genocide : Guilty Of Sedition And Inciting Oklahoma City Bombing!
- Guess Who Started The ‘Birther Movement’ aka;
‘Constitutional Requirement For President Eligibility’: Started By Bill
Clinton In 2008!
- CIA, Bill Clinton, George Bush Jr., & Barack
Obama Have Been Indicted By The U.S. Congressional “Constitutional Task
Force” For Crimes Against Humanity!
- The Tragic Background Of Barack Obama aka; Barry
Soetoro: Part 1
- Muslim Brotherhood Goon Appointed As Sr. Secretary
For U.S. Gestapo Homeland Security Scheme.
- Breaking => Mother Of Obama’s Murdered Gay
Partner Speaks Up ~ All 3 Homosexual Members Of Obama’s Trinity Church
Murdered Within 6 Weeks.
Obama is a rigid ideologue, wedded to his ultra Left-wing view of the world, and completely unwilling to compromise. And the U.S. is stuck with him until January 20, 2017.
It is absolutely essential that he be turned into a lame duck.
American Thinker

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