Friday, October 18, 2013



To: All
From: A patriot
Re: Potential big time health problem coming up soon....

Hi Everyone,

All of what I am about to say can be looked up on google....
As John knows I have been really angry about what the EVIL cabal monsters are doing to us to try and kill us off....Chemtrails in the air, Fluoride and other poisons in our water, and all forms of food poisoning including GMO....  I study this stuff constantly to see how to defend against this stuff, and read everyting I can to better inform people what these SCUM bags are up to. Two years ago I saw under an electron microscope these NANO chips (from chemtrails) assemble themselves into a computer chip when placed into blood on a slide. At that time no one had a clue what this was all about. Since then this presentation has been removed from youtube, a google NWO company....Well a few days ago I read on Nesara blog spot news about how these satanic monsters are now going to use the NANO chips now in our blood from Chemtrails to inflict us with a flu like symptom ....they will use cell towers to set them into play.... These chip are designed to kill us  (within 10 days estimated) with a NANO flu like symptom for which there is no cure.... It was said 87- 93% of all USA citizens have these chips in them from chemtrails.... They have really stepped up their spraying here in the Dallas / Fort Worth metroplex.  I cannot go out for very long before my eyes burn and the left side of my nose swells shut and burns like hell.... I want to let the readers know that they need to let King Barnhard of the Netherlands and Billy Bop Gates know to STOP FUNDING this program NOW!!!  They and all participants in the spraying program should be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law NOW in the world court.  AND notify the traitorous US MILITARY that they do NOT have your permission to drop this 'germ warfare' on you, your family and friends and to STOP IT IMMEDIATELY.  They, too, should be arrested immediately and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law in the world court. 

There have been many articles and pictures of MASS bird kills where they suddenly just fall out of the sky dead, and now on Before it is News I see where Moose are dropping dead in Montana and elsewhere. Could it be that the military is targeting certain species to see just how fast the NANO-TECH kill plan works before they pull OUR plug??

I believe this is an URGENT enough message to warn people, and the 'Good guys' (ARE there any 'good guys'?) that have the undisputed authority to ARREST these scumbags that there is a problem brewing - MAJOR threat to all of humanity ....As for the 'good guys' that keep waiting ..... If harm comed to any more usa citzens, it could be said that you folks are just as guilty as the bastards doing this crap....

The longer we wait to arrest these satanic monsters the bigger the chance that reality will set in and thus we will not be around to do anything about them... 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

chem-trails slowed for awhile, say 3 months. Now they are flying fast and furious over Mt.Shasta and flying way lower than before. Evil has no boundaries.