October 4, 2013
Pentagon Warns To Expect “Radical” Change In US Government Soon
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
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A highly troubling “urgent bulletin” issued earlier today by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) states that it has received information from the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) warning to expect a “radical change” in the government of the United States, possibly within the next fortnight, based on information they have received from“highly placed” sources within the Pentagon.
According to this MoFA bulletin, GRU intelligence assests were notified by their Pentagon counterparts this past week that President Barack Obama is preparing to invoke the powers given to him under 50 USC Chapter 13 to hold that various American States are now in a “state of insurrection” thus allowing him to invoke the National Emergencies Act under 50 USC § 1621 and invoke the highly controversial “continuity of government” plan for the United States allowing him, in essence, to rule with supreme powers.
Specifically, this bulletin says, Obama will invoke 50 USC § 212 that states: “ the President shall have declared by proclamation that the laws of the United States are opposed, and the execution thereof obstructed, by combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings”
The specific laws being opposed by these “combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings,” that Obama will outline in his reasoning’s for declaring a state of emergency, this bulletin continues, are the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), otherwise known as Obamacare.
The NDAA is opposed by many US States, this bulletin says, with California joining Alaska and Virginia this past week in passing a law making it illegal to be enforced in their territory, and with many other States, also, preparing to do the same.
The specific portions of the NDAA law being opposed by these US States allows for the indefinite detention without charges or trial of all American citizens and allows for their assassination should Obama order it.
The PPACA (Obamacare) law is, likewise, opposed by over half of the US States and has led to an American“shutdown” this past week that has closed 15% of their government, but has left fully 85% of it still open.
To the specific “combinations too powerful” Obama will cite in his declaration of National Emergency as being needed to be defeated by extraordinary measures, the MoFA says, is a faction of the US House of Representatives popularly known as the Republican Tea Party whom the President and his allies have likened to “hostage takers”and “political terrorists.”
Obama’s greatest fear, and reason(s) for declaring a National State of Emergency, this bulletin continues, was outlined yesterday by his US Treasury Department who released a report yesterday warning of potentially“catastrophic” damage should Congress fail to raise the debt ceiling and prevent the government from defaulting on its debt.
As the current US government shutdown crisis and debt ceiling fight have now merged, the MoFA warns in this bulletin, Obama further warned yesterday that an impasse on the debt ceiling beyond 17 October, when the US government will be essentially out of cash to pay its bills, could start a downward economic plunge worse than the recession of five years ago – with credit markets seizing up, the dollar’s value plummeting and US interest rates soaring and even coming close to the brink of such an unprecedented default that could roil both domestic and foreign financial markets.
Preparing to oppose Obama, should he, in fact, declare a National State of Emergency, the GRU grimly warns, is the US military who themselves are preparing to invoke 50 USC § 842 which allows them to protect America from“The Communist Party of the United States, or any successors of such party regardless of the assumed name, whose object or purpose is to overthrow the Government of the United States, or the government of any State, Territory, District, or possession thereof…”
Not known to many Americans is that the Progressive movement Obama belongs to, and whose media acolyte “presstitutes” swept into office, have long been associated with the Communist Party.
And, as the World Net Daily News Service reported this past August, John C. Drew, Ph.D., the award-winning political scientist, met Obama in 1980 and wrote in 2011: “[Obama] believed that the economic stresses of the Carter years meant revolution was still imminent. The election of Reagan was simply a minor set-back in terms of the coming revolution. … Obama was blindly sticking to the simple Marxist theory … ‘there’s going to be a revolution.’ Obama said, ‘we need to be organized and grow the movement.’ In Obama’s view, our role must be to educate others so that we might usher in more quickly this inevitable revolution.”
With Obama’s “revolution” now at hand, the GRU warns in this bulletin, it is critical to note that that United States, unlike other nations, have all of their elected officials and military personal swear allegiance to the US Constitution, and not to their government or its leaders.
The most recent example of this conflict between Obama and the US military, the GRU further states, was in Egypt when the Obama regime supported Muslim Brotherhood was overthrown by the Pentagon backed Egyptian military, and who, like the United States, makes its political and military leaders swear allegiance to their constitution, not to any of its leaders.
As many in America now know that these present times are not the normal activities of a government seeking peace and prosperity, and as dozens of undisclosed Obama Presidential directives that define US national security policy and task government agencies are still unknown either to the public or, as a rule, to the US Congress, this bulletin warns in its summation that with each passing day American can be more likened to a communist dictatorship than a functioning democracy.
So bad, in fact, has the United States become that one of its legendary reporters, Pulitzer Prize winner Seymour Hersh wrote this past week that the Obama administration lies systematically yet none of the leviathans of American media, the TV networks or big print titles, challenge him.
Even worse, and in a further Sovietization of American Life by the Obama regime, the US this past week refused to grant entry visas to internationally renowned authors Ilija Trojanov and Ernst Titovets who were invited to speak at conferences, and which Justin Raimondo of the highly respected Antiwar.com blog calls “part of a disturbing pattern of repression that all points to one ineluctable conclusion: the United States is the Soviet Union of the new millennium – an ideological state with global ambitions that holds itself up as the epitome of "freedom" and yet is the single most powerful enemy of liberty worldwide.”
The only way this will happen is if the Pentagon allows it to happen..... i don't know about you but I do not know one person that is not fed up with our socialist military and fake corporate government..... We all need to turn into the family ( like the movie ) and take it to the cowards.... bastards...
It's said the "The Fish Rots From The Head Down." We have the worst sorry excuse for leadership in the role reserved for a man of wisdom. It's time to get rid of the rotten fish. We definitely have men and women who have wisdom and common sense which is what America needs running this country! The only reason people are laughing at America is because no one has stood up and done what is the proper and right thing to do, and that is to use the God given brains that each man has and use them to the good of all. Quit being "commie robots" taking orders from the devil.
If this does happen, the Americans will have no one to blame but themselves. When the populace of other nations are rising up and kicking the cabal banking system and communist cabal 'leaders' out of their nations along with the terrorist groups employed by these, how is it that the Americans don't have the smarts and courage to do the same!!!! The united States has been a world leader for over 150 years. Now this once great nation is no longer the head but the tail. The fed up courageous people of other nations are proving Americans to be stupid and cowardly. They aren't even smart enough to comprehend what is going on in their nation, and not courageous enough to put a stop to it. The world looks at Americans in bewildered amazement and laughs. History has proven that every great nation soon comes to its end - is it about 200 years? Looks like America has come to its end. How sad, for it doesn't have to be so What has happened to your God? The One Who once protected and blessed you? Do you suppose He has turned His back on your nation, the ones who have turned their backs on Him by allowing and even promoting homosexualtiy, adultery, human slavery, porn, drugs, gun running, training and funding guerilla warfare via the muslims, bank fraud, et al? America, soon you will be calling out to Him but He will not answer. Why would He? He doesn't know you - you never repent, pray or consult Him for His plans. We will continue to watch as your nation crumbles. It doesn't have to be so. Sad. Very sad.
What many reading this document don’t understand is that this document is information supposedly supplied by the Russian MoFA and Russian GRU. Now I’m not to sure the American Military is going to divulge its plans to the Russian MoFA or the Russia GRU (replacement name of KGB). The other interesting note is that the Russian MoFA as is defined in this article actually refers to itself as the MFA not the MoFA. Only Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs is referred to as the MoFA. Further, there is nothing in a bulleting from the Russian MFA concerning this issue being released as a statement
What is partially factual about this document is that Mr Obama is part of the global Marxist/Leninist based ideological subversion (fundamental transformation) of America. Knowing that it takes a crisis to provide the spring board from which Marxist/Leninist act, it’s quite possible that Americans need to be on their toes concerning the extreme measures being taken by the Obama administration to attempt to create a much greater issue out of the government shut down and coming debt discussions than is actually the truth. The shutdown of non-essential federal government services in itself was not felt by the majority of Americans, therefore the Obama administration has gone out of its way to create situations of pain for Americans, just as it did with the sequester. Corroding off open sidewalks and memorials and shutting down non publically funded parks, have all be efforts by the Obama administration to make problems where none actually exist. Additionally the Obama administration has started rhetoric which indicates the wheels will fall off the world economy if the debt ceiling is not increased. This debt ceiling debt default is actually a falsehood as the interest on the American debt is 30 bill/mo and the treasury takes in about 250 bill/mo, therefore it’s a matter of Mr Obama deciding to pay the interest on the debt 30 bill/mo from those monthly revenues which keeps America from defaulting on its debt. That said, if the Obama administration cannot leverage the shutdown through rhetoric and fear, it will take action via the debt ceiling to increase the pain on Americans in order to get the House of Representatives to enact all of its Marxist agenda items. Would the Obama administration invoke Martial law over the debt ceiling and current shutdown? Maybe … if it was desperate, however a move such as that by the Obama administration would be incredibly stupid and grounds of impeachment.
So what do I determine will occur? If the Senators of the several states cannot break the log jam of Mr. Reid, and work with the house on resolving these political issues, I see Senators being recalled by the state legislatures and being replaced by appointees by the several governors. I see Mr. Reid being dismissed from his post and replaced. If Mr. Obama does not bend to the will of the people, I see his impeachment via the current House of Representatives and recalled/replacement Senate members.
I sure hope you are right! Obama needs to be impeached now before it is too late!
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