Saturday, September 24, 2011
The Pumpers
Thanks for all of the help you guys have provided in obtaining this information. I can't do this alone, of course. This is quite a list of sordid characters. You have to wonder how many people who bought dinar wouldn't have done so if they had read this page first? I guess we'll never know. This list isn't intended to be exhaustive because there are too many people out there selling and pumping dinar to include them all. But here's the list in no particular order.
Okie Oil Man (Lonnie Freels) - No bigger douchebag in the dinar world. Okie was introduced by another douchebag named Roger at Dinar Daddy. Roger threatened to ban anybody on his site who bashed his friend Okie. Since then Okie has been out there telling us about his contacts in governments, the military, business .... etc. Almost every week Okie has a new rate and date for the RV. So far he is batting zero. He has been featured on several conference calls and has a distinctive voice which presumably reveals his Oklahoma accent. In over two years of relaying his "intel" Okie has been run off of countless dinar sites and has become the laughing stock of the dinar community. I swear the guy couldn't find an RV in a crowded campground. And more than once he has been caught ripping off things that were printed on dinar forums and using them for his "intel", only to be exposed when the person who originally posted was thoroughly debunked. It got so bad that Roger finally had to distance himself from his dear friend Okie in order to save his own "credibility". Lately Okie's "intel" has put the RV at over $4, which would mean a payoff of over $8 trillion to investors and a new money supply in Iraq of presumably over $100 trillion. What a deal!!! Okie is also well known for poor grammar and spelling, which is odd since he claims to be a high powered VP or something for a top oil company. Numerous times Okie has been ridiculed to the point where he threatened to quit posting, but I guess the lure of getting it right keeps him coming back. Or maybe it's the ad revenues generated on his site. Or maybe he just likes being a douchebag.
Bulldog75 - Okie's right hand man. Tentatively identified as 64 year old realtor and avid golfer Lawrence T. Ermis of Bellaire, Texas (Houston area). profile/16352308900/Lawrence- Ermis/
BGG (Tom Sanders) - Nashville cat and bigtime pumper, BGG presents himself as a newshound but also says things like he has a contact at the CBI who confirmed the new lower denoms have been printed. Recently he and fellow pumper Poppy have been doing the conference call/prayer meeting thing to keep the faithful on board. Still looking into BGG.
Poppy/poppy3 (Dan Bloodworth) - Also from the Nashville area, Poppy participates in most of BGG's audios providing the prayers and the intel to accompany BGG's news analysis. blog/?p=3480
Jonnywg - Tentatively identified as John Greenhalgh of Ontario, Canada. Jonny is known for his frequent posting of male bovine excrement dinar intel with abundant usage of banking and IT references. john-greenhalgh/12/7b/750 member5622906.htm
Frank Villa - A direct descendant of Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa, Frank Villa is the Jim Jones of the dinar world. He refers to his followers as "family" and sings hymns and prays with them and throws in a little bible study occasionally. He speaks in riddles and offers asinine analysis with a few "Praise the Lord"s thrown in here and there to keep the good Christian followers on board. He loves to tell his followers about conversations between various figures in Iraq ... conversations that he would have absolutely no way of being privy to which tells me that he's making them up which means he's a lying douchebag. A little background study on this guy reveals that he sells a little of everything. Hardly an economist or a currency expert, Frank's background is in the restaurant business and MLM. In 2010 Frank started a countdown to RV because supposedly the head of the CBI (Central Bank of Iraq) Sinan Al Shabibi told us that he would RV the dinar by the year's end. So every day Frank would start off his talk by saying "T minus 90 days (or whatever) and counting". Well of course there was no RV in 2010 so after New Year's 2011 he started telling us that Shabibi lied to us. Could it be Frank that you just don't know what you're talking about?
http://www.frankvilladinar. com Frankly-Speaking/ 120459721361013 eltipicotaco/photos
Steve Irwin - No, not the croc hunter. Steve is known as SteveI and lives in Arizona where he supposedly works as a pilot and is part owner in a business that has a telecommunications contract in Iraq. His contact is named Ray and he gives Steve top secret intel on a regular basis that so far is about as reliable as Okie's. Steve is famous (or infamous) for claiming that he owns a billion dinar and for guaranteeing an RV of over $3 by the end of May 2011. He is also known for his wild mood swings where he goes from saying "blessings" to his people one minute to essentially "how f'ing stupid can you people be???" the next. He probably holds the record for the most banned members on a dinar site. Typically Steve's "intel" posts are followed by several pages of PD members singing his praises. Anybody who questions the legitimacy of his intel is quickly banished. Kinda reminds me of Saddam Hussein's leadership style. Anyway, Steve founded People's Dinar when he and his partners Checkmate and Tony staged a couple of conference calls at Dinar Vets in violation of the rules and were promptly banned. It was obviously planned as they wanted to start up their own site and do the MLM thing like Checkmate and Tony had done before. More on that later in the Checkmate part. Anyway, Steve and Check had a falling out and even though Steve isn't gifted in public speaking and doing conference calls he kept the house (the website) and Dan (Checkmate) got the kids (Tony, Chief, Viper ...etc.) and the microphone.
Roger Dorman (Dinar Daddy) - Roger claims that he has a contact who is friends with one of the authors of "The Plan", meaning the supposed plan to essentially devalue Iraq's currency and buy up a buttload of it then revalue it to make trillions for the US government. Roger's site is the biggest cash cow in the dinar world. He makes money from ads, affiliate marketing, and now we know that he is also involved in sales of currency (Treasury Vault - he announced this only after he was outed on several dinar forums) and safes. He makes references to God on occasion but never mentions his Mormon faith, likely because it would alienate many of the evangelicals (who believe that the LDS or "Mormon" church is a cult) that are involved in dinar speculation. Recently Roger decided that he was losing credibility by posting rumors on his site so he announced that he was going to archive them or tuck them away where it would be hard to find them. Well that lasted about a week, because it's the rumors that drive traffic to these sites. So much for restoring credibility. RV or no RV Roger is raking in the big bucks by encouraging people to follow this dream. dinardaddy dinardaddy
Tony "Breitling" Elder - This guy works in cahoots with douchebag Roger Dorman of Dinar Daddy and The Treasury Vault. Breitling's strong points are his emphasis on information about how the RV will happen (as opposed to rates and dates), his answers about opening a Warka account, and his nice guy Richie Cunningham disabling charm. He also throws bible references around from time to time to keep the believers on board, but like Roger never mentions his Mormon faith. His weak points are a poor command of the facts and a lack of logic. Breitling pumps the lower denoms as a hedge against a lop (which makes zero sense), the Treasury Vault, and the ISX Report that he and Roger either compiled or market together.
The GET Team (Rodney "Gankans" Blackburn, Steve "Enorrste" Norris, Terrence "TerryK" Keller) - AKA the Three Amigos (better yet the Three Stooges) these douchebags were banned from several dinar sites before starting their own site in 2010. Steve (Enorrste, not SteveI) is known for his "eloquent" dinar analysis and his vodka induced incoherent ramblings about government conspiracies and his "friend" Shabibi. He wrote a book about the dinar which he is always happy to remind people about. In this book he goes on and on about Operation Rainbow which I think was supposed to be code for the completion of the RV even though it was written in early 2010 and we still have no RV. His fellow douchebag TerryK is known for his "hot" intel as in "HOT HOT HOT!!! Just got off the phone with my contact in Baghdad. The RV is done and the rate is live. I'm hearing it's going to be $5 or more .... " This has been going on for years and it's well known among veteran dinar investors that TerryK gets a kick out of making things up and getting people excited. Die, scumbag! The lesser known of the Three Stooges is Rodney "Gankans" Blackburn, a guy whose claim to fame is his interview in January of 2011 with Contact 2, a guy who babbled on and on for a couple of hours spouting off nonsense drawing from every conspiracy theory known to man over the past 40 years. You can listen to this horsepoop at or in 30 minute segments at and and 48yxzub and 4r7ho7z . The GET Team also teamed up with the Midnight Think Tank to interview "Thing 1 and Thing 2" about prosperity packages and global settlements. You might recall that Thing 1 and Thing 2 were characters in Dr. Seuss' "The Cat in the Hat" which is quite appropriate since they apparently have an imagination just as fertile as Dr. Seuss. The GET Team is almost as big of a joke in the dinar world as Okie the Oilman, although they have managed to maintain a slight edge in the credibility department because Enorrste can at least spell. page2.php
http://dinardouchebags. with-terryks-brother-hford. html gankans
Blaine Fogel (AKA Blaino) - An Okie protégé who founded the site Planet Dinar. Blaino's claim to shame is his proclamation back in May of 2011 that the RV was done, based on something that Maliki supposedly said. "I AM CALLING IT! WE HAVE AN RV! THEY WILL POST THE RATE IN HOURS! CONFIRMATION JUST IN FROM DUBAI AL MADDEN FROM GET TEAM HAS ALSO CONFIRMED...VIA A FOREX CONTACT IN DUBAI. I SUPPOSE SOMETHING CAN STILL GUM UP THE WORKS..BUT MAN MALIKI SAID IT..IN PUBLIC AND ON TV! WELL...WHAT A NIGHT" Of course no rate change was ever posted. Blaino is shameless though, and is still out there spouting his nonsense. I'm not sure if he's a pumper or just a buffoon. Still looking for more info on this guy.
http://www.networksolutions. com/whois-search/planetdinar. net
Randy Koonce - When I started the blog I had Randy listed among the good guys because even though I didn't agree with his views (he says the RV will make the IQD worth $3.41) I didn't see any indication that he was making money from the dinar. I grew concerned when he started promoting Dinar Corp in 2012. Their ads run on the forum where he hangs his hat and also on his personal website. Also, Dinar Corp apparently invited him up to Chicago to do a short promotional video or two with their spokesman Ivy Johnson in 2012. After reviewing his record of bad intel and listening to constant misinformation and forum facts coming from Randy I have now concluded that he should be listed on the pumper page along with these other douchebags. Hammerman/320075941404469
Med (AKA Medic, SFMedic, 18Delta, and Ghost) - Med has been identified as Richard Mattson. He runs the site Dinar Speculator where he rants, insults, berates, and basically exhibits manic behavior on a regular basis while "explaining" to his followers what's happening with their investment in the IQD. I'm not going to get into the controversy over his military service. You can click the link below to read up on that. But Med has definitely said some curious things about the dinar. For example, on New Year's Eve 2010 he said that the holdup on the RV was because the Iraqis didn't print enough lower denoms, and that as soon as parliament met on Jan. 10 to approve printing the extra currency the RV should be released. He quit offering rates and dates a couple of years ago so IMO Med isn't as bad as most of the pumpers, but he still engages in spreading misinformation and rumors so I included him. phonies/phonies625.htm index.php?/topic/48024-med- chat-12312010-1317-pm/
Adam Montana (?) - Would you invest thousands of dollars with somebody who won't even tell you their real name or where they live? Well that's what many do with Adam Montana, the owner of the Dinar Vets website. Adam claims to be a Harvard graduate, a Series 65 licensed investment adviser, an entrepreneur with high powered contacts all over the world, and an experienced currency trader who made out bigtime by buying the Kuwaiti dinar when it was devalued. He also claims that his wife is a CPA (35 minutes in), and like Enorrste from the GET Team, Adam has also written a book which he loves to remind people of. Only Adam charges for his book, and he doesn't waste your time with stories like Operation Rainbow. No sir, Adam is very down to earth. The dinar will probably RV quite low, so you need to join his VIP club to benefit from his post-RV investment plans. (Now if there is an RV why would you need to join his VIP club? Why not just use that money to buy more dinar up front? If there's no RV you're not going to do any post-RV investing anyway. But again, I digress.) "Adam" has carved out an image as a no-nonsense guy who tells it like it is. Unfortunately for his followers though, some of what he tells people about himself is simply not believable. And his OGIT (Operation Get It There) - a plan to move the revalued IQD to Belize to avoid paying taxes - is completely impossible to legally accomplish according to my advisors. I have also discussed this matter with somebody who personally went to Belize to see firsthand how doable OGIT is and was told that you can't cash in more than $10,000 at a time because of agreements Belize has made with the US. Presumably a windfall of millions would take forever to cash in at that rate. Nobody begrudges Adam or anybody else for making a profit in a capitalist system like we have. But we all feel that we deserve to be dealt with honestly, and anybody who is dealing honestly has no need to do business anonymously as the douchebag Adam Montana does.
UPDATE!!! Adam has been identified as James Wolf from Greenville, Wisconsin. Smelleet?ob=0
http://dinardouchebags. on-adam-montana.html beerandsex/photos/2223729#{% 22ImageId%22%3A2223729}
Dan Atkinson (AKA Chekmate or Check) and Tony Renfrow (Tony TNT) - Dan is a snake oil salesman who quite literally sold snakes. This douchebag and his former MLM partner Tony Renfrow have been dishing out BS intel for a modest fee ($14.95/mo) to gullible investors for months now since leaving People's Dinar. Dan's strong point is talking, and talk he does. He has probably done more conference calls than anybody in the dinar world, and has yet to prove that he knows anything about this investment except how to make money off of investors. Dan has been saying since August of 2010 that the new lower denoms (which are needed in the event of either an RV or an RD or "re-denomination") have been loaded into ATMs in Iraq. He started saying "RV next week" every week in October of 2010 until recently when it finally occurred to him that doing so might cost him some credibility when there's no RV. Tony is still at it though, so Dan and Tony have a sort of good cop/bad cop thing going on. It might be entertaining but there is nothing substantive in anything that either one of them has to say.
Dan Atkinson Crimes
Tony Renfrow gives secrets of his success in MLM
Charles "Loechin" Walters
Loechin is an evangelist who developed a following at PTR. He was dismissed around the same time that his buddy TonyTNT was run off, and continually cites Tony's "intel" in his conference calls and blog posts.
http://www. v=hpgOzbQVXE8
The BH Group (Brad Huebner & Charlie Emmenecker) - These guys pump the dinar like their lives depend on it. They sold dinar until the authorities shut them down back in July of 2011 shortly after they hosted a dinar summit with other douchebags in Toledo, Ohio. The BH Group is best known for their conference calls with moderator Charlie Emmenecker and guests Rudy Coenen and Scooter among others. Brad likes to read off of a script that he calls Dinar 101 where he pumps the living $hit out of the dinar telling everybody that they need to buy and get everybody they know to buy. Currency experts? Investment advisers? Not exactly. Their prior business experience is in MLM selling controversial products like Nu Skin and Xango which is basically the modern day equivalent of snake oil.
INDICTED SEPT. 2012, AWAITING TRIAL IN DECEMBER 2013!/ profile.php?id=1402488808
Jack DeAngelis - AKA The Collectors Coach, Jack got in early on pumping the dinar before most people ever heard of it. But in 2010 he suddenly did an about face and said the dinar wasn't a good investment. He said that his followers should sell their dinar and put the money into precious metals instead. No idea what prompted the change unless his story about getting the heads up from a military guy is on the level. At any rate, Jack is an admitted felon who apparently has a brother in prison. Even though he's not pumping the dinar any more a lot of people bought on his recommendation not knowing that they were listening to a convicted felon. I include him as a warning to the dinar community that this investment is full of scammers and liars. Don't be naive. v=rQ3dNzHj_ak&feature=related v=IsrJxJn1fE8
Rudy Coenen - A very popular dinar conference call guest, Rudy is hard to read. On the one hand he is up front about who he is and where he lives and works, and he seems very knowledgeable about currency investments. On the other hand his stories just don't seem to hold up, and his Bayshore Capital Hedge Fund company doesn't seem on the up and up either. Rudy also does the "I love Jesus" thing which puts him on shaky ground with me. Read all about him on the links below.
INDICTED SEPT. 2012, CONVICTED APRIL 2013 bayshore-capital-investments- bh-group-651 rudolph.coenen
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Lonnie Freels a.k.a. Okie |
Bulldog75 - Okie's right hand man. Tentatively identified as 64 year old realtor and avid golfer Lawrence T. Ermis of Bellaire, Texas (Houston area).
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Dan "Poppy" Bloodworth |
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John "Jonnywg" Greenhalgh |
Frank Villa "Frank26" |
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Steve Irwin "SteveI" |
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Roger "Dinar Daddy" Dorman |
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Tony "Breitling" Elder |!/ AgentBreitling (Closed since we ID'd him)!/ profile.php?id=1257223126 ( Edited since we ID'd him)
http://www.breitlingcurrency. SelectPlayMedia#p/u (Changed over to Breitlingdinar since we ID'd him)
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Steve "Ennorste" Norris, Terrance "TerryK" Keller, and Rodney "Gankans" Blackburn |
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Blain "Blaino" Fogel |

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Hammerman |
Jay "Hammerman" Womack - An admitted "coonass from Louisiana" who claims to have worked in construction on the Pentagon post-911 where he made contacts in the government that provide intel for him. Also claims to have worked in Iraq. Hammerman was Blaino's intel sidekick until he was banned from Blaino's site. Within days he had a site of his own where he is now establishing himself as the premiere douchebag of the dinar.
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Richard "Med" Mattson |
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James "Wolfyman" Wolf a.k.a. Adam Montana |
UPDATE!!! Adam has been identified as James Wolf from Greenville, Wisconsin.
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Tony "TonyTNT" Renfrow |
Dan "Checkmate" Atkinson |
Dan Atkinson Crimes
Tony Renfrow gives secrets of his success in MLM
Loechin |
Loechin is an evangelist who developed a following at PTR. He was dismissed around the same time that his buddy TonyTNT was run off, and continually cites Tony's "intel" in his conference calls and blog posts.
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Brad Huebner |
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Charlie Emmenecker |
Jack DeAngelis |
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Rudy Coenen |

The closer you get to your destination, the more off ramps appear. Some probably are crooks but others have the blessing of much higher forces. I still believe the dinar will revalue because as a shareholder of CMKX, I believe the navy seal and Navy Chief of staff that told us it would and that our money would come from it. God have your way.
...and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. Gurus my a@#! Wake the hell up you Dinar holders, it is truly pitiful to watch this charade day by day, week by week, and yes, year by year. It makes me want to puke. And to use John's site day in, day out spewing this crap. I say these dinar guru's should be made accountible for their CRIMES. May it be so.
Well John, there you have it, somebody took the time to do the due diligence on this characters and now we know one of the main reasons for the dinar chatter is the profits this Snake Oil Sales Man get from their different web sites, this tides up with the information I posted early this year after researching and talking to some people and they assure me this Characters were not giving the time of day by The Cabal or The Banksters , so I thought maybe a few owners of Trading Houses/Sites got together and hire this guys (which still is a possibility) What is certain is, this Characters follow and establish successful pattern: They claim to want the best for all people, they claim to have information no one else have (A privileged position) They throw in God, Jesus, Prayers, The Savior in the mix (They called the money (FRN / Fiat Money) they are supposedly going to get Blessings!!! All this actions mimic those of the Government and Church (Which supposedly work separately but we now know they work hand in hand, being that The Vatican created and controls ALL religions and Mostly ALL Governments) What's dangerous is that some of this Characters have directly scam the people they are supposedly helping, that is a shame!!! Please stop posting this Individuals information, IS ALL LIES!!!
Thanks for introducing us to these people. Now it is on us to believe them or not.
Curious, do you know if Mtn. Goat, 12th Man, Poof/Zap are who they say they are? The ones who tell us listen to Mtn Goat, Poof "they are spot on" are many of the ones listed above...
So, IYHO, is there any intel provider (hate to use the word guru - ha!) who IS credible? Or are we better off just randomly check the CBI website, the bank? SOOOOO confusing.
Truthfully, are WE ever going to see this RV/GCR released? It will be 2014 before we know it. OY!
Thanks for posting this, Johnnie. Most seasoned Dinarians knew a lot of the " secret info " was BS. The only mild surprise is how many there are. I haven't believed Mountain Goat from day one. Most listed above were already in my BS book of con men. There were several sites like this years ago outing these salesman. One was sued and shut down by ' Tom Wolf.' I've never understood the reverence for Okie, he's been just as wrong as the rest of the ' any day now ' crowd. C'est la vie.
Perhaps we will see a new age of men when humans can stop looking at others as merely resources to be exploited. I'm not holding my breath. TYJM frj
Looks like John's been reading This is where the true info came from.
One word: Agenda. Wouldn't buy a toaster from these guys.
here is how the whales are doing it under the closed door private banking trade program that only the european elite did between themselves.
the whale takes their asset to a bank that issues a safe keeping receipt. the value of the asset is verified at the time of the deposit into the vault. the asset appraisal is given to an insurance company who issues a policy on the SKR. the bank then loans an 80-100% loan with an irrevocable letter of credit which funds a private trade. the first payout occurs accounding to the contract. a short term or a long term. some have their first payout either 6 or 28 business banking days after the trade starts. the payout is 4 to 5 times the value of the asset put into thew trade. the loan is repaid. leaving 3-4 times the asset value in the pot. an amount equal to the original asset is put back into the next trade week. here is what happens to the rest. 33% goes to humanitarian aid projects. the remainder is divided by the paymaster to the banker, trader sponsor and the owner of the asset, this goes on for the entire 40 week trading season by proper structuring and splitting the proceeds into ongoing seperate trades funded by the first. this system allows a 400 times return on each dollar originally invested at the end of the trade season. and the beauty of this is the asset is never at risk and can be used over and over and returned to the owner. i was once told the lifetime earning cap was at 40 trillion euros in 2004-2005 trade season. this is all done by private contract with the strictest background checks possible and the strictest NDA out there and the asset must pass the clean and clear certification and proof of source of the asset.
this is why i thing the on again off again activations are occurring . long enough to get the whales assets put on a trade happens. this is how they can pay out the whales and those they approve of. once they have their loot they could care less about the rest of us.
Thanks very much for the true scoop on these so-called "Gurus." I had pretty much figured out the scam when I saw traders continuing to sell the Dinars by the millions. I asked myself why they would sell IQD for $1,020.00 per million when they had to know the value would skyrocket in the next few days or weeks. I e-mailed "Adam Montana" and asked him to stop sending me his bullshit. Thank goodness I never sent him any money for his crap. These guys pictures belong on the wall of the post office. %$#@ 'em all. Anonymous
THANK YOU, SIR!! For doing the due diligence necessary for those who cannot, or won't. I came on-board December 1st 2009, frantically invited by one of my very best friends (who actually loaned me the money for my first 'reserve' purchase. This was before all of the many web sites sprang up, pre-termed 'guru' rank was assigned, and before Dinar Guru was posting "Join over 50 of the sharpest, most savvy and informed members and growing!",
Though I did my own due diligence over the next three months and came to the conclusion Iraq HAD TO RV 'sometime', based on their post-Hussein prosperity, and re-building/re-development needs, I still minded way too many 'insider-insights'. I dropped over $2K over the next two years trying to be ready to receive my deserved bounty, only to have bow out from financial reality.
I was never in a position to buy some dinar outright, so I could then just sit back, forget the month to month RV cheerleading and just wait for, whenever. It seemed about the end of 2010 that I started to get really upset hearing all of the tragic life stories from so many who were new to hearing about the dinar, and invested so much because the RV was that "imminent." So much pain from throngs of newcomers, all basing their now 'life-saving situations' on the privileged insights of recently crowned 'gurus'. I just thank God I spent just enough to not suffer any negative, life changing disappointment. I was one of the lucky ones.
I also made the conscious choice to NEVER talked even one of my friends into this investment. I somehow knew instinctively that IF this didn't pan-out, I didn't want to be responsible for any of my friends not being able to feed their children, or not have the money for another family member's medical need(s). I hope this info gets wide spread attention, so to even prevent one family from making the mistake of following these con-men/douche-bags.
But, a final and most important thought (which I always tried to never loose sight of)... May we keep the Iraqi people in our minds, hearts, prayers and souls, that their suffering my come to the soonest end possible. For they are experiencing the closest thing to hell on earth, for this investment.
Again, most gracious thanks for your time and attention to this matter. May God bless you for having done so.
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