Wednesday, October 23, 2013

TV Host Verbally "Bludgeoned"

by Jason Howerton

Liberal TV host Bob Beckel on Wednesday claimed he was “bludgeoned” by a White House official over the phone after he criticized the Obamacare rollout and suggested the law’s implementation should be delayed for 6 months to a year.
“I said, ‘look, you can’t do this thing — yes it’s true, [Obamacare is] not a website, but it’s a portal to get through to get insurance,’” Beckel said.
Beckel’s claim line up with other media personalities that have made the same type of allegations against the Obama administration.
CNN’s Carol Costello on Wednesday morning said “President Obama’s people can be quite nasty.”
“They don’t like you to say anything bad about their boss, and they’re not afraid to use whatever means they have at hand to stop you from doing that, including threatening your job,” she added.


Dan said...

I can say with the way the Obamacare system will be set up, and the TOTAL VOLUNTARY choice you have to sign up for Obamacare, the number ONE job in America come January will be Bank Robbery as that is the ONLY way for us We The People to pay for Obamacare!
There will be about $15 Billion taking out of the banks by the IRS for the penalties, so there won't be much left for the rest of us to even live on!

Anonymous said...

Maybe this fat ass alcoholic Obama lover will finally wake up.

Anonymous said...

Obamacare will implode by itself, once people start getting the prices and deductibles they will have to pay they are going to realized how "affordable" this is.