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The liquid waste processed by SRR is HIGH LEVEL NUCLEAR LEGACY
WASTE. Recently that amount of that liquid waste at Savannah River Site
was documented by DOE: 36.5 million gallons. (An Olympic
swimming pool holds approximately 660,000 gallons.)
Tanks made
only of carbonized-steel started cracking in the 1990s, which was
reported by the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board.
The DOE is so
highly inefficient that it has only closed a total of 4 tanks, a project
which began in 1987...originally there were 51, let's do the
math....there are 47 tanks left to close. The site now has over 2,000
canisters of solid vitrified HIGH LEVEL nuclear waste that were created by
the closures. The tanks are about ten feet tall. If a human stands
within 10 feet of a canister, s/he will be fried in 30 seconds from the gamma
radiation. The canisters are sunk into concrete holes...atop sandy soil
that is located on an earthquake fault...which is over due 40 years for
"the big one." Oh yeah, and according to DOE....that is
The President
of the liquid waste managing contractor for the Savannah River Remediation
(SRR) facility laid off 465 workers with very little notice about three
weeks ago.
On October 4, 2013, Friday, it furloughed 1,400 workers.
On October 4, 2013, Friday, it furloughed 1,400 workers.
workers at SRS claim that President Ken Rueter, is a "hatchet man"
who was sent in specifically for the rapid downsizing at SRR.
FACT: Experienced scientists all over the Savannah River Site report that those who are left at the site are "very uneasy."
For the Record, this nuclear-experienced reporter believes that something very evil is about to transpire within the GOCO complex. The SC U.S. Senator Graham alluded to the fact that nuclear weapons were moved without "paperwork" across the country into South Carolina.
One does not "drop the ball" with legacy nuclear waste. It is illogical. It is explosive if it goes "critical".
FACT: Experienced scientists all over the Savannah River Site report that those who are left at the site are "very uneasy."
For the Record, this nuclear-experienced reporter believes that something very evil is about to transpire within the GOCO complex. The SC U.S. Senator Graham alluded to the fact that nuclear weapons were moved without "paperwork" across the country into South Carolina.
One does not "drop the ball" with legacy nuclear waste. It is illogical. It is explosive if it goes "critical".

R.E. Sutherland, M.Ed./sciences
Freelance Investigative Science Reporter since 1996
24 years - Virginia Licensed Science Teacher (biology, chemistry, physics)
9.3 years-Nuclear lab and Nuclear Radiological Protection Inspector
1992 - Certificate of Completion for "Teaching Nuclear Topics"
Author: American and Russian Alliance of 1858 (ISBN: 13: 9780595215010)
1998 - GOP Primary candidate for SC State Superintendent of Education
2000 - GOP Primary candidate for SC Governor
2004 - Libertarian candidate for US Senate
Web Archive in the Library of Congress:*/
SRR furloughs 1,400 workers
by Derrek Asberry
The Aiken Standard
Friday, October 4, 2013
Page A-1
Approximately 1,400 employees of Savannah River Remediation, the liquid waste contractor for the Savannah River Site, are furloughed until further notice. About 360 employees will remain to maintain facilities.
Savannah River Remediation President and Project Manager Ken Rueter sent an email notifying employees of the furloughs on Thursday. The email states the furloughs are a direct result of the federal government shutdown.
“Although the Department (of Energy) has been able to fund some continued activity for this contract following that date, the continued lapse in appropriations is having a significant impact on continued operations requiring us to make certain employment decisions,” Rueter’s email reads. “Therefore, some Savannah River Remediation employees will be furloughed until further notice. Like you, we do not know how long this shutdown will continue.”
Employees with positive time bank balances can use their balance or can take time off without pay. Once the leave bank balance is reduced to zero, they have been instructed to enter “Time Off without Pay.” Employees with negative time bank balances must take time off without pay.
Affected employees are encouraged to visit or call the Site information line, 803-725-SITE (803-725-7483), for more information on when to return to work.
Following the announcement, U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson, R-SCl, introduced legislation to fund the DOE offices of Environmental Management and National Nuclear Security Administration in accordance with prior years’ levels.
“SRS plays a tremendous role in protecting our national security and should not be forced to limit operations,” Wilson said. “By introducing this legislation, I am hopeful for its passage so that our national security projects will remain intact with a full workforce.”
The furloughs come less than a month after Savannah River Remediation announced 465 layoffs to its staff.
Savannah River Remediation is comprised of a team of companies led by URS Corp. With partners Bechtel National, CH2M Hill and Babcock & Wilcox. Important subcontractors for the contract include AREVA, Energy Solutions and URS Professional Solutions.
Derrek Asberry is a beat reporter with the Aiken Standard news team and joined the paper in June.
River Remediation Names New President And Project Manager
Posted: Aug 20, 2013 4:36 PM EST Updated: Oct 02, 2013 1:02 PM EST
Posted: Aug 20, 2013 4:36 PM EST Updated: Oct 02, 2013 1:02 PM EST
By Randy Key, WJBF Web Content Producer - email
By Press Release
Aiken, SC -
Savannah River Remediation now has a new president and project
Read the text of the release WJBF News Channel 6 received Tuesday:
URS Corporation announced that Ken Rueter has been named President and Project Manager for Savannah River Remediation (SRR), the URS led consortium that is responsible for the closure of radioactive waste tanks, the operation of the Defense Waste Processing Facility, and associated waste facilities at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Savannah River Site located in Aiken, South Carolina.
Reuter replaces Dave Olson, who was recently named President of the URS led consortium Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS) at the DOE's Hanford site in Richland, Washington.
Ken Rueter brings 25 years of experience in government nuclear facility operations to his new position at SRS. Prior to joining SRR, he served as Chief Operating Officer of UCOR (URS|CH2M Oak Ridge), a URS led consortium at the DOE's East Tennessee Technology Park in Oak Ridge, Tennessee responsible for cleanup and environmental remediation, and Chief Operating Officer of WRPS. Ken also has experience at SRS having served as the Project Manager for the Alternative Salt Program in 2011, and the Process Controls and Automation Department Manager in 1999 for the URS heritage company, Westinghouse Savannah River Company.
David Pethick, General Manager of URS' Global Management & Operations Services Business Group, said "Ken is an excellent leader and his experience within the DOE will be a great asset for SRR. I am confident he will build on SRR's previous success and lead the company in delivering safe, results-oriented liquid waste management services for the DOE."
URS Corporation is a leading provider of engineering, construction and technical services for public agencies and private sector companies around the world. The Company offers a full range of program management; planning, design and engineering; systems engineering and technical assistance; construction and construction management; operations and maintenance; information technology; and decommissioning and closure services. URS provides services for federal, oil and gas, infrastructure, power, and industrial projects and programs. Headquartered in San Francisco, URS Corporation has more than 50,000 employees in a network of offices in nearly 50 countries (
SRR is the liquid waste contractor at the Savannah River Site, which is owned by the U.S. Department of Energy. SRR is comprised of a team of companies led by URS Corporation with partners Bechtel National, CH2M Hill and Babcock & Wilcox. Critical subcontractors for the contract are AREVA, Energy Solutions and URS Professional Solutions.
Read the text of the release WJBF News Channel 6 received Tuesday:
URS Corporation announced that Ken Rueter has been named President and Project Manager for Savannah River Remediation (SRR), the URS led consortium that is responsible for the closure of radioactive waste tanks, the operation of the Defense Waste Processing Facility, and associated waste facilities at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Savannah River Site located in Aiken, South Carolina.
Reuter replaces Dave Olson, who was recently named President of the URS led consortium Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS) at the DOE's Hanford site in Richland, Washington.
Ken Rueter brings 25 years of experience in government nuclear facility operations to his new position at SRS. Prior to joining SRR, he served as Chief Operating Officer of UCOR (URS|CH2M Oak Ridge), a URS led consortium at the DOE's East Tennessee Technology Park in Oak Ridge, Tennessee responsible for cleanup and environmental remediation, and Chief Operating Officer of WRPS. Ken also has experience at SRS having served as the Project Manager for the Alternative Salt Program in 2011, and the Process Controls and Automation Department Manager in 1999 for the URS heritage company, Westinghouse Savannah River Company.
David Pethick, General Manager of URS' Global Management & Operations Services Business Group, said "Ken is an excellent leader and his experience within the DOE will be a great asset for SRR. I am confident he will build on SRR's previous success and lead the company in delivering safe, results-oriented liquid waste management services for the DOE."
URS Corporation is a leading provider of engineering, construction and technical services for public agencies and private sector companies around the world. The Company offers a full range of program management; planning, design and engineering; systems engineering and technical assistance; construction and construction management; operations and maintenance; information technology; and decommissioning and closure services. URS provides services for federal, oil and gas, infrastructure, power, and industrial projects and programs. Headquartered in San Francisco, URS Corporation has more than 50,000 employees in a network of offices in nearly 50 countries (
SRR is the liquid waste contractor at the Savannah River Site, which is owned by the U.S. Department of Energy. SRR is comprised of a team of companies led by URS Corporation with partners Bechtel National, CH2M Hill and Babcock & Wilcox. Critical subcontractors for the contract are AREVA, Energy Solutions and URS Professional Solutions.
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