Thursday, October 3, 2013

Wednesday Night Dinar Chatter

Wednesday Night Dinar Chatter


[ussohiorob] just got off call with Eagle1.....RV TONIGHT!!!!!

[ussohiorob] I would start looking after 10pm CT

ussohiorob] It was very short and sweet from Eagle1 tonight...per his contacts RV tonight!

[newhope] Eagle 1 said He said to get ready for tomorrow. He spoke to two separate contacts today, they gave him an earful of what's happening. They told E1 the GCR is going live tonight and that we will see it tomorrow. He also confirmed this with his IMF contact. Suffice it to say, things have been moving and there's a whole lot happening behind the scenes.

[ShowTheWorld] When Tony mentioned banks were on lockdown I was a bit skeptical. I called wf in Tampa and I got sent to vm. I called Orlando and a banker or reg bank employee did not pick up. A foreign woman answered and said you have reached wells Fargo customer service, how can I help you. Asked if I could exchange dinar. Her exact words were, "we haven't received the notification to do so... not yet" 100% true
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[luvinlife] if there was another 24 hr extension, would that not put the time it is up at 2am EST tomorrow morning?

 [dmsforall] dmsforall] Guys, did you notice there is no intel today? Banks are in lockdown which is a necessary precursor to any financial release of this magnitude so they cannot be accused of tipping anyone off to the actual release time and day. I know its excruciating but we are not in control, no one knows when, just when you least expect this it will go down and we were told it would get so crazy near the end of this ride that we would not be able to know up from down. I say we are there!!!! GO RV!!!


BlackBird136: Hey Guys and Gals:

Oct 3,  1932  Iraq wins independence
With the admission of Iraq into the League of Nations, Britain terminates its mandate over the Arab nation, making Iraq independent after 17 years of British rule and centuries of Ottoman rule.

I like to look at the dates that the RV could occur for some kind of significance, and this is the first thing I got: October 3rd has some significance in Iraq history...

So it is about 3:00 am October 3, 2013 in Iraq right now (7:00 CST in USA), so we have 21 more hours to see if the PTB like the significance of October 3 in Iraq's history too...
I know, I'm stretching a little, but Tony seems pretty sure!
God Bless…….B136


MacJedi: I went into the local Chase branch today to sign and have notorized an affidavit for a friend... After I finished signing my friend walked out of the bank and I turned back to the lady that notorized the paper and simply said ... "So any word on the Dinar yet?"  I did it as casually as I could because about a month ago I was in the same branch and ask and they insisted that they would never deal with Dinar.

This time the response was not as cold... She said  "We haven't yet gotten the authorization to go ahead with any exchanges... Sorry"   Cool... Finally an answer that had a shadow of knowledge.

I left it at that feeling, comfortable that she had informed me in her round about way that she was basically waiting for an authorization.
Quite different from my first time asking.    MacJedi




[bailey2..] THIS IS THE POST THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT (on OMC): the rv in Iraq has happened, it now has to go international in order for them to be in good standing in the WTO. the GCR is that. If what was seen on CNN crawler is true it will happen at 2am edt > RUMOR - OMC A FEW MIN AGO HEADS UP AT 2 PM ON CNN THE UN ANNOUNCED THE GCR PER TWO EYEWITNESSES WHO SAW IT. xxx: Someone just said on OMC that on CNN at 2pm that the UN announced today the Global Reset, scrolled across the ticker [6:19:12 PM] xxx: TWO CONFIRMS!!!

bailey2..] I was on Eagle1's conference call a just now, and here is his condensed statement over the information he received today concerning our blessing and the GCR: He said to get ready for tomorrow. He spoke to two separate contacts today, they gave him an earful of what's happening. They told E1 the GCR is going live tonight and that we will see it tomorrow. He also confirmed this with his IMF contact. Suffice it to say, things have been moving and there's a whole lot happening behind the scenes. Praying this is really going to happen this time. A big thank you to Eagle1 for giving us this update!



» October 2nd, 2013,    Often enough

Persistence is really quite simple, and extremely powerful. If you don’t get it right the first time, see it not as a failure but as an opportunity for another more informed and experienced attempt.

The best response to a disappointing result is more effort. Feel the disappointment, let it make you more determined, and then move quickly to a highly effective state of taking action.

Do what must be done, then do it again and again, and again. Even the smallest action can have enormous impact when repeated often enough.

But how can you get back up when you’ve just fallen down? You do it by reminding yourself it’s clearly the best choice, and then making the choice to act in your own best interest.

Persistence is not always easy, yet it’s not particularly complicated either. You’ve made the effort before, so it’s really not such a big deal to go ahead and make it again.

Do that often enough, and your actions take on great power and effectiveness. Do that often enough, and achievement is yours.

— Ralph Marston   May All have a Safe and Blessed Day

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