Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Dinar....2-11-14 Jackd1955

2-11-14 Jackd1955: Good morning fellow members. Late talk with our 10th floor overseas Trader last night. Based on last week’s Tony calls and yesterday, we at TNT understand why the statement he told to us...he is PERPLEXED on why not public, but what is going on in the world...

HERE'S WHY...OVERSEAS yesterday about 12 Countries went to GREEN LIVE (no hold)..yet there was almost no activity in those countries, unlike the 3rd week of December, when there was a flurry of exchanges at those $30 rates and up.

Other Countries across world still GREEN/LIVE..ADMIN/HOLD behind them...Thanks to Tony /DC we know agreements finishing up yesterday.

UST ask world to hold up till Wed 12th at the latest so they could get HIGHER rate to the US MASSES!

HERE IN US screens still showing GREEN /LIVE..ADMIN /HOLD...But again he was perplexed and sure going live last week. Also he noted at certain banks different times a day, transactions taking place in spurts of 2-3 hours, but rates all over the board but none in 30s anymore. Again informed TNT members know that they were bringing people-groups at intervals during day, and cheating them with lower rates.

TRADER GLOBAL WATER COOLER...talk by Wednesday all countries GREEN LIVE...Again he is 2 levels above street  (corporate).

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