Saturday, February 15, 2014

Effective PMS relief-4 tips that work

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Effective PMS relief-4 tips that work
Hi John
I remember thumbing through a magazine stuffed in a seat pocket on an airplane flight one time and read a silly article entitled "Questions a guy should NEVER ask a girl."
They included things like:
"Are you sure that looks good on you?"
"Are you going to put some makeup on that pimple on your chin?"
"Is that your natural hair color?"
"Did you ever consider surgery to make your nose smaller?"
And the granddaddy of them all:
"Are you PMS-ing or something?"
The article made me laugh, but in all seriousness, pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) is NOT a laughing matter.
Let's take a closer look at this very real condition that unfortunately was poo-poo'd as being "all in a woman's head" for FAR too long.
PMS--NOT mind over matter
Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) is a recurring condition characterized by a variety of symptoms occurring 7-14 days before the onset of a woman's menstrual period.
It affects as many as 4 out of 10 women in their reproductive years. 
Happily, most cases of PMS are relatively mild, but for 1 out of 10 PMS-suffering women, it's severe and downright debilitating, causing extreme suffering and missed time from work, school and other activities.
Symptoms of PMS can include:
  •   Monthly weight gain (3 - 5 pounds or more)
  •   Fatigue
  •   Depression
  •   Moodiness, nervousness or irritability
  •   Bloating
  •   Uterine cramps
  •   Nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea
  •   Headaches
  •   Sugar or bread cravings
  •   Breast tenderness
  •   Low back pain
What have you done for me lately?
Unfortunately, for a long time the mainstream medical community looked at PMS as not a "real" condition or as being "all in a woman's head."  As a result, many women have been misdiagnosed, not diagnosed at all, or not treated properly.
A traditional approach has been to prescribe drugs (usually antidepressants or antianxiety meds) to address the psychological aspects of PMS. 
But since the emotional effects are just part of the picture, and since the drugs come with a hefty price in terms of both monetary cost, risk of dependence and dangerous side effects (including suicidal ideation), the medication route has been marginally effective at best and harmful or deadly at worst.
A breath of fresh air
Thankfully, many forward-thinking physicians are now taking a look at the underlying factors behind PMS and helping their patients tackle this very REAL problem at its source.
Here are some of the most common causes and contributing factors to PMS:
  • Excess estrogen
  • Progesterone deficiency
  • Hypothyroidism (low thyroid function)
  • Stress
  • A diet too high in sugar or bad fats
  • Nutrient deficiencies
Most experts agree that PMS is commonly the result of a combination of those factors.
Now, the good news is there are very safe, effective, natural answers to the major underlying PMS factors...and countless women are feeling a WHOLE lot better each month as a result!
If PMS is a problem for you or someone you love, here are four ways you can make a BIG difference in how you feel:
1- Exercise
Exercise is a great natural stress-reducer, which can help with the role stress plays with PMS. 
Plus it helps your body eliminate acid wastes and toxins, which can help make your pH more alkaline and encourage ALL of your organs and glands to work more efficiently--including your thyroid
It can also help ease the uterine cramps and low back pain associated with PMS.
And let's not forget this big one--exercise can help you shed excess pounds from PMS alone or PMS-related sugar cravings!
I know exercise is a four-letter word to a lot of people, but there's no getting around it--you can't beat its seemingly endless health benefits and that includes relief from PMS symptoms!
Just remember you don't need to do a triathlon or be the next Olympic gold medalist.  Pick an activity you can tolerate (even brisk walking) and do it at least 3-4 days a week.
Grab a buddy to help motivate you and make it more fun.  Even the dog can be a good exercise pal!
Note:  Be sure to get your doctor’s OK prior to beginning an exercise program, especially if your only exercise of late has been walking from the couch to the refrigerator or doing 12 oz. curls.
2- Balance your intestinal flora
Your liver helps eliminate excess estrogen by grabbing it from your bloodstream, attaching it to a molecule called glucuronic acid and putting it in your intestines to be excreted with your feces. 
This helps encourage a healthier estrogen/progesterone ratio which can make a huge difference to PMS sufferers. 
What can throw a monkey wrench into this efficient process is if you don't have a healthy intestinal flora balance.
You see, certain harmful bacteria in the gut break apart the "glucuronic acid-estrogen" bond and allow the estrogen to seep through your intestines and back into circulation...which can ADD to PMS symptoms (as well as increase your risk for estrogen dependent cancers).
What has been recommended by experts to help turn this around is a probiotic supplement that contains both Bifidobacterium bifidum and Lactobacillus acidophilus, with a total dose of at least 5 billion live probiotic bacteria.
And Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula meets and EXCEEDS the recommendations of the experts!
Super Shield contains top-shelf strains of Bifidobacterium bifidum and Lactobacillus acidophilus (specifically the well-researched L. acidophilus DDS-1) plus 11 other strains that together give you a whopping 7.25 billion CFUs in every single capsule!
Plus Super Shield's friendly bacteria will also help encourage regular bowel movements, which can help the process of eliminating excess estrogen (and help make constipation a thing of the past for you!).
3- Eat a well-rounded diet and avoid bad fats & refined carbs
It's a fact—eating too many refined carbs and bad fats (especially trans-fats) makes PMS symptoms WORSE.
And so do nutrient deficiencies--especially deficiencies in the B vitamins and magnesium.
So to have a chance at any lasting PMS relief, it's crucial to have a diet that includes a variety of real foods while avoiding processed foods, fast food and "the whites"--foods made with white flour and sugar. 
That will help ensure that you're limiting refined carbs and bad fats AND getting a variety of nutrients that your body so desperately needs.
But that's only half of the equation.
The other half is to make sure your body is actually absorbing those nutrients...and that comes from efficient digestion.
And what can help you achieve both of these important goals is the Great Taste No Pain
or for gluten-sensitive people Great Taste No Gluten health system.
Both Great Taste No Pain and Great Taste No Gluten feature hundreds of delicious recipes and ideas for enjoying nutrient-loaded real foods that taste outstandingly good.
Plus they show you the best foods to eat together to help encourage easier digestion and better absorption of nutrients. 
And eating this way also helps facilitate regular bowel movements and minimize gas--so bye-bye excess estrogen and hello nice, flat, un-bloated stomach!
4- Get sources of tryptophan
The amino acid tryptophan is one of the 8 essential amino acids, meaning your body can’t synthesize it from other amino acids so you must get it from your diet. 
Tryptophan is also the precursor to serotonin, your body’s natural antidepressant.
So not only can being low in this amino acid be a factor in the development of depression, but studies have shown it also can affect PMS symptoms too!
In one study performed at the University of Otago in New Zealand, researchers observed that tryptophan depletion caused a significant aggravation of premenstrual symptoms, particularly irritability.
Natural sources of tryptophan include turkey, chicken, beef, pork, lamb, cheese, milk, yogurt, fish and eggs.
If you’re vegetarian or want to consider supplementation, low to moderate doses of L-tryptophan (less than about 30 milligrams per pound of body weight, or about 4.5 grams in an average 165-pound adult) are generally considered appropriate.  Check with your doctor if you need advice in this regard.
Ladies, I hope you can take comfort in knowing that you are not alone in your PMS struggles.
And it's refreshing to know that dangerous drugs are NOT your only answer!
When you address the root causes of PMS with safe, natural measures, a whole new world of feeling great EVERY day of the month can open up for YOU.
If that sounds good to you, then start today.
Then write and tell me how much better you're feeling.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia

PSJennifer’s done with bloating and panic attacks!

Hi Sherry:
My name is Jennifer and I suffer from IBS. I started with symptoms in my early 20's. I am now in my early 40's.
I would have bad attacks that would send me to the hospital. There they would inject me with a shot of morphine for the pain. The nurse's would ask me if I was eating because this kind of pain could happen if I wasn't eating. I told them I eat all the time.
I didn't eat junk food. I was never overweight and I drank tons of water. So I couldn't understand why I was in pain all the time. I am not one to starve myself. They would send me home with no explanation.
I finally went to a gastroenterologist I had all kinds of procedures done. Everything was coming out normal. I was told I had IBS and lactose intolerant. He gave me Xanax and told me to drink Citrucel and high fiber cereal.
The medicine didn't work and the Citrucel and cereal made me sick. I was still having attacks and going to the hospital. I lived like this all through my 30's. They couldn't find anything wrong with me.
It is now present day and a month ago I was in tears on this computer looking for relief from all this pain. I came across your Great Taste No Pain system and I tried it and I was totally amazed. I started feeling better instantly.
Now a month later I feel like a new person. My energy is out of this world. The pain is gone. No more bloating, no more panic attacks. I am totally amazed and telling everyone about it. My family and I can now eat together eating the same foods.
I thank you for this wonderful knowledge that you have given me. You saved my life and sanity starting 30 days ago.
Thank You,

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(c) copyright 2013 Holistic Blends

**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**

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