Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Fukushima updates

Subject: Fukushima updates
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2014 12:47:00 -0700

Japan Prime Minister: Seals, polar bears dying after Fukushima radiation exposure (VIDEO)…

This means the radiation has now reached Alaska. Still the controlled lamestream media says little about this highly dangerous situation.

Why Is Radioactive Snow Falling In Missouri?
by Michael Snyder, January 8, 2014

If radioactive snow is falling in Missouri, is it safe to assume that much of the snow that is falling on the rest of the country is also radioactive?  What you are about to see is absolutely shocking.  A highly respected YouTube personality known as DutchSinse has released video of himself measuring radiation levels of the snow falling on St. Louis, Missouri.

What he discovered was that he got a reading that was about twice as high as he did on a sunny day when there is no precipitation.  So what in the world could be causing this?  Could Fukushima be to blame?  Is radioactive water originally from Fukushima being picked up in the Pacific and dumped all across the country?  If so, there would seem to be no way to stop this from happening.

Now that highly radioactive water from Fukushima is spreading throughout the entire Pacific Ocean, it is simply impossible to put the “genie back in the bottle” again.  So could this mean that we might have to deal with radioactive rain and snow storms in North America for many years to come?

The YouTube video posted by DutchSinse is getting so much attention that even the Daily Mail is reporting on it…
According to YouTube user, DutchSinse, who posted a video of him taking the Geiger readings in St Louis, the findings mean that ‘small particles of radioactive material are indeed coming down in the precipitation. Past tests show around 30CPM in the same spot on a nice day with no precipitation’.
You can watch the video for yourself below…


Anonymous said...

try checking the "CHEMTRAILS' the US govt are spreading across the United States.

Anonymous said...

The chemtrails contain weapons grade barium....

You are spot on!!!!....also where are the polar bears.....lots of B.S. coming out right is not what they want us to believe... read look up Fukushima... He has sooooo much evidence opposite of what we are being told... The gates at these CIA run crime airports like evergreen air in McMinnville OR, and others, need to be opened and we need to go in and put a stop to these crimes...

Anonymous said...

Why is there no new posting for mar 5 2014