Judge Says It’s Ok
for Muslim Violence Against Christians
If you want to
experience the Middle East, you only have to travel as far as Dearborn,
Michigan . This western suburb of Detroit has a population of close to 100,000.
Over 40,000 of them are Arab or of Arab descent, giving Dearborn the
distinction of having the largest Muslim population of any city in the United
The Muslims have been
taking over many of the cities elected positions and have instituted many Muslim
friendly ordinances . In fact the Muslim influence is so strong in Dearborn
that the local high school held a girl’s only prom , since their religion
does not allow girls and boys to dance or socialize together . If any other
school in America did something similar based on Christian or Jewish beliefs,
the ACLU and other groups would be circling the school waiting their turns
to file lawsuits for violation of church and state . But these legal groups
were nowhere to be seen in Dearborn.
Every year around June,
the Muslim community holds an annual Arab
Festival. For several years,
some of the Christian pastors and their followers have stood outside the
festival trying to hand out water bottles and tracts as they witness to the
lost. A number of the Muslims have responded with violence, throwing garbage,
rocks and other items at the Christians. When the police showed up, they made
arrests, but it wasn’t the ones carrying out the violence that were arrested
, it was the Christians.
A number of lawsuits
have been launched against the city and although a couple were actually won by
the Christians, that didn’t stop the violence against them . When they
did win, the city appealed and most of the rulings were overturned.
Several of the
Christian pastors filed a lawsuit against Wayne County, the Wayne County
Sheriff’s Department and two of deputies for refusing to protect them from
the Muslims that were attacking them . The deputies not only refused to
protect them, they threatened to arrest them for disorderly conduct if they continued
talking about Jesus and the Bible in the presence of the Muslims. Such talk
was deemed to be offensive to the Muslims who felt justified in responding
with violence .
On Tuesday, US
District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan Judge Patrick J. Duggan
dismissed the lawsuit when they granted the county’s motion for a summary
judgment. The American
Freedom Law Centerargued the case before Duggan and also asked that the court bar
the sheriff’s department from violating the Christian’s First Amendment
rights of free speech and religion by interfering with their right to gather on
public property outside the festival . In typical liberal fashion, Duggan
refused to the motion.
In his ruling, Duggan
“The Court finds that
the actual demonstration of violence here provided the requisite justification
for [the Wayne County sheriffs’] intervention, even if the officials acted
as they did because of the effect the speech had on the crowd .”
In other words, the
Christians were at fault and that the violent reaction of the Muslims was
justified and the cops acted appropriately in arresting the Christians.
Muise, Co-Founder and Senior
Counsel for the American Freedom Law Center commented on Duggan’s dismissal
“The First Amendment
was dealt a severe blow today as a result of this ruling. Indeed, this ruling
effectively empowers Muslims to silence Christian speech that they deem
offensive by engaging in violence. And pursuant to this ruling, the Christian
speakers are now subject to arrest for engaging in disorderly conduct on
account of the Muslim hecklers’ violent response to their speech. In short,
this ruling turns the First Amendment on its head.”
“This fight for
our fundamental right to freedom of speech does not stop here . We have
filed an immediate appeal of this ruling to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the
Sixth Circuit . While Judge Duggan may have been the first judge to rule on
this issue, he won’t be the last. Indeed, we are prepared to take this case to
the U.S. Supreme Court if necessary because it is imperative that our free
speech rights not be subject to mob rule. This is the United States, not
Since when does
anyone’s speech justify acts of violence? Where in the Unites States
Constitution or Bill of Rights does it say that speech of any kind, especially
religious speech can be stopped because someone or group of people are
Time and again I see
where the rights of Christians are being violated because someone else is
offended. The saddest part in all of this is that many Christians are just
rolling over and letting their rights be stripped away . When will
Christians wake up and start fighting for their actions? When will
Christians start filing lawsuits against Muslims or gays because of what they
say and do is offensive to us?
Christian students
are being bullied and harassed by teachers because they wear a Christian
message on their t-shirts . Shouldn’t we be offended when we see t-shirts
with an evolution or atheist or Muslims message on it? Then why aren’t we
standing up and turning their own weapon against them?
Christians need to
stop listening to Peace in the Valley and start listening to Onward
Christian Soldier .
Like it or not, we
are in a war and right now we are losing that war big time and it’s our
own fault .
Let me ask you a
question. Is there anything in your life that you feel is worth fighting for?
Our nation? A loved one in danger? Your property? How much more valuable is
your Christian faith? So why aren’t you fighting to save it? I hope you realize
that the only one you have to blame for losing your Christian rights and
freedoms is you, because chances are you haven’t done a single thing to fight
for them. Shame on you!
It’s time you make a decision here and now.
Either stand up
and fight for your Christian faith and freedoms or accept the inevitable
persecution that’s coming if you don’t.
The choice is yours.
According to what I have heard about the Qur’an is that it is the Islamic religion that the killing of Specifically Christians is mandatory!
Isn't it the Separation of Church and State to Follow one Religion by Ignoring another?
Muslims are Approved by their Religion to KILL Christians?
So the Muslims KNOW ABSOLUTELY that the people they Killed were Christians, and the Courts can prove it without a shadow of a doubt?
Simple solution. Just invade the dam community with pigs and not the kind with guns, badges and 007 license.
What's so hard about that?
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