February 3, 2014
Super Bowl 9/11 “Warning” Sends Shockwave Across Globe
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
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An ominous entry placed into the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report prepared by top disarmament official Mikhail Ulyanov and circulating in the Kremlin today claims that the “staged” warning given to the world yesterday by Edward Snowden protégé and defender Matthew Mills [photo top left with US newsman Tom Brokaw] during a press conference following the most watched television event in America, called the Super Bowl, is most likely a “precursor”for a “false flag” type event due to occur within the month engineered by the Obama regime.
The crux of Minister Ulyanov’s report, it should be noted, was a warning that Russia may soon be forced to withdrawfrom the 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) signed between the United States and the former Soviet Union (but which still remains in force) due to the Obama regimes deployment of the ballistic missile defense destroyer USS Donald Cook into Spanish waters in clear violation of this treaties provisions.
A further violation of START by the Obama regime, this report says, involves the massive US military operation called Sentry Savannah 2014 involving hundreds of fighter aircraft operating this month within the “protected zone” of Washington D.C. as a concentration of these forces have raised concerns that the US is fearing a large scale attack/retaliation of some type to occur.
In the midst of Russia’s growing concerns about the increasingly belligerent Obama regime towards international treaties, this report continues, the “staged event” that occurred yesterday during a Super Bowl press conference cannot be overlooked due to its links to the US military factions supporting Snowden.
Of the “staged event” itself, this report says, Matthew Mills, 30, interrupted a post game press conference by taking the stage, grabbing the microphone and saying, “Investigate 9/11...9/11 was perpetrated by people within our own government.” [See video HERE]
Mills, this report continues, is associated with the dissident American independent press organization WeAreChange.orgwhose leader, Luke Rudkowski, has long been a target of the Obama regime for his support of Snowden, most especially his ground breaking interview [See video HERE] with Lavabit founder Ladar Levison exposing how Snowden’s encrypted email system was illegally shut down by the US government.
As to how Mills was able to gain access to the most secured sports event in American history to give his 9/11 warning to the 47.6 percent of US homes who watched the Super Bowl, this report says, was detailed by a local news reportwhich stated:
Russian intelligence officials, however, in this report dispute this account as “preposterous” based upon their knowledge of security screening protocols used by US federal policing authorities and further note that a security lapse of this magnitude could not have been perpetrated without “inside help.”
As to the exact purpose/reason behind this 9/11 “warning” this report concludes, it cannot be overlooked that its timing coincides with the suiciding this past week of the three top bankers investigating the manipulation of the gold and silver markets by US banking giant JPMorgan whose vaults now hold less than $1 billon worth of gold bullion against the $64 billion they have to pay out by 15 February.
Critical to note, and as we had reported on in our report “15 February “Catastrophe” Warned Will Shake Entire World,” the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the Ministry of Defense had previously warned that the assassinations of these three top Western bankers was being engineered by the Obama regime in order to establish some type of “new world economic order” prior to the coming global meltdown of markets and massive bank failures, some of which have already begun.
Also, and as the GRU exhaustively noted, with the proof that the 11 September 2001 attacks upon the US were designed, in part, to prevent the total collapse of Western banking system, with the warning signs of a global economic meltdown increasing by the day, and with the Obama regimes increasing reliance on dictatorial rule, this report concludes by stating that this “9/11 warning” should, indeed, send shockwaves across the entire world.
February 3, 2014 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]
1 comment:
http://www.pigottlaw.com/Iraqi-Dinar-Scam http://www.pigottlaw.com/20121129.%20Order%20-%20Motion%20to%20Stay.pdf (Update - November 11, 2013) The collateral criminal proceedings that have led to our civil class action lawsuit being stayed are coming to a head with a criminal trial date being set. Our civil lawsuit/ proposed class action was initially stayed back in December of 2012 pending resolution of the collateral criminal case that had been filed against the same defendants that were named in our civil action. The collateral criminal proceedings are now set to go to trial on December 2, 2013.
(Update - December 4, 2012) The civil lawsuit/ proposed class action has been stayed pending completion of the collateral criminal proceedings in federal court. You can read the order by clicking HERE
(Update - September 21, 2012) View the Class Action Complaint that has just been filed by clicking HERE
(Update - September 21, 2012) If you wish to join the class action, please fill out the form to the left of this page.
(Update - September 20, 2012) IF YOU HAVE BEEN AFFECTED CONTACT US NOW TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CLASS ACTION http://www.pigottlaw.com/Dinar-Lawsuit/BH%20GROUP%20-%20CLASS%20ACTION%20COMPLAINT%20filed%20Sept.%2021,%202012.pdf
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