This story is dedicated with gratitude to all of you from
the Star Nations, who came here to hold the Light on Earth.
The True Story of Why We Are Here on

Excerpt, from prolog: They say they will begin to LINK TO READ BOOK BELOW
prepare you now, and then you will know within your soul what
you are to do.”
Somewhere within me, I sensed that this was correct, but my
sole knowledge of DNA at that time was from school biology
classes. I only knew about two strands of DNA - Deoxyribonucleic
acid - also known as the “double helix,” but Alvin was talking about
twelve strands of DNA, which he described as the template or
pattern of ultimate human potential. I was not aware in 1998 that
twelve strands of DNA were thought by those in spiritual “New
Age” circles to relate to the “perfected pattern” of the human
being. It was not until later that I learned that optimizing this
inherent twelve-strand-DNA potential would allow energy from
higher dimensions to come into the body’s energy fields through
twelve vibratory energy pathways. This in turn would “switch on”
human potential - in the same way that we might switch on a light
bulb - and would advance humanity’s evolution in seemingly
miraculous ways.

Excerpt, from prolog: They say they will begin to LINK TO READ BOOK BELOW
prepare you now, and then you will know within your soul what
you are to do.”
Somewhere within me, I sensed that this was correct, but my
sole knowledge of DNA at that time was from school biology
classes. I only knew about two strands of DNA - Deoxyribonucleic
acid - also known as the “double helix,” but Alvin was talking about
twelve strands of DNA, which he described as the template or
pattern of ultimate human potential. I was not aware in 1998 that
twelve strands of DNA were thought by those in spiritual “New
Age” circles to relate to the “perfected pattern” of the human
being. It was not until later that I learned that optimizing this
inherent twelve-strand-DNA potential would allow energy from
higher dimensions to come into the body’s energy fields through
twelve vibratory energy pathways. This in turn would “switch on”
human potential - in the same way that we might switch on a light
bulb - and would advance humanity’s evolution in seemingly
miraculous ways.
Energy Transmission and Information from the
Spiritual Hierachy
from Nagarkot, Nepal through Judy Satori
To bring energy through to Earth and to begin to activate your highest potential as a human being. Listen Once or more if desired.
Love, Judy
To bring energy through to Earth and to begin to activate your highest potential as a human being. Listen Once or more if desired.
Love, Judy
right click HERE to download
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My heart is so full of love and gratitude for all the
guidance and support you bring to us. ... I can't imagine my life without you
and all of the beloved beings that speak through you. ~Kate
Welcome to the Sound of Light Ascension
The information and audio recordings on this
site are from Source, God or Universal Consciousness.
I call the words I speak ‘Light Language’, but really they are
coding sequences of Sound and Light transmitted through mu voice, hands and
eyes as the conduit. When you listen regularly to these energy words you will
change physically, emotionally and on deep levels of soul.
You will feel better and your life will become easier. You will
begin to create and magnetize your deepest desires. These energy transmissions
are a gift from Spirit to us all as our real purpose in our Earthly lives is to
be happy and well.
This site is also designed to prepare you for a spiritual,
physical and consciousness upgrade, to begin to activate previously dormant
human DNA potential. We are now at the beginning of a new Golden Age on Earth.
It is time to prepare ourselves for what lies ahead.
All you need do is listen. Begin by clicking the ‘free’ link and
experience the energy for yourself.
November 2014 (TBD)~ The
Transcripts of Mary Magdalene – Joy is Love Expressed~ Sydney, Australia
April 7-12, 2014 ~ New Life Cruise to Enlightenment~ Royal Caribbean - Liberty of the Seas~ Departing from Fort Lauderdale, Florida
April 7-12, 2014 ~ New Life Cruise to Enlightenment~ Royal Caribbean - Liberty of the Seas~ Departing from Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Sunshine Before the Dawn is an inter-dimensional love story about a woman called Essayenya,
from the Fifth-Dimensional star civilization of Sirius and Mosteenya, the Lyran
leader of the Galactic Council.
Sunshine Before the Dawn reads and appears like a work of fiction, but it’s not! Every
word was telepathically transmitted to Judy Satori by beings of light. These
loving, extraterrestrial star beings, contributed an aspect of their own DNA to
the creation of a new, more evolved species of human being for Earth.
This new hu-man, or man and woman created in the image and likeness of God, has
the inherent capacity within their DNA, to move beyond the confines of a
third-dimensional Earth. In previous cycles on this planet, spiritual
Masters have demonstrated this and have ascended. This story has been
brought through from Spirit at this time, to prepare you for Earth ascension.
With Earth’s ascension, the inherent DNA coding within us will be
activated. This is both a physical and a consciousness upgrade. The
day has come. We are the ones from the stars. Sunshine
Before the Dawn is our story. The words are
coded. Your heart will respond, and you will begin to remember why you are
wanted to say what a beautiful inspiring book. I could feel such resonance from
it. I have felt love beyond anything that I have experienced before. A knowing
that has no words.” ~Pat
Please understand your download
format before purchasing an e-Book format. Instructions for eBook
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