Friday, February 14, 2014

TNT Tony Blogtalkradio finished

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TNT Tony Blogtalkradio finished

TNT Tony Blogtalkradio - Finished

tnt tony blogtalkradio
TNT Tony BlogTalkRadio is Finished Many of you will now be aware that TNT Tony blogtalkradio show is now OFF the air. When visiting the page you will be met with the 404 type page which under normal circumstances means the page has either moved or been deleted. An email sent to Blogtalkradio ensures a…
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Anonymous said...

It's about time someone stopped this idiot.
It's was so sickening to hear the same crap all the time!

Anonymous said...

He's fine. He just twitted us that he is obtaining more information. I'm sure a lot of people would love to see him fail, but time will tell.

Anonymous said...

Said he's working on getting it back up!

Anonymous said...

I don't think ol Tony is an idiot at all. It is the people that raise him up as some kind of great guru are the idiots. Watching their conversations is hilarious. The way some of these kooks start chat rooms on skype and raise him up like he is the ONLY one is so pathetic. There are several of those skype rooms, like the wanna be guru chilicrapola and the libraries and such. ALL of them are garbage. (I have been a member of all of them) Tony is just playing this to the hilt. If you listen to him, he is a likeable fella, and whatever his past is, is really not a concern, since all of us have sinned and fall short. Oh well. I know that MLM folks like him absolutely LOVE this drama and attention. So he is really giving it a run.

Anonymous said...

Time already many years are you people waiting for the dinar to happen? 8, 10, 12? It won't happen as long as Iraq is at war, it doesn't take a genius to know a Country at war will not get its currency re-evaluate it.

Anonymous said...

if you have listen to Tony's call which I have for months know he is honest and has sacrificed a his time with love ones to help millions of strangers. You can find the proof for everything he says. Maybe not the same day but as we all know the 'Truth is Always Revealed". He has a resume that proves he has integrity and a love for his country and his country appreciates his service to his country and individuals everyday of life. The people that are attacking him with such maliciiousness and lies. Prove they are seeking their 5 minutes of fame.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he is going to jail.

Shannon said...

I am always amused by people who complain about Tony, since they have the choice to listen to someone else.

Anonymous said...

We all want the same thing. I do think Tony is doing his best. The agony is he can't show us even one single fact. Trust me I am all in just like you. Look at it this way. If your best friend kept telling you every day for months on end that the sun will rise in the west, wouldn't you ask her to show you her reason or the facts behind her statement? I mean this whole thing of secret cloke and dager behind the curtin stuff is bologny. If Tony is a man of God, rise up and have no fear. Show the world who you are and stand strong in the name of the Lord. As you know this isn't what we get.

Anonymous said...

Tony is a straight guy who wants the best for us and is fighting for us . You should be complaining to the UST and President OBAMA for holding up the cash outs that others are getting in their bank accounts and we don't have in ours. Why is everyone bashing him if they are buying the dinar and dong and want the scoop then listen to Tony and helps us take down the guys that are profiting off the backs of the American people

Anonymous said...

WHY am I surprised by the remarks by uneducated, mis-informed idiots - oh, maybe THEY work for the dark ones. Anyone with 1/2 a brain understands that Tony is on the side of WE ARE THE PEOPLE. The rest of you idiots.....

Anonymous said...

You know who the real idiots are??? The people who can't stand him because he's a fraud yet return without fail for every broadcast. Stupid! Enjoy your miserable!e simple lives lol!

Anonymous said...

Hot off the press!

Estimate the amended exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar to be used in technical and economical feasibility studies and for (1.134) dollar per dinar. This price should be approved for 3 years until re-appreciation by the competent authorities.