ALL Patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside
American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL,
reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the
corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly
propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions
Protect and defend YOUR Constitution
Bill of Rights,
the Supreme Law of the United States
Sunday November 23, 2014
Worldwide Currency War Erupts

UNITED States of
America - It can
now be reported that derivative ratios involving HSBC Bank of Hong
Kong, along with the Central Bank of Japan, have reached 10,000 to 1
with U.S. Bank of America facing insolvency tied to naked short
positions in the Japanese yen currency.
Worldwide currency derivatives are about to go hybrid aka the Japanese
yen, the Chinese yuan, the Iraqi dinar and the Vietnamese dong.
P.S. We can now divulge that the totally UN-Constitutional illegal NAZI
Paperclip NSA phone tapping of U.S. citizens cell phones involve the
use of algorithms and not only violates the Constitutional rights of
every America but we can now report that it also involves voice
inflection technology by crooked U.S. banks to procure lead time on
trading in foreign currencies and stock index futures. Lead time can be
as much as 20 to 30 seconds.
Note: Verizon and Sprint continue to break the law and conspire with the NAZI Paperclip NSA with the use of iCloud technology.
We can now report that the New York Times, along with CBS News, is
about to break a major story involving Las Vegas, Nevada college
football sports betting.
scandal involves both the Atlantic Coast and Southeastern Football
conferences with at least SIX (6) fixed games tied to the money line bet
on college football underdogs (no point spread involved) to win games
Example: You could bet $100 to win $300 if Smith University beats Jones University.
massive Las Vegas, Nevada based college football gambling scandal has
compromised players, coaches, referees and back judges who have all been
on the take.
Item: The Arlington, VA fire department is currently being investigated by state authorities concerning one of the six games.
1997 Asian Financial Crisis
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The countries
most affected by the 1997 Asian financial crisis
The Asian financial
crisis was a period of financial crisis that gripped much of East Asia
beginning in July 1997 and raised fears of a worldwide economic meltdown due to
financial contagion. MORE
"Worldwide currency derivatives are about to go hybrid aka the Japanese yen, the Chinese yuan, the Iraqi dinar and the Vietnamese dong"
QUESTION - what the heck does this mean?
These currencies derive their value from each other by for example being traded against the USD, GBP and EUR and each other. The major currencies are fiat and debt-based securities or at the very least represents it already. It has become one huge hybridized con-glomerate and is still evolving. Thus if economic troubles erupt in one country it affects many other countries by way of it currencies. There is an attempt by some countries to fake back it by holding certain gold reserves in their central banks but it does not mean nor imply that the currencies are in actual fact gold-based. Go figure the con is on us, the banksters through their monotonous central bank announcements, insider trading and keeping financial data in a holding pattern for between 20 and 30 minutes and other hegelian antics giving them an unfair advantage are waging economic warfare against the global slave population. Hybridization describes a particular feature of the beast system and its method of operation. It also aligns the whole of humanity with indentured servitude. Already the IMF presides over a truly transnational monetary system by way of lex monetae. This perceived chaotic process in the markets is planned and paving the way to a one world monetary system with a single currency or a hybrid of currencies that behaves as one perhaps deriving its value from the Euro or the Yuan. Hybridization of the currencies is a well-researched topic and very NWO. It is about controlling the definition of what represents value as well as who gets the right to produce and own that value and quantity. The economic system converts human value into money. Why is Christine Legarde always smiling? Because she knows how well she is succeeding in her service to mammon.
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