Saturday, November 15, 2014

Nice Tidbit

Jumping4joy: Hey everyone I just got a phone call from my dad in Chalmette Louisiana. He told me he was at the grocery store and there was a fireman in front of him that had the new TRN/USN 100.00 notes trying to get change and they would not let him because they never seen them before. He said they looked like a yellow green color. Not sure about that as he is color blind lol But they are out folks !!!!! That I am sure of

Omegaman:they were distributed to banks last week...they are now being transacted...therefore, what does that tell you about what jappens nekst..



Anonymous said...

IIRC, the new $100 notes were released several years ago but recalled due to a "defect" that would compromise the security of them at that time. Now, 10 years later, we get the same notes back again. I actually have a one I kept.

Anonymous said...

I am from the sunny little island of Singapore, and it seems like the new TRNs have already reached our shores. Here's the story: a money changer lost more than S$600,000 when five men wearing ski masks robbed him in an open-air carpark. And a portion of those cash consisted of USD$30,000. Here's the link to the story =>

Take a very close look at the file picture. Those notes certainly do look like the new gold-backed TRNs.

Anonymous said...

The current currency is still federal reserve notes. Not treasury notes.

Anonymous said...

Let's see a picture of it. I bet he doesn't have one. He probably has a new FRN $100 note printed in 2009.

Anonymous said...

Merchants have used those awhile, so doubtful to me 'twas a 2009 one grocery took issue with... just sayin'

Anonymous said...

Those are $100 FRNs. I'm staring at one right now.