Monday, November 17, 2014


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     Years ago I located a top defector from the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies. He got tired of the Cold War, no longer believed in Communism and did not believe in the West either,  and quietly disappeared to the West before Moscow would know that anything was wrong. I had secret connections in many nations and how I located him remains a secret except to any I trusted would never tell the story how I located him and were secretly approved for top secret clearance by my military intelligence group to learn this story. It may sound strange but my idealism won him over to work with me. He worked with me but never would have with the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon who would have had him killed within a week by the KGB if they once knew where he was at. He thought the Joint Chiefs were idiots and would have blown his cover in the West hiding from Moscow.

     For information of Moscow, he once met with Fidel Castro as a sharp military commander with the Warsaw Pact. They discussed how Soviet intelligence had outwitted American intelligence so the Soviet Union could annihilate America whenever it wanted to. What even this Moscow defector did not know was that I also had secret connections he knew nothing about and already had verified some key items of Moscow security that he told me about and no one else. I knew things that the Pentagon did not and this former Moscow military officer was in super top secret circles of top leadership for the Soviet Union. He helped prepare the military training for Soviet generals for the top secret Soviet plans for the annihilation of America if nuclear war came. He trusted me and trained me like a Soviet general in all the important Soviet nuclear plans for the nuclear annihilation of America if world war came. He covered in detail with me "The Ring Of Steel" plan how to annihilate America. He covered in detail the Soviet military doctrine of "Pearl Harbor" and the mistake of Japan that the Soviet Union did not intend to make over a Soviet "Pearl Harbor" against America. He covered many ways how to annihilate America in nuclear war. He covered where Pentagon thinking was too arrogant and therefore vulnerable to defeat by the no nonsense Soviet approach to planning the military defeat of America in a total nuclear World War III. I am omitting much of what he taught me to make me the equivalent of a Soviet general in nuclear tactics to annihilate America with. With the above references, Putin and others in Moscow will know that I had access for real to the nuclear warfare secrets of the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies years ago.

     I am the only man in America who was trained to be the equivalent of a Soviet general in the Cold War Days in how to annihilate America in nuclear warfare. Also, having spent eleven calendar years in American military academies and also over the years having good Pentagon connections no one knew about, I well know the Pentagon way of thinking about nuclear warfare. Both sides have smart angles and are deadly if used right. Knowing Pentagon inventory as I call it, I see a sharp Soviet era angle how to build a Soviet era Doomsday Bomb nothing on earth can stop once launched and will break through all air defenses once launched. Putin and I studied the same basic tactics in nuclear tactics and both of us know the improved versions of these earlier nuclear tactics.

     One Russian military item with maybe a surprise American touch to it that Moscow would not anticipate and we can easily annihilate Russia if that is our intent. I am not interested in annihilating Russia, just making the military price of trying to militarily defeat America so high that no nation on earth including Russia would be willing to pay it. Therefore America remains free and not destroyed despite the brains of Russian military and the treasonable treachery of Obama who is desperately trying to figure out how to overthrow America forever as a free and independent nation. He Obama is a Communist and a Muslim and his judgment in military issues stinks to high heaven he is so dumb in real military matters. That is my military evaluation of the presidential pretender in the White House called Obama. 
     The real importance of the Ukraine to the future of Russia is shown in "The Grand Chessboard" by Zbigniew Brzezinski - "American Primacy And Its Geostrategic Imperatives," Basic Books" Copyright 1997 By Zbigniew Brzezinski. Zbigniew Brzezinski is the maybe top rated brain for the "Secret Government of America" as this Rothschild I met described his group composed of his family clan, the Rockefellers, and other key clans of great wealth and conspiring for creating a one world government which they plan to control and then eliminate most of mankind on earth and rule the remainder as their serfs and slaves for their planned global plantation. This book is the intended blueprint for destroying Russia as a world power forever and the key to destroying Russia forever is make sure that they can never get the Ukraine back to joining Russia ever again. The plan of this book is to control Wash., D.C. as their front, make sure that Russia can never regain the Ukraine to join with Russia again and this seals the fate of Russia to be forever a second rate nation and never able to rise to global leadership again in history. Wash., D.C. using tricks of psychological warfare, economic warfare, etc. skillfully take over world leadership until the planned one world government is created and then we have the privilege of living under the most sophisticated world police state ever dreamed up by the genius of evil man. Page 92 that Ukraine is the key to the future and collapse of Russia and destruction of Russia. Page 104, more reasons why Ukraine is the key to the future of Russia. Defeat Russia through denial of the Ukraine and and the Rothschild clan and allies then take over the world as their intended world leaders over all mankind on earth.

     I also have designs on the Ukraine. I descend from the Russian royal line which started from Kiev, Ukraine many  centuries ago and founded the Russian race and nation from there. My father left me the Vatican endorsed industrial food process that he invented and which Pope Pius XII endorsed as potentially the greatest news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it could potentially solve the twin problems of starvation and malnutrition in the world. Nazi Germany tried to crack his industrial food process and could not. Nazis got samples of the special flour my father milled from wheat and reported to Hitler that their tests with German students showed that they could create a "Master Race" it made the German students so healthy and smarter than other German students when they ate the bread from it, they became for real "A Master Race" by this added to their German diet. Stalin captured at the end of World War II the Nazi research papers on this and his advisers told him that this was the greatest food discovery in human history. And the nation having this could become the leader of the world solving the food problems of mankind on earth with this. Also had the potential to maybe become the richest nation on earth with this as the whole world would soon want it. It is in the Congressional Record of Wash., D.C. that the U.S. Army tested this for taste and over 4 out of 5 U.S. soldiers said they wanted no other bread than this for food it tasted so good to them. If Wash., D.C. had not by secret policy been suppressing this for over 50 years in America, America would now be apparently the undisputed leader of the world and likely so rich off of this there would be no unemployment in America and maybe no poor left in America. But Wash., D.C. loved corrupt politics too much to be on the side of the American people and give them this bright future for America through this great food discovery engineers and scientists of various nations tried to but could not duplicate in nutrition nor taste starting with wheat milled into super health flour which created this super health food product fulfilling the Bible prophecy of the greatest health food in the world given to man by God for his health in Exodus 23:25 .

       My father did not have this, but I also have the super health water of Exodus 23:25 my father never had. I was very good at engineering when studying with an engineering school! I got the final answer for Exodus 23:25! I also found out how to make a German black bread version of this. I also found out how to create a St. Anthony of Egypt bread version of this. He had a secret system how to make this bread which made him the healthiest citizen in likely the entire Roman Empire from 20 to 105 years of age. Never sick one day in his life from 20 to 105 years of age eating this special bread and water as his sole diet for 85 years of perfect health. People commented how he radiated health in comparison to others and did not age like others. Also, people came to him from all over Egypt to have him pray for them in the name of Jesus Christ and incredible Miracles of God were reported caused by his prayers for these 85 years of perfect health starting a little over 200 years after the death of Christ in Palestine.

     Of course Jesus Christ resurrected from the dead as witnessed by the Apostles and 500 witnesses mentioned in the New Testament. Bishop Polycarp of Smyrna, Asia Minor was the last living Bishop ordained by one of the Apostles who was St. John the Divine who wrote the Book of Revelation of the New Testament of the Bible. Bishop Polycarp had talked with several of the Apostles Of Jesus Christ who saw Jesus resurrect after being crucified by the Romans under pressure from Jewish leaders to do this to silence Jesus and end Christianity in its infancy on earth. Also, Bishop Polycarp had talked to many of the 500 witnesses who had seen Jesus alive again after being crucified on the cross. When asked in the Roman arena at Smryna, Asia Minor to deny Jesus Christ, Bishop Polycarp said he could not deny Jesus Christ to be the true Savior and Lord for mankind on earth. With that, the Roman authorities had him executed before a huge crowd at this Roman arena. It was reported all over the Eastern half of the Roman Empire when the leading Christian bishop in the Middle East died as a martyr for Jesus Christ around 160 A.D. When I release the flour and bread, I will call it "The Bread Of Life" in honor of Jesus Christ and the Christian Bible. When people are so proud of being atheists, sexual novelties in life, barbarians in values in life, I have as much right as them to state that I am a Christian and this great food discovery of my father will be used as the power base to spread Christianity to all the world to those who want to hear the truth and live for all eternity with God through the covenant offered and established by Jesus Christ around 2,000 years ago.
     University tests when my father was alive reported that lab rats fed on this wonder health bread of his and water soon had no more diseases, were super healthy and a master race of rats when fed this and soon had much better, smarter and more peaceful personalities than rats fed on usual diets of food. This is what Wash., D.C. tried to perpetually block the American people from ever getting as food in America. I estimate that their Washington policy probably killed off at least 2 to 3 billion humans on earth who could have lived in great health and long lives instead of dying young due to starvation and malnutrition due to Washington food genocide against these people on earth. I don't know yet if this super health bread would protect people from the Ebola Virus like it protected lab rats from normal diseases, but if you want the gruesome truth how deadly to all of mankind the Ebola Virus really is, get a copy of Messiah's Branch, 230 West 4th Street, Florence, Kansas 66851, Issue 222, October-November 2014. Send them $2 or so as I am sure it costs them in printing and postage to send this to you. Read "11 horrifying truths about Ebola the government doesn't want you to know! Natural News, by S.D. Wells." By the way, with my health connections, I got the U.S. militarily claimed cure for the Ebola Virus that Obama has apparently done his best to hide from you so America and other nations could be later overwhelmed by the Ebola Virus. With all his Communist and Muslim brainwashing, Obama would have let billions of humans die from the Ebola Virus if I had not located this U.S. military claimed cure for Ebola that the military judged could be stopped with this special health discovery they had. American people. why do you allow such an evil man as Obama to remain in the White House? "He that tolerates evil becomes tainted with evil himself in the end." A proverb I created for this situation!

     Okay, people of Russia and people of the Ukraine (used to be an official part of Russia). Now back to you! I had planned for a long time to use America, Canada, and Russia including the Ukraine to be the world bread basket to raise the wheat I would approve to be used to make this Bread Of Life flour and bread. I would use other nations also if more wheat was needed, but this would be the base for my planned world food industry to get its wheat from. Ukraine get your act together with Russia so I can use all of you, not just present Russia today to help supply the demand for Asia, Europe, Middle East, etc. Before the Communists, Czarist Russia treated the people of the Ukraine well and the people of the Ukraine were proud to be part of Czarist Russia while also maintaining a national form of culture of your own also which was allowed by Czarist Russia. Joseph Stalin was a monster as a Communist leader for Russia which he and fellow Communists had seized national power to using Wall Street banker money to seize control of Russia in 1917. He starved millions of people of the Ukraine to death in order to try and crush the independent farmers of the Ukraine. He did not represent the Czarist culture of Russia nor the real Russian people by his barbarian version of national culture. Forget him and work out the details so the Ukraine can be partially independent to respect its local culture while also being part of Russia in culture and economy which would be a blessing to you. I plan to supply a huge amount of world demand to Russia including the Ukraine from our world food industry. Also, I would use America and Canada for this as to supply the world market is a huge market to supply! This would help bring great prosperity to the Ukraine as well as our other suppliers of the wheat we will need. Also, as I think it outrageous that Wall Street bankers supplied Lenin I think the final figure was $42 million to Lenin and the White House under Pres. Wilson supplied $10 million or more from a military trust fund under the White House as I understand the story, so Lenin with hired mercenaries from mainly America then murdered probably 10 million Russians first wave to crush the Russians and force them by mass murder to accept the Communist government in Moscow set up by Wall Street bankers. Ultimately the Communists slaughtered maybe 40 to 50 to 60 million Russians including people from the Ukraine until losing power in Russia.
     Lenin stripped Russia of all its Czarist gold which was a huge national treasury of Russia many times larger than the money loaned to Lenin to set up the Communist Revolution in Russia in 1917. And shipped this to Wall Street bankers in New York City. If this vast amount of Czarist gold or equivalent in money is restored to Russia, this will be a huge fund to make Russia far richer and the people far better off in living standards and prosperity than they are now. I want the Ukraine to share in this great return of the national treasury to Russia once I have the legal support to return this stolen treasury back to Russia and the Russian people to whom it rightfully belongs. As a descendant of one branch of the royal line of Russia, I have the legal right under international law to lay claim to this stolen gold and get it returned to Russia and the Russian people to whom this lawfully belongs to under my concept of just international law.
    It will likely be Tuesday or Wednesday, Nov. 18 or else 19th, 2014, my national website should be back up. Found out why due to a technical situation we didn't see notice about, it caused this to happen, but all should be well in a day or two concerning our website. Once back up, our website is Our email is Our mailing address for orders for health products, reports, etc. and loan payments to help finance our Omni Law Drive in America is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for. Once our website is back up, copies of our Omni Law can be seen on this website. Its full name is The Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America. Once passed by Congress and state legislatures, we can fast defuse the reasons why Putin has felt maybe only a military clash between Russia and America could save Russia from the deadly conspiracy that those behind the control of Wash., D.C. have tried to set up to destroy Russia in the end. The American people do not wish this planned evil to Russia, so once the American people regain control of the federal government through passage of our Omni Law, then I will be the puppet master behind the scenes to pull the strings  to see that the conspiracy against Russia now stops and we can live in peace and goodwill between Russia and America after that. The American people are not really so evil in nature, but terribly lazy and often cheap in usual political finances (that is why the rich pay for the big political campaigns!) and in usual political actions sit rather than act to change things and hate to be bothered by too much reality hoping the government will do its job right for the nation and leave the people alone so they can ignore the government and the nation runs right anyway! Our Omni Law gives the American people the right of national referendum to straighten out bad laws and policies when Wash., D.C. badly misbehaves and tries to be master over the people for evil reasons instead of being the servant of the people and for good reasons.
     Knowing tactics of the Russian military it appears that the Pentagon is not too sharp about, it looks like the Russian military were sizing up America for target areas and apparently were looking at the annihilation of Canada, America, and Mexico as a way to leave America nothing left to fight with and no population left to fight with. I assume that America, Canada, and Mexico would likely be annihilated by the Soviet era Doomsday Bomb which can break through all air defenses and annihilate any nation or continent picked to be the target. I know how to build this weapon system the Russian military came up with during the Cold War. People of Russia, read this report and then ask yourself why do we need a world war between Russia and America? If the American people stop being lazy and force Washington, D.C. to treat Russia decently again and if the Russian people suddenly wake up to that they can be great friends with the American people and we can all prosper together, then even Putin should be won over that the reason for likely war with America is now over and now we can all live together as good neighbors in peace and goodwill between our nations!.
      When I reestablish my father's industrial food process in America where it started from, I may do all the milling here or else just part here. If part done abroad, we must have total support of the government for where we set up milling that our trade secret process will be treated as top secret as a top military project for that nation. As for the baking and other angles for this great food discovery, they can be done abroad as well as in America and the key trade secrets to the milling process remain protected. Even in baking, we have some clever angles up our sleeves. My father just did the milling, never baking. I would consider handling baking also and in our approved nations and markets. I once worked in a very successful commercial bakery to learn their angles and see how I could enter the baking industry with my father's Vatican endorsed industrial trade secret food process. Pass this report around all over America and frankly also in Russia and the separated Ukraine. And Canadians can pass this around as Canada is invited into this super world food market also.
     As Henry Ford once commented, I don't remember his exact words but the message was if nations prosper well enough through trade, then wars would not be necessary and nations could live in peace then.
     Americans, you were just staring in the face a pending nuclear World War III with Russia and that could have occurred any time now! Pass now this report all over America and instead you will soon be facing a booming economy through national and international trade! Also, soon the bad economy that Obama does not solve will be over and good times will come to America instead! Also, Canada and Russia and separated Ukraine from prior Russia, a booming economy and good times can come to your people as this great food industry soon becomes the likely leader of the world!
     And a hint to Canada and Russia and I guess the Ukraine while still separated from Russia. Follow and set up our basic Omni Law in your own nations and this will help speed up economic prosperity for your nation. From what I have seen of Putin, I think we can deal with him and all will turn out well between America and Russia. He stood for the best interests of Russia and I respect that! As for Obama, time to send him out of the White House fast as he is totally unqualified to lead America at this time and pulls evil stunts like repeatedly blocking I understand the "RV" of foreign currencies which could strongly help out the American economy, and economies all over the world. It is not a dumb idea to have your national currencies backed by real assets of the nation instead of just pieces of debt notes for the nation. Obama keeps trying to set up World War III for America. I don't think Obama is worth dying for whether Americans, Russians, Canadians, Ukrainians, or the rest of the world! Let kick him out of power and fast. And replace him with more sensible leadership. You can use Vice President as a temporary President. Then pick whom you want for your real national leader after that!
     Once I can shake loose of the cesspool level politics of Wash., D.C. and total lack of integrity towards the American people by Washington leadership, my real fun in life will be building my proposed Camelot Project to help create powerful new answers in industry and agriculture that can bless all mankind on earth. This idea of mine is inspired and will greatly bless mankind once built and operational. As I am an impatient man over this, we will high speed engineering tactics and probably have part of it at least operational within 90 to 120 days of starting. One of my favorite engineering tactics will be that as used by Walt Disney to greatly speed up his building of Disney World at Orlando, Florida.
      Folks, pass this report around all over America. And why not Russia, etc. now? In Russia, for example, either have this in Russian or else English and Russian so the people can easily read it!

     Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that American leader who as a young man had as a good friend a Russian Colonel who fought for the Czarist Army and later fought against the Red Guard organized by the Communists. He commented why his side lost. If the West had supported his side in Russia, he thought that his side could have won and the Communists had lost in Russia. He gave me a picture of some of the soldiers he had commanded. His original photo was black and white, but painted it so it was like a color photo of some of the Russian soldiers that he had had the honor of commanding. I like the old Russia that the Russian people represented before the Communist Revolution of 1917! By the way, the railroads in Russia were sabotaged by the Communists so the Russian people could not get food at St. Petersburg, Russia. The Communists then blamed the Czar of Russia for not supplying food to the Russian people. By tricks like this the Communists got the Russian people to revolt against the Czarist Government. )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So big, bad Russia is going to blow us up ? On the surface, that doesn't square with a Leader like Putin who is acting SANELY, as opposed to most of the rest of the dopes running countries. Aren't we trying to start a war with them ? What would you do to protect YOUR country ? I'm not sending Putin flowers yet, but he SEEMS like the voice of reason. Since the world is completely swamped in super secret shit, regular people have been in the dark about what's really going on for thousands of years. The internet that has given us access has also exponentially increased misinformation, permitting desk jockeys to do what HUMINT ( boots on the ground ) used to do. Us 99% have virtually no way to verify any intel. We are left with common sense and intuition, the only tool the Cabal can't steal from us. I've read you for several years & no matter your intellect or experience, ( which we are forced to take your word on ) I'm not impressed. Your admission that your money was stolen & you can't get it back doesn't seem much like a Resume item for a ' genius.' Sir, you flirt ever closer to sounding like a nutter. TYJM frj