Monday, November 3, 2014

Tidbits From Exogen and Stage3Alpha Members Sunday Night

Tidbits From Exogen and Stage3Alpha Members Sunday Night



RE: Here is a current update to the pic. clues...

Vinman · November 2, 2014 at 5:31pm

Dinar, Dong and Rupiah sales are skyrocketing at Citi, Wells Fargo, Chase and B of A.

Employees are angry...100% confirmed!!

Angry employees are buying now and it going viral

Texas Rose November 2, 2014 at 8:15pm I see this as a positive...I know many are hanging on by a thread so any indication that could remotely indicate anything negative is crushing some folks...

THINK ABOUT THIS...If the employees in any company you have worked for felt they we getting screwed by their company.  What happens??? Think about it. The internal bank stuff is just that, internal bank stuff just like any business.
Bosses lie to their employees all the time. I don't think that is illegal and probably doesn't even justify an investigation.

As far as the whales and privates go...that just sounds like sour grapes. Remember they probably signed a contract for a certain rate to get those SKRs.  Maybe they thought a bird in the hand at the time was the way to go. So they called it wrong. Is that illegal?

Try to think of this as a positive... Just maybe the banks will say "GET THIS DONE" You and I know they have more pull than we do.  I don't see this as our issue...hang tight, the intel has been positive.

Ron Burgundy > Texas Rose +100!!  Totally agree TR!  I believe that there is tremendous pressure to get this done and everything is unfolding according to plan (basically).  If this supposed F&F situation is even real, all it will do is add even more pressure to get this done!  So chin up people!

PS - we all knew that the political sociopaths wanted to hold this off until after the elections.  Well elections start in 36 hours, soo

EXOGEN November 2, 2014 at 8:10pm

We have a few things in our favor

1. The Friends & Family is slowly turning into chaos

2. Iraq citizens are protesting

3. QE has ended

4. ISX is Ready & Greed will be motivating factor

5. Other countries have active rates

6 . Abadi is trying to save face

7. The private groups should be going right now but Friends & Family are in the way and that is being investigated along with disclosure. Friends and Family is self destructing internally at banks, and dinar land is NEXT in line.

Carolina Girl 1016 > EXOGEN Ooooooooo.......I do LOVE that word "NEXT".......  :-)))))

Ron Burgundy > Agreed Exo.  The pressure must be tremendous.  I believe that all is going to work out fine and is (basically) unfolding according to plan.

Roy G. Biv > Couple this with the DC GUY post from TNT chat last night and the DC GUY info fro Friday's call. I don't see any negative. Even JCR had some good tweets yesterday. Exo had snow at 2:32 AM in Saturday intel (which was STILL today, by the way).

Negative people always assume the worst and jump to the conclusion that assumes the worst, while some of us positive people do the opposite.

Sunshine62 > Ron Burgundy  I do often wonder when all is over will it be told there actually was NO DELAY at all? Looks like we are both thinking a plan is a plan is a plan. :)
But it will read like yesterday's newspaper.

Ron Burgundy > Sunshine62 Agreed!  We only think that there are delays because we were told to expect it by the "gurus".  Common sense should tell us that there are very few people who know exactly when it will pop (if anybody at all really because the reset is a PROCESS!).  And I would be willing to wager that the REAL info is not being told to the "gurus" (no offense to "gurus").

IMO People should relax and rely on the gurus for INFORMATION, not timelines!!
EXOGEN November 2, 2014 at 7:59pm





Showstar1 > EXOGEN What group is Stage3?

Effie > Showstar1  Ummm...WE are none of these groups Exo is talking about AOP/PTB groups...Authors of the Plan and the Powers that be...

Austin-Powers-For-PM > Effie  Yes, totally understand.  The AOP/PTB Group that wanted to have this happen immediately has apparently lost out.  Now we hope that the AOP/PTB Group that wants us to exchange after the elections will win out over the Group that wants to wait until 2015

wilbur grodan November 2, 2014 at 8:34pm   MARKET ACTION EXTREMELY GOOD FOR....TOMORROW!

  KUWAIT - Went live 10 days later. Iraq launched on Oct 26. Do the maths! If X=10/26, therefore, Y=11/05

I say:  Please look for some exciting times for us during November 5-6-7-8....Blessings

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