PROOF Putin is DEAD & Double Was Used on March 16th, Real Putin Whacked Via Coup D'état....
Tuesday, March 17, 2015 14:52
(Before It's News) As you recall last week my article Putin is Dead, A Double Will Fill in For Him Until Elections Detailed specifically that The Real Putin was dead and a double would fill in until elections. Many individuals in the truth community have caught on and started to report on it Will the real Vladimir Putin Please stand up This youtube user in particular by the screen handle professor doom 1, reported on my work and did not give me credit. (if you’re going to blatantly steal my work, atleast give me credit.)
The Author of this article has experience in this field, The author of this article is responsible for uncovering agents with double identities.
Now let’s begin

As you can see, the double you saw on Monday is sporting a scar or patch of hair missing from his left eyebrow.

Here is the real Putin, the double seems bloated and out of place.

Sweaty and drugged up double on March 16, 2015

Real Putin in Middle Fake Putin Top, as you can see, the hands and fingers are way diffirent. The sizes are way off

Check out the scar or Mole left side under this “Putins” Nose

No scar/mole on this Putin, how many doubles does Putin have?

Pay Close Attention to the “real” Putin’s left ear, the lobe.

Now take a look at The fake Putin from March 16th

Whats going on here? Oh I know, The Russians are trolling and The Real Putin got Whacked
The Author of this article has experience in this field, The author of this article is responsible for uncovering agents with double identities.
Now let’s begin

As you can see, the double you saw on Monday is sporting a scar or patch of hair missing from his left eyebrow.

Here is the real Putin, the double seems bloated and out of place.

Sweaty and drugged up double on March 16, 2015

Real Putin in Middle Fake Putin Top, as you can see, the hands and fingers are way diffirent. The sizes are way off

Check out the scar or Mole left side under this “Putins” Nose

No scar/mole on this Putin, how many doubles does Putin have?

Pay Close Attention to the “real” Putin’s left ear, the lobe.

Now take a look at The fake Putin from March 16th

Whats going on here? Oh I know, The Russians are trolling and The Real Putin got Whacked
omg - this is complete BS
really??!?? - pls. u cant compare
photos in the day and age of photo-
shop etc. its comical...
why are you posting this crap:?
this is exactly what the CABAL
wants people to think...
One word BULL!
Don't buy it. Mole could have been removed. He's not going to announce it. Lighting can make big differences in appearance. Contours of nose are the same. Granted, it's not impossible, but I don't believe it.
ZVON ??? Realitate.. ??? LUDMILA PUTIN a declarat acum trei seri...
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