The Truth About Your Birth Certificate.........
Tuesday, March 17, 2015 15:44
(Before It's News)

This video explains how you exist as a human being, as well as a straw man, a legal fiction, a piece of paper which the government needs you to be, in order to make contracts with you.
Birth certificates only started in 1933 in the USA, enabling living beings, your spirit and your soul to be monetised.
You are held as collateral to secure the debt owed to international bankers.
We don’t even own our lives.
We are chattels.

We own our lives.
Our lives are being interfered with by people we have no contract with.
We are not chattel
We are treated as chattel by people we have no contract with.
When you see it for what it is, the veil collapses.
The words that affirm what they do, helps them keep doing it.
The words that reveal what they are doing via oppression and coercion, keeps them from saying we agree with it and makes things have to change.
So do you say you are chattel or do you say you are treated as chattel. One is true and one is a lie.
Which one are you going to speak?
Do you own your life that someone is interfering with, or do you not own your life? One is true and one is a lie.
Which one are you going to speak?
They post this stuff to reaffirm what they are doing and get you to speak the lie, live the lie, accept the lie.
Will you speak the truth?
The truth shall set you free.
Agree with commenter. WE are the change agents manifesting our world. Remember our words are powerfully creative, when in tune with Heart of BElief & Intent of Love & Light, we overcome & expose darkness.
Love conquers ALL, covers a multitude of sin & is the Truth that sets one Free, by Creator's Grace Living in each one... Blessings 2 all Liberty-Lovers BEing & DOing same 4 good of ALL :D freeMom7
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